Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

25 Best and Worst Day

Eli POV Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I’m in my office going over paperwork when I get a link from Micah and Mason. “We need you to come to the eastern border now.” I don’t waste time asking what the hell is going on. I rush down the stairs and out of the pack house. I shift into Silas and we run as fast as we can until the warriors come into sight. As soon as we near the border, the scent of blood and rotting flesh invades our nostrils. Silas growls and I approach my men. I shift and join the others. Lying on the ground is the body of what I assume is a rogue. He is unrecognizable and he has a note stapled to his chest. I reach down and pull the note off. As I read I’m so angry I can’t even see straight. I growl and turn toward my men. “I want triple patrols now.” My men scatter and only Micah and Mason remain. “What the hell does it say, Eli,” Mason asks. I shove the note toward him.


Alpha Eli Thomas

I sent you this gift to show you exactly what I’m capable of when it comes to you worthless mutts. I have simple demands, but if they are not met, you and your whole pack will suffer the same fate as this worthless rogue. I want your rogue Luna and her ba**ard brother or I will make sure the Nightfire pack no longer exists. I know you’re thinking about how strong you and your witch friends are, but make no mistake, I am stronger. I have an army of warlocks at my command. Are you really willing to sacrifice your family and pack for those two worthless mutts? I will not wait long for your answer. I will be coming and I expect that you will make the right decision.


Letter End

“Eli, we will all fight and die if we have to in order to keep Clara and your pup safe”, Mason says. I figured that ba**ard Grant would be a problem, but who the hell is this ba**ard? Why does he want my mate and Cayden? I will die before anyone touches her or my pack. “Eli, talk to us,” Micah says. “I know you both will. We need to figure out exactly who Ocatavious is and what the f**k he has to do with my mate? I need you both to put a protection spell on Cayden and Clara please.” “Of course we will. Are you going to let Clara and Cayden know what’s going on?” I growl “Clara is due any day. I don’t want her stressed before she gives birth. I will make sure I’m with her every minute until our pup is born.” “Eli, I need you,” Clara says through our bond. My heart stops beating for a moment. “I think I’m in labor.”

“I have to go. Clara thinks she is in labor.” They both smile and I turn shifting into Silas. “We will protect her, Eli”, Silas says as we run. This is supposed to be one of the best days of my life. My beautiful mate is going to make me a father, but instead I can’t push thoughts of that letter from my mind. I reach the pack house and rush up the stairs to our floor. Clara is in the tub and she is rubbing circles on her belly. I can see the pain on her face. “Clara, what are you doing? We need to get you to the hospital?” “I linked the doctor and she is on her way. I want to do a water birth.” “Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” “I wasn’t sure what I wanted but I’ve done a lot of research and this is what I want. Are you alright with that Eli?” “Did the doctor say this is safe for you and the pup?” “Yes, she is bringing everything she needs to make it safe.” I smile and bend down, pushing her damp hair off her face. “As long as it’s safe, I want you to do what’s comfortable for you. You are bringing our pup into the world.” She smiles and I bend down kissing her forehead.

There is silence for a minute as she breathes through the pain. “Eli, what happened” she asks and I stiffen. “I can feel your fear and anger through our bond now tell me what happened.” “Clara, I want you to focus on you and our pup.” She shoots me a glare and begins to pant again. “Eli Daniel Thomas, you tell me what the hell happened now.” “Do you know anyone named Octavious?” She scrunches her

nose. “No, I’ve never heard that name before.” I explain what we found and the letter. I see fear and sadness on her face. “I promise you Clara I will protect you, Cayden, and our pup.” She lays her hand on my cheek. “I have no doubt of that, but what about the pack members that are going to be hurt because of me.” I growl “you are their Luna they would die to protect you.” “I know they would but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Another pain hits her and this time she whimpers.

A knock sounds on the door and I rush over to let the doctor in. Evelyn and my mother are right behind her. The doctor’s cheeks blush and I know she is the reason they know. “My apologies, Alpha, but the former Luna was very insistent that I tell her when I got the call.” “It’s quite alright. I was just about to link them.” My mother hugs me “Eli, she will do fine. She is strong.” “I know she is. I just hate to see her in pain.” Evelyn smiles and hugs me before they both head into the bathroom. After the doctor has everything set up, our mothers head out to wait in our bedroom. Clara and I want to do this together, just the two of us. “Alright Luna, I’m going to check to see how dilated you are.” She smiles “you’re moving along nicely. You’re six centimeters and if it keeps moving this fast we will have a pup very soon.” Clara smiles and I kiss her forehead.

