The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

I’m Still A Virgin

“IT WASN’T HER SON,” Alpha Clark of the La Crosse Pack said. He had arrived late to the conference and glared at the camera. “Phillip is Tania’s son, stolen from her at birth. Talia rescued her nephew just like she rescued Tania, while the Council refused to even investigate her kidnapping properly.”

“This isn’t the time to revisit the past, Alpha Clark, we have problems now,” Chairman Wolfe said.

“It’s never too late. I gave you the information you needed to get the warrants on Justin and Todd, because we wanted to do this properly and legally. Beta Mendez, how long ago did you Alpha flee?”

“About six hours ago, sir.”

“Within hours of me informing the Council of the evidence against them, both Alphas disappear. I wanted to trust the Council, but I can see now that it was a mistake. The Council failed the Tomah Pack when they pushed Talia out of the way when their parents were killed. You failed Tania when you failed to take her disappearance seriously and didn’t do a real investigation. Now you’ve failed us again. Three strikes and you’re out, Mr. Chairman. My family and my Pack is handling this ourselves.”

“You can’t do this,” the Chairman said as he stood up and leaned on the desk. “The Council was formed for dealing with problems like this in a civil and effective manner!”

“How’s that working for you, Mr. Chairman? Alphas, does it give you a warm fuzzy to know that the Council is on the job, or are you wondering what else they’ve covered up? We’re doing just fine on our own. Tania has been reunited with her son and is safe in the proverbial undisclosed location. Talia has captured Alpha Justin and Luna Rhoda, and they will face MY justice in MY pack.”

“YOU have them?”

“The Alpha Killer will not be denied blood. They have committed offenses were against my family or on my land. Under Pack law, their punishment is my decision alone. I will not turn them over, nor will I allow the Council or anyone else on my land to take them.”

“This is outrageous,” one of the Alphas said.

Alpha Clark just glared at him. “I. DON’T. CARE. The Alpha Killer has sworn a blood vow to take her vengeance on those who hurt her sister and killed her parents. She WILL get it, and I will make sure of it. You couldn’t stop her before, and you won’t stop her now. My advice? Stay on your Pack lands and stay the hell out of her way, because she is in NO mood to suffer fools. Luna herself won’t be able to help you if you aid or shelter Alpha Todd, and she finds out.”

A bunch of them started talking over each other, and the Chairman finally muted the microphones to stop it. “Alpha Clark, where is Alpha Justin Heranus now?”

He just smiled. “He ain’t no Alpha no more, Sir.”

Chairman Lewis Wolfe’s POV

Copper Mountain Pack House, Alpha Quarters

I was furious, my wolf wanted out, but I had to maintain control. I ended the videoconference before I exploded, and called all of the enforcers in along with the Betas of the Colorado Springs and Grand Mesa packs. “Beta Nick,” I said as I looked at the big man from Colorado Springs. “Contact your Alpha, let him know you are requested to stay here until I can arrange temporary Pack leadership. You are to be the de facto Alpha until replaced,” I said.

“Understood, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.”

“Beta Oscar, the same for you except I’m asking you to stand in as the Pack Beta until relieved. Both of you, inform your Alphas you may be needed for at least three days, up to a week.”

“Yes sir, thank you sir.”

“You’re not leaving a Council member in charge?” My Chief Counsel, Lawrence Kendall, was looking at me like I’d deviated from process. I had, and it was intentional.

“No. Enforcers, place Mr. Kendall and Mr. Mendez under arrest and escort them to the cells.” There was hesitation, Carlos Mendez was their boss. “NOW,” I said with command lacing my voice.

They broke out of their inaction and moved forward, cuffing the two with silver-coated handcuffs designed to foil werewolf strength. “This is outrageous, what are the charges,” Carlos said.

“Suspicion of treason,” I said. “Take them away.” They did, and the two men did not know quietly. The Betas looked at me for an explanation. “Alpha Clark was right about one thing; someone tipped the two Alphas off about the warrants and the raids. I didn’t tell them, so it had to be either Lawrence or Carlos. I’ll figure out which later, I’ll be sending investigators out to get them. Confiscate their belongings, especially their phones.”

“Yes Mr. Chairman.”

“Enforcers, the rest of you will be leaving with me for Tomah. Jerry, notify the pilots to prepare a flight plan and be ready to leave in thirty minutes.” He ran out of the room to make the arrangements.

