Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

I never believed in love at first sight.

I had no reason to. I never felt comfortable with any of my loved ones the moment we met.

I fought with Frankie for whole three months before letting him give me a handshake and I was only


I used to glare at Liz a lot when we met up for projects.

Jason and I went through a whole phase of ??acquaintances with business benefits?? before I felt an

ounce of love towards him.

Even to Robbie; what I felt at first was not love. Admiration yes, but not love.

So I thought love at first was just a fairy tale.

Until I fell in love at one look of those precious pearls of eyes.

I missed her already and her daddy took her off my arms only an hour ago.

For vaccinations. I winced. Her tiny body was only as big as syringe. Should they really give her shots?

I knew the importance of the vaccination but it did not ease up my anxiety.

Right on cue, I heard the wail of Princess.

My heart pained at the sound. She was not supposed to cry.

No one thought of making every vaccines oral?

I scowled.

Robbie was frowning with her on his shoulder. God, she was so small that her feet did not even reach

his chest.

There were several colourful Band-Aids on her body and my heart broke.

??Uuuhhhuuh... It is all over Baby Angel. You can stop crying now.?? Robbie was trying his best but

honestly it was not much.

Her body stretched in anguish and anger as her cries intensified. ??Angel, she is fine. If you also start

crying, I am going to lose it.?? Robbie pleaded.

??Give.?? I climbed on the bed; stretching my arms and she cuddled up to my chest still crying.

??Oooh... oohhh... Sweet Baby. Let me see.?? I gently brushed her head and kissed her palm.


??Uhh huh? Did they hurt you! Oh how dare they! I am gonna pinch them hard, you hear. I will pinch

them for hurting you...??

God! I could not stand her wails.

??Oh, was that daddy?... huh! He did what? Took you there? Oh, daddy, you come here.?? I pulled

Robbie by his ears. ??Why did you let them hurt my baby? Why? Now, look, she is sad.??

??Baby Angel.?? He leaned to kissed her on the forehead and she was not having it, waving her arms

all around. Her poor betrayed heart. Robbie looked like he was also on verge of crying. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

??Oh, my precious baby...?? I rocked her slowly, ??Daddy is sorry, he wants you to grow up healthy,

you know. Your tiny body cannot fight all the bad things alone, so daddy took you there to get help.

Now, let him kiss you... He is also sad, look.??

I chuckled at Robbie??s exaggerated pout but it did the trick, she let him give her a small kiss. Either

she was too tired to stay angry or she also fell for his pout like I always did.

She whimpered some more but slowly calmed down and hummed at my talking and fell asleep. Her

tiny fist right on my heart. I kept on gently rocking her, taking in the several bandages.

??Doctor said she might get a mild fever, but if she starts crying non-stop we should call her down


I nodded.

??She tried to stay calm but the third shot got her.?? Robbie rubbed away a stray tear on Princess??s


The nurse, Nancy, came in and checked my sleeping baby, smiling. ??She calmed down???

??Yeah, just a few moments ago.??

??Everything is fine; it is normal for babies to cry when pricked. I still don??t like when they inject me

and I am a nurse.?? Nancy patted my shoulder. ??Please call me if she wakes up crying.??

I nodded. ??Thank you.??

She handed me a paper filled with the details of the check-up and the vaccines taken, before leaving.

??Angel... Do you have a favourite girl name???

??Why do you ask???


??I think I like Amelia the most... It is a cute name. Don??t you think? Though Elsie is adorable too.

Mom wanted to name me Amelia if I was a girl. Dad named me Ace, saying I would be a champion

when I grow up.?? I giggled, thinking myself as Amelia. ??What is yours???

He smirked.

He pushed number 9 on the hospital phone and called the receptionist. ??We are ready.??

??Ready for what???

The bastard sighed and placed his head on my knee. I should stop calling him bastard even in my

head. I wouldn??t want Princess to start calling Robbie ??bastard?? though it would be cute.

Nope, not cute.


I huffed when he pretended to fall asleep with fake snores. ??Are you sure you are old enough to have

a baby??? I asked, rolling my eyes at his grin.

??Did you call my mom and tell her that I am staying here with you???

??I did. She said she will talk to the Dean. Oh, your friend Rupert called Jason, give him a call


I had forgot all about my college and friends. Shit! Liam! I had to call him tomorrow.

??Robbie, can you please transfer a couple of hundred dollars to Ned??s account???


??Details are with Jason. I wanted to buy Liam some stuff. I will send him the list tomorrow. You, pretty

Princess, are making me forget things.?? I whispered to the sleeping baby in mock-anger and gently

brushed a kiss.

Nancy came back again, with a clip-board.

??Have you decided Mr. Brantley???

??Yes.?? He smiled at me mysteriously. What was he thinking? I frowned at him confused.


??Amelia Angeline Brantley is her name.??

??That is a beautiful name, Mr. Brantley. You are serious when you say she is your angel. Amelia

Angeline Brantley. Can I fill up the form now???

??Yes please, and thank you. Do you believe in angels, Nancy??? Robbie asked staring at me.

??Yes, Sir. I have one of my own at home. Though sometimes he could be an adorable devil. Started

kindergarten this year.?? Nancy laughed. ??I will be going now. Please rest, Mr. Brantley. Tomorrow is

another day.??

??See you later Nancy. Now my angels are here with me, I can indeed get some rest.??

Nancy was confused but she politely smiled and waved at me before leaving.

??She has a crush on you.?? Robbie glared at the closed door.

I rolled my eyes. ??Not everyone has a crush on me, Robbie. Hold me.?? Princess needed to sleep on

her cradle. Robbie helped me get up from the bed without jostling... Amelia?

I slowly transferred her to the cradle.

??Robbie... do you think it is a good idea???

??Which one, I have lots of good ideas.?? He hugged me from behind. Why was he behaving like this?

He had a baby now, an adorable angel, shouldn??t he be with her mother?

??Is it okay to name her Amelia, I mean, it is the name I like. You should discuss it with... with... the

mother.?? Fuck, why was it getting difficult with each second. How long before I completely broke?

??I did.?? He announced happily.


??Actually she was the one to suggest the second name, when we talked Madam said, since I call her

my baby angel, it should be something related to that... So I came up with Angeline. It fits her perfectly,

don??t you think, my Angel???

??Yes, it fits perf... wait... Madam???

??Your mother, baby... who else??? He kissed my cheek and went to answer the ringing phone in


What was his deal with Janice? I meant her. She was the mother, why was he not including her in

anything? Did he not love her? Did he... love me?

I frowned.

I rubbed my aching eyes. I was going to explode one day, this wait, this emotions, this confusion was

going to be death of me.

A deep smell of something stinky filled my nose.

I smiled down at the tiny little culprit. ??Sweet baby.?? I whispered and gently picked her up to change


At least, I had my ray of sunshine in my cloudy life.

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