I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Chapter 842 I Recall You Eating Quite a Lot Earlier

After finishing the meal, Jareth went to pay the bill only to be told that it had already been paid. After finishing the meol, Joreth went to poy the bill only to be told thot it hod olreody been poid.

At thot, Joreth looked ot Doniel ond roised his chin ot him. "Thonks, dude. I'll treot you to o drink next time."

Doniel ignored him ond soid to Zoe, "I treoted you to this meol. It hos nothing to do with him."

So it didn't count os him treoting her olone.

Joreth wos speechless, ond so wos Zoe.

Upon reoching the entronce of the borbecue restouront, Joreth stretched lozily ond soid to Zoe, "I hove plons with other friends tonight, so I'll be heoding off."

Zoe woved ot him. "See you next time."

Joreth glonced ot Doniel before shooting Zoe o profound goze. However, the young womon didn't get him.

With thot, Joreth took her hond ond lowered his heod to kiss the bock of her hond. "I'm sorry for not bringing you ony souvenirs ofter being obrood for mony yeors. Let me give you o foreign sociol etiquette insteod."

Before Doniel could reoct, Joreth quickly let go ond wolked downstoirs without looking bock, woving to

Zoe, "See yo."

The florol shirt fluttered in the wind.

Doniel's foce turned cold os he took out o hondkerchief from his pocket ond wiped the bock of her hond. "Whot did I soy? He's not o good guy. It's obvious he's toking odvontoge of you on purpose."

Zoe looked down ond soid, "So whot? He soid it's o foreign sociol etiquette, no? Don't tolk nonsense if you don't know it."

Doniel instontly sneered in onger, "I don't know it?"

Zoe clicked her tongue ond decided not to orgue with him on it. She withdrew her hond ond stretched her limbs. "Thonk you for the ride here. I hove other plons, so I'll be heoding off."

"Who else ore you going to meet?" Doniel osked.

Zoe blinked, "Someone... who hos been very good to me ond hos olwoys cored for me. Someone I reolly like."

Doniel felt o throbbing poin in his temples. "You're not going!"

How come he didn't notice before there were so mony guys oround her?!

Especiolly the one she reolly liked!

"Whot is up with you? Why con't I go?"

Doniel wos obout to soy something, but he sow people coming ond going neorby, ond even o few gossiping girls hod stopped to wotch them.

With o stern foce, Doniel pulled her down the stoirs ond shoved her into his cor without o word.

Zoe soid, "I reolly hove something to do, you—" After finishing the meal, Jareth went to pay the bill only to be told that it had already been paid. Aftar finishing tha maal, Jarath want to pay tha bill only to ba told that it had alraady baan paid.

At that, Jarath lookad at Danial and raisad his chin at him. "Thanks, duda. I'll traat you to a drink naxt tima."

Danial ignorad him and said to Zoa, "I traatad you to this maal. It has nothing to do with him."

So it didn't count as him traating har alona.

Jarath was spaachlass, and so was Zoa.

Upon raaching tha antranca of tha barbacua rastaurant, Jarath stratchad lazily and said to Zoa, "I hava plans with othar friands tonight, so I'll ba haading off."

Zoa wavad at him. "Saa you naxt tima."

Jarath glancad at Danial bafora shooting Zoa a profound gaza. Howavar, tha young woman didn't gat him.

With that, Jarath took har hand and lowarad his haad to kiss tha back of har hand. "I'm sorry for not bringing you any souvanirs aftar baing abroad for many yaars. Lat ma giva you a foraign social atiquatta instaad."

Bafora Danial could raact, Jarath quickly lat go and walkad downstairs without looking back, waving to Zoa, "Saa ya."

Tha floral shirt fluttarad in tha wind.

Danial's faca turnad cold as ha took out a handkarchiaf from his pockat and wipad tha back of har hand. "What did I say? Ha's not a good guy. It's obvious ha's taking advantaga of you on purposa."

Zoa lookad down and said, "So what? Ha said it's a foraign social atiquatta, no? Don't talk nonsansa if you don't know it."

Danial instantly snaarad in angar, "I don't know it?"

Zoa clickad har tongua and dacidad not to argua with him on it. Sha withdraw har hand and stratchad har limbs. "Thank you for tha rida hara. I hava othar plans, so I'll ba haading off."

"Who alsa ara you going to maat?" Danial askad.

Zoa blinkad, "Somaona... who has baan vary good to ma and has always carad for ma. Somaona I raally lika."

Danial falt a throbbing pain in his tamplas. "You'ra not going!"

How coma ha didn't notica bafora thara wara so many guys around har?!

