Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

24 It’s Time to Act

Calliope POV

I release Anthony and turn to see Oliver’s eyes are black. “Mate” Anthony says and I smile. Oliver shifts and runs through the trees. My heart breaks when I see Anthony’s face. I grab his arm “I’ll talk to him.” I turn back to Carter. “Carter, this is Anthony. He is a friend and can be trusted. I’m going to talk to Oliver and then I need to speak to you and Abigale.” He smiles and nods. I shift and Aurora takes off following Oliver’s scent. We reach the training field and Oliver is sitting on the bench. I shift and walk toward him. His head is resting in his hands. “Oliver” I say his name and when he picks his head up I can see he is fighting back tears. I sit next to him. “I don’t understand. How can he be my mate?” “What did you expect your mate to be like?” “A woman” he says. I rub circles on his back. “What qualities did you hope they would have?” He looks at me deep in thought for a moment before he finally answers. “I had hoped my mate would be loyal, kind, strong, and funny.” “I know you don’t want to hear this but Anthony is all of those things. I won’t tell you what you should do, Oliver, because my opinion doesn’t matter, but I think you should really think about what you do next.” Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

He looks at me before he pulls me into a hug. I hear a growl and it makes me smile. When I pull back, I turn to see Anthony with an embarrassed look on his face. “I’m going to give you guys some time to talk. I need to go discuss things with Carter” I say to Oliver and he nods. I stand walking toward Anthony. “I’m sorry for growling at you, Calliope.” “You don’t need to be sorry. Go talk to your mate and be patient.” He nods and walks past me. I head for Carter and Abigale’s cottage. I need to discuss what Aurora showed me about Bradford and Julie. Thoughts about the pup are whirling around my mind but I push them aside for right now. I haven’t found my mate and I won’t be having a pup till I do. I reach the cottage and knock. The door swings open and Abigale is smiling at me. She pulls me into a hug. “Thank you for being such a good friend to my brother. I know he was shocked, but I know Oliver. He

wants his fated mate.” She pulls back and leads me toward the office. Carter is waiting inside and I take a seat.

“If you want to discuss Anthony, I’m sure you know that he is welcome to stay in the collective whether he and Oliver accept each other or not. Abigale and I trust your judgement, Calliope.” “That means a lot to me, but actually I wanted to discuss a vision that Aurora showed me.” They both stay quiet and I tell them about Bradford and Julie. “I can’t let them suffer for trying to protect me from that ba**ard.” “Of course not. We will do all we can to help you get them out safely.” “Honestly, I know that Lily offered to help me should I need it and I’m going to take her up on it. There is no need to put anyone at risk for this rescue mission. My father will have his day, but for now I just want to get Anthony’s parents out before those evil f**ks do anything that I can’t undo.” Carter nods and I rub the symbol on my hand, not even knowing if this will work. After a few minutes, Lily appears in the office. “Calliope, what’s wrong?” I smile at her concern for me. I know she said we are connected, but she genuinely cares for others.

I explain what my father has done to Bradford and Julie. I also explain how I came to know what has happened. She smiles “your wolf just continues to amaze me. Let’s see about making things right shall we.” I stand and take her hand. “You two better be careful” Abigale says in her best mom voice and I chuckle. We both nod and Lily turns to me. “Picture the cells in the pack in your mind.” I do as she says and when I open my eyes again, we are standing inside the cell. Just as it was in my vision, Bradford is holding onto Julie and they both have their eyes closed. I’m just about to turn to him when I hear a growl. I turn to see a guard trying to find the key to get to us. Lily waves her hand knocking him against the wall. “Calliope, what the hell are you doing here” Bradford asks. “We are saving you and your mate from my ba**ard of a father.” They both rush to their feet and come toward us. I hear the door bang and I don’t need to even look to know who is rushing down the stairs. We all join hands and my father growls when he sees me. I flip him the bird before I close my eyes. When I open my eyes, we are standing in Carter’s office. I’m pulled into strong arms “thank you Calliope. You saved my mate and for that I am forever in your debt.” “You owe me nothing. You were only in the cells because you were trying to protect me.” When he steps back, Julie wraps me in her arms.

