The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


He slid down until he was lying on the floor, his head on his paws in front of him. “Sharkbait is a great kid. I will claim her as my own, and Liv can give us little brothers and sisters when she is ready. I’d die for them.”

“She knows. Liv saw you fight off the wolf attacking her, and Vicki heard what you said about her Mom in there. Time and patience, Brent. Trust me, it’s worth it.”

Liv fought the fevers for two more hours as we watched and prayed. None of the spikes were as high, and her heart didn’t stop again. She woke up when it got below a hundred and three. “Momma,” Vicki said as her eyes fluttered. “Wake up, Mommy!”

“Vicki?” Her voice was weak, but recognizing her daughter was a good sign.

“Mommy is too hot,” she said.

That didn’t last long. With the fever part nearly over, Liv’s temperature returned to normal just as the first bone broke with a loud snap. “OH, FISHSTICKS,” Liv screamed with the pain.

Donna was already draining the tub. “We need to move you into the bedroom for the rest of the fun,” she said. “Can you stand?”

“I’ll try,” Liv said. The girls helped her to her feet and wrapped a towel around her body before she stepped out. Brent got out of the way first, and Anita pushed me away. It took a minute to move her into the center of the blanket and lay her down. Vicki sat next to her, and Brent trotted over to sniff her and lick her neck before returning to the door. She laughed at the feeling of his tongue.

“Liv, this next part isn’t going to be pleasant as your body goes through its first change. We can’t keep you covered as your skin will be very sensitive as the fur pushes through. Do you want Brent and me to leave?”

She shook her head. “I feel safer with you both here,” she said. “My wolf agrees with me.”

“You can hear her?”

“She’s weak, but we are talking. Brent, come over here by me.” His head and tail were high as he came back over and curled himself behind her. Another bone snapped, and she let out a scream. Her hands fisted in his fur until she relaxed. “It doesn’t hurt as much when I’m touching him.”

“Then use him as a pillow,” I said. “I don’t think Liv’s wolf has told her you are mates,” I sent to Brent.

“It doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that her mate can ease her pain and help her relax.” That would be very important over the next few hours.

As the change went on, the breaking bones started coming faster, and the pain became constant. She had to push Brent and Vicki away as her skin became red and sensitive before grey and white fur started to push through. “Her fur is like mine,” Vicki said.

An hour later, an exhausted female werewolf lay sleeping on her side on the blanket with a black wolf curled behind her. She was gorgeous, mostly gray with some white on the bottom and a small white saddle in the middle of her back. Her legs and tail were grey with white socks and tips. Vicki thought she looked like a White-Tipped Reef Shark she’d seen at the aquarium.Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

I shook my head. “I don’t know; the reef sharks are much smaller than a Great White, and they have black areas on their fins. I think she looks like an Oceanic White-Tip.” I pulled up a picture of the shark on my phone and showed her; the shark had mottled white on the tips of her fins, and at up to thirteen feet long, was much larger than a reef shark. “They don’t have those at SeaLife.”

“Cool,” Vicki said. “Momma a White-Tip.”

Anita came up from downstairs thirty minutes later with a bowl of warmed steak pieces and a bowl of water. She set both down near Liv’s nose, and Vicki laughed as her nose started to twitch as the smell hit her. “Wake up, Liv. You need to eat and drink, the change took a lot out of you.”

Liv’s eyes opened up and she struggled onto her stomach as she looked around. She was a little panicky, and her head was turning as she tried to figure out everything that was assaulting her brain. “Your senses are different now, sharper, and more sensitive. Don’t try and move too much yet. Let your daughter feed you.”

Vicki sat by her head, picking up pieces of steak and feeding it to her Mommy. “You have big white teeth, Momma, like an Oceanic White-Tip,” she said. As Liv ate, I kept explaining what changes she had endured. When she’d finished her food, she struggled to her feet and took her first steps on four paws. She drank a lot of water before we coached her through walking in her fur. Finally, it was time to get up and go outside.

Donna helped her learn to go down the stairs, stopping her a few times from falling the rest of the way. Vicki wanted to run with her, but with her concussion, it wasn’t safe for her to shift yet. I had her climb up in my lap and we watched out the window as she walked out with Brent at her side. With our wolf vision, we could see them clearly in the moonlit winter night. He dropped down his front legs, his tail wagging as he tried to get her to play. She figured it out, and soon the two were chasing each other around the yard and play fighting. “Mommy have sex now?”

