Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28


It was only a few minutes that I spent waiting for Kaden to return but it felt like hours. I sat in one of the chairs and waited anxiously for him to return. I couldn’t help but wonder what was being said in my absence. I wondered whether he would defend me to Lucy or whether he would take her side and call me a wolf less member. I heard those words every single day at my old pack but hearing it now felt like an even bigger insult.

This was supposed to be my new and fresh start but it was like my past kept following me no matter how much I tried to avoid it. It was like no matter where I went, all people noticed first was that I was wolf less. I couldn’t help but wish I had a wolf like everyone else then maybe those words wouldn’t have hurt.

All my life I had asked the question, why didn’t I have a wolf? Was I cursed? Was I as useless as they all thought I was? Why couldn’t I just be like the others? I didn’t know if it was jealousy or envy but that emotion was roaring its ugly head inside of me no matter how far down I tried to push it.

I heard the door open behind me and I quickly sat up straighter. All thoughts of my wolf less nature left me as Kaden walked in through the doors. He locked it behind him and the sound of the door clicking shut resonated in my ears like a bomb that went off. I couldn’t help but realize that we were actually alone and no one would be able to bother us. The thought shouldn’t have been as appealing as it was.

He walked past me and took he chair’opposite me and I couldn’t help but admire him. He was wearing a button up shirt and black slacks and I could see how the shirt bulged around his biceps. I watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt with wide eyes. It was like my entire mind and b*dy fixated on that tiny movement and I tried to look anywhere else but my eyes wouldn’t move.-

His hair was perfectly styled as if he had somewhere to be and I couldn’t help but think about Lucy’s words about lunch. Did he have plans to take her out to lunch? Is that why he looks so presentable? Jealousy reared its ugly head and I tried to shove it down by

reminding myself I had no reason to be feeling this way in response to the man who was to be my future Alpha.

I managed to push down those thoughts and I watched as he slowly unbuttoned the first



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Chapter 28

two buttons of his shirt. My mouth dried up as I watched his adam apple bob as he swallowed. The action shouldn’t have been as hot as it was and I didn’t understand why I was being affected by his movements as much as I was.

He leaned back into his seat and I quickly closed my mouth and looked away. I hoped he didn’t notice me staring or else that would have been so embarrassing for both of us.

“Tell me about your week,” he said suddenly and I let out a sigh of relief at being able to think and talk about anything other than how he looked leaning against the chair like he had no care in the


I answered honestly, telling him all about how much fun I had at Clara’s house. I didn’t want to tell him about the men from the border because I didn’t want it to seem like I was reporting them to him so instead, I told him about how Clara took me to the repair shop and I saw what they had done to my car. As I spoke, I saw his frown deepen.

“Who did you see at the repair shop?” he asked and I flushed slightly as I remembered Hunter.

“I met a nice man named Ronald and I met Hunter- he said he was the owner,” I told him. “He said he was the one who fixed my car and he offered me a job if I wanted.”

“Stay away from there,” his voice wasn’t angry but there was a harshness to his tone that let me know that it wasn’t a suggestion, he was giving me an order.

I started to wonder if he had previous issues with Hunter or if there was something about Hunter that I didn’t know. I remembered what Clara said that day about him being a player and I imagined that was why he was asking me to stay away so I nodded. If both he and Clara were against him then there must be something about it that I don’t know or they don’t know how to explain so I nodded to let him know that I understood.

“Good,” he said with a slight nod and a small smile. “How was your first day at school?”

This seemed like it was easier to happen so I regretfully told him about the men who tried to bother me in class. I didn’t tell him that I had seen them before and I tried to downplay their disturbance to a little catcalling because I didn’t want them to get n trouble.

Then I told him about Aiden saving me and sitting at lunch with both Aiden and Lucy. He seemed to be lost in thought as I spoke and when I finally said that the man who helped me All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.






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Chapter 28

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was his cousin, his spine straightened. He frowned deeply and I stopped my story to watch his brows furrow.

“You need to stay away from Aiden as well,” he said and my eyes widened.

I was surprised that he was asking me to stay away from his own cousin but I remembered the warning of that girl in class. She seemed very insistent that I stay away and so did Kaden so I nodded. I had already planned to stay away due to what the girl had said and how passionate she had sounded when she spoke so hearing Kaden say it felt like a confirmation

that I should do it.

“I will,” I assured him and I saw pride fill his okay?”

eyes as he nodded. “I have a question, is it

“Of course,” he assured me. “What do you want to ask Amelia?”

There was a certain way he said my name that I liked. It was like he stretched out every letter and said my name like some sort of reverence. It caused goose bumps to rise across my skin and I forced myself not to dwell too much on it.

“I was wondering when we can take the test,”

He looked confused for a second but then understanding filled his eyes. “I think the weekend will be a good time for us. I will let you know.”

I let out a sigh of relief. The sooner we are able to do the test, the sooner I can start training and learn how to defend myself so I won’t need anyone to protect me anymore. I thanked him and he waved me off as if it was not a big deal.

The air stretched into a comfortable silence and I watched as Kaden stood to his feet and walked around the table until he was standing in front of me. He leaned against the table in front of me and the air was charged with his presence. Standing, he was already so much. taller than me, but while sitting, it was like he towered over me. I swallowed deeply as his imposing presence came over me.

I looked up at him only to see him staring down at me with an expression I couldn’t place. I wanted to speak but my mouth was dry and my tongue couldn’t form any words. All I could do was look up at him and hope that he would get the hint and speak first because I knew I wouldn’t be able to.




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Chapter 28

“Can I have your hand?” the question took me off guard and I gaped up at him. “I want to add you to the mind link.”


At his clarification, I let out a sigh of relief and let him take my hand once more. Back at the school, I didn’t have the chance to really admire how long and thick his fingers were. He had some scars on them as if he had broken them before and I couldn’t help but marvel with wide eyes. His hands looked like the hands of someone who had spent their entire life working and something about them looked beautiful.

As his

and look

mine, I suddenly started to feel moisture. His hands were large and warm

and I wasn’t sure if I was the one sweating or if he was. I tried to pull my hand away so he wouldn’t get disgusted by the sweat but he held my hands close and refused to let go. I looked up at him but his eyes weren’t focused on me. It was almost like he was seeing through me.

I wanted to speak but then I felt a pressure at the back of my mind. It wasn’t painful but it felt like someone was trying to sneak into my head. It felt like the beginning of a headache and before I could say anything, I heard it.

“Can you hear me?” it was Kaden’s voice in my head and I felt the mind link open like a bridge of thoughts between us.

“I can,” I said unable to stop my glee.

He broke off the mind link but I could still feel the bridge like an ever present link between us and I couldn’t help my smile. At my old pack, father told me I couldn’t join the pack link because I didn’t have a wolf and it wouldn’t work. I can see now that it was all a lie probably to keep me isolated from the rest of them.

“Thank you,” I said to Kaden and he waved me off.

“There’s no need to thank me Amelia. If you need anything, just mind link me.”

I was shocked that he was giving me that freedom and liberty. Back at my old pack, not many people had access to father’s mind link. Only Brittany and his Beta did. He could mind link anyone he wanted at any time but they were not allowed to do the same. It thought it would be the same here. I wasn’t expecting him to give me the freedom to mind. link him as I wished so all I could mutter was a nod.




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Chapter 28

Thing here are a lot different than I thought they would be.



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