The One He Claimed

The One 32

The One 32

Chapter 32: Luna Ceremony Sophie I don’t know if the mate bond is this way for everyone, but for me, I hate being away from Hunter. I’ve never considered myself a needy person, but I feel a constant pull to be with him. In my fairy tale dreams of finding my mate, it was all sweet kisses and dancing. The reality is much more intense. The kisses and dancing are there, because my mate made sure of it. But it’s so much more. I NEED Hunter, almost like I need air to breathe. I need his scent on me, I need mind touching mine… ‘You need that long, hard c**k filling you until you scream in pleasure,’ Hedda purrs. I’d scold her, but she’s absolutely right. Almost as soon as my body has recovered from having sex, I want it again. And right now, the idea that I could go into my Luna ceremony with my scent all over Hunter and his all over me, has me so turned on, that I’m struggling to focus and get ready. When he tells me he’ll join me in the shower, I nearly moan out loud. That’s exactly what I need right now. I hadn’t intended to wash my hair not having time to dry and style it, so I put it up in a messy bun on top of my head as I let the water warm in the shower. I step into the shower, after looking at my mating mark again. It really is s**y having Hunter’ s mark on my neck. I know it’s because it’s him, I wouldn’t feel that way if it was anyone else’s mark, but I really do feel lucky to 16.540 Chapter 32 Luna Ceremony 288 Vouchers be wearing his mark. I’m washing my face when I feel heat, warmer than the water come up behind me. I didn’t even hear him come in. “Rinse your face and then put your hands on the wall,” his soft voice says in my ear. He begins to leave a trail of kisses across my shoulders as his hands slide down my sides. I rinse my face, just as his hand slides between my thighs, feeling how soaked I am.

“So wet for me,” he says, sliding two fingers inside me. I turn my head and he takes my mouth as he presses me forward with his body. My chest presses against the cold tile of the shower, making my nipples harden instantly. His foot comes in between mine, pushing my right foot out as his fingers begin to slide in and out of me. I whimper in his mouth as he moves one of my hands over my head, running his hand down my arm and around my chest to stroke my cool, hard nipple. “Spread you legs a little wider for me,” he says, his voice deep with desire when he pulls away. I do as he says and the hand on my nipple moves down to pull my hips closer to him while his fingers continue working their magic inside me. “Hunter,” I moan. He begins kissing his way down my back, before licking his way back up. “You taste so good, Sophie. I’ve missed being inside you. It’s barely been eight hours and I already feel like a starving man, Chapter 32: Luna Ceremony 1288 Vouchers desperately needing to feast on you, desperately needing to feel you wrapped around me while you scream my name. “Yes, Hunter.” “Are you going to come on my fingers, baby?” “Yes,” I whimper. “Good girl,” he says and begins stroking faster until I’m right on the edge, then he twists his fingers, pressing against the perfect spot to have me crying out with the feel of the o*m, m**y body clenching tightly to his finger. He moans behind me, gently biting onto my shoulder while my body jerks with aftershocks. Then he pulls out his fingers and puts the tip of his c**k at my entrance. “Is this what you want?” “Yes,” I say, feeling almost desperate to have him inside me. He slides in, growling as he finds me wet enough to bottom out, holding my hips with both hands. “Both hands on the wall, Sophie,” he says, and I can hear and feel his desperation, the same as my

own. The moment my hands are on the wall, he begins thrusting inside me, hard and deep, filling me and giving me that sense of being complete once again. “Yes, Hunter. Yes, Hunter! YES, HUNTER!!” I scream as I come. He forces me up and over again, continuing his punishing pace before he finally finds his release and empties inside me. Chapter 32: Luna Ceremony 288 Vouchers As soon as we both come down, he slides out of me, spinning me around and lifting me by my thighs. He presses my heated back to the cooler tiles of the shower and slides inside me again. “I think I like this position better. I can see your mate mark, see your desire for me on your face, and I can kiss those pouty lips while I bury myself inside you.” “Yes,” I say as he presses me tightly against the shower wall, his mouth taking mine as I wrap my arms around him, holding tightly while he brings me up and over again and again before finally finding his own release again. When he finally sets me back on my feet, I feel wobbly, unstable and I’m panting. I lean against him, and he holds me to his chest. “So, which one did you like better?” he asks me, his fingers stroking my back. I think for a moment and then I look up at him. I know my smile is mischievous and naughty. “I’m not sure. I think we’ll have to do them both again so I can decide.” “We can try both positions are many times and as frequently as you would like, my love,” he says. We bathe each other and when we are dry and step out of the bathroom, my dress is hanging on my closet door. I try not to think too much about what the omegas might have heard when they dropped it off. Instead, I take a moment to appreciate the talent that these omegas have. I can’t believe that they were able to put together such a beautiful dress on such short notice. Chapter 32 Luna Ceremony 288 Vouchers “I’ll help you get into it,” Hunter says. The gold material is primarily pale but gets darker as it goes

