The One He Claimed

The One 124

The One 124

Chapter 124: Flutters


I’m not sure why it feels better to share my grief with the pack, but it does. Maybe it’s because we’re stronger together, able to support each other, or just because we all love each other so much, but whatever the reason, as much as I’m hurting, I want to help others heal from their losses too.

It once again says so much about Hunter as the Alpha and leader of this pack that everyone has bonded together, is working together, to make sure no one feels alone at this time, especially the pups and mates who lost someone. I’ve already had requests from the two new surviving mates to have their homes moved to what they’ve started to call the ‘survivor center’.

Now that Leah has been marked by Brutus, she will be moving out. After checking with Brooklyn, she also wants to stay closer to Dr. Caspian, so their home is available. That leaves only one that needs to be built. I make a mental note to talk to Hunter about having the warriors build another couple of homes out there. Mates die for other reasons besides war, and we know that our battles aren’t done yet. If nothing else, Alaric must die. But Aiden is still out there as well!

I spend most of the morning after we lay our pack members to rest consoling the still grieving pack members. Some are still too distraught to return to their duties. I make a note of those and work with the omegas to cover kitchen and duties as well as toll

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before returning to patrols. I know it will spread our patrols thin to lose even more of our warriors while we have so many in the pack hospital, but our pack needs time to grieve and those who are

strong enough are willing to work harder to keep the pack safe.

Kinsley returned to the packhouse last night for the funerals, but she’s resting in her room this morning. Once I finish checking on the others, I go to see her, knocking on their door.

“Come in,” she says, and I step into their bedroom. I’ve never been here before, but I can see Kinsley’s touch everywhere. I’m sure Lucas didn’t care what the room looked like, wanting Kinsley to be happy here, and maybe she didn’t add her touch until the two of them came together, but now, their space feels very homey, very much like Kinsley. I bet Lucas loves coming home to his room with her every night.

“I wanted to check on you. Hunter said you and your pup are safe, but Sybil is still quiet,” I say, walking up to the bed and sitting on the edge.

Kinsley takes my hand. We haven’t had any time alone together since the war.

“I know I said it last night, but there was so much going on, Sophie, that I want to say again how sorry I am about your parents.”

“Thank you. They were good people. They deserved better.”

“Lucas said that Hunter is going to let you give the killing blow,” she says, looking surprised.

“Yes. I asked to do it. He deserves to die at the hands of the





daughter of the man he killed. Obviously, I can’t fight, but Hunter will capture him and give me the chance to end his life.”

“Tell me about Amelia, or Alpha Amelia now, I guess,” she says.

Because it’s Kinsley, I tell her everything, including my own fears about Calvin retaliating.

“I’m with Lucas on this one. He and I talked about it briefly last night and I don’t understand how Calvin could work so hard to gain trust, to so easily toss it aside,” she says.

“I don’t know, and I don’t know what will happen with Amelia. I‘ m afraid for her. She’s pregnant, alone basically, and her Beta was our father’s Beta. They didn’t have any sons to take over as Beta and their daughters have all found their mates and moved on. Her Gamma is younger, but maybe could move up, but I’d be worried about him challenging her for the Alpha position at a time when she’s vulnerable.”

“These are very interesting times, aren’t they?” she asks. “And it all started with you,” she says smiling at me. I ignore the reference to me being ‘the legend‘, and shift to a discussion about how she’s feeling. She thinks she feels Sybil moving around in her head a bit, but nothing concrete yet and that Dr. Felicity said the baby is doing well.

“Have you felt your baby move yet?” she asks me.

“I think so, but I’m not sure, have you?” I ask her.

“I think so. I wasn’t sure if it was me healing or if it was the baby,” she says.

“I wasn’t sure if it was my stress making my stomach flutter, but NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.




Chapter 124 Flutters

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if we’re both feeling it…” we squeeze each other’s hands and smile hugely.

“Hunter is going to be so excited when I tell him. Shaw won’t stay away from my stomach after that,” I laugh.

She laughs. “Dario either.”

Speak of the wolf…

‘Sophie, can you come to my office when you get a moment?‘ my mate’s voice flits through my mind.

“Alpha’s looking for you?” Kinsley asks when I refocus.

“Do I have a dopey smile on my face?” I ask her.

“The smile of a woman in love,” she clarifies.

I stand and look at my Beta, the woman who is probably my dearest friend. “What do the doctors say about when you’ll be well enough to get out of bed?” I ask her.

“That depends on Sybil. If I have to heal at a human’s pace, it’ll be closer to a week. But if she starts to resurface and heal me, then it will be much faster. My wounds aren’t so severe that she can’t heal them, it was protecting our pup that exhausted her.”

“She’s a good mother, just like you,” I say, leaning over to hug my friend. “Take care of yourself. I’ll come visit every day, just to keep you updated.”

“If there’s anything I can do from here, let me know. It’s going to be boring being stuck here all day. Lucas said he’d try to come visit but with everything going on…”

Chapter 124: Flutters

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“I’m sure he’s just happy to have you back over here and not in the hospital.”

“That makes two of us,” she says

I say goodbye and head to Hunter’s office, rubbing my belly and thinking about what I want to tell him..

When I get to his office, I can tell my mate is agitated. He’s up and pacing which is very unlike him. However, when he senses me, he stops, smiles, and walks to me, pulling me into his

embrace. No matter what’s on his mind, he always sets it aside to show me how much he loves me.

When he pulls back, his eyes narrow. “What’s that fleeting little thought in your head you’re trying to hide from me?”

It’s sort of like playing hide and seek in my head, and since Hunter is a master seeker, keeping a secret from him is nearly impossible. So, instead, I open my mind and let him see my conversation with Kinsley.

His eyes go wide and Shaw’s presence flashes into them. He looks down at my stomach and then drops to his knees before pressing his cheek to my stomach. He begins purring loudly and when he

stops, I can still feel the fluttering in my stomach.

He looks up at me with wonder in his eyes before turning to face my stomach.

“Hello, my beautiful baby boy. I love you so much already. You’re so strong. Be good for your mother,” he says as he rubs his hands on my slight bump.

When he looks up at me, his smile is radiant and all I can feel




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through the bond is his love and happiness.

He stands, kissing me deeply, the kiss becoming possessive as we both feel our son still fluttering in my stomach.

“I hated being away from you before, but now, I’m going to struggle not having you with me all day so I can feel our son moving around. I mean, I knew it was real before, but now…” he says, taking my hand and leading me to his chair. He sits, then wraps his arms around me, laying his hands over my stomach while he rests his chin on my shoulder. Shaw begins purring again and we both feel our son respond to his father.

We sit like that for several moments, enjoying this quiet time, just the three of us. But since I know we still have so much to do, I turn, kissing his cheek.

“Did you want to see me for a reason?” I ask.

He sighs and sits back, but his hands remain on my stomach, moving around and trying to follow the fluttering feeling of our


“Yes, Alpha Zahn called me.”

That gets my attention. “Why?”

“He wants to come for a visit. And he wants to bring his mate.”


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