Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 46

“Please, Sophia… Look at me.”

Something like a magnet pulled me towards him and I turned around and faced him. Immediately I gasped, shocked at what I saw!

His face looked battered! But even with all that, he still looked good in a white T-shirt and jeans with his perfect hair. I almost felt bad for him but he was the one who picked a fight with Sean in the first place. I remembered how Sean suffered in pain last night because of him! All sense of pity I had for him flew out the window.

“What are you doing here?” I crossed my arms angrily.

He looked around him as if he just noticed where he really was.

“Errr… shopping?” It sounded more like a question than an answer. It’s so obvious that he’s lying.

“Really?” I asked incredulously. “And what could you be shopping for in the women’s section?”

“Um… a handbag.” He swallowed.

“Hmmm, so you and I just happen to be shopping at the exact same store on a Sunday afternoon. That’s a little bizarre don’t you think?” He didn’t say anything. “So who is she?”

“Who?” His face scrunched up in confusion.

“The lady you’re getting a handbag. It’s not for yourself, is it?”

“Oh, um… my grandmother.”

Oh cut the crap! It’s very clear that you were following me!

I wanted to snap at him but I decided to play along with his little lies. Let’s see how far they’ll take him.

“Ok. That’s very thoughtful of you. Do you need my help picking out something nice for her?” I smiled.

“That’ll be fantastic.” He smiled back.

I took him round to see some handbags. They were all expensive and look like they cost a fortune! But they were also very beautiful. There was a pretty pink one that totally caught my eye. Too bad I’ll never have it.

“Personally, which do you like best?” He asked me.

“I like that one but this is not about me, it about your ‘grandma’… something like this would be more appropriate for her.” I pointed at a smaller bag suitable for older people. I checked the tag and saw $745! My eyes almost popped out!!

“I’m sure she would like the same thing as you Sophia. Il’d take the pink one.”

If that bag cost $745, I can’t imagine what the pink one would cost. I picked it up and looked at its tag… $950!

“I think it’s perfect for her!” I grinned. He wasn’t really going to blow a thousand dollars on a handbag for his supposed ‘grandma’ so he should just cut the crap now.

I handed him the bag and he checked the price too however, he didn’t seem to bothered about it.

“Where do I pay?”

“Really? Are you sure you still want to-”

“Yes, Sophia. You said it was perfect right? And you like it.”

“But I didn’t think you were really going to get it!”

“And why not?”

“Never mind.” I scoffed. It’s his money, he can do whatever he wants with it. We went to the till and the attendant scanned and packaged the bag.

I was still waiting for him to stop and tell me that he only came into this store because of me and he never wanted to buy this in the first place. But when I saw him bring out his card from his wallet I knew he wasn’t going to.

“Stop! Mr Wilson, what are you doing?!” I yelped.

“Paying for the bag-”

“Oh please! That’s not why you’re here and we both know it! You don’t need to prove anything to me by wasting your money. You’re not here to buy anything because you’re following me!”

He stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Before I knew it he swiped his card on the machine and finalized his purchase.

“Thank you sir.” The attendant smiled, happy that she managed to sell.

“You’re crazy you know that right?” I told him.

“Not everything is about you Sophia.” He took the bag from her.

“Oh yeah? Well, now that you’ve gotten what you needed you can leave. I’m glad I helped you.” I turned to walk away but he grabbed my by my arm and pulled me back.

“Okay! Okay! I was following you! And I wasn’t shopping for my grandmother either.” He sighed.

I smiled, happy that he finally admitted it.

“So you just spent a thousand dollars out of joblessness? Why are you following me? Are you bored or something?” This man is insane.

“This bag is yours Sophia.” He said.


“Let’s just say it’s a birthday present from me to you. Happy Birthday.” He handed it to me.

Happiness filled me up and all I wanted was to take it from him but I couldn’t. Let’s not forget that he’s a total jerk.

