A billionaire’s kiss


“How do you know them?” VP asked her daughter.

“I’ll tell you later mom” She turned to us with a smile. “Come in. I’m ordering pizza” she went back inside the house but we stayed rooted to our spot as VP surveyed us in suspicion. She did that for a long moment then huffed and walked away.

Both Lexi and I released a breath in relief but Brian was still deathly pale.

“You okay Brian?”

“I fucked VP’s daughter” He mumbled.

“Gosh, that’s so weird to even think about” Lexi shuddered.

I pursed my lips and nodded. “Now I get why she looked so familiar. She’s the exact copy of her mom. Well her younger version”

“Aren’t you coming in?” The reporter called.

“Yeah yeah we’re coming” I hooked my arms with Lexi and Brian and dragged them both inside.

VP was waiting, seated on a couch, her arms cross, eyes narrowed behind her rim glasses. “How do you know each other?”

Her daughter sat down, biting a potato chip. She jerked her chin towards Brian, “We slept together”

Lexi and I both gaped and we had to place a hand behind Brian’s back to stop him from fainting.

“What?” VP asked incredulously.

“He even slept with my friends”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Lord help us.

VP turned blazing eyes on Brian, stood up from her chair and strode towards him. Brian backed to the wall, a yelp escaping his lips.

“You” She hissed. “Be happy that I’m not your VP anymore or else-” She drew a line across her neck and Brian swallowed.

“Touch my daughter again and I’ll cut your twinkie. Understand?”

Brian was ready to cry but he gave a nod.

Then she shot him one last glare and backed away, turning to us. “I’m happy that you came to see me. See Audrey” She glanced at her daughter. “I told you, my colleagues love me”

Lexi and I blinked.

Audrey rolled her eyes and glanced at us. “By the way I’m Audrey Randall. I know you-” She pointed to Brian. “Brian big dick. Then you-” She pointed to me. “Hailey Kingston”

I was baffled. “Excuse me?”

But she only winked and turned to Lexi. “And who might you be?”

“Lexi. Lexi Benson”

Audrey grinned. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m ordering pizza now, anyone vegetarian?”

We shook our heads and Audrey took out her phone, ordering the pizza. After she was done, she patted on the couch next to her. “Why are you all standing up? Come sit here”

I walked over to Audrey first and was about to sit down when I heard sounds of more cars being pulled into the driver way.

I slightly moved the curtains away and looked through the windows. Doors of several cars opened and people- no our own marketing colleagues climbed out. They looked at one another and gasped, shocked to see everyone here.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming” Alan pointed an accusing finger at Ashley.

“You didn’t tell us either” She barked.

“I think I have to order more pizza” Audrey muttered next to me.

All the employees strode to the front door and before they could knock, VP opened the door. “I’m overwhelmed by the love you have for me”

Everyone blinked.

“Come in” She opened the door wider but none of them came inside, They just looked around to see if VP had set them a death trap or something.

“I said come in!” VP bellowed and everyone stumbled inside.

Alan was the first to spot us and he gasped. “Traitors!”

Lexi rolled her eyes. “How are we traitors? You didn’t tell us either”

Ashley came behind Alan and raised a brow. “What’s wrong with Brian?”

I turned to Brian and he was still pale. “Brian” I nudged his arm but he didn’t respond.

Lexi clicked her tongue. “I think we lost him”

Some sat on the couch and the others grabbed some chair they could find and sat around the couch. VP crossed her arms and kept standing. “So tell me how’s your new VP?”

“She sucks”

“She even bullies Hailey”

VP’s surprised gaze fell on me. “And why is that?”

Alan answered instead of me. “Because Hailey is someone Lauren can never be”

“A Kingston’s fiance?”

“No, a hot chick”

Everyone groaned remembering what a flirt Alan can be and I threw a pillow at him. “Stupid Alan”

We fell into a chat about how annoying Lauren was when the bell rang and pizza came in. Everyone grabbed their slices except Brian. Audrey who was sitting next to me extended him a slice. “Eat this, my mom is not going to kill you”

But Brian was already long gone, his eyes weren’t even responding.

