The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


There were two screams as the change completed, and the robe fell off.

Vicki screamed, “PUPPY!”

Liv screamed, “OH, FUCK!”

Then Liv grabbed Vicki and disappeared out of the room in a flash. I heard a door slam as the bathroom door locked.

Well, that could have gone better. I shifted back, pulling on my robe and tying it as I listened to Vicki asking to see the puppy again, while Liv was cursing that her phone was in her purse, hanging from the chair at the kitchen table. I walked over to the door, glad that she wasn’t calling 911 right now. I knocked, and it got quiet in there. “Liv?”

“What the hell, Leo?”

“I’m a werewolf, Liv.”

“That’s impossible. Werewolves are fantasy, fictional creatures that cannot exist.”

I chuckled; she couldn’t accept what she couldn’t understand. “Vicky, what did I change into?”

“BIG PUPPY! Momma, I wanna play wit da PUPPY!”

“I told you I wouldn’t hurt you or Vicky, Olivia. I don’t want you to be afraid of me, but you wouldn’t believe me if I didn’t show you,” I explained.

“You showed me, and I still don’t believe you,” I said.

“Take a little time to think about what you saw, Liv. It’s important you know the truth, because you two are in danger, and you won’t see it coming. I’ll be waiting in the living room for you to decide. If you want to go home, I’ll take you. If you never want to see me again, I’ll leave you alone. If you want to talk, we’ll talk. If you want to sit and play with the wolf in the room, we’ll play. Don’t be afraid of me; my wolf and I don’t like it when you are afraid.” I walked away, going back into the living room. Tossing the robe aside, I shifted and curled up on the rug in front of the couch, my head placed so I could see around the end of the sofa and down the hall.

It took ten minutes before I heard the bathroom door unlock, then it slowly opened. Liv poked her head out, looking at me. I rolled over onto my back, my tail whapping against the rug as they came into view. “Nice doggie,” she said. Vicki was being held in her hand, an open bottle of rubbing alcohol in the other. “Don’t make me use this,” she said.

I guess the medicine cabinet didn’t have many weapon options; I was glad she didn’t think of breaking the mirror. I tried to make myself as non-threatening as possible; rolling onto my stomach as they came closer, I put my head on my paws while my tail kept wagging. “Tell Mom that you are like me,” I sent to Vicki’s wolf.

Vicki brought her other hand to her ear, trying to figure out where my voice came from. “Mommy, I heard Unky Leo talking in my head,” she said.

“What?” She had moved them until one of the love seats was between me on the rug and the two of them near the kitchen.

“He said to tell you that I am like him.”


“Tell Mom that I really am your uncle. It was my younger brother,” I sent to her. Well, either they would grab my keys and steal my truck to get away, or I’d get them to sit down and talk to me.

“Momma, Unky Leo said he is my real unky. It was his wittle brother.”

Her eyes got wide. “No. It can’t be.”

“Show Mommy the pictures in the hallway.” Please, Luna, let her have the courage to know the truth, I prayed.

“Mommy, Unky Leo wants you to look at da pictures.” She pulled Liv towards the hallway, and she turned on the light. The walls were filled with photos of my life. Everything from my family as I grew, to my mating, my time with Catherine, and my brother Ivan’s mating ceremony. The ceremony at Marengo Lakes, where he mated the only daughter of the Alpha shortly before he died.

“Oh, God… Oh, God… It’s him,” she said as her fingers reached towards the photo. She let go of Vicki, allowing my niece to run back down the hall and plop down next to me. I kept my eyes on her mother as she tried to catch her breath and wrap her head around what she was seeing.

I loved the feeling of her little hands running through my fur as she explored my wolf form. Liv came down the hall, dropping onto the love seat as she watched her daughter play with the massive wolf on the floor. “You’re real,” she said. “You’re a werewolf. He was like you?”

I nodded my head yes before I licked up Vicki’s face, making her squeal. “Dog swobber,” she giggled.

“We need to talk,” she said.

I slowly moved to my feet, towering over Vicki. I stood over three feet tall at the shoulders, and my two hundred pounds was the same in both forms. I sniffed Vicki’s neck, the cold nose making her squeal, then trotted down the hallway to my room. I reached up a paw and opened the lever door handle, pushing my way in. Shifting, I pulled on my clothes and walked back out. “You did a good job telling your Mom,” I said to Vicki, who was now sitting in her Mom’s lap.