“Thank you for the gesture but I’m sorry Mr Wilson, I cannot accept any gifts from you.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to! I also don’t appreciate you following me, I felt like someone was watching me. That was you wasn’t it? What do you want from me? Why are you bothering me now that I’ve quit?”

“Sophia I don’t mean to bother you, I just wanted to see you today.”


“Because it’s your birthday.”

“What’s it to you?”

“Sophia I have always bought you presents on your birthday. Why are you rejecting this time?”

“Because I don’t work for you anymore and I want nothing to do with you. Please excuse me.” I turned and left.

I walked away and thankfully, he didn’t follow me. I found Lily and Phoebe somewhere. They had already finished so we all left to the electric cinema.

During the whole movie I couldn’t stop thinking about Mr Wilson. How he manages to annoy me and captivate me at the same time. He looked so handsome today apart from those red cuts on his face. I’ll be lying if I said I wasn’t glad about our encounter today. I was so happy he remembered that it was my birthday. The feeling also annoyed me so much! I wasn’t angry at him but at myself, how I liked being noticed by him. But he irritates me. I honestly can’t stand him! Today in church, I even prayed for these feelings I have for him to finally go away and never come back and that’s what needs to happen. I need to be free of him!

“Sophia, what are you thinking about?” Phoebe brought me back to where we were.

“Nothing I’m watching the movie.”

“No you’re not.” She laughed. I laughed too. “Don’t let him get to you okay?”

“Okay.” I smiled. I knew she was referring to Mr Wilson.


Lily and I took a taxi home after dropping Phoebe off at hers. When I got to my door I wasn’t expecting a huge package waiting for me.

I asked Alfred who the package was from, he was an old man, more or less like the valet of the building but he had no idea who had left it.

“What if it’s a bomb?” Lily said.

“Don’t be silly! Who would leave a bomb at the front of my door?” I looked at her.

“I don’t know… your ex-boss?”

I ignored her completely and opened the door to my apartment. I brought the box inside, it wasn’t heavy at all.

“Maybe it’s from my mum. She probably posted it and instructed for it to be delivered today.”

“Yeah, that makes more sense. Open it let’s see what’s inside!” Lily said a little bit too excited.

I rolled my eyes at her and opened to box. I was filled with fury when I saw what was inside!

“Wow! That’s a really pretty bag Sophia! Who’s it from?”

“That hooligan! I told him I didn’t want it! Ugh! Why does he have to be such a brute!” I screamed.

“Is it your ex-boss?”

“Who else?!”

“Why are you so upset? I would kill to have this! Look here there’s a note in the box as well.”

“I don’t want to read it. Why is he bothering me now? Before, he never wanted anything to do with me.”

“Maybe he’s realized his mistake. And Sophia, trust me. You really need to read this note. It’s important.” She said after reading it herself.

I took the stupid note and read it.

Happy Birthday Love,

Please don’t be furious when you see this, just accept my present as you always have.

Concerning your resignation, you did not give an appropriate notice. Your contract requires a notice period of at least two weeks. If you don’t show up at work tomorrow then you will be in breach and my employment lawyers would be entitled to sue your for damages. As much as I wouldn’t like that to happen, please show up. I would like to see your pretty face again tomorrow.


“Oh my gosh! I had totally forgotten about my notice period! That means I still have to go to work for another two weeks!” I cried.

“Are you kidding? How could you forget that? And I don’t even think two weeks is an appropriate notice period. You’ve been working with your boss for a pretty long time. You have to give him a month at the very least, it’s not going to be easy for him to find a replacement.”

“What can I do Lily? You know all the legal stuff. I don’t want him to sue me and I also don’t want to go back to work for him. Not even for a day!”

“I’m afraid you have to. You can’t just leave a company just like that Sophia. There are processes.”

“Ugh!” I slumped on the couch.

That imbecile wasn’t planning on letting me go!

Not anytime soon.

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