Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 7

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 7

Chapter 7: wife to be

TWO DAYS LATER GENESIS I sat down at the chair at the skin clinic, completely relaxed at the same time exhausted. The marriage thing was happening so fast, there was no time to talk to my family or even my friends, I didn’t even find the opportunity to talk to Nate yet and damn, it made me feel so guilty. I was getting married without his knowledge, it broke my heart. I didn’t love him, but he was a friend and companion, I knew too well that what I was doing was going to hurt him terribly, but I couldn’t sum up courage to tell him even when we spoke on phone. It was terrible but what was more terrible was the fact that I still didn’t find the time to even ponder over my guilt. “Genesis dear….here, you have to taste this” Mrs Chase gave me a piece of cake. It was the third one for that day. She had been all over my face in the past two days and didn’t stop hovering around me like a wicked shadow about to take my life from me. Though she looked sweet to me, people feared her. We had come to the skin clinic so I could get a massage and some skin treatment. “You are the daughter in law of the Chase, you have to look your best, you have to be flawless” She had said to me. Even while undergoing skin therapy, she kept making me have different kind of cakes, so we could choose the best for the wedding. I stared at the cake in her hand and then at her face, my lips curved into a “no, I don’t want it” but her eyes urged me to have a taste. We remained that way till she won and I reluctantly took the piece of cake from her hand. I took it in to my mouth and thought I wouldn’t get any taste because my tongue had been sore from eating so much cake. But that wasn’t the case, the cake was amazing and had the taste of chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and some other taste I couldn’t even name. My eyes spoke volumes as Mrs Chase stared at me, a smile crept to her lips at my reaction and she turned to a lady. “She likes it, you get the job. Make sure you don’t fail” she said and the lady nodded her head gratefully before leaving. I relaxed back on the couch and again I felt exhausted. Marriage plans were hectic and I never planned or anticipated so many things would happen before someone could get married. “Are you okay dear?” Mrs Chase asked and sat close to me. “Yes ma’am, I …..” she shook her head side ways before I could continue. “Stop calling me ma’am” she explained for the fifth time. I could tell she was exhausted from explaining why I wasn’t supposed to call her ma’am, but don’t blameThis is from NôvelDrama.Org.

me, she was filthy rich and I had never been so close to someone who was rich, not to talk of being a Chase. “Mrs Chase” I corrected and she again shook her head. “Can’t you call me mom?” she asked and I knitted my brows together. “Uhmmm…..” there was no way I could call her mom, I just met her. “Leona then” she suggested and that also didn’t seat well with me. She was my mother’s age, if not older, I couldn’t call her by her name. “Will mom Leona be okay?” I suggested and her eyes brightened. “Perfect” she said in that tone that scared a lot of people. “Now what’s wrong?” she asked again and I gave her a faint smile. “Nothing” I lied and looked down. She was still a stranger to me, I couldn’t just spill my problem to her. “I wasn’t born yesterday sweet…” she said and held my chin so I could look at her. “This must all be so fast for you, not to talk of the exhaustion and the fear of being married to someone you don’t know” she said almost everything I felt. My cheeks heated up under her gaze and I cursed inwardly. “It’s going to be fine..I promise” she assured me and I smiled at her. She smiled back at me and turned to a security guard that was coming towards us like he had a message for her. I turned away when the guard came close and focused on the next nagging thought in my heart. Jordan Chase. I didn’t even know the guy, yes I had seen pictures that proved he was extremely cute and handsome, more than Nate himself but he looked cold and dangerous. We knew nothing about each other, how could we get married without even talking once? Every thing in my system warned against doing such a thing and I had to act fast. I turned back to mom Leona who just finished with the guard, she turned to me and gave me that heart warming smile she always gave. “Can I speak with Jordan?” I blurted out unwavering and the smile on her face turned to a frown. “Is something wrong?”she asked. “No, no, no….I just…I wouldn’t mind knowing what he sounds like. I am Really worried about not knowing who I am getting married to” I confessed and she sighed “We don’t have to talk for long. I just….” “It’s fine…let me call him” she said and got up, she moved a little bit further away from me and dialled a number. She talked for a while with the person before she walked towards me. “Here…talk to him” she gave me her phone and the blood in my veins dried up. “Wait…i… maybe not now” my palms started sweating and nervousness crept in. I didn’t even think I could be so nervous, yes I was always tensed under pressure but what I felt was so uncalled for. It was just a call between I and my husband to be and yet it felt worse than writing tests you never prepared for back in school. “Come on hun…

