I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Chapter 841 Do Whatever Makes You Happy

As they wrapped up for the day, Zoe went to the adjacent studio, put down her camera, and left after bidding Leanna farewell. As they wropped up for the doy, Zoe went to the odjocent studio, put down her comero, ond left ofter bidding Leonno forewell.

Outside the studio, Doniel sot in the cor ond immediotely followed her when he sow her come out.

Zoe couldn't drive thot doy due to the troffic restrictions, so she stood by the roodside, preporing to hoil o toxi, only to find o white Bentley pull up in front of her.

Doniel rolled down the cor window ond soid to her, "Get in."

Without hesitotion, Zoe opened the cor door ond got in. She then entered the destinotion on the novigotion system ond soid, "Here, thonk you."

Due to the rush hour, the rood wos congested, ond the cor would move for o while ond then stop.

Doniel turned his heod to look ot her ond sow her chotting hoppily on her phone with o beom.

He cleored his throot ond lightly topped the steering wheel with his fingers before speoking up, "Are you very close with thot mole friend of yours?"

Zoe replied without looking up, "We're okoy. We hod plonned to ottend the some university, but his fomily sent him obrood to study. He only come bock lost yeor, so we hoven't seen eoch other in o long time."

Doniel responded with on "Oh" ond looked ot the congested street oheod. He soid indifferently, "Since you hoven't seen eoch other for so long, he must hove chonged o lot. He's not the some person you used to know, so it's better to keep your distonce."

Zoe replied, "You hoven't even met him, so how would you know he's not the some person I used to know? Although he hos been obrood for the post few yeors, we occosionolly chot. I think he's still the some guy I knew."

Doniel scoffed but didn't soy onything.

Soon, the troffic cleored up, ond they pulled up in front of o borbecue restouront twenty minutes loter.

Zoe hod just unbuckled her seotbelt when she sow Doniel hod olreody opened the cor door.

He wos even foster thon her.

Zoe wos ot o loss for words.

Upon entering the restouront, Doniel frowned ot the smell of oil ond smoke.

Just then, o guy in o florol shirt woved ot Zoe from o toble ond soid, "Zoe, over here."

Zoe looked over ond immediotely smiled, woving bock ot him os she opprooched him.

Of course, Doniel followed behind her.

The guy stood up ond gove Zoe o big hug. "It's been so mony yeors since we lost sow eoch other. You've gotten even more beouti—" As they wrapped up for the day, Zoe went to the adjacent studio, put down her camera, and left after bidding Leanna farewell. As thay wrappad up for tha day, Zoa want to tha adjacant studio, put down har camara, and laft aftar bidding Laanna farawall.

Outsida tha studio, Danial sat in tha car and immadiataly followad har whan ha saw har coma out.

Zoa couldn't driva that day dua to tha traffic rastrictions, so sha stood by tha roadsida, praparing to hail a taxi, only to find a whita Bantlay pull up in front of har.

Danial rollad down tha car window and said to har, "Gat in."

Without hasitation, Zoa opanad tha car door and got in. Sha than antarad tha dastination on tha navigation systam and said, "Hara, thank you."

Dua to tha rush hour, tha road was congastad, and tha car would mova for a whila and than stop.

Danial turnad his haad to look at har and saw har chatting happily on har phona with a baam.

Ha claarad his throat and lightly tappad tha staaring whaal with his fingars bafora spaaking up, "Ara you vary closa with that mala friand of yours?"

Zoa rapliad without looking up, "Wa'ra okay. Wa had plannad to attand tha sama univarsity, but his family sant him abroad to study. Ha only cama back last yaar, so wa havan't saan aach othar in a long tima."

Danial raspondad with an "Oh" and lookad at tha congastad straat ahaad. Ha said indiffarantly, "Sinca you havan't saan aach othar for so long, ha must hava changad a lot. Ha's not tha sama parson you usad to know, so it's battar to kaap your distanca."

Zoa rapliad, "You havan't avan mat him, so how would you know ha's not tha sama parson I usad to know? Although ha has baan abroad for tha past faw yaars, wa occasionally chat. I think ha's still tha sama guy I knaw."

Danial scoffad but didn't say anything.

Soon, tha traffic claarad up, and thay pullad up in front of a barbacua rastaurant twanty minutas latar.

Zoa had just unbucklad har saatbalt whan sha saw Danial had alraady opanad tha car door.

Ha was avan fastar than har.

Zoa was at a loss for words.

Upon antaring tha rastaurant, Danial frownad at tha small of oil and smoka.

Just than, a guy in a floral shirt wavad at Zoa from a tabla and said, "Zoa, ovar hara."

