A billionaire’s kiss


“What nonsense is this?” Ian snarled at his father, pure hatred flashing across his eyes.

“I’m the chairman and your father Ian. You better watch that tone”

“You don’t deserve both titles” Ian hissed. “And I won’t let you fire an employee of mine and bring another who is not even qualified to that position”

Chairman cocked his head to the side and gave a malicious smile. “All I have to do is gather the board members to remove you Ian, don’t provoke me”

Molten rage sheared through Ian, his eyes blazing, fists clenching turning his knuckles white as he tried to control his temper. But I could see him failing and failing in that. He was on edge. I thought he would punch chairman in the face but instead Ian shot up to his feet and stormed out of the room, his heavy steps echoing in the hallway.

“Well” Chairman turned back to us with a broad smile. “Sorry about the fuss. My son will soon get over it. Anyways, back to the topic. I already found a new VP for the marketing department and this is her” He said gesturing to the woman standing at the door. “I think you might already know her” He gave out a laugh but none of us dared to even smile. “But let’s start over shall we?”

He didn’t wait for our response as he motioned Lauren to come over.

Lauren stood before us in a black suit contrasting to her almost white blond hair and pale skin. She gave us a half smile. “Hello everyone. I’m Lauren White, your new VP. I belive marketing is a team effort so I look forward to working with all of you”

VP snorted. “What do you know about marketing? What qualifications do you have?”

“Ms. Randall” Chairman gave her a warning look. “I insist you to be more polite”

“Why?” She arrogantly folded her arms across her chest. “Why should I listen to you? You’re not my boss anymore. I’ll talk however I want”

Everyone sucked in their breaths at her boldness.

Chairman was speechless. “Well true Ms. Randall. But I hope you pack your things and leave today, as soon as possible”

“Of course I was planning on doing that Chairman” She sneered and stood up, her face stoic and chin raised. “Hope you choke on your shriveled dick and die” Then she strode out of the room, leaving us gaping at her.

Damn woman!

Anger flashed in chairman’s eyes at the disrespect but he quickly composed himself back. “What a vulgar woman. I guess good riddance then”

No one spoke.

“Lauren will start working with you tomorrow. Continue the campaign with her, use her ideas. And don’t disappoint me. I think I said everything I needed to” He smiled. “You’re dismissed” Then he stood up and strode out the door.

But still no one moved, no one even breathed as Lauren stood surveying us, one by one. From the corner of my eye I saw her gaze lingering on me more than the others and when I glanced up, she smirked. “See you all tomorrow” Then she followed chairman out the door.

As she went out everyone exhaled a long breath in relief, slumping back in their chairs.

“God, that was so tense” One groaned.

“That old geezer, he barely even comes here. How dare he attack our department?”

“Shut up dude. Do you want to get fired?”

“Hailey” Alan called me. “Can’t you do something?”

I scowled. “What can I do?”

“You’re a future Kingston”

I rolled my eyes and stood up, Lexi and Brian following me as we walked back to our tables.

Our VP was furiously packing her stuff into a box and no matter what she did to us, I felt bad, really bad.

“I can’t believe I waited till she get fired to know her real name” Brian sighed, tucking his hands into his pockets. “Louisa Randall”

“I don’t want to work with that Lauren White” Lexi gagged at the name. “She’s a homewrecker”

Lexi and Brian talked and talked but my focus was on Ian. He didn’t look well when his father threatened him in front of our whole department.

I let out a heavy sigh in exhaustion and collapsed into my chair, closing my eyes.

I waited and waited, pacing back and forth in the room but Ian still didn’t come home. It was past ten and no sign of him, not even a call. Earlier I thought of giving him space but I can’t do that anymore. What if something bad had happened to him? His phone is even turned off.

No no don’t think such things Hailey.

Finally mustering up all the courage I had, I gave a call to Daniel.

He picked up.

“Hello Daniel…” My voice trailed off as I heard loud music from the other end. “Daniel, can you hear me?”

“Yes Miss Evans. I can hear you” His voice was muffled by the music.

“Is Ian with you?”

“Yes, Sir is with me”

I let out breath in relief before asking again. “Where are you?”

“We’re in a club”

“A club??” I asked in shock. “What’s Ian doing there- No, I mean, can you tell me which club it is?”

As Daniel told me I quickly picked up the car keys and ran to the parking. I managed to drive without exceeding the speed limit as worry overwhelmed me. Upon reaching there, I swung open the doors to the club.

Loud music blared through the speakers and disco lights flashed in my eyes almost blinding me. The floor was packed with people grinding against each other, their scent of sweat wafting up my nostrils, making me cringe.

I steered my way through the dancing crowd and spotted Ian sitting on a stool at the bar, holding a glass. Daniel was seated in front of him, worry lines appeared on his forehead.

