Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 9

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Pre_wedding drama Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

A day later GENESIS “Get up, we have to go to the hotel already” I could hear Tiffany yelling as I stared in my sleep. “Get away…” I mumbled “I don’t think she knows she is getting married tomorrow” Tiana muttered to Tiffany. I felt the bed dip and smelt Tiana perfume. “Get…….up…….” she yelled into my ears and I jumped up. I jumped up too fast and hit my butt on the floor. “ouch…” I whimpered. “Tiana…do you want to bruise her” Tiffany scolded and helped me off the ground. “Are you hurt?” she asked and I glared at her. She moved away scared of my next reaction and smiled sheepishly at me. “Okay girl…sorry” she muttered as I sat back on the bed. “What do you guys want?” I asked angrily. I needed sleep and they were not allowing me have it. I was already nervous with the wedding that was shoved down my neck, thinking about it had given me sleepless nights. Then everyone wanted me to spend enough time with them before I got married, making it worse to have some time alone. “Whooaaa, calm down girl” Tiana said and sat down next to me. “Are you okay?” she asked and I sighed. “No….I am getting married faster than I ever thought I would, to a total stranger who has a weird dad and a sweet but scary mom…thank you but I am not fine” I said and sighed in frustration. Tiffany sat next to me and patted my back. “It isn’t all that bad, you like Jordan don’t you?” Tiffany asked and a faint smile spread across my lips. “Yes…I do. But it’s different knowing him in person. It’s also different living in the same house with him. I am not ready to be married, I am scared as hell and being a Chase is much more than just being a Connor. I wish I could pause the wedding for a while or a year rather” I replied and placed my head on Tiana’s shoulder’s. “I am sorry you have to go through this. I wish I could stop this all, but I can’t. You are indebted to that family and this is the only way you can pay back for now”Tiana stated the obvious and I sighed deeply. In as much as I loved the money and the attention. Though I enjoyed everything and liked Jordan Chase a little, getting married in such a short time was making me pretty nervous. It was my life after all and getting married so fast was never part of the plan. “It’s going to be fine Genesis, it might be all terrible at first but I am sure it will be fine” Tiffany added. And then I realized they had no idea of what to say, neither did they know how to comfort me at that point. We remained quiet in that position when my dad knocked thrice and peeked

through the door “Good morning pumpkin” he said with enthusiasm and smiled at me. “Good morning dad” I replied and his smile disappeared. “Is something wrong bluey…” he asked and I rolled my eyes at him. He only used the name “Bluey” with me when he wanted to trick me into doing something for him but this time, I wasn’t so sure why he had called me that. He walked further into the room and T_squad immediately sensed we needed a father_daughter time and left the room. When they left, dad sat really close to me and cleared his throat. “What is it?” he asked worriedly and I sighed again, it seemed that was the only thing I could do. “Do you think I will make a good wife?” I asked instead, not knowing where I could start the conversation from. “You have been an amazing daughter to us for as long as I could remember. Being a wife won’t make you different, I am sure you will be a perfect wife” he said comfortingly. “But what is the problem?” he added, sensing that my problem was deeper than just being worried about being a perfect wife. “Everything is happening so fast, I am just scared” I confessed and it was his turn to sigh. “You know…each time I think about the situation that led to this marriage of yours I feel completely useless and guilty……” “Dad….” I interrupted, my heart breaking at his word “I feel guilty, I wasn’t a good enough father. Maybe if I had worked harder and made more money, then your life wouldn’t have turned out this way. It hurts so much but I can’t do a thing about it” he said and a tear slipped away from my eyes, his words made my heart heavy with sadness. “It’s not true..” I tried saying but I knew he was suffering and he acted like he wasn’t and no amount of words could change what he thought of himself. “Dad..don’t ever feel that way. You did all you could and that alone made you the best husband and father any one would ask of” I tried comforting him in the least way I could think of. “Let’s call this fate, there was no way you could have changed it” I added and wrapped my hands around him, hugging him as tightly as I could. He reciprocated and kissed my head. “We can stop all this Bluey…just say the word and I will look for a different way to pay the debt, I can stop…..” “Noo…..” I interrupted and pulled away from the hug We were living a better life because of the wedding and our new relationship with the chase. Mom and dad had never been happier and Ava, my little Ava was going to live as a normal kid without having to suffer as I did. She didn’t have to remain in the street or be exposed to things she shouldn’t. She could laugh and have friend’s who wouldn’t look down on her because she was poor, she could have lunch, dinner and breakfast