don’t be nervous” she urged and I slowly took the phone from her with shaky hands. I gently placed it on my ears like I had never handled a phone in my life. I took a deep breath and then exhaled. “You don’t have to be so nervous, it’s just me” his voice sent butterflies to my stomach and I found myself feeling all whoosh and dizzy from the effect. He had a deeper voice than Nate, but damn it did magic. Mom Leona didn’t stop staring at me nervously, she took her seat next to me and was as nervous as I was “I…’s….” I stuttered and I heard him chuckle. The sound was like music to the ears as I felt my muscles relaxing beneath my flesh at the sound. “Can’t believe you are laughing at your wife to be” I teased and he chuckled again. Weirdly I was fully relaxed. “I am as nervous as hell…can’t believe mom pushed me into this” he said and his voice were like melodies to my ears. “Well, she never gives up” I said and stole a glance at her, while she stared at me confused. “She doesn’t…I bet you, you are going to have a handful” he said and I chuckled. “Me…what about you?” I asked and relaxed on the chair. “Well…I have handled her since I was a kid, you are the newbie in the family. You have to have your share of her completeness” he said and I chuckled again. “I can always run away..” I teased and the line suddenly went mute. He didn’t give me a reply and I became tensed. “Hello” I called to the other line wishing in my heart of hearts that I had not said something wrong to upset him.. “Did I say something wrong” I asked and again there was no reply. Mom Leona tapped my legs and opened her hands in a way of asking me what was wrong. But I ignored her, it was weird how I suddenly cared about what I said and how it affected him, a stranger I was supposed to get married to. “Look..I am sorry, I didn’t mean to say anything wrong” I said and waited, I prayed for a reply, I liked the sound of his voice. “I like the sound of your voice” his deep voice came from the other line. My cheeks heated up fully, turning a dark pink. “You sound different and I kinda like it a lot” he said and I arched my brows, wondering what he was talking about. “You haven’t not heard from me before now…it’s weird you…” “That’s must be the reason. I thought talking to you would be hard, I have wanted to call you four days ago” he said and my cheeks heated up again. I mean my husband to be sounded so dreamy, I wasn’t regretting my decision at that point. “You have my number?” I asked. “Yes ..” he answered and my cheeks didn’t stop heating up. “It’s just three days away. Are you sure you are ready for this?” I asked instead and again silence took over. I was beginning to wonder if he was always like that, always going

