Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 8

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Father in-law’s tension

GENESIS I stared in my sleep and became conscious of my environment but I was too lazy to open my eyes just yet. Left to me I was going to force myself back to sleep but the call I had with Jordan came creeping back to my consciousness making me alert. I smiled at the thought, with my eyes still closed, I recalled most of his words and it sent butterflies to my stomach. “Are you still dreaming sweet?” my mom’s voice interrupted me and I snapped my eyes open. She was sitting at the side of the bed with her eyes on me. “Mom…” I grumbled. “How long have you been here?” I asked in a grouchy tone. I wanted to have my alone time and sleep but I knew her sudden presence was going to make it impossible. “Long enough my dear” she said and gave me a warm smile. “I want to sleep mom” I whined and turned to the other side of the bed. “You will be leaving the house to a new home, a home that would be called yours. I won’t be as close as I am to you right now” she said emotionally and the feeling of sadness overwhelmed me. The marriage was happening so fast, there were things I had not considered and one was that I was going to leave my family to a new family I knew nothing about. I sat up on the bed and went closer to my mom. “It seems like it was just yesterday I gave birth to you…I remember the feeling so well. The nurses couldn’t stop admiring your eyes…” she said and wiped the tears that rolled down her cheek. “You have grown so much, to an extent of even talking about marriage” her tears made me cry. It was a sad moment for me also, I was going to leave everything behind. My dad, my mom and my sister, I didn’t even think of how I was supposed to cope without them? “Mom….” I cried and she pulled me into a hug. “I know this marriage is not convenient for you..and I am deeply sorry I made you do….” “No…mom” I interrupted her not knowing what I was supposed to say. But the tears didn’t stop flowing, we remained in that position and cried till my mom felt it was enough. She pulled me away from her and wiped my tears. “You haven’t even spoken to Jordan yet, I wonder how this will work….” She said and I shook my head, a light blush stained my cheeks. “You spoke to him?” she asked and I nodded my head, my eyes brightened with the memories of what it was like speaking to him. “You like him already I see” she said and I looked away shyly. “Marriage, you can handle it. I trust you are strong, you have overcome till this point, I know you will do

great in marriage” she smiled at me. “I love you Mom” more tears came out of my eyes as I spoke to her. LEONA “The call between them went very well” I said to my husband and just as usual, he said nothing and concentrated on what he was doing with his phone. “He believes he is talking to Samantha and it became clear to me how much he loved that girl but in another world, I believe Jordan and Genesis could have made a perfect match” I added and the car remained silent. “You spied on their call?” he asked me and a girlish grin came to my face. “What? I had to make sure neither of them would say anything that might ruin my entire plan” I explained why I had to bug my daughter inlaw’s phone. It was supposed to help me intervene between their calls when something was going to ruin my plan. “Whatever Leona. Just get this done and over with” he replied the moment the car stopped. We alighted from the car and made our way to the entrance of our in-law’s house. Liam wanted to see the said girl Jordan would be getting married to in person so he had made me put aside all I was doing to come with him. I personally asked the security guards to stay behind so we wouldn’t make the Connor’s feel intimidated. I pressed the door bell and waited for someone to come open it up and it didn’t take long, the door opened and revealed little Ava. She gave me a warm smile, grinning from ear to ear. “Good day ma’am and sir please come in” she gestured politely and gave way for us to enter. “How are you doing? Hope you are better” I asked and she nodded her head vigorously. “And your mom and dad?” I asked. “Dad is in the kitchen with t_squad and mom is with Genesis. Let me get them” she said and ran off even before I could say anything. And then she ran back just as immediately. “Please make yourself at home and have a seat” she said and ran off again shouting blue eyes. Making me smile whole heartedly. I took her advise and made my way to the couch and so did Liam. “The man is in the kitchen” he grumbled and I glared at him. “And what’s wrong with that?” I asked begrudgingly and he went mute. “Not all men are like you, he loves his family” I added and Liam immediately shot daggers at me, making me go mute immediately. “And I don’t…right?” he asked and my lips twitched, I had something to say to him but I wasn’t sure I should. He was my husband and still Liam Connor who was feared and he was feared for a reason. Moreover I wasn’t sure that we were at the right place for such a discussion. “Whatever, just make sure the girl you want him to marry would not turn him to a puppet who would be in the kitchen like her father” he said coldly and it was my turn to

