Written In My Heart.

Chapter 2 : Why Do You Care.?

Chapter 2 : Why Do You Care.?

Sofia pov

Another new day. Just that this is a bit more special. You know.. cause it’s my birthday. Now all my

friends are joining us for breakfast. And by us I mean me and my dad. Were here and the breakfast is

about to start when Ayaan jerkface makes a comment.

Ayaan: Soooo.. her highness finally graces us with her presence. I thought we’ll be going hungry on a

shopping today

Sofia: Oh. How i wish you would. But you see I’m not such a heartless princess. Can’t take the servant

empty-stomach can I..?

A:Ooooh. I’m just soo flattered. Her majesty cares. I’m filled with...... yes Gratitude. Thank you your


And this is why I hate this guy. You see we just never get along. No matter what. This is how every get

together turns up. Both of us bickering endlessly.

Kiara: Alright guys. Now lets not start with that shall we. It’s her special week.

A: That’s what I’m doing right. Special treatment.

K:Right.... As if we all don’t know..

Everyone chuckled. As the sarcastic banter continue until we all have breakfast. After that we all gather

to clean the table and wash dishes. This is another habit we all picked over years of having breakfasts

or lunches or dinners together. The boys mostly worked on cleaning and putting away from the table

while girls did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and all work is done in almost 15 minutes. We all now

gather around in hall to leave and tell my dad goodbye

D:Alright Everyone. Have lots of fun. And you two (sofia and Ayaan) Behave yourself and don’t trouble

the others.

A:What.. we..?

S:We would Never do that.!!

A:Yaa... we are as innocent as children..

They both replies batting their eyelashes and big eyes.

Ryan: Atleast they both finally agree on something.

K:Yaaaa... Good start guys. Maybe they can get along.

They both eye each other and give a disgusted look as if the idea is disgusting in itself. They all


S:Alright. So who’s taking us any way

K:Guess whoo.?

S:I don’t think I want to. So just say it.

K:Ooh.. your no fun. Welll... you’ll be surprised it’s Ayaan..

S:I surely am surprised.

Ay: You shouldn’t be. Not after what happened last time.

Sofia giggled remembering it

Sofia pov

Well.... You couldn’t really say it was my fault. He was equally responsible. What actually happened

was 1 year ago on my birthday Let's say we had a fight. He was obviously being a jerk. And c’mon it

was my birthday. He annoyed me to tears on my birthday. So, I took my revenge. Well... I didn't really

do much except for smashing the cake on his face In front of everyone and ofcourse ruined his Extra

expensive, extra show-off suit. That seems to teach him quiet a lesson for this year.

S: looks like someone learnt their lesson.

A: ofcourse I have. so now lets go.

They all walk To the car And get in and Ayaan being a gentlemen grabs the front door for sofia as she

raises her brows giving an amused look to him while climbing in & sitting in the car He just chuckles

and get to the other side and sits in the driving seat.

They all reach the mall as all of them go ahead and Ayaan went to park the car. They all walked in


Kiara: So, where do we go first?

S: I'd say dress shopping. Then we can go buy matching shoes and accessories. And then Lunch


Aliza: And then we can go gift shopping

s: alright. so that sounds good. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Ryan: Alright then dress shopping it is !!

S:(looking back at him) You wanna buy dress toooo...

Sofia trips on some stones and falls down as her foot twists... Her friends rush to pick her up. She tries

to stand but couldn't as she Whimpers in pain..

K& Al: sofi are you ok?? Can you get up.?

Ryan: Yah. try to getup.

S: I... I... can't. It hurts aw...

They help her to sit on a near by bench.

Nick(looking at her foot): I think you need to rest for a while..

S: Ya.. I think that too... You guys go along. I’ll just rest I’m sure I’ll be better.

A: But.. How can we go dress shopping without you.

K: exactly

R: I guess we could go for gift shopping now.

K: That's a good idea..

N: We can get The dresses later.. You sit here we’ll be back in some time and then we can all go...

K: Ya.. And if you need anything...

Ry: remember, You're sitting in a mall

K: No... I was gonna say call us.

R: But I wasn't wrong. She would get anything she wants here.

Sofia stick out her tongue teasing him back.

S: Its ok guys and Kiara I’m not a Baby so just go.

K: Yes. But you'll be alright..

S: Yes mama... now go!

K: shut up! and be careful.

S: Alright. now go shu!!

They all go ahead into the gift section to look for gift as she is Left alone.. She looks around for a bit

looking lost. Then decides to take her phone out and sits down scrolling through it.

After a while Ayaan came in the mall and looked around.

A: Huh... Where do I find them now. I'm sure they've gone for dress shopping first as always.. But let’s

just call and find out where they are right now.

He takes out his phone and looks through his contacts for calling his friends while looking around. He

suddenly spots someone and pauses.

A: Is it ... who I think it is?

He looks carefully.. And then dials her number. He looks at her as she gives a weird look at her phone

and frowns looking at it. He chuckles looking at her expression. she finally picks up his call and talks in

a bored voice.



He says happily to irritate her more.


A:Nothing.. Why the long face.. Any problem.

S:None of your concern.. Why did you call..?

A:Just wanted to know where you are... ? Where should I go.?