quiet when he had such lovely voice. “I know and I am as ready as I will ever be” he replied and my heart fluttered at the way he said it. The idea of having a rich husband didn’t feel so bad after all. “What about you, are you ready?” he asked me. “No….” I replied “Mom Leona has been taking me from place to place and I am so exhausted, I haven’t even picked a gown yet, she wants a perfect gown and it would arrive tomorrow. Not to add the fact that I am so nervous, I am so not ready, I fear I will collapse with exhaustion and panic on that day” I confessed. A loud hearty laugh erupted from the other end of the line and my hands voluntarily held my chest at the sound. If I thought his voice and chuckle were amazing and heart warming then I was lying. His laughter was exquisite and overwhelming, my heart skipped at the sound of it, making me wonder what it would be like seeing him one on one. It took a while but he stopped laughing and I pouted. “Can’t believe you are laughing at my dilemma” I added. “Ohhh my bad…I am so sorry but collapsing on our wedding day would be simply amazing” he said and laughed again. “What….” “Don’t what me…if I am to stand at the alter and wait for you, it would take a longer time and I might die of waiting, but if you collapse. We just have to apologise to invitees and I take you home, it would save me the chance of having a heart attack while waiting for my bride….” He said and I giggled. He called me his bride, now it was a marriage I was looking forward to. I was going to say some thing, but I heard him talking to someone at the other end of the line so I remained mute till he was done. “Hey…I have to go” he said with a note of sadness in his voice and my heart dropped. “Ohh…” were the only thing I could utter. “I am sorry, but I will call you tonight. I promise” he said and I felt joyful. “Okay…okay” I said excitedly “Well…later” he said “Later then” I replied and he hung up.. Mom Leona still had a look of nervousness and confusion in her eyes but I wasn’t ready for her. Hearing from Jordan later that night were the only thing I thought of. Minutes later, we decided it was time to leave the skin clinic. Everything on my end was ready except my hair, gown and nails which I was sure would come up the next day. As we walked out of the skin clinic, media men suddenly surrounded us. My heart skipped while mom Leona did a great deal in covering my face and the guards did their best in making way for us to get into the car. “Is she the bride of your son?” “Why hasn’t her face been revealed yet?” “Is this an arranged marriage or have they been dating for long?” Questions like this and more were thrown at our faces till we successfully got into the car. I sighed in

relief when we got into the car. “You will get used to this” Mom Leona said to me before we drove off. Somehow I liked my simple life compared to this, it seemed being rich was exhausting. The car stopped at the entrance of our new house, the one Mom Leona bought in my father’s name at that suburban. I gave her a hug before I came down and waved her bye. Then I went into the house and was greeted by Ava’s usual name for me. ‘Blue eyes’. She jumped on me as she always did, I can’t believe she keeps forgetting she was almost fifteen and had a lot of weight. “Our bride to be seems to be so busy” I heard Tiana’s voice. Ava immediately pulled away from me and I screamed at the sight of Tiana and Tiffany. I pulled them into a tight hug, not realizing how much I had missed them. “Your new home is amazing, I told your mom to adopt me when you get married” Tiffany joked and I laughed. “I miss you guys” I said and pulled away from them. “We miss you too” they chorused. “Gosh…look at your skin” Tiana said and I twirled around so I could flaunt… “Come on…let’s go to your room, we have almost ruined everything there but come” Tiffany dragged my hands “Ava…” I called as I was being pulled to my room. “Don’t worry about me, I made a new friend and she is at the door, we have a date” she yelled and I smiled at how fast things changed. We got to my room, Tiana and Tiffany jumped on the bed at once and I joined them and sat at the middle. “We are staying at the guest room tonight” Tiana said and I shrieked. I really needed them by my side at that time. “So tell us, what has been happening” Tiffany was ready for gossip and I was ready to give them the full gist. I told them everything that had been happening and how exhausting it was to actually prepare for a wedding. We talked about the call I had with Jordan and my cheeks kept turning pink, they teased and taunted me about it. Then we went down to memory lane. We talked for so long till it got dark, mom and dad returned and we were still having our chit chat. Our dinner was brought to our room and we didn’t stop. It was like we could go on and on about our lives like we were never going to see each other. We talked till I got exhausted and decided to have my bath, even in the bathroom, I was still engaged in our conversation and everything was going fine till Nate’s name popped up. Another pang of guilt came over me, I couldn’t help but feel horrible for what I was doing. We have been talking ever since we left the hospital and I knew he was with his parents and that’s why he haven’t demanded to see me. But each time we spoke, each time I thought I could actually tell him, I was never able to sum up the

