The One He Claimed

The One 79

The One 79

Chapter 79: Chaos and Mayhem Sophie This is only my second time at the Committee of Alphas, and the first time that I’m up here in the seating area. I’m not sure if it’s always this tense, but I can feel the Alpha auras pressing in around me from every direction, Hunter’s included. I look back and see that, on our side, it looks like my mother, sister, and friends can feel it, but it isn’t impacting them. However, when I look at Luna Margot and Luna June, they both look like the weight of all these auras is pressing down on them heavily. “We have two items on the agenda today, the first is to discuss whether or not Alpha Owen broke the law by claiming an omega publicly and the second is a law revision requested by Alpha Hunter. Before we start the meeting today, it also appears that we have two Alphas with new mates. To my knowledge, these Alphas did not publicly claim their mates, and therefore must be scheduled for trial. They will be excluded from the voting today.” “Absolutely not!” Kayce says, jumping to his feet. “You have no right to remove me from the council.” “Did you publicly claim your mate, then?” Alpha Elias asks. “No, and I will not. But the precedence has been set. We all voted that Hunter would keep his title, which is why the law is on the floor to be changed.” Chapter 79 Chaos and Mayhem 1291 Woucher “Yes, Alpha Hunter has set quite a precedent, hasn’t he?” Alpha Alaric says, sneering at Hunter. “It seems he’s collecting ranked she-wolves and giving them to his friends.” “That is absolutely untrue,” Nikki says, standing to face her brother. “Is it? Because when you were underage, he refused to hand you over to me, your brother,” Alaric says, also standing. “At my request. I asked Alpha Hunter for safety, and he provided it, even after Alpha Aiden attacked me and nearly separated my leg from my body,” she says, glaring at Aiden.

“You shouldn’t have interrupted my claim of that she-wolf who now wears another’s mark. She was mine and you interrupted a claiming. I was in my rights as an Alpha and a ranked member to claim her publicly. You, little girl, were not,” Aiden spits at her. Robin snarls, standing up, ready to attack Aiden. Kayce looks ready to attack him as well. “Enough!” Elias says, trying to maintain order. “And where are my twins, Alpha Hunter? You’ve been hiding them away from me. I’ve requested access to your pack to see them, but you’ve denied me that access.” “Those twins are no longer available. They are mine,” Dutton growls, standing as well. “You son of a b***h. Those girls were mine! I had nearly caught them when they ran onto Hunter’s pack lands. He’s the only reason I didn’t claim my mates,” Aiden snarls, pointing at Hunter. 11:27 Chapter 79 Chaos and Mayhem ‘You need to be ready to move quickly if things get out of hand, Sophie. I won’t have you or our pup injured in an Alpha fight. Grab your sister and get out of here,’ Hunter says in my head, watching the interactions intently. He’s moved so that his body is basically shielding mine. I nod, knowing that he’s right. In these tight quarters, there’s no way that I wouldn’t be injured if a fight broke out and while I want to help my mate, I’m not willing to risk our pup. “ORDER!” Elias booms out. I look over and see that both Luna Margot and Luna June have their necks raised in submission and they have tears streaming down their faces at the massive amount of power being displayed in this room. There’s so much anger and animosity that I can’t imagine what it’s like for them, feeling the weight of it all. I can feel it, like a heavy blanket trying to weigh me down and I’m sure that others feel it too, but those two have no defense against it since their mates haven’t made them equal partners in their packs. “I think Alpha Hunter should go back on trial for pretending to take in rank she-wolves, only to hand them out to his friends like candy,” Alpha Owen says from below us. He’s obviously enjoying the show from the safety of the pit. Hunter growls, but I put a hand on his back. Owen is trying to get a rise out of him, maybe hoping to start a fight that he is safe from participating in.

