Written In My Heart.

Chapter 36 : Let's Sleep Over.

Chapter 36 : Let's Sleep Over.

S: Alright guys.. Forget all that.. Tell me what did you bring for me..?

R: I didn't know we had to bring something for you..

S: What do you mean.. You went to UAE and your telling me you didn't bring anything for us..??

K: Ok enough.. Don't start arguing now.. Ofcourse we did.. Everything is in my bag..!

She picks up her suitcase keeping it on the table and opened it.. There were many shopping bags They

took out one by one giving it to them.. There were shirts and watches for the boys.. She gave one to

aliza that had a dress and shoes along with a few accessories.. Sofia sat patiently watching as all the

shopping bags were given to three of her friends..

S: What about me.??

K: Oh my gosh.. Where are her's Ryan.??

R: How would I know.. You were the one who packed every thing..

K: I think We left it over there..

R: OH NOO.. poor sofi won't get anything.??

S: Are you both serious.. You know what.. Do what ever you want.. I'm not speaking to you guys..

K: Ok ok.. I'm sorry..

She picks up a small bag beside the sofa and handed it to her..

K: This is for you..

S: All this.??

K: Yeah..

S: Oh My God thank you..!!!

A: Ok now.. If the gifting ceremony is over.. I think you both should go and rest.. You came through a

long flight.. You guys must be jet lagged.. Especially with all the preparations you had to do..

He says pointing at her appearance as they all laugh..

R: Yeah I am pretty tired..

K: I'm also exhausted..

S: It's pretty late.. I think we should all get to sleep..

They all agree as she stood up from her place along with the others following her hoping towards the

stairs when she suddenly winced playfully..

S: Ouch..

She stumbles back as Ayaan rushes to her side followed by the others..

A: Sofia.??

He holds her arms stabling her as she hops on one foot.. He helps her to sit on the sofa nearby and

kneels in front of her.. Nick runs to get the first aid kit as Kiara grabs a few tissues.. Ayaan slowly lifts

her foot.. Taking the tissues from Kiara he slowly removes the piece of glass.. Taking the first aid kit

from nick he carefully addressed her wound.. Aliza went to clean the glass as they all stood there

staring at her worried...

A: What is wrong with you.?? Couldn't you be more careful..?? Sometimes you have to look before


S: It's not like I did it intentionally..

A: Then be more careful.. Do you always need someone to be your body guard.??

S: I didn't ask you to.!!

A: Sofi-

Kiara keeps a hand on his shoulder whispering..

K: Relax.!

He takes a long breath calming himself down.. He was done with the bandage so he slowly kept her

foot down...

A: I'm sorry.. Are you ok..?

S: Yeah...

She answered softly..

K: Alright everone.. c'mon let's go to our rooms.. NôvelDrama.Org content.

She says eyeing Ryan as he gives a secretive nod.. Ryan drags Nick to his room and Kiara drags aliza

to the other guest room saying she needs to change first.. And why she needed her for that was

beyond her understanding.. Ayaan helped Sofia to stand as she let goes of his hand..

S: Thankyou..

A: It's ok..

S: I'll go to my room..

A: How..? Are you planning to play hopscotch all the way to your room..

S: It's not that hard..

She says walking cum hopping towards her room.. Ayaan quietly stares at her as she struggles

hopping on one foot.. She was already huffing by the time she reached the stairs.. Ayaan chuckled

walking up to her..

A: Tired of hopscotch already.??

S: It's not that easy after all..

She sits on the stairs tired as he looks around trying to cover his smile..

A: How about now.. Like any help..

She extends her right arm as he held her hand helping her stand up.. She holds the railing with the

other hand.. She climbed a few steps as Ayaan pulled her hand making her stumble back as she lost

her balance falling back.. She grabbed Ayaan's shoulder to stable herself as he held her by her waist..

She stared at him astonished as he had a small smile on his face.. He held her right arm with his left

hand and leaned down placing his right hand under her knees all the while staring at her.. He lifted her

top as she yelped grabbing onto his neck..

S: What are you doing.??

A: Giving you a lift.. Don't worry.. you can repay me later..

He said smirking as she wondered what he'd mean.. He reached her room laying her on the bed

adjusting the pillows behind her and placed one under her leg..

S: What do you mean by.. Repay.??

She asked leaning back on the head board.. He sat beside her placing a hand on the head board

beside her head as she looked at him confused.. He leaned close to her ear..

A: You know.. A reward..

He said tapping his cheek as she scrunched her eyes pushing him away.. He laughed moving away as

she blushed with embarrassment.. Looking at him laugh she too smiled a little..

A: Ok I was just kidding.. don't take it too seriously..!!

He said standing from the bed as he poured water passing it to her.. She took it with a smile drinking it..

S: Ayaan.. I.. I wanted to ask you something..

A: Go on..

S: About that case-

He placed his finger on her lips stopping her..

A: It's pretty late.. Go to sleep..

S: But-

A: I'm there to handle all that right.. you don't have to worry about it.. Just trust me..

She stared at him with a smile as he moved back helping her lay down properly and leaned down

placing the extra pillows aside..