courage to tell him what was really happening. “Are you okay in there?” Tiana asked when she noticed my sudden silence. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my chest before coming out of the bathroom. “What’s wrong?” Tiana asked when she saw me. I sighed in clear frustration and walked over to my wardrobe. “I haven’t told him yet” I simply said and they quickly understood. “Wow….” Tiffany put in. I brought out a nightwear and went about to apply cream on my body before I wore the night and went back to the bed. “It’s three days away” Tiana reminded me “I know..I know okay…I just can’t, each time I try…how can I tell him I am getting married. It feels like I used him, like I never valued him” I added and the room went quiet. “Do you want us to do it for you” Tiffany asked and honestly it made me feel worse. Breaking up with him over the phone was worse but sending my friends….terrible. “We can explain everything more than you can on a phone. Nate is sensibly, he will understand” Tiana put in and I sighed again. I understood where they were coming from and maybe it was better that way but it didn’t change the way I felt about everything. “It will be fine…come on cheer up Mrs Jordan Chase” Tiffany teased and my cheeks turned pink. I was reminded of the call I had with him that afternoon. “This must be love….” Tiffany started singing and I immediately covered my face out of embarrassment. Just then my phone rang and it was an unknown number. “Hello…” I said and waited to hear from who was calling. But no one said anything. “Uhmmm hello” I repeated and waited but yet no one replied. I stared at the number to see if I could tell who it was but I couldn’t. “Hello…” I said into the phone again, still I got no response but I knew someone was at the other end of the line. “Can you say something, you can’t just remain silent, I have…….” “I am amazed at how your voice makes me feel” the person in the other line spoke and my cheeks turned pink at recognition. I had forgotten he was supposed to call. I turned back to Tiana and Tiffany who were staring at me. “Jordan….” I called out just to be sure. Tiana and Tiffany jumped up in excitement and came closer to me. “Is there someone else you are going to get married to?” he asked and I smiled widely. “Is that Jordan?” Tiana mouthed and I nodded my head. She was going to shriek but I placed my fingers on my lips and urged her to remain quiet. “Maybe” I replied Jordan. Tiffany pushed herself into the phone and I got up from the bed, knowing too well that I wasn’t going to make the call in peace with them around, I gestured for the both of them to leave my room. They pouted and sighed but left after all. I locked my

door and went back to the bed and lied down. “I didn’t think you would call” I added “Why wouldn’t I? you are my wife to be and my uttermost priority” he said and the butterflies in my stomach returned. “I was just so busy, sorry if I called too late” he added. “It’s fine. I just had my bath and was going to sleep after wards, probably” I added knowing Tiana and Tiffany wouldn’t have allowed me to sleep. “You shouldn’t say things like that, I am a man, allowed to have nasty thoughts” he said and my cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. “Naughty, I said everything with the Innocence of my heart” I said dramatically and he chuckled, making me feel like I could soar. “Yeah right. You ain’t so innocent anymore. Don’t act” he said and I went pale. Of all the things I had thought about, there was one important thing I didn’t put into consideration, sex… He didn’t know I was a virgin, and I wasn’t sure I would be ready for sex at our wedding night. I didn’t even know how he would react if he knew I was a virgin. My thoughts left the conversation I was having and I started panicking immediately. “I didn’t mean to say anything wrong” his voice brought me back to reality. “Oh…no…no, you didn’t say anything wrong” I said and tried to calm down. “Are you okay” he asked when he noticed the way I sounded. “No… something made me nervous” I said truthfully. “What?” he asked and I went mute. “talk to me, we are about to get married” he urged. “Our wedding….night” I stressed embarrassed and he chuckled a little. “Don’t stress over it…I won’t push what you are not comfortable with. I want this marriage and your happiness” he said and I relaxed in the warmth of his voice. “Thank you” I simply said and yawned loudly. He chuckled again. “Sleepy head…” he teased and I giggled. “You need your rest…mom said your gown will be arriving tomorrow” he added and I glowed at the thought. I felt like my life was becoming perfect, even my wedding was becoming a dream come through. “Goodnight night” I said sleepily. “Goodnight wife to be” he said and my heart fluttered. is this the same Jordan Chase or is this another person? He sounds different. Why do you think that is?

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