Audrey frowned and turned to me. “I think he needs help”

I waved a dismissive hand. “He’s under shock. It’ll quickly pass by”

Audrey nodded and started eating her slice.

“So what channel do you work for?” I asked..



I knew that TV channel very well. They played a main part in Nathan’s scandal. They were the ones who first revealed the CCTV footage of Nathan and Lauren coming out of a hotel room, which was also the first and the biggest evidence that turned the public against him.

SBS is well known for such stuff, revealing dirty secrets of business personnel, politicians and many others. How they obtained them it’s still unknown but they’re very vicious. They dragged and dragged Nathan’s story and twisted it until any sane person would want to commit suicide.

“I know you’re thinking about the scandal” Audrey chewed on her pizza. “But I joined SBS only three years ago and believe me, I already suffered so many punishments from my mom for joining them. She almost disowned me but the company pays a good salary” She shrugged. “Hard to let go”

“Oh” I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded.

Audrey finished her slice and looked up, dusting off her hands. “My mom told me your fiance stood up against his father to save her job”

“Yeah. He did. It was unfair what happened to your mom”

Audrey stared at me for a long moment, as if debating whether to tell me something or not.

I raised a brow. “Anything wrong?”

“My mom also told me your fiance got threatened by his father. That means their relationship is strained right?”

“Umm…uhh I guess so”

“That means you and your fiance are a separate team right?”

I narrowed my eyes “What does that mean?”

Audrey took a deep breath, bracing herself. “Well at first I thought of doing this alone but now I think having an inside person is good”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”

Audrey sneaked a glance at her mom and stood up. “Come, I have something to show you”

I hesitated but then followed her upstairs into a room. She threw open a cupboard and started rummaging through it. “You met me the other day at the photo studio, remember?”

I nodded.

“Well now I’m gonna show you why I was there” Audrey took out an iPad and opened the gallery. “I was searching for more clues about this” She clicked on a picture and showed it to me.

I took the iPad and zoomed in the photo and it was a photo of bank transactions. Transactions with many many many zeroes in it.

“These are transactions between your Chairman and our SBS director”

I gasped. “This much?”

Audrey nodded. “I saw this one day when I went to our director’s room. But he was in the bathroom so I snapped a pic”

I looked at the dates in it and realised the transactions were dating back to six years. Since Nathan.

“Is this…is this bribery?” I asked. “To stop SBS from saying anything that could harm our company again?”

“Could be, considering we have a reputation for revealing dirty secrets but this could also be blackmail”

My eyes widened. “Blackmail?”

“Yeah. Our director might have something to use against your chairman. Or if it’s bribery, then your chairman must have paid our director to do something he wants, six years ago”

A chill ran down my spine. What could he possibly have wanted from the SBS director?

“So you were there that day at the studio to find some clue related to this?”

“Well I wanted to sneak into Chairman’s house. Or even your penthouse seems appealing but both places have security and I obviously don’t want to end up in jail. So Nathan Kingston’s studio, which is unguarded was my first choice to go looking for clues. I first did all this for an exclusive but not now”

I raised my brows questioningly so she further explained.

“My mom” Her gaze fell to the door and she let out a sigh. “I know she can be super annoying but she loved her job very much. And now she got kicked out for no reason. She doesn’t show she’s sad but she is sad. I can tell. So I’m gonna do this for her. I’m gonna drag that shriveled dick down to hell” Her nostrils flared at the mention of chairman.

My lips tugged up. Of course she is VP’s daughter. Same fiery personalities.

“So are you gonna join my mission?”

I pondered for a while and gave a nod. “I will” For Ian and Alice.

“Good. Happy to have a future Kingston with me” She winked. “Now let’s go before my mom finds out I’m plotting for revenge. She’ll smack me with a slipper if she knows”

We walked back down the stairs and I halted at the bottom step as I spotted a black car come into view through the window, pulling into a stop in front of the lawn a black expensive car. Ian.