A: Now shut that over timing brain of yours and quietly go-

He was cut off by Sofia who had being staring at him nonstop as she wrapped her arms around his

neck placing her lips on his cheek.. His eyes enlarged as he froze in his position above her with both

his arms rested beside her.. She layed back down as their eyes met.. They both stared at each other

frozen in their place..

S: Thank you..

She said softly as he stared still astonished.. Smiling at his shock she turned around closing her eyes..

He stood up right as a smile appeared on his face.. He kept staring at her as his smile widened..

A: You're welcome..

He said with a chuckle and left the room closing the door behind him.. Stepping out of the room with a

smile on his face he walked towards his own room.. His phone rang as he took it out.. It was from the

investigator Neil..

A: Hello.. Yes.?

N: Sir I've found some information about the man from the cafe..

A: Ok..??

N: We weren't able to see his face.. But his height matches with our initial suspect..

A: How did you get his height.??

N: I visited the restaurant.. Measuring the seat where he sat as well as the door he left from.. I

estimated his height to be approximately 6'2.. Above the average height..

A: Wow.. That's genius.!!

N: That's my job sir..

A: Ofcourse.. Your a detective..

N: The height of the man- Dick woods.. Who we doubted to be threatening Mr. Smith is 6'1.. Which is

almost same..

A: That's terrific right..

N: But sir this won't be enough to prove that this is him.. We can't see his face..

A: What about any other cameras in the neighbouring..

N: I'm trying to acquire the footage of all the near by surveillance cameras.. But It would take a while..

A: Ok.. Let's see what we can find out..

He keeps the phone back into his pocket ending the call and returned to his room..

After a few days.. All the boys and girls were gathered in the hall.. The boys were huddled together as

Ayaan and nick were talking about something regarding work.. Ryan was on his phone while listening

to them.. The girls were also sitting together talking about various things.. Kiara leaned back yawning

as she glanced around at everyone..

K: C'mon guys.. This is so boring.. It's been more than a week since we came back.. There's no fun..

Let's do something interesting..

A: You just came back from a 4 month foreign trip.. Wasn't that fun enough for you..?

K: I'm taking about enjoying with you guys.. I couldn't enjoy there because I missed you guys so much..

N: Yeah we definitely saw in the pictures how much you "Didn't Enjoy"..

K: What do you mean.. Am I not supposed to smile even for pictures.. Ask him he was present there


She says pointing at Ryan..

R: Yup.. she definitely did not enjoy even a single moment of that trip..

He said sarcasm dripping from his tone.. Kiara glared at him throwing the pillow she held in her hands..

The boys laugh high-fiving each other..

K: But I'm serious guys.. Let's have a party..

R: Party.??

K: Yeah.. Just us 6.. Like a.. sleep over.!!

Al: Yeah.. it's been long since we had a sleep over..

S: Yeah. We can do all the activities we used to do..

A+R+N: Oh please No.!!!

All the boys scream together remembering their dreadful experience..

K: C'mon boys.. it's not that bad..

R: oh Really.??

S: OK how about.. No manicure for boys..!

They all glanced at each other asking for silent opinion..

A: Maybe...

Al: And.... We won't watch any romantic series or movies at night..

N: Done.!!

He says almost instantly as both the girls heads jerk towards Aliza..

N:But remember our deal.. We are not getting our nails painted and we are not gonna watch any of

those hopelessly romantics..

He says while recalling their terrifying incident the last time.. The girls insisted on trying different nail

paints and patterns on Them.. They did protest against but after a lot of persuading by the girls they

agreed thinking it would probably take a few minutes.. After 2 hours that seemed like ages to the boys..

They were still sitting with the girls holding their hands putting and removing various unknown products

on their fingers while putting their not so artistic skills to test..

Another thing that had happened about a few times now.. They would always choose the movie by a

toss.. Who ever wins among the girls or boys get to choose the movie.. And they had now began to

dread the times when the girls won due to them choosing those typical romance or fairytale-ish movies

that they did mostly to irritate the boys..

At the moment both the girls were glaring at Aliza as they had lost both the golden opportunities to

tease the boys..

K: You had to say that.??

She hissed at Aliza who just gave an innocent look in return..

Al: I knew they'd agree instantly.. That's why I said it.

S: Fine.. What's done is done.. We won't do it.. THIS TIME.

She highlighted the end of her sentence to make her point..

Ay: What do you mean by this time.?

S: You stay out.. It's none of your buisness.. The deals between both of us..

Ay: The deals between boys and girls.. So is all of our business..

K: How about we not start arguing at the present moment..

Ay+S: Fine.!

They both say with attitude flipping their hair giving each other looks as Kiara rolls her eyes at them..

K: Alright guys.. 8 P.M That is 3 hours from now.. We'll meet at the same place.. Do all the preparations

you want.. We'll have lots of fun.. The boys see the food department the girls handle the fun.. Done.??


They all reply at once.. The girls then rush up stairs to decide what they'll do for the night.. Nick goes to

check the kitchen to see what they had for snacks and dinner and what else they may need.. After

preparing the complete list the boys left the house to get these from the closest market.. This is how

they'd always divide their job whenever they planned sleep overs..

*The End*


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