The One He Claimed

The One 65

The One 65

Chapter 65: Tiffany and Tammi Sophie I take the plate of food in one hand and knock on the door with the other. “Who is it?” a scared voice asks. “It’s Luna Sophie. Can I come in?” The door opens a crack and I see a bluish-grey eye peeking out at me. “It’s just me,” I say, waiting. When she opens the door, I show her the food. “Have you your sister eaten?” and She shakes her head, no, and I walk in, seeing that it looks like the twins are sharing a room now. I walk to the desk area and set the food’down, hearing both wo nen’s stomachs growling. If Hunter thinks I’m thin, then he hasn’t looked at these two closely enough. As I look around, I see that the clothes that have been brought for them are still sitting in the bag by the door, untouched. When I turn back, the women are staring at me wide-eyed. “What’s going on?” I stand facing them, clasping my hands in front of me and keeping my voice soft. Both women are giving off the vibe of being frightened wolves, ready to bolt at the first 09:37 Chapter 65 Tiffany and Tammi sign of trouble. “Are you sending us home?” one of the twins asks. “I’m sorry, before I answer that, I can’t tell you two apart by your looks. But your scents are just different enough that I could. Which sister are you?” They look at each other, as if deciding whether or not they want to tell me. The one sister nods and the other looks back at me. “I’m Tammi.” Tammi smells of vanilla and orange, so Tiffany must have the vanilla and lemon scent. “Tammi, I have no intention of sending you home unless you want to go. Hunter and I offered you

refuge so you wouldn’t be on the run, so you could have food, shelter, clothing,” I say gesturing around the room with each word. “So, why are you not taking advantage of our hospitality?” The girls look at each other again. I call them girls, but I’m not sure if they’re still underage or not. It’s hard to tell with their wide eyes and their gaunt faces, their clothes hanging on their small frames. “We don’t have any money,” Tiffany finally says. “And?” I ask, unsure why that matters. “And we can’t pay for this,” Tammi says, gesturing to the food and the clothing. “I didn’t ask you to pay for this and I don’t expect it,” I tell them. “But then we’re just parasites on your pack. Why would help Chapter 65 Tiffany and Tammi us?” 1288 Vouchers “Okay, well first, I don’t know who told you that you were parasites on our pack or any pack, but that’s not true. And I’m helping you because I was on the run too. I know what it’s like and my mate and I are working to change things. While that happens, the she-wolves on the run need a safe place where the Alphas and other ranked wolves can’t hunt you down.” They look at each other again. “What do you want from us?” Tiffany asks. “Well, first, I’d like for you to eat, shower, change clothes, and maybe actually sleep in one or both of the beds that I’ve provided for you. If you get sick and die in my pack and word gets out, none of the other she-wolves will trust that this is a safe place for them. Second, I’d like for you to come join in our pack activities. Eat in our dining room, join our training class in the morning, get to know our pack members, talk to Nikki and Letti. I’m not sure if Allison is going to be here long enough for you to get to know her, but if you came out today, you’d get to see her. Talk to them. We haven’t asked any of them for anything, other than if they choose to fight, we’d like that. We believe a war is coming, after yesterday at the committee, definitely think there are some Alphas who intend to wage war against our pack, but it’s not a requirement. You can do as much good inside a safe room keeping others calm as you can on the battlefield. You’re Betas, the warriors and omegas will look

up to you.” The girls look at each other again and frown. “You’d let us fight?” “Let you? Umm, that would be your choice, not mine.” 0937 Chapter 65: Tiffany and Tammi 1288 Vouchers They look at each other again. “We weren’t allowed to train in our pack.” “Well, you are here. My mate still has me sparring with him even though I’m pregnant.” “YOU’RE PREGNANT?” Tiffany asks, jumping to her feet. I take a step back, not sure of her intent. My hands instinctively going to my stomach in a protective gesture. “Yes.” “Sorry, sorry…it’s just…our Luna didn’t have a pup for years. Our mother only had us. She was never able to get pregnant again,” they tell me. “But you’ve only just found your mate. How are you already pregnant?” “Well, besides the biology of how you get pregnant, I believe that it has more to do with my love for my mate. I enjoy being with him, we love each other, we enjoy our… intimacy.” “Why do you have bite marks all over you?” Tammi asks. I look at the marks that are faded but still noticeable. “Hunter and I might have gotten a little carried away last night.” “Soooo, it wasn’t a punishment?” Tiffany asks. “A punishment?” I scoff. “If you think I look bad, you should see my mate. Trust me, it was mutual, and it was done in the heat of pleasure, not as something mean and cruel.” The twins look at each other again. “Why don’t you eat, and then, if you’d like, I can take you to see Hunter and I can show you my bite marks on him.” Chapter 65: Tiffany and Tammi “Why did that Alpha have the Beta female in his room all night?” “That would be Allison. I heard maybe they were a bit loud. Sorry about that. But he’d been waiting

a week to mark her. He had to wait so he didn’t have her mark on him before the committee meeting that we went to yesterday. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to vote for and support us in the meeting. When he returned, he couldn’t wait to mark his mate. She consented, it was done privately…or as privately as possible, and now they are mated. The only question is, when will they return to his pack.” “Would you mind if we eat and shower, maybe change our clothes and then we can come find you? I’m not sure I’m ready to wander around your pack alone, but if we know where you’ll be…” Tiffany begins. “Sure. I’ll probably be in my office or Hunter’s, or if it’s later, in the dining hall for dinner. Nikki and Letti will be around too, so feel free to find them if you can’t find me. I know you’re probably not comfortable with Hunter yet, but he’d be happy to let you know where I am if you can’t find me, and Kinsley, my Beta, is amazing.” “Thanks, Luna. And thank you for letting us stay here.” “You’re welcome. You have nothing to fear here. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be battles on our borders, but you have nothing to fear from any of our pack members or our guests, even if they are Alphas. Hunter has a rule that no one can be publicly claimed in his pack, our pack. Anyone who enters our pack lands will know and agree to that, so you have nothing to fear. Believe me, he and I will not allow anyone to claim you against your will.” “Your pack seems very different than ours. Our father and our Chapter 65 Tiffany and Tammi Alpha…well, they have very specific ideas about the role of a she-wolf, ranked or otherwise.” “Some Alphas do, but not Hunter, and not many of his friends. We’re helping them to see that there is a better way to claim us, better for us, and better for them, I’ll see you soon?” “Yes.” “Good,” I say and head out to find my mate. I knock on his office door, and he waves me in. “I look forward to seeing you this weekend, Alpha Ezra,” he says, smiling at me and tapping his lap. “Goodbye,” he says as I crawl onto his lap.

“So, Alpha Ezra is coming to visit?” “Yes. How are the twins?” “Scared, but hopefully I’ve convinced them to come out of their rooms and visit with us and the pack. They thought my bite marks were a punishment,” I say sadly. ; “A unishment?” “From you. He growls, shaking his head. “And here I was, hoping to leave a few more bite marks on you tonight,” he says. I wrap my arms around him and lean forward, kissing his neck and running my nose down to his shoulder. 09:37 Chapter 65: Tiffene and Tammi “I was going to leave one right now,” I whisper before sinking my teeth into his shoulder. He’s up and moving, closing and locking his door before both of us shred the other’s clothes, needing to be connected, needing to touch, and taste each other again.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

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