I forgot that I told him to come at 8. I didn’t expect to stay here this long because I thought VP would kick us out soon.

I scrambled to the door and opened it. Both Ian and Daniel were waiting inside the car.

“Tell them to come in” I was startled as VP spoke behind me. I turned to her.

She scowled. “What are you doing? Go and invite them”

“Oh uh okay” I glanced at VP again to see if she was joking but she wasn’t so I walked towards Ian’s car.

I opened the backseat door and peered in. “VP is telling you to come inside”

Ian raised a brow. “Me?”

“Yeah. You and Daniel”

Daniel turned a confused glance at me from the front seat. I merely smiled and walked back to the house as they followed me from behind.

Just as we crossed the threshold, everyone in the living room froze, their faces paling, eyes bulging out of their sockets. I wasn’t even sure if they were breathing at all. Ian surveyed each one of them with his calculating eyes, like the typical CEO and walked inside.

“Mr. Kingston and Mr. Collins, welcome to my humble house” VP gave a big fat smile.

Ian gave her a nod. “I’m sorry for what happened to you Ms. Randall. I wish I could’ve stopped it”

“It’s not your fault Mr. Kingston. Chairman better realise he replaced gold with plastic. I’m a gem no one can find. Please come and sit” VP shooed away some employees and made space for Ian and Daniel.

They both sat on the couch but the others were still frozen, looking at anywhere but at Ian.

“I’m not gonna fire any of you” Ian said and they slowly eased. “Yet” They froze again.

I rolled my eyes and gave my co-workers a look that said chill and they slowly nodded and went back to their chatter.

“What’s wrong with your friend?” Ian asked, gesturing to Brian who was still unresponding.

I sat on the couch and sighed. “His soul has left his body”

Ian raised a questioning brow.

“He slept with VP’s daughter”

Ian eyes widened. “He did?”

“Mmm” I nodded.

Lexi suddenly jumped to the seat across from us and glanced at Daniel who was examining the left over pizza slices in disgust.

“Wanna go on a date?”

My jaw fell to the floor.

Daniel slowly brought his gaze to her. “I’m not interested in you”


Lexi simply rolled her eyes. “You will regret soon. And when you do, I won’t be there” She stuck her tongue out and walked away.

Gosh Lexi. I felt embarrassed for her.

“Just go on a date” Ian said and both Daniel and I looked at him in shock. “You don’t know if you’re interested in her or not without going on a date at least once. Try it out”

“Rich coming from someone who never dated” Daniel muttered and I burst out laughing.

“Excuse me?” Ian asked but Daniel stood up, scurrying away.

“Do you think I won’t fire you because you’re my secretary? Get back here right now!”

Daniel simply disobeyed him and went to hide in the shadows. But I was still dying with laughter.

“Do you think it’s funny?” Ian snapped at me but I was hardly able to give an answer with my fits of laughter.

“Laugh laugh, laugh all you want” Ian huffed angrily and glanced away.

“He’s right” I composed myself back and sat straight. “You’re not in a position to give advices. You’re not qualified in that area” I smirked. “Virgin boy”

Ian’s eyes widened and he looked at me in amusement, a devious smirk curling in his lips. “Oh really? But I always ace in what I do sweetheart. And I’ll prove it to you-” He leaned down and gently bit my ear lobe. “When I make you scream my name while we fuck”

I gasped but Ian just let out a soft laugh and pulled back. “Don’t look so shocked. I just predicted the future”

“You. Are. Dead”

Ian winked. “By the way I’m going on a business trip to Spain this weekend and I don’t want to leave you. Come with me”

“Fuck. You”

“It’s two days. I pushed all my meeting to the second day so we can have some time for ourselves”

“Fuck. You”

“And who knows” Ian smirked. “What I predicted might happen that day too”

“Ian. Fucking. Kingston. Fuck. You!”

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