The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 136 A Mark

Chapter 136 A Mark 


It isn’t hard to find where Aleric is being


The power that I can feel radiating from the northern side is intense and when I burst through the entrance of a hallway similar to the one where I was held, I can smell him.

Past the witches that are watching him, and

despite the commotion, as some try to stop

me and others on edge at the sound of

Raihana’s seream that travels through the

halls, the emotions and nerves are



I come to an abrupt halt, raising my hand to

show them I’m not here to fight, but what

truly gets to me is the fact that nothing is

out of place.

Nothing is going on here.

Aleric is simply sitting there, past the

barriers that hold him hostage, with his head

in his hands.

“Royce Arden, surrender!” Magdalene’s voice comes from behind me. Even the

sound of her approaching was silent.

I glance back at the woman that stands in the entrance but doesn’t respond, before looking back at Aleric, who now raises his


Curiosity in his eyes.

What the hell is happening?

If he is here, then who killed Chris?

“Serafina’s mate is dead! What do you have to say for yourself?” Magdalene asks me


I frown, trying to figure out how Aleric did it

… there are at least five witches here and a

few werewolves… if he did something,

wouldn’t they have seen him? Even if he was in or out, there had to be some discrepancy in him being here in front of them. 1

“I didn’t do that… but someone sure did,” I reply, glancing back at Aleric.


“Then let’s make haste and go to them to find out!” Janaina says as she appears. behind Magdalene, slightly out of breath.

I glance back at Aleric.

“One moment…” I murmur, walking to the edge of the barrier. I look him in the eye.

“I know you did this… I don’t know how… but you did. And rest assured you will pay, you killed someone innocent

“I’m sitting behind this barrier, whilst you- a rapist is walking free! I did nothing! I have no power to free myself, unlike you,” Aleric says icily. “Justice will indeed be served!” 1

“Stop fooling around,” I snarl, about to turn away when I pause, looking back at him. ” How do you know I freed myself?” 2

Past the wavering energy of the force field, I

see his eyes flicker into slits, a hint of a smile crossing his lips before he sighs.

“The entire building heard the commotion.

Don’t make matters harder for the witches,

Royce. Admit to your crimes and perhaps

your sentence, for abuse, assault and murder can be lessened.”

“Alpha Royce!” Janaina’s voice comes


I look at her and give her a nod. Glancing back at Aleric, I can’t help but feel uneasy at his calmness and the chilling confidence he


Why do I feel like he isn’t trapped but simply as if this is all part of his game?


“Alpha Royce, please!” Janaina’s impatient

tone makes me turn and follow her.

Chris is dead. 1


I didn’t know the man personally aside from the small exchange we had when we met one

another, but he was a father, husband, mate

and friend.

I know Aleric had a hand in this… who cares for the consequences?

This can all come to an end if I take care of

him… I can’t have another repeat of this


I hear the faint cry of anguish from Raihana, and my mind is suddenly made up.

Turning, I storm to the barrier. “Let me in.” I command, my aura rolling off me in waves.

“Why?” someone asks as I stare at Aleric, trying to contain my irritation. →→

I can’t risk breaking the barrier in case he takes the chance to try to escape if he somehow can get past me… but… if I kill him … Then he can’t hurt Skyla again… he can’t fucking kill another….

“I want to talk to him, face to face.”

Aleric smiles. “You want to kill me, I can see it in your eyes. And to think you’re calling

me the evil one, he says, sitting back. “I request you keep him away because I won’t

be able to raise my hand at my brother. I

never have.” 1

My eyes flash as I glare at him, but he simply sighs and rests his head back.

“Bind him! He is causing disruption!” Sephora commands, and I cast her a cold glare. Lightning crackles around me.

“I’d like to see you try,” I reply coldly before I turn and walk to Janaina, who is waiting

for me.

I can feel Aleric’s eyes burning into me… but

I will do it.

If I have to, I will get rid of him, because right now it’s clear that nothing can hold him… Somehow, he had a hand in killing Chris, but how? I have no idea.

But what I do know is, he is a monster that does not deserve to live, and I will be the one

to kill him if I have to.

I know he’ll be out of there soon and we just

have to find the answers to prove him guilty and if we don’t, then I will kill him. But even from within that prison, he was still able to

kill someone.

“I thought you were a wise one… don’t let your anger cloud your mind,” Janaina says quietly yet firmly.

I ignore her as we walk back towards the room I was held in. Raihana is still clutching the dead body of her mate, but she’s silent.

Leo is crouching beside her, as Magdalene and two other witches try to talk to her, but her aura is growing around her, forcing

everyone back and she is refusing to talk to


A blinding light makes the witches move back as Alejandro, Kiara, Delsanra and Rayhan suddenly appear. Rayhan’s face is ghostly, as Delsanra drops to her knees

beside Raihana.

“How did she penetrate our barriers and

transport themselves inside?” one of the

witches murmurs.

I stand there, watching the family, feeling like an outsider and somewhat responsible

for what is happening. After all, I am the one he has an enmity against, yet they are dragged into this because of me…

Apophis had an issue with Helios… not.


“Let us see him.” Kiara urges softly, but Raihana doesn’t move.

“Ri,” Delsanra whispers as Raihana lifts her head and Rayhan takes a step back, seeing

Chris’s face.

