Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Meeting at the club

“Ahem! Miss we’re here.” As they pulled up at the mall parking lot, the driver announced waking her from her deep thoughts.

Last night lying in bed a few doors away from Mark messed with her mind. She couldn’t sleep very well as that kiss kept popping in her mind making her imagine of doing more than just kissing him.

Hoping to buy time to think of what she would do next, she left early avoiding running into him.

“I want you.”

With his words still lingering in her mind, and after what happened between them, Melissa wished she could leave his home, but it was not that simple.

“Thank you Adams and please call me Melissa, you don’t have to be so formal.” Meeting his eyes on the rearview mirror, she spoke smiling at him.

Being an employee like them, it did not feel right being treated as the mistress of the house.

“Okay, sure won’t forget next time.”

“Fine, and oh, don’t wait up for me, I’ll be meeting with a friend later, but I’ll call when I’m done so you can come pick me up.” Instructing, she stepped out of the car.

After a quick scan, making sure no one was following her, she walked to the cafe inside the mall, and took a seat near the window. Watching families walk too and from the shopping mall as she drunk the hot coffee she had ordered, reminded her of the times she took Tommy along making her miss her son.

Taking out her phone, she called her aunt missing them more since she had not seen them for the last two weeks she had stayed in the city. After talking with her and Tommy, Melissa ended the call, wondering how she could tell Mark about his son. Since she met him in the province she knew she had to tell him about Tommy. Though she didn’t want to lose her son, Mark had the right to know about him. Besides he was rich and powerful, it was not easy to hide it from him if he chose to find out.


With the ringing note filling the room, Mark jolted up from his deep sleep.

“James this must be good, for you to wake me up this early in the morning.”

“Good morning to you to sir, it’s nine already and everyone is awake by now.”

“I see you forgot I’m not everyone, I’m your boss and the CEO, I can sleep for as long as I wish to, besides it’s a weekend.”

“Sorry sir, just reminding you we have a meeting at the club today.”

“Okay, come pick me up in half an hour.” Without waiting for a response from James, he ended the call, took a shower and changed into some casual clothes going down for breakfast.

“Morning Mary.” He greeted Mary taking a seat at the kitchen island.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Morning son, how was your night, hope you rested well.”

“Yes I did, thank you. Where is Melissa, has she not come down yet?” He inquired pouring himself a glass of orange juice as Mary handed him fresh baked muffins.

“Oh! She left early today.”

“Where would she go? Its a Saturday and they don’t work on weekend’s.”

“She asked Adams to drop her to the mall, and that she was later meeting up with her long time friend she just reconnected with.”

“Okay, I’ll see her when I get back. I’ll also be leaving for some business meeting i need to attend.” Just then James walked in, said hi to Mary taking an apple from the fruit basket.

“Did you find any information about him?” Mark asked walking out of the dining room to the car park.

“No nothing, he’s a sly man you only meet him when he wants to. I’m sure he knows more about the organization than he is letting on.”

“Let talk to him and see what he has to say but keep our men on the ground, and inform me as soon as you find any new information.” They got into the car and in half an hour they were at the club, where a waiter showed them to the meeting room.

“I’m sorry sir, only you can go in.” One of the bodyguard’s at the door informed Mark, stopping James from entering the room.

“Oh right!” He hated being ordered by people beneath him but he had to comply. “James I’ll give you a call once we are done.”

“Okay sir, do excuse me.” James walked off leaving him with the two bodyguards.

Walking in the room, he found an older man in his late fifties seated at the table for two in a dimly lit room with a steaming cup before him.

“Mark Johnson, it’s good to finally meet you.”

“It’s good to meet you too sir.” With a hat on his head and the dim lighting in the room, it was difficult to clearly see his face but he could make out some of his features.

“Have a seat.” He invited waving at his men to leave.

“Thank you.” Pouring a cup of steaming tea, he handed it to Mark as he sat opposite him.

“Sir I’m here to talk about Mr White and his involvement with the organization.” Mark informed, took a sip and watched the man before him.

“Why would I know about him?”

“According to my sources you were the last person he met with before his death, and I’m guessing he told you something about his investigation.”

“Your guess is not wrong, but all I can tell you now is for you to take good care of Melissa. Keep her from harm, and talking of her, She is in the club trying to meet me but this is not the right time. They are watching her every move, and if she gets any information at the moment or keeps up with the investigation they might have her killed.”

“How do I protect her if you don’t give me any information to work with?”

“You are a smart man Mark, that why you got her to stay at your house, and I’m sure you will figure everything out. I’ll contact you with all the information when the time is right, just keep her safe for now.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of her but under the condition you will give me all the information about the organization, and how to end their illegal dealings.”

“Don’t give me conditions boy, I’ll have my people contact you.” He tapped his cane on the floor and the two bodyguards showed up. They stood guard as he got up, escorting him out through a secret back door.

“Boss what did he say?” Waiting at the hallway with the bodyguards, James asked as soon as Mark got out.

“Nothing much, he wants me to take care of Melissa. I want you to find all information about her, from all her parents relatives and friends to whom she has been seeing and meeting with since she came to the city. I want to know why the old man wants to protect her so much.”

“Yes sir, I’ll have the information in the office by Monday morning. Should I have her aunt investigated too? She has been living with her for the last four years.”

“Yes and get someone to watch over her. If they can’t have Melissa, they will go after the people close to her.”

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