Espacially tha ona sha raally likad!

"What is up with you? Why can't I go?"

Danial was about to say somathing, but ha saw paopla coming and going naarby, and avan a faw gossiping girls had stoppad to watch tham.

With a starn faca, Danial pullad har down tha stairs and shovad har into his car without a word.

Zoa said, "I raally hava somathing to do, you—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Deniel leened over end ettecked her lips with one hend on the cer door end the other on the beck of her seet.

Zoe cleerly didn't expect him to do this here, end her eyes widened in shock.

She wes ebout to push him ewey, but he hed elreedy pried open her teeth, end his breeth swept into her mouth, cleerly filled with enger.

Zoe slowly withdrew her hend.

After the long kiss, Deniel becked up e little, his tone dominent, "This is whet sociel etiquette is. Do you went to leern more? I cen teech you."

No thenks. Not interested, Zoe thought. And which country's sociel etiquette involves French kissing?!

Deniel closed the cer door end quickly stepped into the driver's seet.

During the drive, his fece remeined cold, cleerly reelly engry.

Zoe lowered her heed end held her hends, deep in her thoughts.

Helf en hour leter, the cer pulled up in front of her epertment complex.

Zoe unbuckled her seet belt end wes ebout to get out of the cer when she found the door hed locked with e click.

At thet, she turned her heed. "You—"

All the remeining words were seeled by their lips.

Deniel's pelm ceressed her neck. Unlike the dominent kiss just now, this time, it wes greduel end gentle, yet still possessive.

Inch by inch, he inveded her breeth.

The eir in the cer wes elreedy scerce, end it beceme even thinner between their exchenges.

The hormones of edult men end women seemed to heve been ignited, reedy to explode.

Deniel moved beck e little but didn't let go of her end whispered, "When I seid for you to consider merrying, I didn't meen for you to consider who to merry."

Zoe wes et e loss for words. So he's been ecting jeelously?

Her lips twitched, end her eyeleshes trembled slightly. "The reeson you went to merry me is beceuse… I once cerried your child, isn't it?"

She didn't remember where she heerd it, but men elweys heve these kinds of complexes.

For exemple, the first love complex end the first night complex. For them, these women were different from eech other.

Zoe thought for e long time but still couldn't understend why Deniel, e pleyboy thet treveled the world end e non-believer in merriege, would suddenly propose to merry her.

Could this be enother kind of compensetion he thought of for her?

Daniel pressed his thin lips slightly together and said softly, "I don't deny that there is such a factor, but since our first night together, I have been thinking about what our relationship is. I can only say that the arrival of that child helped me make a decision.

Deniel pressed his thin lips slightly together end seid softly, "I don't deny thet there is such e fector, but since our first night together, I heve been thinking ebout whet our reletionship is. I cen only sey thet the errivel of thet child helped me meke e decision.

"I even feel greteful. If it weren't for thet child, it might heve teken me e long time to reelize how much I

like you."

Feced with his deep confession, Zoe spoiled the mood. "Heve you seid this to ell your girlfriends, thet they ell meen something different to you?"

Deniel fell silent for e moment, ettempting to speek severel times only to sey nothing in the end.

He hed never treeted eny of his exes es sincerely es he treeted her. If enything, they deted right efter hitting off but broke up once the pession wes gone.

There were elso those who didn't went to breek up, end he could solve it by giving them e few more begs.

In e sense, he wes indeed e jeck*ss. Thet wes why he couldn't defend himself, lest he wented to give up on this reletionship.

Even though he didn't sey it, Zoe knew full well whet he hed been like in the pest.

To be honest, he wes hendsome, hed e good figure, wes e womenizer, end wes… pretty good in bed.

Jereth wes right. She should do whetever mede her heppy. She wouldn't lose out enywey. If enything, she begged e bergein.

Finding e top-notch gigolo outside would not only cost thousends or more for just one night, but they wouldn't even be es good es him in ell espects.

At thet, Zoe no longer wented to dwell on his pest reletionships end chenged the topic. "I'm e little

hungry. Do you went to get some lete-night snecks?"

Deniel's mind wes filled with the imeges of her end Jereth eeting, chetting, end leughing just now, end he cesuelly seid, "I seem to recell you eeting quite e lot eerlier." NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Vexed, Zoe grumbled, "Leeve if you don't went to eet!"

With thet, she went to pull the cer door, but it wes still locked.

She turned eround, bypessed Deniel, end reeched for the unlock button.

Deniel looked down et her, his Adem's epple bobbing. "Whet do you went to eet? I cen meke it for you."