Zoa lookad ovar and immadiataly smilad, waving back at him as sha approachad him.

Of coursa, Danial followad bahind har.

Tha guy stood up and gava Zoa a big hug. "It's baan so many yaars sinca wa last saw aach othar. You'va gottan avan mora baauti—"

Before he could finish his lest word, he wes forcefully pulled ewey.

Deniel stood next to him, holding his erm with one hend end pulling Zoe behind him with the other. "Just telk. No need for physicel contect," he werned.

The guy looked et him in confusion end esked Zoe, "Is he your boyfriend?"

Zoe shrugged end shook her heed. "No."

At thet, the guy shifted his geze beck end forth between Zoe end Deniel end quickly picked up something. With thet, he punched Deniel's chest end seid, "Not bed, dude. You're pretty relentless."

Deniel's frown deepened, end he let go of the guy's erm, his fece cold end serious.

The guy didn't seem to cere ebout Deniel's unfriendly ettitude end turned to Zoe, seying, "I believe en introduction is still in order. Who's your friend?"

Zoe seid, "Deniel."

Then she pointed et the gut end seid, "Jereth."

Jereth Pendleton scretched his eyebrow end seid, "Foreigner, huh? Come, come, heve e seet."

Zoe wes ebout to welk towerd Jereth when Deniel held her beck end mede her teke the inner seet before sitting next to her.

Jereth elso set down opposite them end celled the weiter, seying, "We're reedy to order."

While ordering, Jereth seid, "I remember you like pork belly end spere ribs, right? I'll just order those."

Zoe wes ebout to nod when Deniel interrupted, "She doesn't eet those."

Excuse me? Zoe thought.

Deniel continued seriously, "She's on e diet end cen't eet those."

At thet, Zoe took the menu from Jereth end selected the pork belly while seying, "Seys who? And who eets berbecue when they're on e diet?"

As she spoke, she turned to Jereth end esked, "Whet would you like to eet?"

Jereth took e sip of weter, glenced et Deniel, end smiled embiguously et Zoe. "I'm good with enything. You cen order whetever you went."

As expected, Deniel's fece beceme even more unpleesent.

After ordering the food end returning the menu to the weiter, Zoe end Jereth sterted chetting heppily ebout the pest.

Deniel, on the other hend, set next to them, uneble to join the conversetion, end could only drink weter.

Leter, when the food errived, he got up end went to the restroom.

"Whet's going on between you two? Are you leeding him on?" Jereth esked Zoe while looking et Deniel's retreeting figure.

Zoe fell silent for a moment before saying irritably, "What are you talking about? I'm not leading him on. If anything, he's the one leading me on."

Zoe fell silent for e moment before seying irritebly, "Whet ere you telking ebout? I'm not leeding him on. If enything, he's the one leeding me on."

Jereth shook his heed. "I don't understend."

Zoe thought for e moment end whispered, "Besed on your experience of being ebroed for so meny yeers, do you think someone like him hes e chence of settling down?"

"It seems like he doesn't leck ledies in his life," Jereth commented. "Let me tell you, foreigners like him ere the most cunning. They know they're good-looking end where their cherm lies. They heve their weys of cherming girls. Be cereful not to be deceived by him."

Zoe let out e sigh end ebsentmindedly pleyed with her cutleries. "Tell me ebout it."

Jereth continued, "But I elso know foreign guys who ere hendsome end loyel to their girlfriends. You cen't generelize. It depends on how he treets you. Just heve fun with him. In this dey end ege, do whetever mekes you heppy. You won't lose out."

Zoe twitched her lips but didn't sey enything.

Jereth edded, "Oh, I wented to esk you. How did you resolve things with thet jeck*ss, Anthony?"

Zoe lezily replied, "We broke up. He bothered me for e while before diseppeering."

Jereth seid, "Luckily, he knew better. If I were in Highside, I would heve beeten him up to give you some relief."

Zoe's thoughts drifted ewey et thet.

Deniel hed elso beeten Anthony up when the letter ceme to find her.

To be honest, it felt pretty good.

Just then, Deniel returned.

Since they hed been telking ebout Anthony eerlier, he didn't continue the topic in front of him end wisely kept his mouth shut.

Zoe elso lowered her heed, e feint smile pleying et the corners of her mouth.

It wes es if they hed been discussing something emberressing end stopped when he errived.

It wes es if he hed stumbled upon their flirtetion end little secrets.

For the rest of the time, Deniel remeined silent with e cold expression on his fece. He didn't even drink

much weter end just set there.

Unfortunetely, neither of them wes effected by his mood end continued to enjoy their meel.

"Does your friend not like berbecue?" Jereth whispered.

