Unwanted Heat

Chapter 95

This is one of the areas Carter and I have agreed to disagree. While I recognize his concerns, this is the safest option for me. I will not expose myself again, like I did with her and risk the press finding out everything again. The Blue Moon offers a place for people like me to come, and do what we want, without worrying about the press. The application process for a membership is very thorough to ensure people like her can’t get in. In addition to very hefty annual membership dues, all members go through an extensive background screening. Membership is by invitation only; you cannot just apply to become a member without an invitation and written reference from a current member. The people who belong to this club have too much to risk going to the press themselves. The press can’t find this place-hell, if you don’t know it exists, you wouldn’t be able to find it. There are no signs or even windows on the building. There is nothing outside, except a large black door. When you step through the door, you immediately enter the security area where you are held until approved to enter.

It is what most would call a sex club, only it caters to the wealthy and prides itself on protecting the privacy of its members. They cater to everyone: from kink to casual sexual encounters, even to conversation.

“Mr. Parker! It’s wonderful to see you again,” Christine, one of the owners greets me.

“Thank you, Christine. It’s nice to be back.”

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen you here; I was beginning to think you had found somewhere else to play.”

“No, I’ve just been busy with work.”

“Not too many of our members go five months without visiting-”

“Five months? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I checked myself when security notified me you were here.”

“Ummm, I hadn’t realized it had been that long. I assure you though I haven’t been anywhere else; work has just been really hectic.”

“Good to hear. Please enjoy yourself this evening.”

When I enter the main room and take everything in, I realize it really has been a long time since I’ve been here. Most of the members are the same: I only recognize two new members, but it’s the middle of the work day, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more new members coming later this evening. I make my way over to the bar and order a scotch before taking a seat on one of the bar stools. I try thinking back to the last time I was here, and when I finally recall it, I realize that Christine was rightit has been close to six months since I’ve been here. When I first joined, I was here almost weekly, but eventually it dropped to once or twice a month. The last few months have been especially busy though; it’s the first time since I joined the Blue Moon that I’ve had a personal life, even if it’s a fake personal life.

“Nick, it’s so nice to see you again,” a brunette dressed in an incredibly tight dress stands next to me.

“Bree,” I nod in her direction.

“I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“I’ve heard.”

“Something you want to say?” I don’t appreciate the tone that she has.

“No… of course not.”


“I’m here for a little longer if you want to…” She gestures towards the hallway that leads to the private rooms that are available to members.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“Not right now.”

“If you change your mind, I’ll be here.”

As I watch Bree walk away, I can’t help but shake my head at the idea of fucking her again. She’s a sexy woman, don’t get me wrong, but she just looks… as if she’s trying too hard. The dress she is wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. It’s completely see through, making it obvious she’s not wearing anything underneath it. It’s pretty typical of Bree’s attire when she has been here, though I have no idea what she wears outside of the club, as this is the only place I’ve ever seen her. In fact, I don’t even know what she does for a living or really anything about her other than her sexual preferences. That’s all I’ve needed to know. She was a good fuck, but as she walks away from me, the thought of fucking her again does nothing for me.

I finish my scotch while looking around the room, trying to find someone that I can take into one of the back rooms. I don’t fuck women in the main room; some people prefer an audience, but I don’t. I’m not here for an audience; I’m here for privacy.

An hour later, I’ve downed a second scotch before giving up. I don’t know what it is, but today no one here appeals to me. There are a few women here alone today, all very beautiful, yet for some reason I don’t approach any of them. Instead, I leave the bar and head back to the security area where I retrieve my wallet and cell phone.

A few minutes later, I’m back in the warmth of the SUV, heading back to Accord Towers. I scroll through the many text messages from Cara that I received; a few while I was in the club and a few that I saw earlier but can’t stop going back to-like the ‘Pretty Woman’ one. The last picture of Kenzie grabbed my attention: she’s wearing a simple pair of jeans that accentuate her legs and ass. Her hair is pulled back, and she appears to be laughing at something when Cara snapped the picture.

Thanks for letting me steal Kenzie today! We had a great time shopping! Cara

I keep scrolling through the pictures Cara sent me again on the way back, unable to stop myself from looking at them. I chuckle at a few; I can see the obvious distaste for the outfits in Kenzie’s face as she poses for Cara. By the end, though, she looks like she is having a good time, and there’s even a picture of her and Cara posing together, that I can only assume Hunter or Ben took.

I’m about to put my phone away, when a picture catches my attention. Kenzie is dressed in a long off-white floor length gown that looks absolutely amazing on her. When I see that picture, suddenly everything becomes clear, and I start to formulate a plan. The moment I get back to the condo, I head into my office and start researching everything I need so I can be certain this is a viable option. I don’t know why I didn’t consider this before, but it’s perfect! This will get the press off my back and more importantly, should prove to my employees that they can have confidence in me and that my personal life will not affect my business decisions.

It takes a couple of hours, but I finally manage to put everything together that I think I need. I’ve texted Kenzie, now that I have her cell phone number, and she has agreed to come to my apartment so we can talk. As the time gets closer to Kenzie arriving, I find myself incredibly nervous at the thought of presenting everything to Kenzie. I don’t know how she’s going to feel about a new arrangement, especially one that is this significantly different from what we currently have.

“Mr. Parker, Ms. Rose has arrived,” Carter alerts me just before Kenzie steps into my office.

“Thank you, please come in, Kenzie,” I gesture for her to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. It’s obvious that she changed after she came back from shopping and was probably relaxing when I texted her. Now she is wearing a pair of tight, black pants with a just as tight light blue shirt that brings out her eyes. The shirt hugs her breasts while the pants highlight her ass. I immediately think back to our kiss the other the night outside her apartment and how it felt to have that beautiful body pressed against mine. I quickly shake my head and walk around the desk taking the seat next to Kenzie.

“Kenzie… we need to talk.”

“Okay…” I can tell by her voice that I’ve caught her off guard.

“I… I…” FUCK this is so much harder than I thought it would be. I need Kenzie to agree to this; I need Kenzie period. Without her, this won’t work, and I could lose everything. “I… I think we need to end our contract with Bridget.”

“Oh,” she immediately looks at the floor, no longer making eye contact with me. I’m trying to figure out the perfect way to say what I want to next, having completely forgotten everything I had previously prepared. “I… I’m sorry you feel that way, Nicholas. I guess I’ll see myself out.”

“What? No, wait, Kenzie!” I quickly grasp her wrist in mine before she has a chance to move more than a couple of feet from me. “I didn’t mean it like that; it came out wrong. Please sit back down.”

“So, you don’t want to end our contract with Bridget?” she asks cautiously sitting on the edge of the chair where she sat comfortably only a few minutes ago. I move my hand from her wrist, that I realized I was still grasping, down to her hand while I try to figure out the right wording for what I need to say next. All afternoon I thought about this moment-I planned exactly what to say, but now my mind is a complete clusterfuck.

“I do want to end our contract with Bridget, but…” I can command an entire board room of strangers, yet as I sit in my office before Kenzie, I’m a fucking, nervous wreck. I don’t recall ever being this nervous before

-I’ve never had so much at stake as I do right now. “I’d like to propose a different arrangement; one that is just between us. Bridget would no longer be involved.”

“A different arrangement?”

“Yes… I’d like for us to get married-”


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