The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

The Vampire Council

“The first time I met him, he ate almost two pounds of cheddar cheese curds while his wolf sat with me,” I said.

“Oh crap! He was probably bound up for a week!” She walked to the door at the end of the hall, knocking softly before opening it. I followed her in; the room was dimly lit, and her parents were on the huge bed, facing each other. In between them, Phillip was sleeping with his head resting under her chin. He looked peaceful, and I knew he would be safe. I nodded to her and we walked back out, closing the door quietly behind us. “Mom said he settled right down with them. She’s thrilled to have a child in the house.”

“It’s new to me too,” I said. My stomach announced my hunger loudly, and I giggled and moved down the hall as she led me downstairs to the kitchen.

Snacks looked up as we entered the big room, filled with commercial-grade stainless appliances. “I found some brisket, all you all right with barbecue beef sandwiches?”

“You’re kidding, right? My wolf is dead, but my tastes haven’t changed.” It smelled wonderful as he took it out of the microwave and plated a big sandwich, along with potato chips and a big glass of milk. “I can’t eat all this,” I said as I looked at it. The bun was Texas-sized.

“Eat as much as you can, your body needs fuel to recover,” he said. “You want one, Sis?”

“Sure,” she said.

He handed her the plate a minute later, then joined me with his. He also handed me a big slice of a dill pickle. “Mom canned these last year, you can’t get anything this good in a store.”

We didn’t talk much as we ate. The beef was smoky and tender, the sauce tangy, and he was right about the pickle. I enjoyed it, thankful to be free and with family. I didn’t finish the sandwich, but Snacks took care of the extra.

Diane wiped her hands and mouth, then gave me a hug. “I’m going back to bed,” she said. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

She left the room, and I looked back at Bobby. “Where do we go from here,” I asked.

“If you hadn’t gone through all you did and if you still had your wolf, we wouldn’t be talking right now,” he said. “I’m holding back, giving you time until you are comfortable and ready because it’s what you need. Do not ever mistake my patience for not wanting you, Tania. I’ve wanted you since I first scented you, and I’ll be the happiest man in Texas when we complete the mating.”

“I can’t give you the bite back,” I said.

“Then I’ll tattoo a mating bite on my neck to show them all I’m taken,” he said.

I looked up at the clock, it was three in the morning. “Stay with me?” His eyes got wide and his wolf came forward. “Just to sleep. I always slept better with my Snacks, and I want you to hold me and keep the bad dreams away.”

“That’s what I want too, Tania. You in my arms at night.” He led me up the stairs, and a man was finishing with the door. He bowed his head and put his tools away, then we went in. Someone had changed the bed, and Bobby pulled the covers back and covered me as I tucked in. He went around the other side, pulling his shirt off then going under in just his shorts. He was chiseled, and I couldn’t help but appreciate what a strong man I’d found. He laid on his back, and I rolled into his side, my head on his shoulder and his arm holding me tight.

I felt safe, I felt loved, and I was asleep in moments.

Chairman Lewis Wolfe’s POV

Somewhere over Iowa

I’d spent most of the flight on the phone, dealing with angry Alphas and the other Council members. I was catching hell from both sides; those who feared the Alpha Killer were furious I wasn’t making Alpha Clark turn her over, while others were furious at what had been done to her family. At least one of the men I had arrested was innocent, and that investigation had to start. I was hesitant to use enforcers for the investigation since their boss was a suspect, and the other lawyers on the Council staff had the same problem. I needed someone independent, someone with investigative experience. Kicking it around with the Enforcers on the plane, I got a few names. The top man on the list was easy.

I didn’t have his direct number, so I called his Alpha. “Alpha Meechum,” the groggy voice said.

“Brent, it’s Lewis Wolfe,” I said. I’d known him for over a hundred years, and we’d always been friendly. “I need a favor.”

“It’s three in the morning,” he said. “Hang on, I’ve got to go to another room before my grandson wakes up.” I heard him moving, then a door closed. “What’s going on?”

“You heard the accusations by Alpha Clark last night. The reason we didn’t arrest Alphas Todd and Justin was because someone betrayed us to them. I need to find out who, and I can’t trust my own Council right now to find the truth.”

“What do you need from me, Mr. Chairman?”

“I want to borrow your son Randall for a while to head up the investigation.”

I didn’t hear anything for a moment, then he laughed. Full out belly laughed. “You don’t know, do you,” he said.

“Know what?”

“He’s already on the job, and he’s not working for you. The younger sister, Tania, the one who was rescued? He was the one who did the interview with her. He won’t work for you, but he will find out the truth.”

Shit. “Are you sure?”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Positive. He doesn’t want anything to do with the Council after what you did, and didn’t do, for those girls. I’m sorry, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Good night, sir.” He hung up.

One of the warriors looked up from his phone, his face was ashen. “Sir, you’ve got to see this.”

“What is it?”

“A video from my brother, he’s a warrior in the Winona Pack. He said he took it at the La Crosse Pack.” He handed me his phone and hit play.

My jaw dropped.

Alpha Justin Heranus was being walked up the road into the challenge circle by a couple of big guys. It looked like there were multiple Packs there from the way they were standing in groups. The crowd parted, and two people walked through into the ring. One was the Alpha Killer. “Holy shit,” I said. “When was this taken?”

“A few hours ago,” he said.

I continued watching as the battle started, and it was one-sided. Alpha Justin’s wolf, despite a hundred pounds in weight and decades of fighting experience, was no match for the lightning-fast female he was facing. She made him look like an untrained boy as she sliced and diced him.

He never had a chance, and she didn’t even shift until the end. She took his submission and his Pack from him as he lay bleeding on the dirt from hundreds of slashes. The other warriors were just as shocked; this was a foe none of them ever wanted to face. “What is she,” one of the men asked.

“She’s the Alpha Killer,” I said.

Jarrod Covington’s POV

New Orleans

Marceline left for the restroom, leaving me alone at our table by the dance floor of the nightclub. She loved to dance, and I loved to be with her. I felt the vibration of my cellphone in my pocket and pulled it out. I smiled as I saw the caller ID. “Talia, nice job with Justin,” I said. “You get your revenge?”

“I’ve got a problem, Jarrod,” she said. She was crying, on the edge of control. “I bit my mate. Oh Selene, what have I done? I bit Randall when we were mating! I didn’t mean to, I can’t lose him now! Not when I’ve just found him!”

“Talia, calm yourself. The venom won’t harm him quickly.” I looked at my watch, there was no time for me to get there tonight. “Bring him to me, and I’ll see what I can do.”

“OK. We’ll leave immediately. Is there anything I can do now?”

It may not work, but I told her. Maybe it would delay things until they could get here. In the meantime, I had my own problems.

I needed to get the Vampire Council to rescind their previous decision, or Talia would watch her mate die.

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