Their forced luna

Chapter 35

Chapter 35


Yale walked up to the shield, tipping his head back and studying it.

"So much for your plan," I spat at him.

He ignored the spittle. "You think that I have to worry about that? Think, Luna. How do you think we got

into the shield in the first place? Infiltration, I know the weaknesses of this defense of theirs. For most it Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

would be unbreakable, insurmountable, impossible."

He was really annoying me at this point. But I still understood what he was trying to say. He had figured

out a weakness to this shield of Zale's. The hope of him being slowed down here was dashed.

"Everything has a weakness, and this shield has one that I can handle." He smirked. "You might want

to hold on, Luna. We're about to go for a ride."

I didn't get a chance to ask him what he meant when he crouched low to the ground, then jumped

straight into the air, easily the height of an entire tree. I screamed and clung to him, not wanting to fall.

We came crashing back down, but we were on the other side of the barrier. He had simply jumped over

it, a height that didn't seem possible from before.

"The weakness is at the top, it's just a little sizzle up there when you go through. Not like the bottom

that's likely to boil your blood."

I struggled against him. The reality of the situation was setting in. If I went with him, if I didn't get away, I

was going to get killed. Everything I'd done to this point would be worthless.

The force of Ares in my mind was like a volcano erupting. The wolf was furious, his rage lapped at me

like a living thing. "Mine!" he growled into my ears.

I didn't get a chance to communicate with him. He kicked Barb to the side. "What the hell?" she


But Ares didn't seem to care. "I can't hold back anymore, the others will have to just survive on their

own. There's no way in hell I'm letting you go, Luna."

Yale froze in the snow, glancing down at me. "Prime, you think you can just take her over and win

against me?"

Ares didn't bother asking for permission. He forced me to shift. My bones broke under his force, my

skin tearing as he rushed the shift. It was painful and I couldn't stop the screams from erupting. "She's

mine," Ares snarled, his full wolf form on display. We were the size of a horse, Yale looked small in


But the man also didn't look worried. "Such a brutal means, Alpha. You'd hurt your own Luna to come

after me? Pathetic."

"I'm not so stupid, demon. I know what would happen to her if you get any farther away with her. I won't

let you turn her into some puppet." Ares leapt at the supposed demon.

Yale blinked out of sight. One second he'd been there, but the next I couldn't see him. Ares stretched

his head around, scanning the environment until he saw the man sitting on a tree branch. "You'll have

to be faster than that, you saw what happened to her foot, right?"

Ares didn't look to see what he was talking about, but I turned my attention to it. A deep cut was carved

into our front paw. I felt the pain, but Ares didn't hesitate. There was no wasted movements to the

Prime. He lunged at the tree branch. For a split second there was a flash of surprise in Yale's eyes

before they narrowed and he backflipped off the branch and onto the ground.

But there was another black wolf waiting there. He was just as big as Ares but his body was covered in

horrible burns. That didn't stop him.

Yale turned hearing the growl behind him. A wave of black formed in his hand, but he didn't have time

to attack the new wolf. Ares bit into his side. The demon screamed at the attack.

The other wolf took the change to bite Yale's head clean off, and together the two of them savaged the

body until nothing was left.

I wanted off this ride. My entire body was trembling. Ares trotted back to the shield, studying it. He

growled at the other wolf. "Go first."

The wolf grunted, spitting out the remains of Yale. They had turned a deep black, almost purple. "Burn

my ass again?" Javier's voice was unmistakable. "Sure, you should have stopped it before you go over

the damn shield. You don't know how it feels to be fried from the inside, Ares."

Ares shrugged. "I won't let her experience it, so go, short circuit it with your own body. Don't worry, I'll

make sure Bo is forced to nurse you back to health, once he heals up some."

Javier took a running leap and hit the barrier hard with his shoulder. His teeth drew back the second he

hit and sparks flew across his fur. He helped at the pain but the shield did flicker.

"Our turn," Ares announced, and without giving me a chance to tell him no way, the wolf leapt into the

air, and straight at the shield.

We hit it during one of the flickers and slid through. A second later Javier's body toppled through as

well. He smelled burnt and smoke drifted from his body. He whimpered but offered us a ragged grin.

"Good thing I don't obey orders well, huh?" he asked.

Ares snorted. "Yes, great job on disobeying Zale for the hundredth time or so. I'm sure he'll give you a

cookie for the honor. Summon the pack, our problems on both sides are far more dangerous than we

ever realized."

Dangerous? I had to wonder what he was talking about but Javier just grunted and tilted his head back,

letting out more of a yowl than a howl. Job done he stumbled forward and fell into the snow, his eyes

closing. "Just, need a nap princess," he grumbled before his body went still.

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