The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

Implicating The Alpha

“I see. The volunteer would have to take the same treatment to kick off a heat cycle without having a mate of her own?”

“Yes. If you think you can find a volunteer to provide you your heir, I can provide you with the injection schedule and the drugs you will need today. Your own Pack doctor will have to oversee the cycle, and I only have enough drugs left for you to try once.”

“I’ll take them,” I said.

“I’ll prepare what you need,” she said. “I’m really sorry I can’t do more for you,” she said as she left.

She handed us the supplies and the directions, then we left the clinic and returned to our car. Rhoda started crying as soon as the door closed and didn’t stop until we were on the Interstate. I felt horrible; my mate was hurting, and I could do nothing. I reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll figure something out,” I said.

She wiped her eyes. “It’s not that easy,” she said. “It’s not just that you need an heir, you need a STRONG heir who can defend his position. You’re not going to get that my mixing your bloodline with an Omega, especially one desperate enough to give her first born to the Alpha. He would be half hers, and where does that leave me? What if she wants to be his mother? I’ll never be able to show my face again in the Pack if it gets out that you went to another woman to get your heir.”

“I can find a way,” I said. “They will accept the baby as ours alone.”

“How will you convince the Pack it is mine when I don’t smell pregnant, I don’t look pregnant and I don’t give birth?”

All good questions. “I don’t know.” She banged her head back against the rest. “I’ll find a way. We will have a son, a strong son with Alpha bloodlines on both sides, a boy that is ours and ours alone. We will have that as long as you trust me and do what I say, no matter what.”

“You’ll fuck another woman, you’ll do that to me knowing what it will do to me.” She didn’t believe me.

“I will do what it takes to ensure our son is born and takes over for me as Alpha of our Pack,” I said. “I won’t enjoy it, but I will do it. You will take the pain and thank me for doing it.”

She looked out the window, not saying anything for almost ten minutes. “Do it,” she said. “Don’t tell me the details, I don’t want to see her or have her around, just bring me my son.”

Chairman Lewis Wolfe’s POV

Eagle County Regional Airport, CO

Present Day

The plane taxied to a stop, and a few minutes later we were out the door. Our driver was ready, and we were on the road in minutes. Four cars trailed behind us with the Council Enforcers, while Carlos’ two squad leaders joined us in the spacious Suburban. “Where are we at,” I asked.

“Warriors from the Grand Mesa and Colorado Springs packs are going to meet us near the freeway exit. The Grand Mesa warriors will work with First Squad to search the Pack offices at the Copper Mountain resort. Second squad will come in from the west, while I and the Colorado Springs warriors escort you to the Pack House,” Lead Enforcer Carlos said. “Once everyone is in place, we will sweep and arrest the leadership.”

“Rules of engagement,” Counsel Kendall asked.

“We are arresting, not invading,” I said. “Warn them we have a warrant and interference with Council business is a punishable offense. Deadly force is only authorized for protection of yourself or others. Minimize casualties, make sure you are wearing body armor.”

The directions were passed to all the men, and just off the freeway exit we started to link up. Six hours after we had landed in La Crosse and learned of the allegations, we were ready to go. I looked over at Carlos, he was dressed out in camo body armor and heavily armed. “Ready, sir,” he said.

“Go, and may Luna protect us all.” The four vehicles filled with Enforcers and Warriors led the way down the winding road towards the eastern edge of the Copper Mountain territory. Tensions rose as we approached, not knowing if we were detected or if they would resist.

“Through the gate, the gate was open and no guard was seen,” the lead vehicle said over the radio we were using to coordinate the different Packs and Council teams.

“Squad two, through the gate, no resistance,”

“Squad one, in the office complex.”

My vehicle stayed outside the gate for now, Carlos didn’t want to risk me until the Pack grounds had been secured. I listened in on the calls, and it was clear that the people we were looking for were not here. “At the Pack House,” my Lead Enforcer reported. “Senior official present is the Gamma. He has ordered the Pack to cooperate. Alpha, Beta and almost all warriors are gone, sir. The Alpha took them out more than four hours ago, and he hasn’t heard from them since.”


