Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 428

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 428

Chapter 86: Ciana’s Charming Spell

The tunnels were too narrow to fit a wolf and thus Tallis couldn’t shift. We had been running for what felt like hours.

“Wait…” I panted trying to catch my breath.

Tallis looked like he had barely broken a sweat and meanwhile here I was gasping for dear life. It was annoying just how athletic he was but then again he was an alpha, a royal one at that.

“We need to keep moving if we want to make it back to Alvar on time.’

“We will,” I panted, “l just need to catch my breath. Not all of us can be insanely fit like you.’

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” If I didn’t know any better I would think that Tallis was flirting with me.

In your wildest dreams,” I stood to my full height, my vision becoming a little clearer than it had been some time ago. “We can go now.’

And we picked up right where we left off. This time I was able to keep in step with him.

We arrived in Alvar just before sunrise. My gown was completely ruined and my hair was most likely a huge mess. But at least I was home.

I was about to step out of the tree line when Tallis 9rabbed me and pulled me behind some greenery nearby. I ampler 86 CianSs Charming Spell was about to complain when he clasped his arm over my mouth to keep me from speaking.

“Quiet,” he whispered. He then nodded to his left and that’ s when I saw the patrol wolves milling close by.

‘Did you see anything?” One of the wolves asked. “Nah, I think it’s just the wind or something.”

They gave the area the once over before they left.

Tallis waited a beat before he removed his hand from my mouth.

I scowled at him. “You didn’t need to cover my mouth.

“You were literally about to blow our cover. Need I remind you you were treated as a criminal last time you were here? Raymond is still in power.”

“I hope not after what he did. The people know the truth. They won’t allow him to cling onto power after witnessing what happened.”

“Don’t you think you’re too optimistic? You disappeared for days and no one sounded the alarm bells. Why? Because Raymond told everyone that this was the deal you two agreed upon. The man may have lost some support but he still has a good hold on the pack as a whole.”

But I’m back now and I am sure my people will take my side once they see that I have returned and can speak for myself.”

“If only it was that simple. Think about what happened last time.” He began ushering me deeper into the forest. *’apter 86• Clan”‘ Channing sr./’ be naive. Come on.

“Where are we going?”

He looked over his shoulder at me. “Let’s recon. This is not the same Alvar we left behind.”


We had managed to find a disguise for me. A brunette Nig, a large black hoodie and some glasses.

We were currently in the town square café sitting in the corner booth. Tallis and I had done some snooping around and we had both come to the conclusion that Alvar was in shambles.

The pack was divided right down the middle. There were some who were loyal to Raymond and believed that he should remain in power. Then there were those who believed that Raymond should be punished for his wrong doings, and they’ d sent out scouts to look for me and my parents.

Tensions between the two sides were growing and I feared that a riot would break out any time.

I knew Raymond was willing to do just about anything to remain in power. He had proven he was willing to go far when he turned Jasmine into a fake me, and then killed her mercilessly.

“Stop scowling.” Tallis looked at me over the rim of his coffee mug. “You are meant to be blending in, not staring people down.”

I loosened my posture and unfolded my arms.

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‘How can you sit there and be so calm?”

He shrugged, “Because I’ m trying not to get us caught. We need to leave now.’


“Not here.” He got up from his seat and threw some bills onto the table.

“Where did you get that money from? Did you steal it?”

He didn’t say anything. “Shh!”

‘Oh my days, you stole it!”

He .hissed under his breath and dragged me out of the coffee shop. “What part of incognito do you not understand?”

“Did you get it from that old lady? Oh my goddess. You did, didn’t you?”

He grabbed onto my arm tighter. “l didn’t steal it, dammit. Now come on.’

He led us up the side walk back in the direction of the woods.

Once we were safe under the cover of the trees he turned to me.

‘Raymond has taken Warren.” He didn’ t even look the slightest bit concerned. In fact, he seemed completely unphased by what he had just said.

“As his prisoner?”

He gave me an incredulous look. “No, as his drinking buddy. Come on, Ciana.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just a little shocked. Warren is a prince, how dare Raymond!”

“Well get it together. I need you to be on your A game. Word will spread soon enough that you are no longer with Luther and when that happens, you know Raymond will come looking for you.”

I waved him off. “Right now I don’t care about what gets out and what doesn’t. Our main focus should be breaking out Warren. Now I’m thinking I’ll go distract them, and you break in and bust Warren out.

He stared at me.

Let’ s get started. How about we take action at sunset tonight?”

I didn’t remember agreeing to the plan. No.”

“What do you mean, no?”

‘It’s a simple two letter word that means not going to happen or I don’t want to. You pick which one best fits.” NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“And why not?”

