Unwanted Heat

Chapter 116

Carter is standing at the beach entrance along with several other members of the security team that have been hired specifically for today. Most of the guests are already seated including my mother and Cara. My grandparents, Alex and Ella make up the final members of our guest list. Although it was Kenzie’s idea for the small, private ceremony, I have to admit this is exactly what I would have wanted if I were to plan my real wedding. Not having the press here and people I don’t really know who want to discuss investment strategies with me is exactly what I would have wanted.

Just as the music changes to one that everyone recognizes, Kenzie makes her entrance and completely takes my breath away. I can’t tell you how long it took her to walk down the aisle or what any of the guests did as she walked past them. My entire focus is on nothing but her. She looks absolutely stunning in her white dress. It is simple yet elegant and completely Kenzie, all at the same time. Her hair is arranged up off her shoulders but has several curled pieces that fall around her face. She carries a bouquet of blue and white flowers which match the small flowers in her hair. She looks confident and sure of herself as she walks toward me. She looks like the woman I first met on the sidewalk so many months ago. “Hi,” she whispers when I meet her just before the altar.

“You look beautiful, truly breathtaking, Kenzie,” I whisper before kissing her on the cheek and leading her the final couple of steps to the altar.

“Ladies and Gentleman, we are here on this beautiful day to witness the marriage between…”

I tune the officiant out and instead focus only on Kenzie, who seems to be doing the same thing I am. Her gaze meets mine and she smiles softly, squeezing my hand. She doesn’t seem nervous at all-she seems very relaxed which is reassuring. I was afraid that she would change her mind, especially when she spent the night alone last night. I thought perhaps once she had time to process what I did the other night, that she would realize that she didn’t want to do this any longer. Even though I hate the thought of her leaving, I wouldn’t blame her after the memory I triggered. Yet, here she is, standing before me and my family committing to follow through with the insane arrangement I proposed to her only two weeks ago.

“And now Kenzie and Nicholas will exchange their vows,” the officiant thankfully pulls me back to reality just in time for our part of the ceremony. Kenzie and I had picked out vows a few days ago and decided to memorize them rather than repeat after someone.

“Kenzie, today I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding and speak to you with encouragement. Let us be partners and friends, today and all of the days that follow.”

Kenzie repeats the vows to me, once again squeezing my hand as she says the words. We searched the internet for many hours before finding vows that we thought could fit our very unique situation. Too many vows focused on loving each other or being lovers. While this marriage may be an arrangement between the two of us, I wanted the words we exchanged to each other to be as true as possible. When Kenzie found these vows, it just seemed perfect for our situation. We have laughed together, comforted and supported each other and are truly partners in this arrangement we have.

We recite the standard lines as we exchange our wedding bands. Kenzie’s band matches her engagement ring perfectly, as they was custom made as a set. My band is simple: a band of white gold with today’s date inscribed on the inside.

“Kenzie and Nicholas, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

I lean down, placing my lips on Kenzie’s, as my arms encircle her waist. I love how soft her dress feels when I touch her; I love that I can feel her soft curves beneath the dress. Her hands grasp my arms tightly when I gently coax her mouth open. Feeling her against me and how soft her body is, I’m tempted to drag her back to my hotel room right now, forgetting all about how complicated things would be between us in bed. I’m tempted to say fuck it all when the officiant clears his throat and I hear everyone chuckle. Kenzie’s face is a deep red as we pull apart from each other.

“Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great honor to introduce to you, for the first time ever Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Parker!”

Our guests applaud as Kenzie and I walk down the aisle hand in hand where we meet the photographer who we hired for today. We spend the next hour posing for pictures before heading back to the small banquet room for dinner.

“Kenzie, Nicholas, I couldn’t be happier for you two,” my mom greets us as soon as we walk in. “I knew the moment I met you, Kenzie, that you were the one for Nicholas. Before I left that day I even told him not to let you get away. I saw how much you cared for my son, and I feel like we’ve watched you two fall in love since then. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to call you my daughter, Kenzie; welcome to our family.”

“Vivienne,” Kenzie gasps before my mom hugs her tightly.

“Son, take good care of this amazing woman you have here. I’m so happy that you found someone who loves you for who you are. You have made your father and I so proud over the years, but today, watching you commit your entire future to this woman, couldn’t make either of us prouder of you.”