S:where are you now.?

A:On the gate. And where are you guy’s.

S:I don’t know.

A:You don’t know where you are.?

S:I don’t know where they are..


He stands behind her while talking.

S:Just like that..

A:But any reason.

S:Look I don’t know where they are.. just call one of them you’ll know alright.

He sits beside her on the chair.

A:Why should I..?

She listens to his voice and looks on the side shocked.


A:Me.!! Yes.

S:What are you doing here.?

He looks at him self and looks at her.


S:Why here..??

A:Just like that... What are you doing here?


A:I’m sure it’s not nothing.

S:Why do you care..?

A:Where are the others..??


A:What else would you do in a mall?? I meant where are they now?? And why are you here.

S: I got hurt. So they went ahead.

A: Just like that?? leaving you here... Alone?

S: Noo. I asked them too..

A(crouching in front of her):What happened to you.

S(with sad face): I twisted my ankle. And I can’t walk now.

A: Wait let me see...

S (moving her foot away): No!!

A: C'mon don't you trust me.??

S: No!

A(standing up): Alright then. If you want to sit here alone and wallow in despair. Then be my guest. I'll

go do my own shopping. Goodbye!

He starts walking away. Sofia looks at him shocked... She thinks to either call him or not. opening and

closing her mouth a couple of times. she didn't want that jerk’s help. But if he was kind enough to offer

it then maybe she can be kind and accept it too... After all he was the only person here.

S: wait!!

He halts in his steps and smirks a little But decides to act normal. He turns and looks at her.

A: Yes??

S: so what...? Your just gonna leave just like everyone else??

A: Awww...!! Yes!

She glares at him as he chuckles.

A: You don't want my help what do you want me to do??

S(grumpily): fine!

A: Fine what.?

He teases. As she glares more.

S: Fine... You can help me!!... But be careful please..

A: of course I’ll be.

He kneels near her she moves forward her right foot he check it. She looked around and saw people

looking at them. she felt shy so she moved back her foot. He looks ar her questioningly.

S: I... I think it's ok!

A: What?? Oh C'mon.!

He starts rechecking her foot.

A: soo Why do you hate me so much?

S: That’s a bit harsh. I don't hate you.

A: You don't!?

S: You... just annoy me alot.

A: Oh ... I see... Then why didn’t you want my help?

S: I don’t need your help!!

A: Right!!

S: Aw!!

A: I’m sorry!!

S: A little careful!!

A: It’s Ok... You don’t need to be a cry baby.

S: It hurts.

He chuckles lightly.

A: There! now try to stand.

He forwards his hand but she gives him a look and stands on her own. It didn't hurt as much as before.

she takes a few steps but loses her balance and as it aches her foot and falls as Ayaan grabs her by

her waist and she grabs his shoulders. she looks up at him but then moves up and back. She couldn’t

place the fuzzy feeling in her heart that she felt.

A: See.. Again?

S: There's nothing like that I told you..

A: Yeah?(Making a sad faces). I just wanted to help. Anyways is it better?

S: Yeah... Its better now.. And je- Ayaan... Look! Whatever I said. I... I didn't mean to... to hurt you. I'm

sorry . I really don't hate you there's nothing like that. I'm really sorry if you felt that way. I didn't mean it.

I just never thou-

She hears him snickering and looks up to see him holding his laugh. He bursts in laughter when she

looks him.

A: I'm... I'm... so sorry

He says between his laughs. He continues laughing as she gives him a look. He sits on the bench to

catch his breath.

S: You know what...? I do hate you.!!

Listening to her he starts laughing again. As she huffs and sits beside him.

A:Awww... Ofcourse you don't. I just annoy you a lot, remember.!! I can't believe you really fell for that.

S: unbelievable!!

A: Yeah! Definitely unbelievable. I thought getting an apology out of you would be way harder. I can't

believe it was soo easy. Someone has a soft heart!

He nudges her.

S: stop it! Your an idiot. And unlike you... I'm not made of rock.

A: Aww.. That's a bit harsh..

They sit there silently for a while. He looks at her and realised she is very upset. maybe it wasn't such a

good idea he wonders. He finally speaks up.

A: Hey...

He tries to talk to her. He nudges her but she turns away while huffing...

A: Ok ... Look I was just kidding. It was just a joke don't be so mad about it now. I was just messing with


S: That's what you always do... mess with me. This time you just went too far.

A: Awww... C'mon. Alright look I'm sorry. I really didn't think you'd get serious. I thought you’d just make

a snark remark about it and laugh it off. I didn't think you'd fall for that! I’m sorry... really. I just –

He looks up at her and sees her giving a smug smile.

A(rolling his eyes): Oh... C'mon

S( Chuckling): who’s the idiot now?!

A: Are you kidding me?

S: You thought only you could do it han.?!

A: Fiine... I fell for it too.

She Laughs as he makes a huff face.

A: well.. we are even now. I trick you.. you do it back. Revenge is completed!

S: Yes it is.!

A: Alright so no hard feelings... friends?

He forwards this hand. But she smacks it away.

S: Get Lost!

A: Oh C'mon. You know we have a special connection...

He chuckled while she rolls her eyes.



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