He shrugged like he couldn’t care less that his brother was currently locked up in chains. What if they have him drugged with wolfsbane? What if they had cut off a limb or two.

“What’s wrong with you? You can’t be serious right now. We can’t just sit here and do nothing. We need to go and resgue him,” I hissed.

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“That is not a good enough reason for me to risk my life to go and save him.” I could practically taste the sourness of his words. “And don’t even think of playing a solo hero. I just got you out of the clutches of one psycho. I don’t want to have to do it again.”

“So let me get this straight.” I pinned him with a cool stare. “You don’t want to help me save Warren and you also don’t want me to go and save him alone. So what? We just leave him there to rot?”

‘Raymond isn’t going to do anything to Warren. He knows that a live prince is more valuable than a dead one. He is most likely going to try to use Warren as leverage against the crown.”

“All the more reason to save him! This way your father won’t get exploited and your brother will be safe. This is your brother! Why don’t you care?”

He narrowed his eyes at me and leveled me with a cold glare. “Because I’m just a stupid carny, not some noble prince. Or have you forgotten what you said?”

I blinked and stared at him blankly. It took a few seconds for his words to register to me.

I had said those words when we had our quarrel the other night. The night he kissed me like he owned every single part of my heart. Really, just how long did he have to hold a grudge against what I said during a fight?

Before I could say anything, Tallis spoke again. This time ethere was a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. It was barely noticeable had I not paid close enough attention.


“I will reconsider saving this Warren guy if you ask me nicely. ”

“Like saying please?”

He must have been joking!

He pretended to think over what I had just said. “That would be a start but not enough.”

“You’re kidding!’

“Then I guess Warren stays in his chains.”

I didn’t think I had ever seen him this way before….Was this really Theo?

Fine.” I held my hands up in surrender. “Tallis, oh wonderful Tallis. Please help me rescue Prince Warren from the evil clutches of Raymond.”

He stared at me for a moment. What I would have done to get a sneak peek inside of his head. “I think you can do better than that. I’m not impressed right now.’

I didn’t miss the way one side of his lips tilted into a smirk, and I found it…sexy. Even in his disguise, this man’s gorgeousness penetrated right through it.

Stop, Ciana… focus. Saving Warren was the priority right now, not drooling over Theo’s good-looks!

I closed my eyes and swallowed the mixture of frustration and helpless laughter that threatened to escape my body. When I opened them again, he was staring at me waiting for me to begin.

Cianås Charming Spell

I stepped toward him so that we were merely a few inches from one another and I looked at him through my eyelashes. His strong scent of musk and freshness assaulted my senses, throwing me off my game a little bit.

Without overthinking it, I placed my hand on his chest and cleared my throat. “Tallis, the invincible and unparalleled, I come to you in my hour of need looking for your assistance. You are the bravest. The strongest…”

His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe what I said, so I quickly blurred out the rest. …and of course the most handsome of handsome in all of the land. There is no one else who could help me to accomplish such a task. Would you please do me the extraordinary honor of helping me to help your brotheF, Warren?”

As soon as I was done, he coughed a few times. I could tell he was trying hard to suppress his chuckle. Finally, he let out two words. “Too fake.’

“What?! That’ s it! You’ re having way too much fun!” I protested. When I looked up, I realized my face was so close to his that I could feel his hot breath fanning my skin. All of a sudden my heart raced in my chest.

I watched as he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.

Just like that, I brushed my lips against his.

The electricity between us crackled to life as the tension in the air thickened.

Tallis ripped his lips from mine, but his voice was thick and coated in desire and need. “What the hell are you doing, CisnSs Charming don’t you know how—

I blinked, my mind still in a daze. “I’m sorry, l…’

I didn’t care about what I had meant to do. All I cared about now was tasting him again. I wanted more. Much, much more.

I closed the distance between us and gently kissed his lips again with my own. Electricity shot throughout my entire body bringing every cell to life.

What was I thinking, what was I doing?!

I closed my eyes, ready for him to scold me, but then I felt his lips claim mine, fiercely and passionately, as if he was pouring every ounce of emotion into this heated kiss.

His touch was magic and his taste was addictive. I wanted to drown myself in him and completely submerge myself in all that was him. At that moment, my world consisted of only him.

He was all I could feel. All I could see. All I could hear.

When he pulled away, I was still in a daze, trying to suck in some air.

“Let’s go,” he said, his voice low and hoarse.

I couldn’t follow him. “Where?”

“Warren isn’t going to save himself,” he said. “Weren’t you the one who begged me to help?”

He turned on his heels and started walking back toward the town.

I touched my swollen lips still feeling the tingles.

I watched his retreating figure and all I could think was,

‘That jerk…’

“Wait for me,” I called after him.

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