Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18


Clara had been giving me updates on Amelia’s progress at the house. She texted me when she took a bath and when she ate dinner. My skin itched to see her and to find out how she was doing. The texts weren’t enough for me and I wanted to see her for myself and see how she was doing. When Clara told me that she was asleep, I instantly got into my car and drove to their house..

I knew what I was doing felt crazy but I needed to see her. It was already difficult for me to know that she wouldn’t be living under my roof but I needed to see her to make sure that she was fine. Their house is a twenty minute drive from the pack office but I got there in under ten. I probably broke every single speed limit and road safety rule known but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

I knocked on the door and it took a few minutes before someone pulled it open. My skin itched with anticipation as the door finally swung open. Clara stood there in a robe with wet. hair but I couldn’t be bothered to even look over her. She bowed to me and I saw confusion swirling in her eyes as to why I was standing at her doorstep so late at night.

“Caleb isn’t here yet,” she began slowly as I crossed the threshold and made my way into the house. “I could call him but I’m not sure how long it would take him to get here.”

“I’m not here for Caleb,” I said simply and her eyes widened as her mouth formed an o in understanding. “Where is she?”

“She is in the guest room down the hallway.”

The directions were barely out of her mouth before I found myself walking down the hallway she had pointed to find her. Pamela and Devin were nowhere to be seen and I knew they were probably

asleep. If they weren’t Devin would have been sitting on his rocking chair and Pamela would have probably offered me cookies like she always does.

I got to the door that Clara had directed me to and I slowly pushed it open so it wouldn’t creak. Her scent hit me immediately and I felt myself harden instantly. I muttered a small curse under my breath as I fisted my hands to stop myself from doing something terrible. I repeated the words ‘she is asleep‘ like a mantra in my head to remind myself of all the reasons I couldn’t just jump into bed with her.



Emergency calls only G

Chapter 18

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I slowly made my way over to her side of the bed and watched her as she breathed softly. In her sleep, she looked more beautiful and she looked calmer. She looked soft and like she had no problems at all. I reached out and softly pushed a stray strand of hair out of her face and I couldn’t help but reach down and stroke my finger down her face softly.

She didn’t stir as I touched her and I let out a sigh of relief at the softness of her skin against my fingers. My fingers were so big on her face and they were so coarse from years of work while her skin was the softest and silkiest material I had ever seen in my life.

“Can you feel her wolf?” I asked my wolf in my head. I wanted to know if he could feel the same way I felt about her.

I felt him stir inside me before he spoke, “I can’t,” he sounded almost annoyed by the fact and I froze.

If he couldn’t feel her wolf then that meant one of two things- either her wolf was asleep like she was or she was wolf less. If her wolf was asleep then he should still be able to feel her energy but he can’t feel a thing- maybe it is because she was weak when she arrived and her wolf hasn’t had time to rest up yet. I could feel my wolf getting slightly annoyed by the fact.

“Her wolf is probably asleep,” I told my own and I felt his annoyance decrease slightly.

I stared at my mate’s sleeping features and I felt this insatiable urge to lean over and press my l*ps to her. I could almost picture how it would go and I could almost feel how soft her l*ps were but I had to restrain my urges and remind myself of all the reasons I couldn’t do that. The first being that she is currently asleep and the second being that she is terrified of me and would probably end up screaming if I were to wake her up like that.

I wanted to nuzzle into her n*eck and inhale her scent for hours on end. I wanted to bottle her scent and bathe myself in it. I wanted to drown in it and forget all my sorrows in her because I knew her scent had the power to do that.

“She smells amazing,” my wolf commented and I agreed with a hum. “You know that if she doesn’t have a mate then she wouldn’t be able to smell your scent, right? It could explain why she was so scared of you.”

“She has a wolf,” I growled to mine. I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that she couldn’t smell my scent the way I could hers.


Emergency calls only G

Chapter 18

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I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that I was the only one who felt some kind of way towards her. It brought a foreign feeling of pain in my chest, something similar to longing and a distant cousin of want. I have never felt something like that in my entire life and I never want to feel it again.

I shoved away every thought and every feeling of her not having a wolf and decided to just focus on her presence. My wolf seemed to agree with my decision because he went quiet in my head and I took a seat at the edge of the bed and watched her.

head and I took a seat at t

I didn’t know how long I stayed in that room until I finally exited and I saw the clock read that an hour had passed. It felt like mere minutes to me and somehow it still didn’t feel like enough time. I walked into the living room and I saw Caleb sitting on the couch with a mug of steaming tea in his hands and when he saw me, he smirked.

“I hope you didn’t take advantage of the poor girl,” he mused. “It would be a shame for her to have her first k*ss with you while she was asleep.” Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and I saw him snort and try to hide his smile. I knew he was just trying to push my buttons but I ignored him and took a seat on the couch next to him.

Clara returned from the kitchen and she was fully dressed in a long night dress. She handed me a cup of tea and although I prefer coffee, I took it from her and took a sip.

She disappeared down the hallway, probably to her room and left Caleb and I alone. I waited until I heard the tell tale sound of a door clicking shut before I turned to Caleb. He seemed to get the hint that I wanted to talk to him about something important because he turned to face me.

“What have you been able to find out?” I asked.

“I was able to track down the wolves who were chasing her and I was shocked to realize that they are rogues. They don’t belong to her father’s pack so I am thinking he hired them to kill his daughter.”

Anger burned through me at the thought. How could anyone be so cruel as to want to kill his own daughter to the extent that he would hire rogues to do the job for him? How could any parent be so cruel as to want to harm their own child? My rage simmered beneath my blood and I wanted nothing more than to find her father and rip his head off with my bare hands but I took deep breaths to calm myself and remind myself that killing him would yield no results.


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Chapter 18

“Why would he want to kill her so badly?” I asked once I had regained control of myself. “Is there some kind of bad blood within the family? What were you able to find out?”

“I didn’t find much,” Caleb admitted softly and almost bashfully. “But I was able to find out that Amelia’s mother died while trying to protect her. It could be the reason why her father hates her so much. It is not a justification for his actions but it is the only answer that I could find as to what could have caused some sort of rivalry between them.”

I nodded but I wasn’t fully convinced. That cannot be enough reason why a father would hate his own child to the extent of wanting to kill them. A parent’s duty is to protect their child and if Amelia’s mother died doing that then she was i

doing her duty. It makes no

sense why her father would hate her and try to kill her for that.

“There has to be more to the story.” I told Caleb and he nodded.

“If there is more then we will figure it out. I will try and see what else I can find out but I think our best source of answers is Amelia.”

“You’re right but let her sleep, she has had a very long day. When she wakes up, we can start asking her questions.”

He nodded and I could see that he wanted to say something but I felt a pressure at the back of my skull that indicated that someone wanted to mind link me. I let down my walls and I instantly heard the voice of one of my guards in my mind. It wasn’t the fact that a guard was mind linking me but it was what he said that had my spine straightening.

“There is a man at our borders,” the guard said. “He says he is the father of the girl who crossed earlier and he wants to speak to you.”




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