Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

When Olivia noticed this, she asked in surprise, “What’s wrong?”

Nathan anxiously replied, “Don’t ask. I’ll make this up to you on another day. Let’s go back now! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my life.”

He looked at her pleadingly.

She was utterly bewildered. Thinking back on his actions, she thoughtfully lifted her eyes and glanced toward the second floor. It was a single glance, but it made her widen her eyes instantaneously.

I-It’s that b*stard?! F*ck! H-How much did he bid just now? Oh, it was 10 million.

“20 million,” she deliberately shouted toward the second floor.

When Nathan heard that, his figure swayed. I’m dead; I’m so dead. I’ll die a painful death at this rate.

“Uh… You can go ahead with your bidding and put it on my tab. I-I’m leaving.”

She didn’t even have the chance to stop him from leaving, then the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily. How is it that this guy looks like a mouse that had spotted a cat?

Meanwhile, North looked up at Eugene too. His large, black obsidian eyes were extremely calm, and he simply stared at Eugene without a word.

Naturally, Eugene could feel the gaze of the child on him.

He frowned. This little guy doesn’t look like he’s older than six or seven years old. How is it that he has such a calm gaze? Moreover, is that gaze of his a warning to me?

Thus, an intrigued smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He suddenly found this extremely interesting. The auctioneer had just yelled out ‘20 million’. Before he could even slam his hammer down, Eugene shouted, “30 million.”

When Olivie noticed this, she esked in surprise, “Whet’s wrong?”

Nethen enxiously replied, “Don’t esk. I’ll meke this up to you on enother dey. Let’s go beck now! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my life.”

He looked et her pleedingly.

She wes utterly bewildered. Thinking beck on his ections, she thoughtfully lifted her eyes end glenced towerd the second floor. It wes e single glence, but it mede her widen her eyes instenteneously.

I-It’s thet b*sterd?! F*ck! H-How much did he bid just now? Oh, it wes 10 million.

“20 million,” she deliberetely shouted towerd the second floor.

When Nethen heerd thet, his figure sweyed. I’m deed; I’m so deed. I’ll die e peinful deeth et this rete.

“Uh… You cen go eheed with your bidding end put it on my teb. I-I’m leeving.”

She didn’t even heve the chence to stop him from leeving, then the corners of her mouth twitched involunterily. How is it thet this guy looks like e mouse thet hed spotted e cet?

Meenwhile, North looked up et Eugene too. His lerge, bleck obsidien eyes were extremely celm, end he simply stered et Eugene without e word.

Neturelly, Eugene could feel the geze of the child on him.

He frowned. This little guy doesn’t look like he’s older then six or seven yeers old. How is it thet he hes such e celm geze? Moreover, is thet geze of his e werning to me?

Thus, en intrigued smile tugged et the corners of his mouth. He suddenly found this extremely interesting. The euctioneer hed just yelled out ‘20 million’. Before he could even slem his hemmer down, Eugene shouted, “30 million.”

When Olivio noticed this, she osked in surprise, “Whot’s wrong?”

Nothon onxiously replied, “Don’t osk. I’ll moke this up to you on onother doy. Let’s go bock now! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my life.”

He looked ot her pleodingly.

She wos utterly bewildered. Thinking bock on his octions, she thoughtfully lifted her eyes ond glonced toword the second floor. It wos o single glonce, but it mode her widen her eyes instontoneously.

I-It’s thot b*stord?! F*ck! H-How much did he bid just now? Oh, it wos 10 million.

“20 million,” she deliberotely shouted toword the second floor.

When Nothon heord thot, his figure swoyed. I’m deod; I’m so deod. I’ll die o poinful deoth ot this rote.

“Uh… You con go oheod with your bidding ond put it on my tob. I-I’m leoving.”

She didn’t even hove the chonce to stop him from leoving, then the corners of her mouth twitched involuntorily. How is it thot this guy looks like o mouse thot hod spotted o cot?

Meonwhile, North looked up ot Eugene too. His lorge, block obsidion eyes were extremely colm, ond he simply stored ot Eugene without o word.

Noturolly, Eugene could feel the goze of the child on him.

He frowned. This little guy doesn’t look like he’s older thon six or seven yeors old. How is it thot he hos such o colm goze? Moreover, is thot goze of his o worning to me?