“You said you would explain it all,” she said. “Start talking.”

Ivan Volkov’s POVText content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Valentine’s Day, 2014

“Quit whining and get in there,” my older brother and Alpha said as we approached the large Pack House. The 2014 National Alpha Summit was being hosted by the Gray’s Peak Pack, a prosperous pack west of Denver. The place was packed, over two hundred Alphas in attendance, most with their Lunas. I had taken notes and networked during the daytime meetings, but now was the thing I dreaded most.

The meat market.

A cocktail party where unmated men and women of breeding were shoved together in the hopes of finding their mates. I didn’t like what they represented, and I already knew I wasn’t going to find a mate there. “I’d rather take a run after being cooped up all day,” I said.

“It’s the rules. All unmated Betas and Alphas and their children of age are required to attend, and no one can leave for at least an hour unless their mate is with them,” Leo said. “Catherine and I are meeting with some friends from the Iron Range. Don’t wait up for us.”

“Don’t wait up for me, I’ll be back when the moon sets and my run is done.” Leaving them behind, I joined the line of men heading for the east entrance to the ballroom. At precisely seven PM, the doors opened, and the men started to file in. I was about halfway back in the line, and this wasn’t my first time at one of these. It was a bit more organized than others, a long reception line of ladies in dresses wound back and forth inside the room. Each male would greet a female, lift her hand to his nose and sniff. If there was no match, he would smile and move on. When a destined pair found each other, the hosts and their security members would quickly remove them from the room before they started screwing on the floor.

The show must go on, after all.

This was my third one of these, eighteen being the minimum age. I had found my mate in the second; when I scented her, my eyes got wide, and I froze. She smelled my neck, shaking her head in disappointment. “No Alpha mantle on you,” she said to me.

“Second son of the Welch Pack Alphas in Minnesota. My brother is the heir.”

“Not interested second child of the Provo Pack here,” she replied. “I have better offers than you already. I reject you,” she looked down at my nametag, “Ivan Volkov. Have a nice life.”

“I reject you as well, Tonya Skyles, you heartless bitch,” I said back. I continued with the meetup as if nothing had happened.

Tonya’s mating to an Alpha in Idaho was announced that night with dozens of other pairings, as I sat at the bar and drank myself into oblivion.

Tonight would end up the same way. I started the motions of introducing myself to the ladies. I did have a plan. I’d get through the line, hang out at the bar with the other disillusioned, and find a willing female to share a night of meaningless but athletic sex. I was looking for those who were just as tired of this charade as I was, and I had invited a half-dozen ladies to join me at the bar by the time I exited the line. Making my way to the bar, I bought two bottles of tequila and asked for a bunch of glasses. Pouring seven, I downed the first and refilled it before my first lady arrived. “Ivan, did you save one for me,” the blonde she-wolf said.

“If you’d like to join me on a trip to oblivion, I’m your man,” I said. “Here you go, Lynn.”

“To another year of freedom,” she said as she raised her glass.

“Freedom.” We tossed the shots back, and I poured more as other ladies arrived. Brenda, Lori, Dawn, Charlotte, and Gina stopped by to say hello and have a shot. Over the next twenty minutes, all but Lynn and Brenda moved on to other males. The bar was crowded and loud; I grabbed what remained in the second bottle and stood up. “I need to get out of here. I don’t want to hear another word about mates and how wonderful they are tonight,” I said. Lynn wanted to stay, but Brenda asked me to walk her to her room.

I was a little confused, as Brenda wasn’t giving off signals she was interested. Still, I offered her my arm and escorted her out of the room. “Why are you so jaded about the whole mate thing, Ivan,” she asked as we got outside.

“I found mine last year; she was upset that I didn’t have what you have, an Alpha mantle. She rejected me before she knew anything else. Hell, she had to read my nametag so she could finish her rejection,” I said with a sneer. “I don’t know or care what Luna thought she was doing. Half of all human marriages end in divorce; I don’t think Luna is any better at the game. For every disgustingly in love and devoted pair, there’s probably another who don’t belong together.”

“And yet our culture and traditions insist on it,” she said. “You’re lucky; you get a choice in the matter. My father is not allowing me the same.”

“He cannot force you to mate someone. That is against our laws!”

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