“Is your mother here with you?” “She is and so is Anthony.” She stiffens at my words. She pulls back with disbelief in her eyes. “My pup is here.” I smile and nod. I’m just about to tell them that he should be back soon when the office door opens. Oliver walks in first, followed by Anthony. Anthony rushes toward his parents and I’m glad that they are all safe. “Mom and dad, this is Oliver, my mate.” Oliver walks toward him and takes his hand. I look at Bradford and his face is unreadable. He steps in front of Oliver and pulls him into a hug. The tension in the room from moments ago fades away. “Welcome to our family, son”, Bradford says before Julie hugs Oliver. I know my father and he will be here soon enough, but right now I’m going to enjoy my friends and family’s happiness.

Alpha Mateo POV

I’m balls deep in one of the omegas when the guard links me. “Alpha we have a problem in the cells.” “Deal with it I’m busy.” “A witch is here with your daughter.” I don’t even say a word as I pull out and pull on my pants. I run at full speed for the dungeon. I’m down the stairs just in time to see them teleporting. I growl and that little b**ch flips me off. She is going to beg for mercy when I finally get my hands on her. I’ll break her by using her b**ch of a mother. I turn on the guard who is getting to his feet. “You let them escape with my prisoners.” “Alpha the witch” he starts to say but I want none of his excuses. I grab him, breaking his neck. I rush back upstairs to my room to grab my phone. The omega was smart enough to leave or she would be suffering the same fate as that worthless warrior. I dial that witches f**king number and she picks up on the second ring. “Get your a** here now” I say without greeting her. “I’m sorry you must have the wrong number because no one speaks to me that way.” As soon as I’m done using this b**ch I’m going to rip her a** apart before she can use her magic.

“The prisoners are gone so I need you here.” The call disconnects and she appears in my room. “How the hell did your f**k ups let them escape?” I growl “my daughter, with the help of a light witch, teleported them out of the cell.” “Well that interesting.” “Care to share, what is so interesting.” “I’ve been looking into what witches would have been strong enough to make that protection spell that was around the collective and it seems that the Nightfire pack has two very strong light witches.” “So what

the hell does that mean you are two weak to go up against them.” She steps into my space “you have paid me a lot of money but make no mistake you cannot get a refund if you’re dead. I am one of the strongest black magic witches on the planet. I will get some reinforcements because I always deliver on my deals.” That’s the last thing she says before she disappears. Goddess I’m going to take great pleasure in ripping her throat out when the time is right.

Clara POV

I can’t believe our pups will be here soon. I keep expecting that ba**ard Grant to attack the pack. Hopefully, he realizes he is no match for the warriors and witches in our pack. My friends and family are having a shower for our pup today. I’m so glad my mother is here and a part of the planning. She seems to truly be focused on the time we have together now instead of all that we missed. Strong arms wrap around me from behind as I look in the full-length mirror. He places his hands on my belly. We decided to reveal our pup’s gender during the festivities today. “You look beautiful love.” I turn in his arms and press a soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you, but you have to say that you did this to me.” He laughs and I love that sound. “We better get down to the party before our mothers come looking for us” Eli says. He takes my hand leading me downstairs. When we walk into the garden I’m speechless. There isn’t an area that isn’t decorated. There is huge cake and a smaller one on a table covered in food. My mother rushes over and wraps me in a hug. “How is my grandpup today?” I chuckle “same as yesterday, kicking up a storm.”

I look around the tables and our pack members are all here to celebrate with us. I notice that Eudora and Edita are sitting at the same table with Micah and Mason. They haven’t accepted each other yet, but the girls are opening up and spending more time with their mates. I have faith that they will find the strength to accept the bond. Larisa and Rose rush toward us. Eli rolls his eyes and I slap his arm. “Your sister and Rose are just excited.” He kisses me before he heads over to where his father, Michael, and Neal are standing. I was shocked when they agreed to attend the shower, but I don’t think their mates gave them much choice. “Clara, I’m so excited to find out what you’re having”, Larisa says. She wraps

me in a hug. “So what do you two think we are having?” “I think it’s a boy”, Larisa says. “I think it’s a girl”, Rose says. “I guess it’s time to find out” I say when Amelia calls for Eli and I to join her and Lincoln. “Thank you all for coming to celebrate with the Alpha and Luna as we find out the gender of the future Alpha of the pack and our grandpup” Lincoln says. He smiles at us and we cut into the cake together. When I see the pink cake my world stops. We are going to have a daughter.

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