Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 429

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 429

Chapter 87: I Have Avenged You

I snuck into the dungeon with Tallis, down to the cell where Warren was being kept.

However, Warren wasn’t the only one there. Raymond was standing in front of him with the sacred feather in his hand. He had a smug smile on his face that I would have loved to rip off.

“Having a prince being held hostage is incredibly advantageous. I can use you to trade back to your father. I’ll lose a prince, but I will gain something much more,” he taunted, waving•the feather back and forth in front of Warren’s eyes.

Warren looked dirty and pale. I wondered if Raymond was starving him and trying to weaken him. My stomach shifted uncomfortably. I’d barely thought about what had become of Warren since he was taken prisoner by the guards.

However, Warren remained calm and poised, despite how he looked.

“l think you overestimate how much my father cares for me. He’s not going to do what you want.”

Raymond threw his head back and laughed. “l think you underestimate what lengths your father will go to for family and blood. For him, it is all about image. As a member of his family, you are a part of that image. Having you taken prisoner will make him look weak.”

Warren pressed his lips tightly, but he didn’ t make a

sound or lash out.

Raymond laughed again. “Fortunately, I’m not greedy. I’m not asking for much. See, the king has the power to name me Alpha of pack Alvar. It won’t cost him anything to say ‘yes’ to my demands and then he’ll get his son back and never have to admit how weak his bloodline is.’

I clenched my hands into fists. Raymond needed to be punished!

I glanced at Theo, and he just shook his head, silently telling me not to be impulsive and run out to punch Raymond in the face.

“I already have the feather. The symbol of power in Alvar. My position in the pack might be a little shaky right now, but once your father names me Alpha, no one will dare question my authority again,” Raymond explained. “l’ m already the leader here, for the most part. Your father just has to nod and make it official. I can’t wait to hear them call me Alpha!”

Anger boiled inside of me and my blood ran hot. I couldn’t hold back any more and stepped out from the corner I was hiding behind.

“You’ll never be Alpha!”

Warren’s eyes lit up when he saw me and he smiled. Raymond whipped around, glaring at me and snarling.

“You’re going to pay for Susan and Jasmine’s deaths,” I added.

Raymond’s eyes went wide and his face paled slightly. He tightened his grip on the feather like he was worried I would

You take it again.

“Guards! Come and arrest this wench!” Raymond hissed, pointing at me with a heavy glare.

I heard footsteps running into the hall behind me. They were still around the corner, and I heard Theo shift. The guards screeched to a halt and I heard their shocked gasps. A shiver ran down my spine when I heard Theo’s snarls and the click of his claws on the stone floor.

My mind wandered back to the assassins he’d killed right in front of me, taking them out in seconds. I imagined his massive wolf form launching at the guards and ripping them apart quickly and efficiently.

The sounds of their fighting got more distant and it sounded like Theo had taken them outside, probably to keep Warren and Raymond from seeing him and guessing who he was.

“How did you…” Raymond’s mouth fell open as he glared at me.

I smirked as he realized his guards were being taken out and no one was coming to arrest me. Raymond bared his teeth at me, his eyes glowing. For a second, I worried he would shift and tackle me, the same way he killed Jasmine.

Theo was still nearby, even if he was outside. I trusted that he wouldn’t let Raymond hurt me. Raising an eyebrow, I glared at Raymond, daring him to do something.

The pounding of footsteps down the stone corridor drew my attention, along with Raymond and Warren.

Two pack elders came into view, Frederic and Murray.

“What is going on here?” Frederic asked.

Raymond had said his position in the pack was shaky. Theo and I had discovered that a lot of pack members were ;tarting to question Raymond.

He still had elders on his side, and I didn’t know if Frederic Murray supported him, so it was better that I didn’t throw around until I knew where their loyalties lied. Oth they’d never believe me, just like the rest of the pack Raymond had brainwashed.

‘Ciana, are you the real Ciana Black?” Murray asked me.

I nödded. “I’m back to restore the pack.” I lifted my chin and showed them all the authority of an Alpha’s daughter.

The fact that he at least asked the question rather than •lindly believing whatever Raymond had to say meant he was at least suspecting Raymond, if not fully against him.

“Then you’ re just in time to see us take this traitorous scum into custody. He has a lot to answer for,” Frederic said, nodding toward Raymond.

“Agreed,” I said.

Behind me, I heard heavy breathing and I glanced around the corner. Theo was back from taking out the guards. He had a littlé blood splattered on his skin but where my gaze fell was the firm, bulging abs that lined his abdomen.

Eyes wide, I just stared for a moment until he covered his body in those stupid carny clothes. All part of his disguise so no one knew who he really was.

I peeled my eyes off tlne lines of his muscles and pushed the landscape of his body out of my mind.

Talk about eye candy…. Focus, it wasn’t the right time!

‘If you’re here to take Raymond into custody, I will help,” I said, turning my attention back to the others and trying to ignore the smoking hot god-like man who was still partially naked behind me.

“Alright, I see I am outnumbered. I know when I’m defeated,” Raymond said with a sigh. He lifted his hands into the air, ready to surrender.

