The Twin Brothers

Chapter 28: The Abandoned House

After the incident of kidnapping, the twin decides to lock Liana in the house. But not in their house but in the black house. So that she has the guards to play with her and serve her boring time. Enzo is out for a while leaving Leo at home just in case the little girl needs something.

“T–That was hard.” She whines.

One guard chuckles. “It’s not that hard, princess. You just need to be patient.” He shows how to make origami.

“You are so good at this.” She huffs.

“Do you want to do something else?” Another guard spokes while putting away the stuff.

Liana stood up, fixing her dress. “Hmm. H–How about—”

“Guys, we have a job. Sorry to disturb your playtime, princess.” The new guard came into the living room. All of them whined and groaned while Liana pouted. “As much as I want to join you guys but we got a job to do.” He sighs.

One by one say goodbye to the little girl and ruffles her hair. Now, Liana is left alone. Adam and Felix are also not here since they follow Enzo out. She walks towards Leo’s office room since no one is with her right now.

She opens the door and sees Leo read one paper with his other hand holding one pen. He looks so serious even though he looks like that every time. “Lili? C–Can I come in??” Her voice fills the room.

“Sure, little one,” Leo replied without looking at her.

She shuffles towards him, standing beside him. She never felt this boring in her entire life. “Lili. What are you d–doing?” She asks, getting closer to him.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Work, little one.” He answers shortly.

His answer makes Liana pouts. He didn’t even look at her. “Can we d–do something?” She asks, fiddling her fingers. Leo sighs and looks at her in guilty.

“Darling, come here.” He pulls her to his lap. “I’m sorry but can’t. I have a lot of work and I need to finish it. Why don’t you play with the guards downstairs?” His hands caressing her chubby cheeks.

“But, t–they got work to do.” She looks down at her lap.

“If that is so, you can go play or do something that you enjoy. Once I finish this job, we can go do something together.” Leo said. This lately, he can’t spend time with the girl. Due to his work.

“Hmm. Okay.” She nods before sliding off his lap. Before she walks away, Leo kisses her head. With that, she went out and slowly close the door. Now, she is back alone. She sighs. “Look like… I’m back to my room.” She mumbles to herself.

Liana throws herself on the bed. There’s her luggage she hasn’t opened and settled it. She decide to settle it since she got nothing to do. If she tries to slip into her toddler space, there’s nothing to entertain her.

She folded her clothes, and as she takes one of her clothes, something fell from her pocket. A frown appeared on her face. She take the thing and it was the locket she found at the place where Ivan found her.

‘”Oh no. I forgot about this thing.” Liana keeps twirling the locket. “Maybe I can try to open this thing.” She stood up and goes to her desk. She hit the locket on the desk, trying to open it. But nothing happened. She tries again but still nothing.”Oh, come on. What do you want me to do to make you open!?” She frustratedly whined.

“Princess!!” The door burst open revealing one guard.

“AHH!!” Liana yells and accidentally throws the locket away. “Hey!! Why did you burst into my room like that!?” She scolds him.

“I’m sorry, princess. But I just want to inform you lunch is ready.” He said and narrows his eyes at her. “Are you okay? You look… suspicious. Usually, you will be startled like that when you hide something.”

“I–I’m fine. I just cleaned my room. That’s all.” She shuffles on her feet.

“O…. kay? If you say so” He shrugs his shoulder. He gives one last suspicious look at her before closing the door.

Liana sighs in relief. “The locket!!” She looks around to find it. “Ah! It open!!” She crawls towards it. The locket opens maybe from the impact she throws just now. She saw one small piece of paper in it.

When she opened the folded paper, there was an address written on it. “Huh. This address… it around this area too. Maybe I should–”


“C–Coming!!” She put back the paper in the locket and wear that thing. Since she was afraid to put it somewhere in her room.

Lunch is quiet. Leo who notices the quietness of his little one, feel confused. He keeps staring at her while munching the food. Usually, she will talk about something.

“Little one.” His deep voice makes Liana startled.


“Are you okay?” He asks.

The girl looks at him with confusion. “Yes? Guess so. W–Why?”

“You always have something to talk about. Is there something bothering you?” Leo narrows his eyes on her. The way he looks at her makes Liana squirm in his seat.

She knows Leo always saw something and notices something in her. She clears her throat and nods. “Nothing. W–Why you ask anyway?” She arches her eyebrows.

“Hmm. If you say so. Anyway, do you want to accompany me to the office? We can talk and do anything you want.” He spokes.

“SURE!!!!” She calps her hands. Leo just laughs at her exciting acts.


Leo and Enzo kiss her forehead as a goodnight kiss. They decide to tuck her in since they didn’t spend time with her too much these days. Liana gives them a sweet smile.

“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep with one of us? You know… we love to.” Enzo scratched his neck, hoping she accepts it. Leo chuckles at his brother’s act.

“Ennie. You guys s–spend time decorating this room and renovating it. It will be a w–waste if I didn’t u–use it.” She states. The twins pout and just agreed.

“If you say so. Just come to any of us if you have a nightmare.” Enzo reminds, snuggling his face on her neck. “I will fight that nightmare of yours.” His act makes Liana tickle.

“E–Ennie, it tickles!!” She giggles.

“Enough, En.” Leo pulls his brother. “Get some sleep, darling. Sweet dream.” He kisses her forehead again and nose to her cheeks. Holding himself from kissing his cute lips.