glare at him. “Ava….hot cookies that might possibly run out and…..” Mr Connor stopped half way when he saw us and a wide smile spread across his face. “I’m so sorry for this.. I didn’t know you were here” he apologized and handed the tray of cookies he held over to a girl beside him. Then he came forward and his eyes widened when he recognized my husband. As a man he did his possible best to acknowledge my husband and went further to ask us what he could offer us. “Your daughter…..where is she, I have things to do” my husband said coldly. “I am here…right here” Genesis yelled and came out in a haste. “Mom Leona” she shrieked and I smiled widely, she was literally glowing and I could guess exactly why. I got up and pulled her into a hug, I couldn’t have asked for a better wife for my son, I just loved her. When I pulled away I turned to my husband who looked dumbstruck at the sight of Genesis. “That’s my husband…..” “Liam Chase, I know…” Good day sir” she said excitedly interrupting me. I turned to Liam and saw the way he suddenly looked dumbstruck. Liam got up from the couch, his eyes still on Genesis. I stared at the both of them and watched the way they reacted to each other. My husband tried to cover up his shock when he saw Genesis but I could tell something was wrong, something was different. And Genesis for the love of Christ did not quiver at the sight of the man who was feared by everyone. She stared at him straight in the eye and did not look away. “Are you ready to be a Chase?” he asked with his normal tone and her smile disappeared. “I think I am” she replied. “Being a Chase is not going to be the same as just being you. You have my name to uphold, are you ready for that?” he asked. Genesis looked away and bit her lips. She held her hands together and I could tell my husband was making her nervous. “I think I am” she replied again and that was not a good reply. Liam wasn’t the kind of man you could give such answers to. “Genesis Connor….this is not some boyfriend shit you do, this is a marriage to a chase..are you ready for it?” he repeated his question. Genesis still clutched her hands nervously, she was like a scared cat. “I think I am” again she gave another reply and I prayed fervently in my heart that Liam wouldn’t burst open in front of the Connor’s, she was to be married to our son and I expected he had to have a little control over his ego and anger so he doesn’t scare her away but that expectation was cut short. “You can’t keep thinking, it’s either a yes or a no. Being a chase doesn’t come easy and I wouldn’t want to think that I made a mistake. Now are you ready to be a Chase?” he asked in that dreadful voice of his and I felt like crying

at that point. I looked at Genesis who was trembling. The house was absolutely quiet and tensed as no body spoke, neither I could talk at that point. After a while, slowly, Genesis looked up and stared at my husband in the face again, daring him. Her reaction shocked me, it was Liam, I couldn’t even dare look at him when he was slightly pissed but she stood there, suddenly staring at the man people feared. She overcame her panic attack and looked like she didn’t care about her soon to be father in law and his slight annoyance. “I think I am ready to be a Chase” she gave the same reply she had said the previous time and I gaped at her with my heart in my throat. Liam tightened his fist and tried not to vent on the lady he came to give approval to. “Don’t get angry about what I am saying Mr Chase” Genesis spoke up, noticing the tension in his muscles. “I can clearly remember that I was forced to being married to your son, it was never by self will or by love. I am not ready to be a Chase, because damn… I had just five days to prepare for a wedding to a complete stranger. So no, don’t blame me if being a Chase is not something I had to be ready for” she added and I felt like giving her the appraisal of a life time. A small smile crept to my lips, at that moment I knew she could handle my son, no matter the circumstance. But I had to hide that smile to myself, from the look on my husband’s face, he wasn’t pleased though the hardness in his jawline softened with her words. He forced a smile, to the others, that was a genuine smile but I knew it was forced. Oh he wasn’t pleased. “Well said…well said. Welcome to the family my dear” he forced. Genesis smiled and glowed at what my husband said and the tension in the room disappeared. “I will have to leave, I have seen all I came to see and I have to return to work” he said soon after, giving me the hint that he wanted to leave. After talking a little to Mr Connor, he left the house while I spoke to Genesis about her wedding gown before leaving. I joined Liam in the car and we drove off. But I still felt the tension in his muscles, he was good at hiding his feelings but I understood him too well. “I don’t like her” he blurted out and my heart seized beating for some second. “What do you mean?” I asked panicked and he went mute, his muscles twitching. “Did you hear her in there, she….” “ she said nothing wrong, you can’t be angry about that” I interrupted him and his cold gaze came to meet mine. L looked away immediately, fearing his anger. “She looks like a girl who would go against my every word. Did you see those eyes of hers? Jordan will change because of her” he said and the feeling of disappointment over whelmed me. “I saw the look in your eyes when