“Ian” I called and his head turned in my direction.

“Oh you” He gave a lazy smile. “What you doing here? It’s not safe for you. There are lot of perverts. Come, I’ll protect you” He motioned me to come and I did.

Ian wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, until I was standing in between his legs. He smiled again. “My fiance is beautiful as always” His words slurred. “So beautiful”

“Are you drunk?” I asked in worry and he shook his head.

“I’m not drunk. I’m perfectly fine” He grinned.

I turned to Daniel and he gave me an apologetic look.

“How long has he been drinking?”

“For hours now”

My eyes widened. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“Sir told me not to”

I sighed and turned back to Ian but he leaned his head against my chest and murmured. “How dare he control me? How dare he threaten me? He did the same to Nathan. He controlled him like a-” Ian let out a bitter laugh. “Like a puppet. I don’t want to be that person Hailey. I don’t”

I ran a hand through his hair, caressing it tenderly, pulling at his soft strands and Ian purred against my chest.

“Ian, can we go home?” I asked softly.

Ian pulled back. “Home?” He asked in amusement, a small smile curling up his lips. “You said home”

“Mmm I said home”

He grinned. “I like it when you say that”

“I’ll call it home more often then” I stroked his chin. “Let’s go now”

Ian nodded and Daniel helped me to take him to the Prescott’s. We carried him to the elevator then Daniel said his good-byes before I went up, Ian’s arm over my shoulder and mine around his waist as I held him tightly.

I barely managed to open the door to his penthouse as his entire weight was leaning against me.

“Hailey” Emma came running and I winced.

I had been avoiding her since the slap incident, contemplating whether to give her a second chance or not. But I barely put any thought to it. I just allowed her to work here as a maid and paid her a monthly salary, even gave extra many times and also paid her rent with my own salary but didn’t think anything further. Didn’t have time to think anything further.

“Let me help him”

“No I can-”

“Just allow me” She then came to other side of Ian and swung his arm around her shoulder, pulling his weight to her.

She brushed a strand of hair off his face and suddenly my chest tightened at the sight of another woman touching him. But I quickly shook off the thought and followed Emma up the stairs to Ian’s room.

She carefully laid him down on the bed and her hands reached out to unbutton his shirt but I stopped her.


She glanced up in puzzlement.

“I’ll do it” I said.

“Let me do it Hailey”

“No” I shook my head. “I’ll do it. You can go”

But she didn’t move, she stayed rooted to her spot. “Don’t you get what you’re doing Hailey?” She asked in a frustrated tone. “You’re interrupting my job. Let me do it. Let me take care of him”

My temper sparked. “I’m the one who hired you Emma. Get out of here!” Then I winced realising it came out harsher than I intended to.

But one quick glance at her told me she knew not to mess with me at the moment. And without another word she swiftly moved around the bed and walked past me.

As I heard the front door shut, I walked over to the bed and sat down, removing Ian’s shoes and belt first then his tie and unbuttoned his shirt before pulling the covers over him.

“Hailey” He murmured.


He slowly opened his eyes and a faint smile played in his lips. “You’re beautiful”

I smiled. “Go to sleep”

“Alright” He nodded and closed his eyes again.

I stared at him, those thick lashes, those chiseled features, the soft hair and the deep blue eyes beneath those eye lids.

It would kill me if something happened to him.

It would kill me if I see him in anymore pain.

The way his father toys with him, the way he blames himself for his brother’s death and Alice’s suffering. It kills me.

I just don’t want to see him like this.

If I could flung my arms around him and protect him, I would.

I sighed and laid a hand on his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart.

This worry, this care, this urge to see him happy,

Am I falling for you Ian Kingston?


“It’s 9. 45 and she isn’t here yet” Brian said as he glared at the empty VP seat.

“I wish she doesn’t come at all” Lexi grunted. “She looks like a pain in the ass”

I could see everyone in our department glancing at the door from time to time, checking to see whether our new VP is coming but she was already late to the first day. We prepared a detailed report for her to go through, explaning what we had already done to the campaign so that it would help her to give further advices on what to do but I wasn’t very sure that would happen.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let’s visit our VP-I mean, Ms. Randall today” I suggested. “We didn’t get to say our goodbyes yesterday”

Lexi nodded. “I was thinking the same. I know where she lives. We can go after work. Brian, drive us”

Brian sighed, leaning back in his seat. “It’s so weird to think that she’s not our VP anymore. I hated her but…now I feel like I will miss her. I will definitely miss bad mouthing her. That’s for sure”

The door suddenly opened and all eyes turned to it. Lauren walked in wearing a red suit, a designer bag in hand, her heels clicking on the floor.