respectively. I wasn’t going to let her suffer as I did and there was no way I could take away this life of luxury from my family. I loved them too much to do that. At that point I decided, if sacrificing my dreams, my goals, my freedom, my happiness was the only way to keep my family happy and away from poverty, then I was going to do it and more. “Are you sure?” he asked and looked into my eyes so I wouldn’t lie. “Yes… I am” I said boldly and smiled at him “I love you a lot you know….” I said and he grinned at me. “Actually I don’t know..” he teased “Dad…..” I called outrageouslyand I pouted. He chuckled and pulled me into another hug. “I love you too Bluey….” He said and placed a kiss on my head. “The car is here…they have been outside for an hour now” he said and I pulled away. “What car?” I asked and he grinned at me. “Mrs Chase had so much to do. So she sent two cars with escorts that will take us to the hotel” he explained and an ‘oohh’ escaped my lips. That was my queue to get ready. I got up and took note of my bag that had been packed up already. I quickly had my bath and ate my breakfast, there was no way I was going to leave without eating, I knew that leaving the house that day was going to change everything for me. I knew that I was not going to return to that house as a single girl anymore and I had to eat my mom’s food because I didn’t know when I was going to have a taste of it again. It wasn’t like I was going to die, neither was it like I was traveling far away. I was just emotional and such thought didn’t leave me. After eating, I came out of the house, there were four cars and I saw men on Black suit bowing down to me. It felt weird and completely off, seeing them that way reminded me of how powerful the family I was getting married to was. My sister already hopped into the first car, followed by my mom and dad. One of the guards opened the door of the second car and bowed while I hopped in followed by Tiana and Tiffany who didn’t stop shrieking out of excitement. During the ride, I felt I was going to have a panic attack. The news about Jordan’s wedding was everywhere and I was still nervous. I made up my mind to actually go through with the marriage but that didn’t stop me from being scared. Being a chase was like a burden on my shoulders. The attention, the media, I knew my life was not going to remain the same after the wedding. And though Jordan had assured he wasn’t going to force me into doing anything, I was still nervous about our wedding night. I wasn’t so sure he could keep to his words. Hours later, we were in one of the prestigious and luxurious hotels in the state. It was a two hours drive to the hotel and I was slowly feeling a cramp on my butt

before we arrived. I watched as Ava jumped out from the other car and shrieked and that alone gave me enough joy to push through with the marriage. I alighted from my car and get pretty weird with all the security guards around. They escorted us in, my parents and sister has a different room, Tiana and Tiffany also had a different room and I had a suit all to my self. When the door was open, mom Leona was in there with some ladies I had never met. “There she is…” she said proudly and as usual, spread her arms for a hug, which I respectfully obliged. “Here she is…isn’t she just beautiful?” she asked the ladies and I smiled shyly at them. “She is….” They responded and smiled at me “Well…get to work, make sure you would start preparation today and figure out what would suit her and make her beauty more bold okay” she instructed and they inclined their head to her. “The gown should be here by morning, make sure the decorations are going pretty well, I really don’t want to have Jordan on my neck” she added and I stared at her confused. My gown was supposed to have arrived, and Mrs Leona had said the decorations and every other thing were already taken care of. We had just few hours to my wedding and it seemed like nothing had been arranged. “Gown? What gown? I thought the gown arrived days ago and….” I had to ask. Mom Leona turned to me and gave me a smile. “Jordan made some last minute changes….in fact he changed every single thing and that’s what has actually kept me so busy. Jordan has literally been barking orders at every one to make sure it’s the way you would want” she explained and my cheeks heated up. “But is there enough time for such changes” I asked concerned and she smiled at me again. “Jordan gets what he wants and those changes…. He wants” she simply replied and I gave her a nod. I realized there was so much I didn’t know about Jordan and that alone was supposed to freak me out, but mom Leona didn’t give me the change to have a panic attack.. Immediately, I started preparing for my wedding. I did my nails and had another skin treatment, then I ate and was allowed to rest. Mom Leona made it compulsory that I slept, she said she didn’t want to see eye bags on my eyes and would love to see me refreshed and sharp. I took her advise, but not without checking on my parents and sister, then on my friends and back to my suit. I forced myself to sleep, not because I wanted to, but because I needed to be calm enough for my big day and I knew that being awake wasn’t going to help. I knew too well that I was going to get too nervous at the way things went so I slept for as long as I could. I don’t know how long I slept for, but my phone rang and