An hour passes and Clara’s grunts and moans are becoming more intense. I rub her back, trying to do what I can to give her some comfort. I hate that she has to go through all this pain. The doctor checks her again and this time she is ready to push. “Alpha, why don’t you slide in behind her so you can help her push.” I strip down to my boxer briefs before I slide in behind her. She leans back against my chest and takes my hands in hers. “Alright Luna, when the pain hits this time I want you to bare down and I’ll count to ten.” Clara begins to squeeze my hands and the doctor counts. This process happens over and over again. I don’t know what I expected, but I wish for Clara’s sake that our pup was born already. I can see how exhausted she is and I just want her to be able to rest. “Alright Luna, stop pushing for a moment so I can check you again”, the doctor says. “You’re amazing Clara. You’re so strong” I whisper into her ear. “Luna, a couple more pushes and we will welcome your pup to our world.” It was like she

had a new determination just from the doctor’s words. She grips my hands and bares down. She pushes two more times before she screams. Her body relaxes back into my chest.

I watch as the doctor pulls our daughter from the water. She starts to rub her with a towel and her cries fill the bathroom. “Oh my goddess she is here Clara. You did so well. I love you so much.” “I love you Eli” she says before she closes her eyes. I rub her hair as the doctor finishes cleaning up our daughter. “Luna, do you want to hold her?” She reaches her hands up without a word and takes our beautiful pup in her arms. “Hello sweet girl” she says before she kisses her forehead. The doctor cuts the cord and helps Clara deliver her afterbirth. Evelyn peaks her head in “do you need any help?” “Yes, mom, come in and hold your granddaughter while I get out of the tub,” Clara says. I slide out first before I lift Clara out of the tub. I carry her to our bed after I dry her off. Once I lay her down, I look at my mother holding my pup. She comes toward me, placing her in my arms. “I’m so proud of you, Clara, and happy for you both”, my mother says and kisses my cheek.

“Mom, can you let Cayden, dad, and Larisa know they can come in to see Clara and the pup.” She nods and leaves the room. I walk over and sit on the bed in front of Clara. I hand her our pup. “She is so perfect. She has your nose and your hair, Eli.” I chuckle “she is your mini-me love. She has your eyes and your beautiful smile.” I lean in and press a kiss to her lips. “Do you still want the name we discussed?” “I do, I think it’s perfect.” Everyone comes back in and I head to the other side of the bed to sit next to Clara. Larisa walks over first. “Can I hold her?” “Of course you can, you’re her aunt,” Clara says. “What’s her name”, Cayden asks, and Clara smiles. “Her name is Faith Eve Thomas. I want her to always believe in who she is and Eve for my mother”, Clara says. Evelyn slaps her hand over her mouth and tears form in her eyes. I stand and go around to hug Evelyn before she goes to hug Clara.

After everyone gets to hold Faith, they leave us to spend time alone with our pup. I bring the bassinet from the nursery into our room. Once Clara feeds Faith, she is fast asleep. I place her in the bassinet. I turn back and Clara is barely holding her eyes open. “Clara love, why don’t you get some rest. I will be here and if Faith needs you I’ll wake you up.” “Thank you, Eli. I’m so tired.” “After what you just did, I

can’t believe you’re still awake. You are stronger than anyone I have ever met.” I walk over and press a kiss to her lips. “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. Thank you for accepting me and making me a father.” “I love you Eli and I always will.” I climb into bed next to her and she lays her head on my chest. I look over at Faith every few minutes just watching her sleep. As I lay there, thoughts about that f**king letter flashes through my mind. A moan from Clara brings me out of my thoughts. “Are you alright Clara?” She doesn’t answer and I assume she is deep in sleep until I feel something wet on my leg. I throw the blankets back and my heart sinks. There is a circle of blood under Clara’s legs. I link Lily and my mother. Lily appears first and the door flies open a few seconds later. Lily teleports us and I scream for the doctor. She runs toward me. “She is bleeding, she won’t wake up, help her” I scream. I place her on the gurney and they wheel her away. Lily follows them to try to heal my mate. “Eli, we can’t lose her”, Silas cries. This can’t be happening. Everything was perfect and now here I am at the hospital praying that my mate will be alright.

Evelyn, Cayden, and my father come in with panic on their faces. My father wraps me in his arms without a word. We stay like that for a long time before I hear the sound of doors opening. I turn to see the doctor and my aunt coming towards us. As soon as I see the look on their faces I fall to my knees. I scream before I run out of the hospital. Silas is whimpering, but right now I can’t even offer him comfort. My heart is being ripped out of my chest. The pain of losing her is more than I can handle when it hits me. Silas takes three steps before the darkness takes us under.

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