Alpha Clark’s POVAll content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

La Crosse Pack House

My Pack was emptying out quickly.

I’d made a call to my closest ally, the Alphas of the Winona pack. When I told them what was going on, they immediately offered whatever help I needed. “Dan, I need two things quickly,” I told him. “I have to evacuate my non-combatants until this is all over.”

“Of course, send them to us, we’ll keep them safe,” Mary said. “I’d love to see Teri and the others.”

“Teri’s not coming, she’s doing something else, but the others will come. They’re packing now, they’ll be leaving in fifteen minutes. I knew I could count on you.”

“You know it. Can I send men?”

“Volunteers only, Dan, and have them bring their rifles.” I quickly filled him in on the plan I had. “My Beta female will be in charge of the group, she’ll call you when their convoy leaves. I have to go, it’s a madhouse here.”

“I’ll call you when we cross over into Wisconsin,” Dan said. I called two other Packs, in Arcadia and Genoa, and they volunteered to send about a dozen warriors each. I ran out to see off the caravan, and when I got back the warrant came across in my email for the arrest of Alpha Todd Aldridge. The letter attached authorized any Pack to apprehend him and hold him for trial.

I didn’t have time for this, but I couldn’t wait either. I forwarded the email to the Alphas of the Black River Falls and Wisconsin Rapids Packs, then called both of them in a group video call. “Sorry to drop this on you, guys, but I need your help.” I quickly went through the evidence that we had implicating Alpha Todd in the abduction of Tania Stillwater, and my suspicions he had been involved in the deaths of the Alpha pair.

It took a minute for them to calm down enough to talk, and I heard furniture breaking in the background of Alpha John’s office. The Black River Falls Pack Alpha had been friends with Alpha Johann since they went to camp together at age ten. “Handling this will be my pleasure,” John said. “I just hope he resists arrest enough I can get in a shot or two.”

Alpha Richard agreed. “I’ll get on the road in ten minutes. John, we can meet up in Tomah and head west to the Pack lands. I never liked that fucker and I was right,” he said.

“Thanks guys. I have to go, but if you could call me when you have him in your custody.”

“I can do that,” Richard said. “What do we tell his Pack?”

“Call them all into the meeting room and show them the file I’m sending you,” I said. “Just make sure you have him cuffed, stuffed and out of there before his Pack sees what he did. You’ll have to leave a Beta to take control of the Pack.”

“The Council is investigating?”

“Yes, I’ve given all the information to the Chairman himself and the Counsel drafted the warrant. The Council Lead Enforcer will be in contact with you so his team can conduct a thorough investigation. Good luck.” I closed the video call and emailed both Alphas the section of Tania’s story of the abduction. The Tomah pack was going to have a mass revolt when they found out what really happened.

I almost felt sorry for him.

With everyone else gone, I went to speak with my warriors. They were gathered in the Pack meeting room, most gathered around a large topographical map of our territory. As soon as I walked in, conversations stopped, and they turned and bowed their heads to me in respect. “Gather round, gentlemen,” I said. They all sat and faced the screen.

“What are we facing, Alpha?”

All I had told them was that we had information a Pack was planning to attack us that evening. I laid the whole thing out. The arrival of Talia Stillwater, also known as the Alpha Killer, with her younger sister. The revelations about how Alpha Todd abducted her and handed her over to be raped and bred. “The man who did this, the man who took her son from her and left her to die, is Alpha Justin Heranus of the Copper Mountain Pack.” The anger boiled over, they wanted blood. “The Council is on its way to arrest them, but Talia got to them first. She snuck onto their land and took Tania’s son and the Luna and brought them back here. Both are gone now, but someone told Alpha Justin where they are and he’s on his way with about twenty of his warriors.”

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