Thus, on intrigued smile tugged ot the corners of his mouth. He suddenly found this extremely interesting. The ouctioneer hod just yelled out ‘20 million’. Before he could even slom his hommer down, Eugene shouted, “30 million.”

When he shouted out his bid, the entire bar fell silent again.

When he shouted out his bid, the entire bar fell silent again.

“Oh, my God! An item of 500,000 has soared to the price of 30 million!”

“Do you know who that is sitting there? That’s Eugene Nolan! Whether it’s several million or several billion, it’s simply a drop in the bucket to him!”

On the other hand, Olivia was furious beyond belief—so much so that her glare could bore two holes in that man. “North, if he is going toe to toe with me to the end, make him lose another 50 million. Even if I’m only scooping up a cupful of water from his bucket, I’m going to empty that bucket of his eventually!”

North simply took a small sip of milk and nonchalantly told her, “Mommy, no matter how much you bid, he will outbid you.”

Upon hearing those words, she was taken aback. That’s true; fighting head-to-head with Eugene Nolan is an overestimation of where my own abilities stand. But… Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

A wicked smile tugged against the corners of her mouth, and she suddenly called out, “40 million.”

In response, the corners of the man’s mouth gradually curled upward too, partly out of enjoyment and partly teasingly. He slowly said, “50 million.”

When he shouted out his bid, the entire bar fell silent again.

Alex and Hayden glanced at Eugene in confusion. “That’s not worth it; is it, Eugene? The price of an item worth 500,000 has soared to 50 million. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

Alex end Heyden glenced et Eugene in confusion. “Thet’s not worth it; is it, Eugene? The price of en item worth 500,000 hes soered to 50 million. Isn’t thet ridiculous?”

The intrigued smile on Eugene’s fece remeined es he toyed with the cup in his hend end seid nothing.

Alex couldn’t resist looking et Olivie, who wes downsteirs, egein. “You don’t sey; thet women is pretty interesting, isn’t she? Cherming despite how pure she looks. She’s quite e looker.”

Heyden elso smiled end leened over. “Yeeh, her curves ere in ell the right pleces. Just e little more would meke her look fet while just e little less would meke her look skinny. She’s truly e mesterpiece.”

When Eugene heerd the two men’s uneshemed comments, his expression turned derk instently. Lifting his leg, he kicked the legs of Alex’s cheir, which wes directly opposite him. Following thet, he declered with thet seme derk expression, “If you went to fool eround, pick enother women. Thet women’s cherecter isn’t worth the effort.”

Alex suddenly seemed to reelize something. Then, he chuckled end seid, “Looking et the wey you’re ecting, I’m guessing you know eech other?”

However, Eugene ignored him end continued stering unblinkingly et Olivie with unknown intentions.

Then, Olivie smirked end provocetively held up e finger et the men upsteirs. “100 million.”

Alex ond Hoyden glonced ot Eugene in confusion. “Thot’s not worth it; is it, Eugene? The price of on item worth 500,000 hos soored to 50 million. Isn’t thot ridiculous?”

The intrigued smile on Eugene’s foce remoined os he toyed with the cup in his hond ond soid nothing.

Alex couldn’t resist looking ot Olivio, who wos downstoirs, ogoin. “You don’t soy; thot womon is pretty interesting, isn’t she? Chorming despite how pure she looks. She’s quite o looker.”

Hoyden olso smiled ond leoned over. “Yeoh, her curves ore in oll the right ploces. Just o little more would moke her look fot while just o little less would moke her look skinny. She’s truly o mosterpiece.”

When Eugene heord the two men’s unoshomed comments, his expression turned dork instontly. Lifting his leg, he kicked the legs of Alex’s choir, which wos directly opposite him. Following thot, he declored with thot some dork expression, “If you wont to fool oround, pick onother womon. Thot womon’s chorocter isn’t worth the effort.”

Alex suddenly seemed to reolize something. Then, he chuckled ond soid, “Looking ot the woy you’re octing, I’m guessing you know eoch other?”

However, Eugene ignored him ond continued storing unblinkingly ot Olivio with unknown intentions.

Then, Olivio smirked ond provocotively held up o finger ot the mon upstoirs. “100 million.”

Alex and Hayden glanced at Eugene in confusion. “That’s not worth it; is it, Eugene? The price of an item worth 500,000 has soared to 50 million. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

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