His heart thudding as he looks down at his

sister and the man in her arms, and I can see

the pain on his face. It’s hitting him hard.

Alejandro places a hand on his shoulder, but even though he is trying to comfort

someone else, his own face is ashen.

“He’s gone…” Kiara says, her hands glowing

purple but despite it encasing Chris’s body, for a few seconds, it’s obvious he has gone…

there is no heartbeat.

“I can try to bring him back-” Delsanra’s voice cracks, but Raihana places her hand on

her shoulder. 1

Her back is to me, so I can’t see her expression as she shakes her head. “No. He is gone… and we will reunite when the time is right, but the one who did this… they will


Her aura rages around her, her hair defying gravity as her head snaps up. “They will pay!” She screams. 6

The anger and pain in her voice send a chilling shiver down my back. Her powers swirl around her as flames begin spreading around her, forcing Kiara and the men back.

A fire witch… 2

She breaks into sobs, and Delsanra pulls her close, hugging her tightly as Rayhan slowly moves closer. Once the flames fade away,

reaching over, I see him close Chris’s eyes before he lowers his head. (1)

They were close, that is obvious. I can tell from the way his body is shaking, his heart thundering.

“Why does this feel like Déjà vu?” Rayhan says quietly, his voice dead as he looks up at Alejandro. 1

The older man is silent for once, and I’m

certain Rayhan is referring to his father.

Rafael Rossi…

Leo suddenly looks up, and our eyes meet. He steps away from the group, making his

way over to me.

“We’re stepping out,” he says to Janaina, not giving her a choice.

I let him pull me from the room, but the

image of the broken family remains in my


“Tatum… Heaven… How am I going to tell them?” Raihana’s heartbroken voice comes

before she breaks into sobs and Rayhan wraps his arms around his sister tightly… 1

“What happened?” Leo asks me quietly.

“He’s in that cell, but he’s involved. Obviously, he’s fucking involved. He knows something and…” I glance around, creating

a barrier of wind around us to contain our

voices. “But I don’t think we should delay any longer… he’s manipulating the situation

to his will.”

“I know… but we can’t just kill him,” Leo says, frowning.

“Why not?” Lask.

He looks up at me as if searching my face for


“He’s your brother. Will you not regret it?” he asks quietly.

I frown. “He just killed someone from your family. He made your cousin a widow and you don’t want to kill him?” I ask quietly, my anger flaring up. “He has Sky under his

spell too. Need I remind you?” Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I know… but I also feel like he wants that

reaction from you. Plus, if he somehow managed to kill Chris, then he’s sitting in there intentionally and he can possibly kill whoever he wants.” Leo says, frowning


“And that is my point. Who knows who he

will kill next?”

“My men have been watching him and have

seen nothing off in his behaviour. In fact, he sometimes appears down.” Leo murmurs, running his fingers through his hair.

“Because he’s a fucking snake who can shed his skin and pretend to be something he

isn’t,” I reply icily.

“I know… but right now we don’t have…”

Leo trails off as he scans the witches that

stand around.

“What is it?” I ask sharply. He’s onto something. He doesn’t reply as he moves. past me, and I let the barrier down.

“Who was with Chris when he was killed?”

he asks the witches suddenly.

Alejandro looks up before looking down at


“I don’t think anyone was around him,”

Janaina answers gravely.

“What room was he in when you opened the portal, Raihana?” Leo asks.

She looks up, her eyes bloodshot, but she’s

trying her best to remain strong.

“The eastern hall, not far from the rooms we were staying in,” she replies, quietly caressing her mate’s hair. A tear splashes on

his face and she bends over him once more.

“Then we need to find anyone who was

around there or who may have seen

something because I think that Aleric had help,” Leo says.

“You are adamant it was him,” Magdalene



“Yes, and before you insinuate Royce, he was here with me and Raihana,” Leo says


I frown, pondering over Leo’s words.

Controlling someone the way he’s controlling Skyla? Is it even possible? 1

Or is he hinting at something worse, like Apophis himself?

I walk over to the group slowly, “Raihana, do you mind if we take a look at how he was killed?” I ask quietly.

She looks up at me before caressing his face.

“It’s just a nightmare. This cannot be true …” she murmurs, more to herself than us.

I frown, wishing this didn’t happen as Rayhan and Alejandro slowly turn Chris

onto his back. Leo stands behind them as

Raihana hugs Delsanra, burying her head on

her shoulder.

They lay Chris down on the ground. There’s


But the moment they lift his shirt, Delsanra


“That’s…” She trails off, as we all stare at the symbol that is burned into his chest.

My own stomach twists as I stare at it.

“Sky’s mark,” Kiara whispers, her heart thumping. 1

“No. It’s the mark of the Solaris court… the

symbol that stands for the Solaris King.” I say quietly as I pull my sleeve up and focus. my power around my hand.

Glowing lines begin to appear over my skin.

and soon the mark that is carved into Chris’s

chest is now mirrored on my forearm. A

mark I received after I had taken the oath as

the Solaris King and came into complete


All eyes turn on me, but I’m unable to look away from the symbol that glares back at me. There’s no blood… just deeply-

embedded gashes that have been burned

into him.

A mark that I always saw in a beautiful light now glares back at me ominously.

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