“Mommy and Brent need to learn about each other first. When it is the right time, they will bite each other’s necks and become mates. What happens AFTER that is not something little girls need to know about,” I said.

“Awwww, MAN!” She crossed her arms in front of her, just like Liv did when she got mad. It was cute.

“Don’t tell her. Your Mommy needs to fall in love with Brent before it happens. Brent will make her happy, and you three will be together forever.”

“Good.” She had been up all afternoon, and she was exhausted. “I love you, Unky Leo.”

“I love you too, Sharkbait.” She fell asleep on my chest as the two wolves disappeared into the forest together.

Ch. 26

I stayed there with Vicki sleeping on my lap until I saw the pair coming back out of the trees. “Our lovers have returned,” I sent to Mike and Anita.

“Good thing, dinner is almost ready,” Anita responded. “Liv shouldn’t shift back yet, and Brent won’t change until she does. I’ll get Vicki, and send help to get you back down here.” It was time for Vicki to wake, so I gently woke her and showed her how her mother was coming back with Brent.

“She looks happy,” Vicki said as she watched her Mom nip at Brent’s back leg.

“We’ll have to teach her how to link,” I told her. “I have to bring her into the Pack first.”


“She submits to me as her Alpha, then I’ll be able to open up a link to her wolf. After she can hear me, we’ll teach her how to talk with everyone else.” I had an idea. “You’ve got a family bond with her, can you tray and send her a mental message? Can you tell her dinner is almost ready?”

“I can try,” she said. She closed her eyes and concentrated. I could tell it worked because Liv’s body froze, and she fell to the ground, sliding across the snow-covered grass. She looked up at the window as Vicki waved to her. “It worked!”

“Nice job,” I said. Anita came in and picked her up, and she told her what she’d done as they walked out. Mike and Larry came up to get me. “I can hop down, just hold my bad side,” I said. Larry wrapped his arm around my waist, and I held on to the railing as I went down. Mike set up the wheelchair in the kitchen, and I sat down in it. My useless left arm kept me from moving. “This is ridiculous. I need to rent a powered wheelchair.”

I heard a squeal from the hallway, as Vicki appeared, driving a red-colored powered scooter. “Look, Unka Leo!” She smiled as she steered past me into the dining room, taking a lap before she stopped next to me. “We got you a scooter!”

“Thank Luna for that,” I said. She hopped off, and Mike helped me into it and showed me how to use it. I drove it to my room, where I was able to slide off on my own and use the bathroom before dinner. I drove back to the dining room, where Liv and Brent were sitting to the side in wolf form. “Did you two have fun,” I asked.

Liv woofed, and came over to greet me. She licked my neck, exposing her own neck to mine. My wolf pushed through, accepting her submission and bringing her into the Pack. “Welcome, Liv, to the Miesville Pack,” I sent to everyone.

As soon as the link opened, Brent, Mike, and Anita were able to establish their own mind-links with Liv and add their greeting. Vicki heard them all, and she was hugging her Mom’s furry neck. “Thank you, Leo. This is so cool!”

My eyes got big as I realized she’d mastered how to talk back over the link. “Vicki taught me while we were waiting for you,” she said.

I scratched her ears, then gave Vicki a hug. “Nice job, Sharkbait.”

“Mommy wants to watch one of my shows. She doesn’t know what an Oceanic White-Tip looks like.”

“After dinner, and only for an hour. The doctor doesn’t want you sitting in front of a TV that long,” I said.

“Everybody, sit down for dinner,” Connie said. She pointed her ladle at me. “Not you two. You’ve been petting a wet wolf, so go wash up again.”

“Come on, Sharkbait,” I said. I drove us to the bathroom, where we both washed our hands before driving back out. They’d left a space for me, and Vicki climbed up to her chair, which was higher so she could eat normally. Connie had made sausage and four-cheese lasagna, garlic toast, and a salad for us. “What else has happened today,” I asked.

“We’ve had six people from the Welch pack stop by, asking to join your Pack,” Larry said. “All of them have already cut ties with Alpha Todd. I explained what was going on, and they agreed to stop by again tomorrow morning.” He passed me a list of names; my eyes got wide. Four didn’t surprise me based on their text messages, but two did. All were mated wolves with families. “Going after a child didn’t go over well with them.”

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