woke me up. I stared and grudgingly picked the call with sleepy eyes. “I fear you are going to sleep your life out if you don’t wake up soon” Jordan’s voice came to my ears and sleep washed away from my eyes immediately. “Jordan..” I exclaimed and he chuckled. “The one and only” he said and I smiled. “Have you had dinner yet?” he asked. “Not yet” I replied and yawned loudly. “You know it’s tomorrow right?” he asked the obvious and I rolled my eyes. “How can I not know…each time.i remember I get nervous as hell” I said and he went quiet for a while. “Yeah me too..but if it’s any consolation, I will be right there with you” he said and I laughed. “If you are not there with me who else would be” I teased and he laughed. “Wrong line…” he said and I laughed more. And the line went quiet. I was slowly getting used to it. “I never knew I could be more drown to you after all this years” he said and I became confused. We just met, what years? “What are you talking about?” I asked and felt something was off. The line went quiet again, more quiet than usual and it took longer. “Sa……” I heard a beeping sound before he could continue. I looked at my phone and realized the line was cut off, it didn’t seat well with me. I tried calling back but his line didn’t go through and that got me worried. I tried a few more time and it still didn’t go through, so I decided to have dinner and maybe try again. I made an order and it didn’t take long before room service came knocking on the door. My dinner was buffalo chicken enchiladas and it was delicious. After eating, it was pretty late, I relaxed on the bed and waited for room service to come back for their belonging when I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I groaned and remained on the bed. “Who is it?” I yelled and expected response immediately but none came. The door bell rang again and I glared at it, I was too stuffed to move my body. “Who is it?” I asked again and it went quiet. Just when I decided to ignore the door, a voice jerked me. “Jordan” he said and my heart raced. He was at my door, the Jordan I was supposed to be married to. “There won’t be a last minute change to your gown if it doesn’t fit. I can’t believe you ate dinner this late” he whined and my hands voluntarily went to my stomach. Hearing him in person made me shiver in excitement, at the same time it made me dazed. “Would you open the door or you are expecting a Jason Bourne to break through the door?” he teased and my cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. “Sorry…I just didn’t expect you…” I said and went over to the door. “I couldn’t sleep, the way the call ended, I tried reaching you but it didn’t connect and as I said I just could sleep so my legs found its way here” he said and I got

down to the door with my cheeks all pink from his words. At the door I took a deep breath and exhaled. “Here we go” I said as I prepared myself to see him. I turned the door knob and hid behind the door, shy, and slowly pulled the door open. “What the hell….” I heard mom Leona shout and push herself through the small part of the door that was open and she immediately shot it before I could see Jordan or before he could see me. “What the hell… Jordan” she yelled from my part of the door while I stared at her shocked. “Mom…I just wanted to see her before tomorrow” Jordan explain with an edginess in his voice. Mom Leona took a deep breath and tried calming her beating heart. “You can’t see her Jordan. Tomorrow is almost here…. Do you realize what you could have done, we even had a deal” she replied angrily. “Mom…” “Go to your room Jordan…now” “You….off to bed now” she ordered and I scurried over to my bed and regretted why I was slow to open the door. “Well… tomorrow… wedding…” I thought Okay….was that close or what? Now I am beginning to feel for Jordan Our wedding is tomorrow.

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