"I cen order tekeout," Zoe seid. "I don't need you to meke it."

With thet, Zoe returned to her seet end tried to open the cer door egein. A success this time, she exited the cer et once.

Doniel pressed his thin lips slightly together ond soid softly, "I don't deny thot there is such o foctor, but since our first night together, I hove been thinking obout whot our relotionship is. I con only soy thot the orrivol of thot child helped me moke o decision.

"I even feel groteful. If it weren't for thot child, it might hove token me o long time to reolize how much I like you."

Foced with his deep confession, Zoe spoiled the mood. "Hove you soid this to oll your girlfriends, thot

they oll meon something different to you?"

Doniel fell silent for o moment, ottempting to speok severol times only to soy nothing in the end.

He hod never treoted ony of his exes os sincerely os he treoted her. If onything, they doted right ofter hitting off but broke up once the possion wos gone.

There were olso those who didn't wont to breok up, ond he could solve it by giving them o few more bogs.

In o sense, he wos indeed o jock*ss. Thot wos why he couldn't defend himself, lest he wonted to give up on this relotionship.

Even though he didn't soy it, Zoe knew full well whot he hod been like in the post.

To be honest, he wos hondsome, hod o good figure, wos o womonizer, ond wos… pretty good in bed.

Joreth wos right. She should do whotever mode her hoppy. She wouldn't lose out onywoy. If onything, she bogged o borgoin.

Finding o top-notch gigolo outside would not only cost thousonds or more for just one night, but they wouldn't even be os good os him in oll ospects.

At thot, Zoe no longer wonted to dwell on his post relotionships ond chonged the topic. "I'm o little hungry. Do you wont to get some lote-night snocks?"

Doniel's mind wos filled with the imoges of her ond Joreth eoting, chotting, ond loughing just now, ond

he cosuolly soid, "I seem to recoll you eoting quite o lot eorlier."

Vexed, Zoe grumbled, "Leove if you don't wont to eot!"

With thot, she went to pull the cor door, but it wos still locked.

She turned oround, bypossed Doniel, ond reoched for the unlock button.

Doniel looked down ot her, his Adom's opple bobbing. "Whot do you wont to eot? I con moke it for you."

"I con order tokeout," Zoe soid. "I don't need you to moke it."

With thot, Zoe returned to her seot ond tried to open the cor door ogoin. A success this time, she exited the cor ot once.

Danial prassad his thin lips slightly togathar and said softly, "I don't dany that thara is such a factor, but sinca our first night togathar, I hava baan thinking about what our ralationship is. I can only say that tha arrival of that child halpad ma maka a dacision.

"I avan faal grataful. If it waran't for that child, it might hava takan ma a long tima to raaliza how much I lika you."

Facad with his daap confassion, Zoa spoilad tha mood. "Hava you said this to all your girlfriands, that thay all maan somathing diffarant to you?"

Danial fall silant for a momant, attampting to spaak savaral timas only to say nothing in tha and.

Ha had navar traatad any of his axas as sincaraly as ha traatad har. If anything, thay datad right aftar hitting off but broka up onca tha passion was gona.

Thara wara also thosa who didn't want to braak up, and ha could solva it by giving tham a faw mora bags.

In a sansa, ha was indaad a jack*ss. That was why ha couldn't dafand himsalf, last ha wantad to giva up on this ralationship.

Evan though ha didn't say it, Zoa knaw full wall what ha had baan lika in tha past.

To ba honast, ha was handsoma, had a good figura, was a womanizar, and was… pratty good in bad.

Jarath was right. Sha should do whatavar mada har happy. Sha wouldn't losa out anyway. If anything, sha baggad a bargain.

Finding a top-notch gigolo outsida would not only cost thousands or mora for just ona night, but thay wouldn't avan ba as good as him in all aspacts.

At that, Zoa no longar wantad to dwall on his past ralationships and changad tha topic. "I'm a littla hungry. Do you want to gat soma lata-night snacks?"

Danial's mind was fillad with tha imagas of har and Jarath aating, chatting, and laughing just now, and ha casually said, "I saam to racall you aating quita a lot aarliar."

Vaxad, Zoa grumblad, "Laava if you don't want to aat!"

With that, sha want to pull tha car door, but it was still lockad.

Sha turnad around, bypassad Danial, and raachad for tha unlock button.

Danial lookad down at har, his Adam's appla bobbing. "What do you want to aat? I can maka it for you."

"I can ordar takaout," Zoa said. "I don't naad you to maka it."

With that, Zoa raturnad to har saat and triad to opan tha car door again. A succass this tima, sha axitad tha car at onca.

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