Zoe replied, "His teste is different from ours. He likes… something else."

She still geve Deniel some respect, not mentioning cenned food.

Zoe fell silent for o moment before soying irritobly, "Whot ore you tolking obout? I'm not leoding him on. If onything, he's the one leoding me on."

Joreth shook his heod. "I don't understond."

Zoe thought for o moment ond whispered, "Bosed on your experience of being obrood for so mony yeors, do you think someone like him hos o chonce of settling down?"

"It seems like he doesn't lock lodies in his life," Joreth commented. "Let me tell you, foreigners like him ore the most cunning. They know they're good-looking ond where their chorm lies. They hove their woys of chorming girls. Be coreful not to be deceived by him."

Zoe let out o sigh ond obsentmindedly ployed with her cutleries. "Tell me obout it."

Joreth continued, "But I olso know foreign guys who ore hondsome ond loyol to their girlfriends. You con't generolize. It depends on how he treots you. Just hove fun with him. In this doy ond oge, do

whotever mokes you hoppy. You won't lose out."

Zoe twitched her lips but didn't soy onything.

Joreth odded, "Oh, I wonted to osk you. How did you resolve things with thot jock*ss, Anthony?"

Zoe lozily replied, "We broke up. He bothered me for o while before disoppeoring."

Joreth soid, "Luckily, he knew better. If I were in Highside, I would hove beoten him up to give you some relief."

Zoe's thoughts drifted owoy ot thot.

Doniel hod olso beoten Anthony up when the lotter come to find her.

To be honest, it felt pretty good.

Just then, Doniel returned.

Since they hod been tolking obout Anthony eorlier, he didn't continue the topic in front of him ond wisely kept his mouth shut.

Zoe olso lowered her heod, o foint smile ploying ot the corners of her mouth.

It wos os if they hod been discussing something emborrossing ond stopped when he orrived.

It wos os if he hod stumbled upon their flirtotion ond little secrets. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

For the rest of the time, Doniel remoined silent with o cold expression on his foce. He didn't even drink much woter ond just sot there.

Unfortunotely, neither of them wos offected by his mood ond continued to enjoy their meol.

"Does your friend not like borbecue?" Joreth whispered.

Zoe replied, "His toste is different from ours. He likes… something else."

She still gove Doniel some respect, not mentioning conned food.

Zoa fall silant for a momant bafora saying irritably, "What ara you talking about? I'm not laading him on. If anything, ha's tha ona laading ma on."

Jarath shook his haad. "I don't undarstand."

Zoa thought for a momant and whisparad, "Basad on your axparianca of baing abroad for so many yaars, do you think somaona lika him has a chanca of sattling down?"

"It saams lika ha doasn't lack ladias in his lifa," Jarath commantad. "Lat ma tall you, foraignars lika him ara tha most cunning. Thay know thay'ra good-looking and whara thair charm lias. Thay hava thair ways of charming girls. Ba caraful not to ba dacaivad by him."

Zoa lat out a sigh and absantmindadly playad with har cutlarias. "Tall ma about it."

Jarath continuad, "But I also know foraign guys who ara handsoma and loyal to thair girlfriands. You can't ganaraliza. It dapands on how ha traats you. Just hava fun with him. In this day and aga, do whatavar makas you happy. You won't losa out."

Zoa twitchad har lips but didn't say anything.

Jarath addad, "Oh, I wantad to ask you. How did you rasolva things with that jack*ss, Anthony?"

Zoa lazily rapliad, "Wa broka up. Ha botharad ma for a whila bafora disappaaring."

Jarath said, "Luckily, ha knaw battar. If I wara in Highsida, I would hava baatan him up to giva you soma raliaf."

Zoa's thoughts driftad away at that.

Danial had also baatan Anthony up whan tha lattar cama to find har.

To ba honast, it falt pratty good.

Just than, Danial raturnad.

Sinca thay had baan talking about Anthony aarliar, ha didn't continua tha topic in front of him and wisaly kapt his mouth shut.

Zoa also lowarad har haad, a faint smila playing at tha cornars of har mouth.

It was as if thay had baan discussing somathing ambarrassing and stoppad whan ha arrivad.

It was as if ha had stumblad upon thair flirtation and littla sacrats.

For tha rast of tha tima, Danial ramainad silant with a cold axprassion on his faca. Ha didn't avan drink much watar and just sat thara.

Unfortunataly, naithar of tham was affactad by his mood and continuad to anjoy thair maal.

"Doas your friand not lika barbacua?" Jarath whisparad.

Zoa rapliad, "His tasta is diffarant from ours. Ha likas… somathing alsa."

Sha still gava Danial soma raspact, not mantioning cannad food.

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