“Goodnight, baby.” Enzo did the same and follow his brother out of the room.

Soon the door closed, and Liana opens her eyes. She slowly gets up and tips her toe towards the door, pressing her ear on it to hear if they are still outside. But hear nothing.

“Yes.” She cheers for herself. She took the paper out of her locket. “I don’t know why but this is so interesting. I mean, it so makes me curious.” Liana talked to herself while opening the window. She grabs her hoodie and wears it since she only wearing pajamas with short pants. “If I ask Lili and Ennie, they will absolutely say ‘no’.”

Liana tied the rope and throw it outside. She lifted herself from the window and looks down. “I bet my ass, Lili and Ennie will freak out and go to the hospital if they know this.” She mumbles to herself.

She jumps out of the window and slowly slides down on the wall to the ground. As no one is around, she runs towards the fence and climbs it. “I know right? That was totally insane!!” The voice of one of the guards was heard.

Liana’s eyes are wide open in panic. “You broke the statue and you better be honest with it with the capo.” His friend’s spokes. Liana rushed to climb and jumps out. The sounds of her feet catch their attention. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what? If you trying to scare me, I’m going to kill you.” The guard warns.

“No. It sounds like–”

“Stop it, can you?”

That’s the cue for Liana to run. Without her knowing, someone watching her from afar. The men leaning on one of the trees watching her every move.


The uber parked and Liana paid the driver. She thanked him before getting out of the car. In front of her, there’s an abandoned house that still looks clean and not that kind of creepy house.

“Is this… the house?” She checks the paper and the lot, and it was right. The gate was huge and she don’t know how to get in. Liana tries to find a way to get in but she only found a thing which she needs to put her hand on it and it will scan.

“Oh my. It needs a handprint. What should I do?” She nibbles her finger. “Wait. Isn’t it a bad thing to barge into people’s houses?” Liana puts her hand on the handprint, trying to lean on it. “Hmm. What if I get caught and then I am thrown into jail. And then Ennie and Lili will–”

‘Identifiable identity.’

The compute voice makes her startled. The gate opens slowly making Liana confused and shocked. She looks at her hand, “How… What the…” Her gaze moves towards the house. “Holy butter cheese!!!”

The men who follow her snap a picture before making a call. “Yes, sir. Look like we found something unexpected here.”

Enzo and Leo stress themselves in the office. “Did that guy tell you everything? Like what Damien plan or something?” Leo asks.

“Nothing. He just told me he is ordered by Damien. I already thought Damien will do anything to get the Thaver clan.” Enzo sighs and puts his head in his hands.

“He targeting Liana. Now, what we have to do is keep an eye on Liana.” Leo puts down the paper. “What about Rosie Thaver?” He asks.

“My guards have already asked all the orphanages we have been listed.” He states. “Still… nothing.”

“How about Liana’s mother’s orphanage?” Leo asks.

“She owns one?” His brother frowns.

Leo looks at him with confusion. “I don’t know if you forget or what but yes. Liana got adopted by her.” He explains.

“I will tell our men to go there. Or maybe we can–”

Enzo stops talking when his phone ringing. He picks up and put it on speaker knowing who it was. “I can’t believe you have a dick to call us.” He starts. Leo just listens while twirling with his pocket knife.

“Oh, my–Lorenzo. That was a nice greeting I ever heard.” Damien chuckles.

“Che minchia vuoi?” Enzo clenched his fist. (What the fuck do you want?)

“I think my man that you keep right now and the thing I do to your sweet tesoro, already prooves it to you.” He asks, using his innocent tone.

“Darliana don’t involve in this. You better stay the fuck away from her.” Enzo snaps at him.

Damien laughs. “Oh, you think so? I don’t think so. I think… that sweet little girl involves more than you think.” He smirks.

Leo and Enzo look at each other. Thinking there’s something that villain trying to say. “What you trying to say?” Leo finally spokes.

“Oh. You will see. I will kill two birds with one stone.” With that, Damien hangs up. Leaving the twins curious, confused, and suspecting.

Once Liana steps inside the house, the lights turn on. Liana’s jaw-dropping as she looks around. This house seems so fancy and looks clean. As if, someone clean it every week or day. She saw the frame picture. There are two parents, the mother has beautiful ocean blue eyes same as her right eyes while the father is–

“That is Thaver guy!! The one that Ennie, Lili, and everyone talking about.” She points at it. “If that guy in the picture… that mean… this is his house.” There’s a newborn baby in the picture. “Maybe I should tell Ennie and Lili about this–”

Her phone rang causing her to flinches. “Hello?” She picks up without knowing who.

“Darliana.” An unknown guy’s voice spoke.

“Y–Yes. It’s me. C–Can I know w–who is talking?” She asks softly. Even the twins told her not to pick up a stranger’s number.

“I want you to get ready.” The man said.

“R–Ready? For w–what?”

“Always stay close with Lorenzo and Leonardo. Someone knows who you are.” He warns.

“W–Well, that’s true.” Liana shrugs her shoulder. “T–They want to u–use me to a–against the twin.” She continues.

The guy sighs. “That’s not what I’m trying to say. Someone really knows… who you are. You are not Darliana.” With that, he hangs up.

Not Darliana? What is he trying to say? The question keeps repeating inside her head. “Something is wrong and familiar here.” She mumbles, looking around the house.

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