The Omega For Sale

Chapter 9

As the staff pulled me in the direction of the Alpha’s private chambers, I couldn’t help the slither of fear that ran through my spine. It bothered me to leave Jessy alone with the pervert Gamma but I knew I couldn’t exactly ask for her to be brought with me.

The pain of my injuries were the last thing on my mind even as the staff held tightly the sore spots with no pity.

They dragged me through the floor and the thin material of the dress I had been put in, wasn’t enough to protect me from the harshness of the wooden floors.

“You’ve only been purchased for less than two hours and you’re already getting off on the wrong foot with all the authorities.” One of the staff said, cutting a look of disgust at me.

“This one wouldn’t last the month wherever she’s taken. She will either be returned or flogged to death.” The other chipped in and I bowed my head in shame.

Their words were true, I wasn’t sure what I had done to offend the Alpha but if I continued to be punished at the rate that it was going, then that would spell serious doom for me.

The staff dumped me in a lump, in the middle of the room before they turned around to exit the room.

“I would advice you suck it up and get on your feet before the Alpha gets here.” The first one spoke before exiting the room.

I struggled to my feet, stumbling along the line but finally managed to get up on my wobbly legs. The Gamma had not held back on his strength and my torn, blood stained dress and skin was evident to the fact.

Nausea filled me and blackness danced in front of my eyes, I shook my head slightly in an attempt to clear it and just then, the Alpha walked into the room.

The powerful aura that came off him in waves, made me cower in fear and submission. Being an omega wasn’t exactly helping my case, as the commanding presence of the Alpha was overwhelming on my mind.

When the Alpha began questioning me, I struggled with answering his questions with the truth. I wanted nothing more to do with my old pack and I couldn’t be sure the Alpha would make me go back there. Or if something about the truth would stand out to him.

There was a particular look in the Alpha’s eyes that I couldn’t discern and he had been staring at me with that look in his eyes from the moment that I had pleaded with him for help.

The look seemed to have multiplied in his depths and it only served to confuse me even more.

Fear raked through my mind at the Alpha’s threat, if I didn’t speak any louder and I stifled a sob, doing my best to answer his questions as loudly as my strained voice would let me.

The Alpha’s scrutiny of my face and the close proximity of his frame caused my knees to buckle, but thankfully they didn’t give out.

Finally after a long silence, he clicked his tongue. A sign that he had made his decision and my heart went wild.

“Very interesting. I’m taking this one with me.”

At those words my stomach dropped. Some moments back I had been pleading with the Alpha to take me instead, but now that he was finally granting my wish, I couldn’t be sure whether to burst out in tears or rejoice at the fact.

The Alpha exited the room, leaving me standing in the space alone.

At least, he wasn’t interested in my daughter and that was enough to satisfy me. I would take all the punishments, harsh treatments and degrading in the world, if it meant that Jessy got to be safe.

Dragging myself out of the room, I walked back out to the cabinet, but just before I could reveal myself, I caught the last of the Alpha’s words.

“-her daughter for twice the price Matthew.”

That stopped me in my tracks. The Alpha couldn’t possibly be talking about purchasing Jessy and I for four million dollars, right?

I swallowed thickly, my legs didn’t feel like they could carry my weight much longer so I limped into cabinet, making a beeline straight for my daughter that was currently sat on the floor, looking dejected.

The moment she set eyes on me, she stood up from her position and wrapped her small arms around my legs in a hug. I collapsed on the floor beside her, wrapping my arms around her small frame and letting her comforting scent surround me.

“Alpha, there are still omegas that are getting auctioned tonight. An-and I’m pretty sure you could purchase for yourself, a more beautiful, better omega than this worthless whore and her child.” Matthew spat bitterly looking in my direction to glare daggers at me.

It was obvious that Matthew feared the Alpha, the telltale signs was in the way he stuttered slightly when he spoke to him, in the manner that he completely avoided eyes contact, and the slight bow of his head.

And I was thankful for this fact, it meant that under the Alpha’s wings, he couldn’t get to myself and Jessy. It meant we were safe, at least from him.

“Matthew, are you trying to tell me that I no longer know what I want?” The Alpha questioned, the slight growl that accompanied his words, sent a shudder down my spine and his words weren’t even directed at me.

“No Alpha.” The Gamma said, bowing his head in submission.

” I’m taking the omega and her child. I’m already offering you double what you spent in purchasing them. It’s your choice to either take it or leave it. Whichever one you choose still ends with me taking them home.” The Alpha concluded.

Pushing past Matthew to settle in his seat once more.

I could feel the Gamma’s heated gaze burning into my skull and when I raised my eyes to meet his, the anger and disgust that clouded his orbs was enough to cause me to flinch in fear.

He looked like he wanted to strangle the life out of me and I had a feeling that if the opportunity presented itself then he would do exactly that.

The door to the cabinet opened and the owner of the auction house walked in with another girl on his arm. This time he presented her to the Alpha whispering something to him before turning around to leave the room.

Just before he reached the exit, he cut a dirty look to me. I knew how it looked like sitting on the floor with dried blood stains and a torn dress. He was probably assuming that I had done something terribly wrong.

He shook his head in disappointment muttering to himself before exiting the room.

“I knew this one wouldn’t last, I’m glad she’s off my hands.” I heard, just before the door could completely shut behind him.

The girl that the Alpha had purchased moved to sit beside me on the floor and she kept cutting dirty looks at my frame.

I recognized her upon closer inspection, she was the girl from the truck that had made the mean comment about the other girl not being fit to serve the Alpha King.

She looked like she knew exactly how to serve a man like the Alpha King so it was no surprise that she had been purchased.

I couldn’t remember if she had introduced herself in the truck, I was coming up blank trying to place a name with the face, so I gave up trying, choosing instead to focus on a sleeping Jessy in my arms, since it seemed like all she was interested in, was boring a hole through me with her glare.

“You couldn’t even wait till you are transported to your destination before doing something wrong. Barely hours after you’re purchased and you’re already being punished.” She whispered, but it wasn’t enough to remove the sneer from her words.

I remained silent, bowing my head in shame but offering no explanation. I didn’t owe her one and it was okay for her to think whatever she wanted.

“I wonder why the Alpha King purchased you. How are you supposed to satisfy him with that body?”

The Alpha stood up from his seat and he began to walk towards the door. Not before pausing in front of us, squinting at the other girl who immediately bowed her head in submission.

“Emilia, the next time that you speak in my presence without permission, I will be cutting off your tongue and giving it to you to eat.” He said.

The threat wasn’t directed at me but I shivered from the impact.

“You both come with me.”

Scrambling to my feet, I held Jessy’s frame tight on my chest, praying to whoever was listening that I was able to support her weight till we got to our destination and not collapse with her in my arms.

The moment we were ushered into the Alpha’s luxurious car, the air around me felt thick with tension. The Alpha pulled out his phone and focused on typing away at the screen.

But Emilia…

She had a look in her eyes that I couldn’t properly discern and no matter how much I tried to avoid her gaze, she made sure that I could feel the heat of it by refusing to take her eyes off me.

When I looked to her once more, the raven haired girl had a message in her eyes, I couldn’t understand what it meant but it made me uncomfortable.

And I was sure of one thing.

Emilia did not like me and she was going to be trouble.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

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