The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 24: White wolf

Chapter 24: White wolf

Brenda's POV

"Please hold on for me my queen, you going to be fine" , I said my heart break seeing my mate's life

less body on the ground with half of the wood right through her body making my hole inside to crack

open as the pain of seeing her like this taking over.

" We need to get the wood out of her", I heard Naomi said, while I help my daughter not to fight her


It was too soon for her to shif maybe it was the angry and stress of seeing her mother like this, her wolf

was very strong.

I can felt the power radiating from her, While her bones crake bit by bit as she cries out. There was

already some hair growing on her body and we need to get her out of here before the wolf's catch up

on us.

I put my Mate into the arms of Norma, I can trust her with her. I'm so angry seeing my baby girl so

broken with her limp body in my arms.

I was so scared to pick her up, I didn't want to hurt her. She was already hurt and I'm going to burn

down that bodies to ashes for what they have Done to her. I growl so load as I can sens some of my

fella vampire close. I had mind link my mother that I was needing her help maybe she told them to


"Go to the castle my mother is waiting for you in the nursing room please look after her, we will came

back until her shift is done", I told her kissing my Mate on the head.Norma didn't wait any longer as she

was gone from our side.

"Noami please be with her, I'm going to burn that bodies", I told her. I heard my baby girl scream and

cry every time a bone crake.

"It's already burning", she told me as she pointed to the direction where I saw fire seeing my brother

and sister with the other vampires busy burning them down. This wolf's didn't know what they got them

self into.

My baby was already into her full form being a white wolf puppy she cry her last cry when the finally

bone cracked making me feel for my baby.

I only heard gasp and small whispers from the people surrounding us when her shifted was done. I

know why that was because my baby girl was a white wolf and it was said that the only goddess was

white wolf's and here was my baby daughter standing in front of us with a red mark between her eyes.

She try to stand on her legs but failed and fall on her face every time she tries to stand until she final

get it right.

She lock eyes with me looking around at the others growling a loud growl making us all to bow down to

her feet, we know who she was standing in front of us.

She walk up to me and she snuggle her snort into my face snuifing making me smiled. I mind link her

telling her how to change back to her human body as we need to go.

As soon as she change back to her human body I catch her just in time when she falls unconscious

into my arms. My sister Jacky bring me her CLOTHES to put it on.

"Honey you need to hurry , she needs your blood", I heard my mother's panick voice in my mind said.

"On my way", I mind link her back as we run through the darkness, the fear of being scared losing my

Mate strikes me.

What would have happened if Norma wasn't hear in time, they would have kill my Mate and then there

would have being shit in this city.I would have kill any thing in my way not caring what the counselor

would have said. I growl feeling the pain of my Mate laying unconscious.

She was in good hands my mother is the coven doctor. I just hope my father agreed on her to doctor

my Mate.

I look up to my baby girl in my arms she must be very exhausted with all the things that have happen

in front of her today and having a such a huge amount of power wolf to control, must be very hard for


"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm Sorry I was late to protect your mommy Lucia, she going to be fine." I told her

my heart calm when we reach our Castle. I felt a relieved running down my spine.

I put LJ into my sister arms and I headed up to the where we nurse the people who have got hurt. I

heard my mother's screams echoed through the building.

I smelled my mates scent mixed with her fresh blood driving me crazy making me growl, i run up to

where her lifeless body was laying.

"We need your blood now", my mother command as she shove me down to a chair. "we need to draw it

from you we going to put her on IV, you can't make her drink from you",she told me in a panic voice.

"Please you have to hold her down, we going to have a problem puting this needle Into her", she

shouted to people who is our nurses .

"What! I scream, no mom isn't there a other way to do this, then putting a needle into me? I asked I'm

so scared of needles.

My mother didn't respond to me, she was taking out a needle and using some pressure trying to find

my pulse as the others nurse try to hold me down.

" Remember you do it for your mate unless she dies", she told me making my heart to cracked. I look at

where she was lying, looking so dull and pale. I couldn't hear her heart beat any longer.

I greeth my teeth hard enough for me not to feel the hurt. I felt the needle prieced into my flesh making

me growl loudly as the holds of the nurses kept me still.

"Such a big vampire, who is so scared of a small thing", I heard my brother said he was also helping

holding me down making my mom and the others to chuckle.

"There you go", my mother said, "that wasn't so bad was it? she asked me With a smirk on her face.

" It's not funny. " I told them, How long mom should this thing be in me? I asked my mother as she was

busy typing on the computer that was located with my mates body that's going to keep her on life for

My blood to run into her system.

"She has lost a lot of blood and she has a hole right through her back. if your blood is going to help to

close that hole in this few minutes, it's going to save her unless." my mother said not finishing her

sentence making me growl at her.

She give me a look saying you don't growl at me." I'm. Sorry mom."

"It's fine my baby, I understand unless her body doesn't reject your blood" .

"But I'm Her mate, how is it even possible for her body to reject my blood. it's a must for it to save her",

I said looking at my Mate seeing that big hole into her stomach making me look away as I can't stand to

see her like that.

"It is my child, but sometimes your blood is not really meant to save anything. Her wound is very bad

and she is young so it will be possible for her to Fight to be alive", . She told me walking up to me.

"You mate is going to be fine my baby, you need to be strong and relax so that she can't feel your pain

while your blood is going to run into her system", she said caressing my cheek.

I snuggle Into her touch "what do you mean by feeling my pain? I asked my mom.

" Your pain of seeing her like this", mom said, I can see the hurt in her eyes when she look at my Mate.

"She can feel your pain through your blood honey and it will be a disturbance for her to accept it when

you are in pain", she told me making me gasp.

"So I must just forget that my mates is hurt and relaxed like nothing has ever happened? I asked my

mom as I furrowed my eyes.

" Yes honey, do it for her", she told me.

It seems like I didn't know everything about us vampires but it was nice to know something new.

"So you better relax, I'm going to get you some blood I don't want you to passed out by saving your NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

mate", she thinks that me as she left me and my Mate alone.

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