I made a few more phone calls as the cars were brought around. “Alpha John,” I said as I called the Black River Falls Alpha. “Change of plans. I need you or Alpha Richard to take over the Tomah pack for the time being. Arrest Beta Mendez and put him in the cells on suspicion of treason. Carlos Mendez is under arrest here for the same charge, of tipping off the Alphas so they could escape the raid. The coincidence of the Beta being related to him is too obvious to ignore. I’ll be sending investigators your way soon. Don’t mistreat him, he might be completely innocent.”

“I understand, Mr. Chairman. I’d be shocked if he condoned this.” He mumbled something off mic. “Richard and I are still in the Pack House. There are no objections to my staying on as acting Alpha,” he said. “If I may ask, sir, what are the long-range plans here? The Pack is very upset by the revelations of tonight. They want a Stillwater as Alpha again.”

I sighed, I knew this would happen. “Neither is mated, John. Talia Stillwater is a wanted fugitive for good reason, and Tania does not have a wolf. That would seem to be a prerequisite for the position.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“At this point, I don’t think the Pack cares. They want Tania to return to them, she’s still family, and they never liked how Talia was forced out of here.”

It was giving me a headache. I got the signal the cars were ready, so I walked out of the office as I talked. “There’s still a lot to deal with first. Keep the Pack stable, let’s find Todd and find out if Alpha Clark can get any more information out of Justin. I want to know who my traitor is.”

This day had been a disaster. The Council was formed at the behest of the Alphas and could be dissolved or replaced with a simpler vote of them. Alpha Clark’s words had shaken their faith in him and the Council, I could see it in their body language. I had a day, maybe two to turn the narrative around before ‘council incompetence and corruption’ became the next issue, and then I would be out. I wasn’t going to let that happen.

Randall Meechum’s POV

La Crosse Pack

The La Crosse warriors came down, placing all the Copper Mountain warriors in handcuffs and seating them by the road. Only the Alpha, who was being escorted, and the Beta who was bound hand and foot, were different.

Of all possible outcomes, this is the one I really wanted. All these men didn’t need to die, only specific men did. When Alpha Justin came out of the car and accepted the challenge, I knew I would get my wish.

“Alpha Eastwing,” Alpha Clark said as he walked forward. “Are you all right?”

“Fine,” he said. He was furious at being played for a fool and having his men endangered. “Thank you for keeping this from escalating, Clark. I apologize for involving myself.”

“We’ll talk later. Take any of your vehicles still operating and send as many men as you can back to your Pack with your Beta. You and the rest may stay for the challenge, then we’ll arrange transport to a local hotel for the night. You’re going to need a shitload of new tires,” he said with a grin.

Alpha Eastwing gave a few orders, and men started moving. Alpha Clark had his men move the vehicles in front and behind out of the way so they could turn around and get out. Everyone else, including Alpha Justin who was still between two huge warriors, was making their way to the Pack House.

Beta Jack was cuffed and shackled and being carried back by four men. Talia and I caught up to her uncle. “What’s the plans for him, Alpha?”

“I was waiting to talk to you about it, Talia. He was the one who sold Tania into slavery, so perhaps she will want to choose or participate in his punishment.”

“I don’t know if she’s ready, sir,” I said. “I’ll contact my father, he can broach the subject with Tania and Bobby. I want to know who he sold her to, I plan to take down everyone involved in Tania’s treatment with the help of my lovely mate here.”

“I’ll put him in isolation and let him stew for a while, then. Make Justin suffer, Talia, but don’t kill him just yet.”

“Don’t worry, Uncle Clark,” she said. “He’s not getting off easy.”

It was after dark, but the lights surrounding the challenge circle had been turned on. I lagged behind everyone with Talia, holding her hand as we walked slowly towards the circle. “I’m so looking forward to seeing you fight,” I said.

“You’re not upset that I’m fighting him instead of you? You’re the male, I thought you’d want to fight him for his Pack.”

I shook my head. “I have as much desire to take over his Pack as you do,” I said. “If you asked me, I would do it for you, but you are not some weak female in need of my protection. You’re the most dangerous person I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of dangerous people.”

“I scare you?”

“Hell no, thinking about you out there beating the shit out of an Alpha makes me harder than Chinese calculus,” I said. She laughed and squeezed my hand. “You don’t scare me because you are mine and I am yours. I am the lucky one, I have a mate who is just as strong and fierce as I am.” I looked over at her, she was looking at me in love and wonder. “Plus, I bet you’ll be a tigress in the sack.”

“RANDALL!” She hip-checked me, knocking me off balance. “I’m still a virgin.”

“And I look forward to making you mine in all ways after this is over.”

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