you saw her Liam….there is something more to this than you are saying” I blurted what I felt while looking away and he went quiet… confirming my gut feeling. But I knew too well that he wasn’t going to tell me what it was, and that was more annoying. “She is getting married to your son, you just have to live with it” it was my turn to dare him. It wasn’t like we had the time to pick a different girl, so yes, Genesis was my son’s wife already. GENESIS I walked back to my room, the event of the day replaying in head. Liam Chase was a scary man and everyone in my house confirmed it when he left. Though I had tried not to think about it, T_squad made sure I didn’t, and so did Ava.. I didn’t stop hearing Blue eyes this, blue eyes that and dad didn’t stop stuffing me with food. He dedicated the rest of my unmarried days to spending time at home and it was lovely. But still my thoughts wandered back to the reaction of Liam Chase to me. When I got to my room, I just sat down absent mindedly at the thought of what life could be like having such a father in law, it didn’t seat well with me at all. Just as my mind kept drifting back to him, my phone rang and I picked up the call absent mindedly. “Yes…” I spoke into the phone. “How are you…?” the person I was speaking to asked. “I’m good…I guess” I replied and the line went quiet. “What’s wrong?” a firm and hard voice boomed through the phone and I jerked. “Jordan…” I blurted out and immediately checked the caller. “I am so sorry, I was just…” I tried thinking of how to explain that I was talking without realizing it was him. “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned laced in his voice. It calmed me down and eased my nerves. “I am fine” I lied. And don’t blame me, what was I supposed to say to him. “I can tell you are not fine..don’t lie to me. I despise lies” his voice sounded cold and my heart skipped. “It’s nothing to worry about” I said and the line went quiet again. “It’s my father isn’t it?” he asked and it was my turn to go mute. “My mom told me a little about his visit today. But don’t stress, he has always been that way” he said and tried making me feel better. “I saw your gown by the way” he said, changing the topic and I jerked. “What…are you supposed to see it..I haven’t even….” He chuckled and interrupted the little tantrum I was about to pull. That was what made me feel better, the sound of him. “Did you make the choice yourself?” he asked when he had his fill. “Mom Leona already had everything set up by her self” I grumbled. “Tell me, what your dream wedding is supposed to look like” he suddenly said and my eyes widened with surprise. “’s…are you sure, it’s a long list, from the gown to the flowers to the decorations, it’s really long” I blurted out. “YouThis content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

even have a gown in mind..wish I can see it” he said as if he was talking more to himself than to me. “I have a sketch of it, it’s somewhere…I think” I blurted out. “Good…now let’s do this, tell me every detail of your dream wedding and find the sketch of the gown while you are at it, so you can send it to me…” he said and I couldn’t help but wonder why he wanted to know all those. “and I have a lot of time, do not miss a single detail” he warned and a smile crept to my lips. I had time too and hearing his voice was something that soothed my heart. So there we had it…me blabbing about my dream wedding while I went about looking for a sketch of my wedding gown. He teased and laughed about a lot of things and even provoked me to stop but kept apologizing, he kept urging me to continue. Please what is wrong with Liam Chase? Will he be the problem here? One more episode to our wedding…can’t wait.

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