A smirk twisted in her lips seeing our blank stares. “Good morning to you too” She chuckled. “I appreciate if you start greeting me from tomorrow onwards. I’ll forgive you just for today” She gave us a malicious smile and strode over to her table, taking a seat.

Few of our seniors hesitantly stood up and placed the report on her table.

“What is this?”

“A detailed report on what we’d already done”

“Read it”

“Yes ma’am” Richard took it and started reading but he couldn’t even get halfway as Lauren let out a yawn.

“Take that away. You’re ruining my mood in the morning”

Richard paled. “B-but you need to know it. What strategy are we supposed to implement next?”

“Why are you asking me that?”

“Because you’re our VP. Ms. Randall is the one who normally comes up with strategies-”

“I’m not that old hag aren’t I?” Lauren raised her voice. “Do it yourself. I’ll monitor your work”

Richard’s jaw tightened and everyone threw sympathetic glances at him. “Okay ma’am” He kept the file on her table and walked back to his seat.

Lauren let out a sigh and leaned back, twirling a pen between her fingers. “Where’s that CEO’s fiance?”

I stiffened. Heads turned in my direction and Lauren grinned. “Ah there she is. Come here”

Reluctantly I stood up and Lauren let out a low whistle. “Oooh I love your burgundy suit” She clicked her tongue. “Look at you, no wonder a Kingston fell for you”

Ignoring her comment I strode over to her.

“My shoulders are strained” She said.

My brows knitted.

She repeated with a sly smirk. “I said, my shoulders are strained”

Everyone sucked in their breaths realising what she was asking me to do. My fists clenched at my sides.

“Do it” She ordered.

“It’s not my job”

Lauren’s head snapped at me. “Excuse me. What did you just say?” My jaw ticked. Lauren let out a wicked laugh. “You realise chairman has more power than Ian right? You even witnessed it yourself. If you don’t want to get on his bad side,” She smiled sinisterly. “You better not get on mine. Now come and do it”

I chewed on my bottom lip to suppress my anger and forced myself to stand behind her. I glanced at her shoulders. Only if I could break them-

“What are you waiting for?”

I took a deep breath, placed my hands on her shoulders and started messaging them. Lauren closed her eyes and let out a groan. “Oh this is good. So good. Do it everyday”

Hailey calm down, calm down.

“You know, I think you and I are alike. Loved by the Kingstons and destined to share the same fate. You not yet, but soon. He will discard you for a rich woman just like Nathan did to me. But-” Lauren looked over her shoulder and smirked. “You can always warm his bed from the side”

Anger thrummed through my veins, my fingers tightening on her shoulders but across the room I saw Lexi and Brian frantically shaking their heads, begging me to calm down.

“You’ll be my secretary from now on”

My gaze slid to Lauren. “What?”

From the corner of my eyes I could see everyone exchanging horrified glances.

“Do I need to repeat it, Hailey Evans?”

“But-” I swallowed. “VPs don’t have secretaries”

Lauren shrugged. “Well now they do”

At the moment, I wanted to smash her head on the table, rip her heart out, break her bones, set her on fire- fuck.

Lauren smiled and lazily ran a finger over the files on her table. She stopped at one and opened it. “Ooh this one needs to be sighed by the CEO. I guess it’s time I go see him”

She stood up and threw the file to me. “Follow me”

We reached the CEO’s floor and Lauren strode straight to Ian’s office but one of the staff stood up, blocking our path. “You can’t come here without permission”

Lauren crossed her arms. “I’m the VP of the marketing department”

“Still you can’t come here”

Lauren ground her teeth, glaring at the woman but then she suddenly flashed a smile. “What’s your name darling? I’ll definitely introduce you to the chairman”

The woman paled.

Lauren’s smile widened. “Now get out of my way” She pushed the woman and strode to Ian’s office, opening the door without even knocking.

Ian was sitting at his table, tapping on his keyboard. When we walked in, he glanced up.

His eyes first met mine then darkened as they fell upon Lauren.

Lauren smiled and walked over to him, taking a seat across from him but I kept standing.

“What are you doing here?” He spat.

“Oh we came to get this signed. Hailey, give it”

I placed the file on Ian’s table and our eyes met for a moment. Then he took the file and quickly went over it before slamming it close.

“You don’t need to come personally to give me this”

Lauren’s mouth twitched. “I also came here to see Nathan’s beloved brother” Ian’s face hardened. “I couldn’t meet you properly while I was dating him. Isn’t it the nice time to get to know each other?” She leaned back in her seat and turned to me. “Hailey go make us some coffee”

Ian shot me a warning glance, asking me not obey her but I averted my gaze knowing nothing good would come out of it.

