The Were CEO’s Secret

Chapter Fourteen – A distraction.

(Warning: Presence of brutality, torture and bloody scenes)

There was a shootout in the neighborhood, two buildings away from a famous gun dealer shop.

Some men, wearing dark blue suits wrestling with some thieves inside the dealer’s shop. The dealer had passed out on the ground and a man was pulling him away.

“Open fire on the scums!” a female voice roared and in a flash minute, bullets were shot in the air, followed by a chilling silence. More bodies were scattered on the floor.

Alpha Luciana stepped out from behind the men of dark blue suits and carefully trotted, being cautious not to step on the dead people, towards the arm dealer’s shop.

She peeked on, and with her wolf vision, saw two figures still inside the house.

Not sure if they were hostages or foes, she signaled her female warriors to retrieve the arms shipment.

“Cole, send in the cars, the shipment is on the way!” she spoke to her speakerphone.

Minutes after speaking a cold shiver ran through her making her hairs stand. Her wolf jolted inside her. Something was happening.

“Shift!” Selina, her wolf, ordered. The Alpha brushed her off and watched her female warriors come out of the arms dealer’s shop, uninjured and with the package. She felt the two figures still in the room but they made no form of attack.

“The cars are here!” Cole informed and Luciana could see the Mercedes riding to her.

“The packages are ready, take them back… “.


There was a loud explosion, rising to the air and engulfing the cars and some of the men of suits.

The Alpha and her female warriors were tumbled back by the force. Luciana had to let Selina out to gain balance before landing.

With crinkled eyes, Luciana wobbled to her feet. One quarter of her men had passed out. Two of the female warriors were down.

She felt another figure returning to the dealers shop. They weren’t hostages. They were bombers.

“Bring out those bastards at the shop!” she mind-linked to a warrior. She glanced at the crashed cars and signaled another warrior to check on the victims.

They were at least four persons in both cars, including Cole. If these bastards dare kill her Beta, they would wish they never existed.

Two men and a shabby looking girl was dragged out of the shop, droplets of blood were running own their lips. Luciana snarled at them, slapping one of them with her claws. His eyes rolled back and she held unto his face then tore his gullet out of his neck.

“No, no!”, “Please spare me”, “I was directed to do it. I swear, forgive me!”.

Their pleas were nothing to her. She slammed the other two bodies together and threw them to a warriors, who had shifted to wolf form.

The warrior threw the thieves back to her Alpha and the female thief fell unconscious on hitting the ground. The male had a busted head. He cried, crawling away from the ferocious wolf growling angrily at him.

“Alpha! Cole is alive. The others passed out! More cars are coming!”.

Luciana turned to the man who had messaged her. He bowed and looked over at the crashed car, Cole was being helped out.

“Aren’t you lucky!” She smirked, shifting back to her humans form. A warrior wrapped a robe around her, but she took the belt, whirling it around her hands.

“Your death would be easier now!” she sent the belt to the man’s neck and dragged him forward, tightening it around his neck. She petted his face as it turned red and redder till blood came out of his eyes. She let his body fall.

The girl gained consciousness and Luciana knew it came with throbbing headache. She tied the bloody belt on her robe, covering her body.

“Get her up!” she commanded her warrior, “You two, send the shipment and the injured members back to the pack. I can handle these one!”. Few warriors bowed and went on with their command.

“Please, please, let me go! I won’t… I won’t cross your path ever again!” the girl pleaded.

The Alpha curled her lips and shook her head. That wasn’t convincing enough. Not everyone crossed her path yet they died by her hands. It wasn’t a prerequisite to cross her path then meet death, just cross her black list and you’re as well as dead. And the little bitch just did.

“Honey, I’d ask you few questions before sending you off as peacefully as I can. Who sent you to steal my goods?!”.

The girl trembled under her aura, she vaguely recalled how she got here and turned slowly to the dealer’s shop before looking back at the Alpha. She wondered if she’d be spared if she spat out who dragged her into all these.

“I am not the most patient person in the world!” Luciana dragged her jaw, holding it painfully. The girl groaned and attempted moving from the grasp of the warriors, but one of them kicked her sides making the last strength fail.

“Okay, I’d speak!” she cried when the Alpha’s claws crept out, “I am under the leadership of Alpha Johnson of the Sparks Moon Pack. I was sent here to steal your goods but I swear, I had no personal gain. It was command from our Alpha. I swear! I swear!! Please spare me!” she curled herself on the dirt floor.

Luciana went back with a contended smile. A warrior ran to her and whispered.

“Hmm, that’s interesting. Tell me girl, where did your Alpha say you should deliver the goods?”.

The girl looked up at her and down again, “I… he didn’t say. I don’t know”.

Luciana cocked her eyebrow, “Okay, where should he be now?”.

The girl bit the sides of her cheeks, struggling to keep the words inside. A heartless kick on her stomach made her sprawl on the ground and the words flew out.

“At a bidding! He went for to bid for a clothing company! Please don’t kill me. Ahhhh please!” she held her stomach, grimacing.

The warrior who kicked her smirked, “Next time, don’t waste time to open your jab!” she faced Luciana, “Alpha, Isn’t Nathan competing for that bid too?!”.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Luciana growled, catching up on what was happening. The Sparks Moon Alpha, how dare he?!

The girl’s wails annoyed her so she lifted her by the neck, “What rank are you?”.

Through chartered teeth, she responded, “I am an Omega”.

It would be the only reason her Alpha sent her here to die. She was of no use to him.

“You are a dispensable Omega?” Luciana tilted her head. The girl looked down, tears rolling her eyes, she gave a small nod.

“That’s why your Alpha sacrificed you. This heist was a distraction. Did Johnson think I run the mafia and the company at the same time?”.

“He probably did, Alpha. Maybe he wanted to you come and stop the heist, leaving the bidding to him. Well, Nathan is there and he’d get it!” the warriors bragged. Luciana chuckled. That was the importance of family.

Pulling the girl by her hair, she forced her to look in her eyes, “Okay, baby girl since you’re this pitiful…” she brushed her hair from her face, “… and also pretty”.

An idea clocked in her head and she added, “You’d be a wolf in my pack” she sighed then continued “I do not have much omegas though. It’s insulting. My Omegas train and unlock warrior even Delta ranks for themselves. If you have what it takes, you can do the same”.

A glimmer of hope shone in the girl’s eyes, “I am your pack member now?” her voice shook with fear, her stomach churned. Was this a blessing or a curse?

“Yes, and I am your Alpha. Till death do us part! Smile!” Luciana smirked, dropping the girl on the floor. She mind-linked a warrior to send the girl back to pack.

This Sparks Moon Alpha was really daring. A worthy challenge. She liked him already.

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