down to my feet. It wraps around my body and the zipper is so carefully hidden that I can barely find it. When I do, I unzip it and step into the dress, pulling it up and realizing that it fits perfectly, hugging my curves that I notice, when I look in the mirror, are much smaller than they used to be. Hunter zips up my dress, letting his fingers drift over my back, sending waves of warmth of pleasure through my body. When there’s a knock at the door, he kisses my bare shoulder then goes to open it. “Thank you, Kinsley. Did you want to get a sneak peek at your Luna?” he asks, opening the door I turn and see that her dress is a darker gold version of mine. She’s wearing dangly gold and diamond earrings that come almost to her shoulders and accent the dress perfectly. “Oh Luna, you look beautiful!” she says. “We’re like a matching set,” I say to her. “Except you’re missing these. I had Kinsley pick them up for you, but I’ll make sure you have some of your choosing soon, my love,” Hunter says, handing me the bag that Kinsley had given to him. I pull out the box and inside I find a pair of earrings that match Kinsley’s. “Lucas said I should,thank you for my earrings as well, Alpha,” she says. Chapter 32 Luna Ceremony 1288 Vouchers “No, you should definitely thank Lucas. I didn’t order them,” he says, glancing at her before turning his heated gaze back to me. I quickly put the earrings in and look in the mirror. “They’re perfect. Thank you, Kinsley. Thank you, Hunter.” Hunter turns to Kinsley. “We’ll see you downstairs in a few. moments. I just need to finish getting ready.” “See you down there,” she says, before quickly rushing over and hugging me. “Most of the pack stayed,” she whispers in my ear before rushing out the door. I look at Hunter. “Is that true?” I ask him as he heads to the closet. “Yes. We lost about 50, but that is only a quarter of the pack. There are more she-wolves than that on the run, I bet,” he says. “Tomorrow, when Kinsley goes to leave food, I’m going to give the

information to leave for the she-wolves who want sanctuary. I’m hoping we’ll have some coming to our borders in the next couple of days. Once they start, I imagine it will be a domino. effect and they’ll all start coming.” “Let’s hope so,” I say, watching him put on a gold vest that matches my dress. “I’m feeling a theme here,” I say, walking up to him and buttoning his vest. “I wanted to present a unified front. Always, but most especially, today.” When he’s done, he offers me his arm. “Are you ready to officially take your place at my side and as the Luna of this pack?” Chapter 325 Luna Ceremony 1288 Vouchers. “I’m ready,” I say. He walks me down the stairs and out of the packhouse into the back where a stage has been set up with lighting on one side and food and a dance floor on the other. “I thought you might like to dance with your mate tonight,” he says softly for only me to hear as we walk to the stage. I’m surprised at the large number of pack members that are here and I know that it says a lot about the kind of Alpha that Hunter is that they’ve stayed. It only reinforces what I already know. That he’s the perfect man and mate for me. I walk with Hunter onto the stage, where Lucas and Kinsley are already waiting for us. Hunter walks me to the table at the front of the stage, Kinsley on my left, Lucas on Hunter’s right, flanking us, all of us in our gold colors. Hunter turns to me, as Lucas comes to stand between us, reaching for the ceremonial cup. “I, Hunter Reynolds, do hereby take Sophie Meyers as my mate and Luna. We have marked and mated under the watchful eye of the Moon Goddess herself and our bond has been sealed. Sophie Meyers, do you accept me, Hunter Reynolds, as your mate and Alpha, accepting your role as Luna of this pack, foregoing all others to love and protect your pack and your Alpha, for as long as you live?” “I, Sophie Meyers, do hereby accept you, Hunter Reynolds, as my mate and Alpha. I will love you

and cherish you above all others. I will love and protect this pack with my heart and my life Chapter 32 Luna Cenamony 288 Mouchers for as long as I live,” I say, having added the part about cherishing Hunter. It makes him smile, but I mean every word. He slices his hand, holding it over the cup as his blood drips in. When he’s done, Lucas hands the cup to me and I sip his blood, feeling the connection to a pack that I haven’t felt in two years. I suck in a breath, closing my eyes as the feeling of belonging, of being part of a pack again, the feeling that I’ve missed for two years finally fills me again. When I open my eyes, Hunter reaches out to brush my cheek. Then he takes my hand and turns to address the pack, “My pack, I give you your Luna, Luna Sophie Reynolds!” The pack cheers as Hunter takes my palm and slices it down the center letting it drip into the ceremonial cup. Once my blood has dripped, Lucas and Kinsley also slice their palms and let their blood drip into the cup. Then one by one, each pack member comes to the stage and swears their loyalty to us and the pack, sipping from the cup before exiting the stage. The sun sets long before the line is complete but when the last pack member finally swears their allegiance and loyalty to the pack, Hunter announces the celebration. Everyone cheers, someone starts the music, and the rest of the night, I find myself meeting and talking to all of the pack members, recounting my story of where I’ve been for the last two years over and over until Hunter sweeps me onto the dance floor. I’m definitely rusty after two years of not dancing, but Hunter covers for any of my mistakes, being a perfect partner in dance and in life. It’s early in the morning when Hunter leads me back to our Chapter 32 Luna Ceremony 288 Wouchers room, making love to me again in our bed, before tucking me up against him and falling into sleep.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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