“Yes…ma’am” I walked over to a small table next to the shelves where there was a coffee machine on it. And while I made the coffee I felt Ian’s eyes on me, watching my every movement.

I took two cups back to the table and laid them down.

“This room was once Nathan’s” Lauren said. “Can’t believe he’s gone. His touch, his warmth, his kisses I still feel them on me”

“If you came here to talk nonsense, please get out” Ian hissed.

Lauren smirked and reached out to take the coffee but she purposely swung her hand to the side, slamming it on the files on Ian’s table and they fell down, papers scattering to the floor.

“Oops. Sorry. It was an accident” She giggled. “Hailey, pick them up will you”

Ian’s eyes darkened in rage, his fists clenching.

Swallowing anxiously, I crouched down and picked up the papers.

“Hailey there’s one near my foot” Lauren pointed and I moved to take it but she kicked it out of my way.

“Stop it!” Ian growled.

Lauren let out a chuckle. “Such rage, such possessiveness. I’m feeling quite jealous of Hailey now”

I quickly gathered the files and placed them back on the table. I sneaked a glance at Ian and saw rage rippling through him, his hand gripping a pen so tightly that I feared he would break it.

“Nathan Kingston’s quiet brother who never showed emotions now turns into a beast for his woman” Lauren clicked her tongue. “Interesting. But she will be used against you. She’ll be your biggest weakness” Lauren looked at me. “I hate to see that pretty face ruined”

“Get out!” Ian snarled.

Lauren laughed and raised her hands up in surrender. “Alright alright, I’m going” She stood up, giving him a smirk and walked out the door.

I followed her and was about to reach for the door handle when Ian suddenly grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall.

I gasped but Ian lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of my neck, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to control his temper. He inhaled my scent and his body slowly relaxed. Then he murmured. “I don’t want to see you treated like that Hailey” His voice came out as pained. “I’ll transfer you to another department”

“I studied marketing. I don’t know how to work in other departments”

“Then you can work as my PA. The position is still vacant”

I smiled. “Then you won’t give me any work and I’ll die out of boredom”

Ian pulled back and looked at me, pain evident in his eyes. I cupped his face in my hands. “I’m fine Ian. I can endure a little bullying. And she will get bored with it soon”

Ian didn’t looked convinced but he leaned down and pressed his lips on mine.

I giggled. “You’re ruining my lipstick”

“I don’t care” Then he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

I smiled. I didn’t care either as I kissed him back, harder. I stood on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing myself to him. I ran my hands through his soft luscious hair, caressing it tenderly. Ian released a low groan in pleasure and plunged his tongue inside my mouth deepening the kiss. He kissed me with a heart clenching passion, making me forget the need to breath. He sucked on my lips, nibbled on them until my toes curled at the sensation he managed to build inside me.

It felt so good, so right as if I was meant to be in his arms. All my weariness and anger with Lauren faded away as our lips moulded together in perfect symphony. My heart pounded in my chest, my emotions overwhelming me. Everything felt so right.

I slowly pulled back and we both panted for breath.

I didn’t let go, I leaned forward and buried my face in his neck, wanting to feel him again.

“If you don’t want to go, you can stay” He gently rubbed my back.

“No” I murmured. “I have to go but just…one minute”

Ian chuckled. “Alright” He pressed me closer, stroking my hair. “Do you want to go somewhere tonight? Like dinner?”

“No I can’t today. I’m visiting our VP”

“Ms. Randall?”


“Okay. I’ll pick you up then”


He held me like that for a while until I pulled back. “Bye” I smiled. “I have to go now” I turned around to go back but Ian grasped my arm.

“I’ll do something to kick her out. Bear it for a while”

I nodded with a smile and walked out the door.

We strode through a lawn to a two storey house in a calm neighborhood, the sun setting behind them.

“Is this the right place?” I asked Lexi.

“This is the right address”

“My palms are sweating” Brian rubbed them together, blowing hot air to it. “I don’t think I want to see her again”

I raised a brow. “Weren’t you the one who said you’ll miss her?”

“The word joking exist for a reason” Brian stated and both Lexi and I rolled our eyes.

As we climbed up the small steps I took a deep breath and pressed on the bell.

We waited and waited then the door swung open.

Our VP stood in a skirt and a blouse, her glasses lowered to her nose.

Her brows furrowed. “What are y’all doing here?”

Before we could answer a familiar voice came from inside the house. A figure of a woman approached the door and when the person came into view we all gasped.

It was the reporter, who Brian slept with.

“W-what?” Brian’s jaw slacked. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh it’s you” The girl eyes widened in amusement.

Brian looked from VP to the reporter and asked, “What’s your relationship with our VP?”

The reporter raised a brow. “What do you mean? She’s my mom”

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