Frederic, Murray, and I moved in to take him into custody, blocking his exit just in case he tried something. I got to Raymond first and grabbed one of his wrists.

Quickly, Raymond spun around until he was behind me. He pinned my arms against my back and held me still. With his free hand, he brought a knife to my throat.

“Nobody moves. I’m not letting you take me to face your judgment. I’ m better than that! l’ m your leader,” Raymond snarled, pressing the knife harder to my skin.

I inhaled sharply. The tip of the sharp knife stung my neck and I felt a pinprick of warm blood against my skin.

“Don’t come any closer,” Raymond ordered.

Frederic and Murray backed off, opening the way for Raymond to escape from the dungeon.

454 “Ciana,” Warren called to me.

I shook my head at him, telling him not to worry. Raymond wasn’t going to get away!

He held me toward Frederic and Murray, the knife against my throat, and back toward the dungeon stairs. I stayed calm and stead, knowing this would be Raymond’s biggest mistake.

As soon as he got close to the corner where Theo was hiding, Theo thrust his strong, powerful fist and punched Raymond in the face.

Groaning, Raymond’s grip on me loosened and he staggered back. Murray and Frederic rushed forward and the three of us pounced on Raymond, pinning him down and holding him still. He roared and struggled against us but we had the upper hand now.

“Make sure to search him for more weapons,” I said.

“We’ll take him to the pack square where he’ll be brought to justice. Meet us there,” Frederic said to me.

“I’ll be right behind you,” I told Frederic. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Prince Warren, let us help you to the packhouse where you can recover and get some rest. We’ll handle the situation from here,” Murray said as he opened Warren’s cell and two pack members helped Warren to stand up.

“Warren! You alright?” I rushed over.

“Yes, I’m okay… Thanks for coming back for me.”

“You’re welcome. Let me—”

One of Frederic’s men interrupted as he ran back to me. tMiss Ciana, everyone is waiting for you! Your Highness, please allow us to take you there.”

I looked at Warren apologetically, but he immediately gave me an understanding smile. “You go right ahead. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“All right, I’ll stop by as soon as I’m done,” I said, nodding back to him before running towards the town square.

All of Alvar pack had gathered in the pack square. Frederic and Murray had Raymond handcuffed and sitting in a chair. His legs were also chained to the chair so he was completely trapped.

“Raymond, Beta of Pack Alvar, you stand accused of atrocities against the pack, including murdering pack members and even attempting to usurp and murder Ciana Black, daughter of Alpha Soren Black,” Murray said to Raymond.

“Those are vicious lies,” Raymond hissed. “I’ve served this pack my entire life and only ever had the pack’s best interest at heart.’

“Is that why you brought an imposter in to pretend to be Ciana? We all saw that with our own eyes,” Frederic said, sweeping his arm over the gathered pack members. They nodded and murmured in agreement.

“You also had Susan killed. We all saw you murder another pack member that stood against you, and you let your son attemp! to assault me, more than once,” I said, finding my voice and approaching the chair Raymond was chained to.

He looked at me with such anger, hatred, and disgust. I’d never thought anyone could seem so deadly with just one look. I slowed down, worrying that he could still be a threat.

Shocked gasps rippled through the crowd at what I said.

“You’re a bane to our existence and you’ve done nothing but make things worse. You are being charged with the crimes of murdering pack members, trying to overthrow the Alpha, and bringing violence and treachery into our midsts. If anyone disagrees, let them speak now,” Murray said, his voice booming through the courtyard.

No one spoke up. Most of Raymond’s loyal followers had been taken out by Theo, anyway. Still, I was relieved that no one argued.

“Well then, we as pack elders sentence you, Raymond, to be executed for your crimes. Ciana Black’s name is cleared and we. welcome her back as the true daughter of our Alpha,” Frederic announced.

Claps went through the crowd and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I could finally call my pack home again, and they saw me and accepted me.

“Susan, you are now avenged. •l told you I would see it happen, and now it has,” I said softly. Closing my eyes, I whispered a small prayer to the Moon Goddess to watch over Susan’s soul. Tears sprang to my eyes knowing that she’d now be at peace.

Sharp, bellowing laughter cut through my thoughts and my eyes snapped open. Raymond was staring at me, laughing until his chest and belly shook. His eyes were bloodshot and wild.

“You think you’ve won!?” he cried. “You’re all so stupid! Sebastian will be overthrown. That is going to happen and anypne who denies it is an idiot. It is just a matter of time.”

I motioned to Frederic and Murray. They unhooked Raymond’s feet and hauled him up. More guards moved in as they started dragging him off to the dungeon.

When he was pushed by me, Raymond struggled against his chains and he caught my eye.

“You think I failed?” he asked in a low murmur. “You’ re wrong. She’ll save me—

Raymond’s voice cut off with a sickening squelch. An arrow came through his throat. Blood spurted out from an artery and he only gasped once before he crumpled to the ground, dead.

It was a perfect, lethal shot!

I looked to my right where Theo was standing in a nearby shadow. With his superior hearing, I knew he’d heard what Raymond said to me. Our eyes locked together and I knew we were sharing the same thought.

What did Raymond mean? Who was this “she” he answered to?

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