“Alpha Dutton should definitely go on trial for stealing my mates!” Aiden snarls. “They’re not yours, Alden. They never were,” Dutton snarls back, his claws coming out. Chapter 79 Chaos and Mayhem. “If I kill you, they will be,” Aiden taunts and that’s all it takes to snap the tenuous thread of composure this group had. Dutton leaps, going straight at Aiden, both have their claws out. “NOW SOPH!” Hunter yells, standing and putting his body between me and Alphas on the other side as everyone’s claws come out. “Nikki…” I hear Robin say. “Don’t you start with me, Robin,” she says, as her own claws come out. “Amelia! With me!” I yell at her just as Hunter turns, wrapping his arms around me. He snarls loudly and I smell blood, his blood. “Your b***h of a mate started all of this!” Elias snarls from close by me and I realize that he had leaped at me, and Hunter had taken the brunt of his claws to protect me. “Go, Soph. Get out of here now!” he says in my ear, pushing me forward and away from the fight before turning and slashing Elias down his face and throat. When he turns, I can see the long g**hes left in his back from Elias’ claws, but thankfully, they are already starting to heal. Allison and Nikki stay to fight, but I grab Amelia so Calvin can fight, and then my mother. “Come on, we need to get out of here,” I say. “I can fight,” my mother says. “Protect our daughters!” my father growls, before jumping onto Alpha Joshua. Chapter 79 Chaos and Mayhem 1 288 Vouchers We pass Ezra who leaps just as we pass him. I’m not sure if he was guarding our exit or if he is just last into the fight. There’s a lot of snarling and snapping as I push my mother and sister out of the room. “Get outside,” my mother says, and we begin to make our way out of the committee building. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“I knew I should have marked you when I had you. If I had, none of this would be happening. I’d have put you in line, just like Luna Margot and Luna June,” I hear Owen’s smarmy voice say from beside us. Rather than jumping into the fight, he’s come. after us. “Stay away from my daughters,” my mother growls, putting herself in front of me and Amelia. Owen ignores her, looking at me and licking his lips. “Once Elias or another Alpha kills Hunter, I’ll take you and once we get rid of his pup, I’ll make sure to put mine in you,” he sneers. “The thought of breaking such a strong woman makes me hard,” he says, rubbing his c**h. “You come anywhere near me, and I’ll kill you,” I tell him. “You’re a disgusting excuse for an Alpha.” “But I caught you, didn’t I?” he sneers. “But you couldn’t do it on your own, could you? No self- respecting Alpha needs all his ranked members to help him bring down one small little she-wolf. But then, you have no respect for your title, your pack, or your pack members, do you?” I sneer back. His lip curls in anger as he glares at me. “You have a smart sajter 70: Chaos and Meyhem mouth. I can’t wait to see how smart it is when it’s full of my c**k.” 288 (Vouchers “I’d rip your c**k off before I’d let it anywhere near me,” I growl back. From behind him, I see Luna Margot and Luna June rushing out the doors. Luna Margot sees Owen, and grabs a chair, swinging it at him, smashing him in the head and knocking him out. “Go! Now’s your chance!” Luna June says to her. “Not without you, mother,” she says. “Sweetheart, I’d only slow you down. You’re young and strong, go,” her mother says. I watch as Margot hugs her mother tightly. “I’ll come back for you.” “Don’t. Go live your life. Mine is done.” “You’re running?” I ask her. Margot turns and looks at me. “Are you going to stop me?” “No. Go to our pack. We’ll give you sanctuary. If not ours, then Alpha Kayce’s, he’s taking in she- wolves as well.”

“Or ours, we’d take you in,” my mother says. “Thank you,” she says and hugs her mother tightly again before turning, shifting, and racing off into the woods. “You could come with us too,” I tell Luna June. Chapter 79 Chaos and Mayhem “No, it would only become more of a manhunt for my daughter if I were with her,” she says, turning to my mother. “You understand, don’t you?” “I do. But my offer stands. Anytime,” she says, just as Hunter comes stumbling out of the building. He’s covered in blood. “Hunter!” “The committee has been dismantled. We’re going to war.”

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