I have no words for my mother-guilt washes over me as I let her words sink in.

“Nicholas! Kenzie!” Cara greets us next, thankfully ending this guilt ridden moment.

Kenzie and I spend the next few minutes speaking with each of our guests before heading to the private table at the front of the room. We’re not having a typical wedding reception since our wedding was so small and casual. We will have dinner, Kenzie and I will dance and then cake will be served. Most of the important things will be done, but it won’t be several hours long like most wedding receptions are. In less than three hours, we will be back on the jet where we will take off for our honeymoon.

“I feel horrible,” Kenzie whispers after we sit down.

“What’s the matter? Are you sick? Do you need a doctor?” I’m immediately alarmed, she has never complained of not feeling well.

“Not that kind of horrible,” she assures me. “What your mother said…”

“I know and I’m sorry. I never expected her to get so emotional over this. I guess I didn’t think… I didn’t realize how this would affect all of them.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I hate that we’re lying to them. I hate that she’s already thinking of me as her daughter and in two years, she is going to hate me-”

“I promise you, when this is over no one in my family will hate you. I won’t let them think negatively of you, I promise.”

“You can’t guarantee that, Nicholas,” she sighs. “God, if they ever found out this was all a lie-”

“They won’t. They will never know that we lied to them. We’ve covered our bases, no one but you, me and Carter know what today was really about. I promise you, Kenzie, I will do everything in my power to ensure they know you didn’t do anything wrong. They will not blame you when we end this. I’ll let them blame me-”

“No! I don’t want them to be mad at you either.”

“Let’s not worry about this now. When the time comes, I’ll find a way to take care of everything, I promise.”

I can see her try to relax, but I know she is struggling just as much as I am with what my mother said. I never thought about how this would impact my family; I didn’t expect them to get so attached to Kenzie. I vow to find a way to make this right before we dissolve our marriage. I won’t let them think badly of her for what will ultimately be my decision. With everything that she has done for me, the least I can do is to accept full blame when the time comes for the divorce.

The rest of the reception flies by quickly; we eat our dinner and dance the customary first dance together. The cake is cut and we take our final pictures before Carter and Hunter escort us to the SUV where our bags from earlier have already been loaded.

“Kenzie… thank you again for doing all of this. I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me and how much I appreciate what you are doing. This is for you,” I hand her the envelope that Carter gave me when we boarded the private jet, “to show you how much I appreciate everything you are doing for me.”

“What is this?”

“Just a little something to say thank you.”

“NICHOLAS!!!” she gasps when she opens the envelope and realizes what she is holding. “I CANNOT accept this!”

“The deed is in your name, the bakery is yours.”

“When… how… I thought the bakery was sold a while ago?”

“It was, to me.”

“But we hadn’t… we weren’t engaged then!” she looks around the room to ensure that no one can hear us. Carter is in the back as he is the only member of our security team joining us on our honeymoon. The flight crew are busy preparing the plane for takeoff so they can’t overhear anything.

“When I bought the bakery, my intention was to give it to you when we terminated our… original agreement. It was always with the intent to thank you for what you have done for me. You have gone above and beyond what I ever expected when I signed the contract with Bridget. I never expected to find someone I would consider my closest friend, someone I would tell my secrets to or someone that would even consider doing this for me. You amaze me, Kenzie, in all that you do. This is merely an attempt to thank you for that.”

“Nicholas… I….” she stutters trying to figure out what to say. “I never expected you out of my contract with Bridget. I thought I would end up with some stuffy business man, who could have cared less about me. I never thought I would find someone I could trust, someone I felt… safe with. I haven’t had a friend in a very long time… you are truly my best friend-”

“Kenzie,” I pull her close to me as a tear falls from her eye. I rub her back and just hold her against me. Her head is on my shoulder, her arm around my stomach as she tries to hug me back.

“I don’t know the first thing about running a bakery! What if I screw it up?”

“You won’t. Ginny has agreed to work on site with you for the first year, and she will teach you everything you need to know. After the first year, she has agreed to consult with you from a distance for up to three additional years or until you feel comfortable.”

“Nicholas… I… I can’t accept this.”

“It’s in your name-the bakery is yours.”

“I don’t know what to say. No one has ever…”

“You don’t need to say anything. This is nothing compared to what you are giving me especially after today.”

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