The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

I Miss My Wolf

“She did. I understand the process and the implications of this change. I am doing it for her, and for us.”Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

He nodded. “The Vampire Council was reluctant to grant me permission to change you. Hybrids like Talia are a risk; not held by maker command like a made vampire, and not subject to Alpha command due to her status as an Alpha. You are still Pack?”

“I am,” I said. “Talia told me she swore loyalty to you when she was changed, and I will agree to the same. The conditions you gave her were that she would know who and why and be able to refuse if she did not agree they deserved death.”

“Then let us begin.” He took a large syringe off the table and Anastasia wiped the area with an alcohol pad, then used another on me. He slowly drew blood out of his body, filling the syringe. When he put it in my arm and started to push it in, it was like liquid fire moving into my body. I screamed in pain and the others held me down until it was all in.

Talia’s POV

New Orleans Coven

I wrapped my arms around my mate as he lay suffering on the bed. The blood had circulated through his whole body by now, and I remembered all too well the pain he was experiencing. “I’m here, love,” I whispered in his ear. “You are doing fine. You’ll get past this and we’ll be together forever,” I said.

He screamed until he couldn’t scream any more. Jarrod put heavy leather mitts on his hands so he wouldn’t tear his skin in his misery. I stayed behind him where he couldn’t hurt me, letting the body contact soothe his wolf. He suffered for an hour before he finally passed out. Jarrod checked him and nodded. “He’ll be out for a while. You should clean up and call his parents,” he said.

I thought about it and nodded. We had come straight here, and Randall didn’t want to worry them until he knew if he would be able to take the change. I went to my room and pulled my sweat and blood-soaked clothes off, tossing them into the garbage. I stepped into the shower and scrubbed myself clean, then got out and got dressed again. I wasn’t looking forward to this; there was still a chance Randall wouldn’t make it. No matter what, their son would never be the same after tonight. He would be stronger and faster but never fully trusted among his kind again.

I looked at the clock, it was eight thirty in the morning. I grabbed Randall’s iPad and went into the guest room where Randall was being watched. Marcy was watching him. “How is he,” I asked as my eyes looked him over.

“Fever is building,” she said. “Another hour and we’ll start with the ice. We’ve got a whole freezer full ready to go into the tub.”

“I’ve got time then.” I used his finger to unlock his iPad and brought up Skype. His parents were listed, and I pressed the contact to call them. A few seconds later, Alpha Brent came up on screen. He looked at me, and the worry must have been obvious. “Alpha Meechum?”

“Brent, please.” He looked concerned; he was in his office and Patty came around to look over his shoulder. “Are you all right, Talia?”

“Things have gone a little pear-shaped,” I said as I fought back tears. “Are you alone?”

“We are. Talk to us, honey,” Patty said as she moved around to sit in his lap.

“There are some things that I didn’t say earlier, things about me and what I am,” I said.

“I saw the video of the fight, Talia. It’s pretty clear your speed has been enhanced, I’ve never seen a werewolf move like you do.” Brent hugged his wife. “The only thing I’ve seen that fast is a vampire.”

“It’s because I’m part vampire,” I said. “After I was kicked out of Tomah, I took up with a vampire and her coven. Long story short, they took me in, and their Master changed me. It was excruciating during the change, but when it was done, I was able to become the fighter I am now. Part of the change is that my bite is fatal to werewolves, it just takes weeks instead of minutes.”

“It doesn’t make you less of a mate or less of a werewolf,” Patty said.

“I bit him. I bit Randall while we were mating last night.” I saw the horror on their faces as they figured it out. “The only way to save him is to make him like me. My Master got permission from the Vampire Council and Randall is undergoing the change now. You need to know because for the next three days, he’s not going to be able to talk to you.”

“Oh Selene, I need to be with my boy,” Patty said with tears in her eyes.

“You can’t, we’re at a coven. I’m here, and Erica is here too. My vampire family will take care of Randall just like they helped me.” I wiped a tear. “He will be all right, but he will be like me. The Council and the other Packs will find out we have vampire blood.”

“Will you bring him home? After?”

“I still need to find and kill those who hurt my sister and killed my parents. Randall understands, that is why he asked you to send someone to take over Copper Mountain. If you hear anything about Alpha Todd’s whereabouts, let me know.”

“Tania is here, she’s doing better. Bobby finally revealed his human side to her, and they are sleeping together after a rough night. Phillip is doing better, he’s with the other boys and girls now.” She wiped her face. “Take care of my boy, Talia.”

“His brother Dallas is taking over as Copper Mountain Alpha, and our Beta’s son as his Beta. They’ll do just fine there. Don’t worry about anything else, your Pack will be just fine until you’re ready to decide if you will keep it. You take care of yourself too, Talia. We love both of you.”

“I will, Dad.” I didn’t even realize I was saying it until it was out. I ended the call before he could see me break down completely. I missed my parents terribly.

Tania’s POV

Sulphur Mountain Pack House

I woke up in his arms, and for the first time in weeks I felt rested. I nuzzled my head into his shoulder, and he opened his eyes to look at me as he smiled. “Morning love,” he said.

“Thank you,” I told him as I closed my eyes again.

“For what?”

“For not giving up on me. I know I’m not what you expected to be dealing with.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, and it felt warm and comfortable to me. I was in a bed with a man, and it was because I had asked him. I was in control, if I told him to, he would leave. I ran my hand up his side, feeling the muscles underneath his skin. “You’re not a burden that has been foisted on me, Tania. You’re a blessing. I’m here because I want to be, because I love you, and I love our son. I know it seems weird and sudden, but my wolf and I know it is where we are meant to be. Just like you were meant to escape and find me.”

“I miss my wolf,” I said. “It’s like this part of my soul is gone, and all I can do is think about how things would be different if she was here. I want to run in the woods, I want to feel the wind in my hair and the freedom we used to have together.”

He rolled onto his back, bringing me with him so I was lying on top of him. I could feel his impressive length pushing through his shorts, poking into my stomach as his arms surrounded me. “Why don’t we eat some breakfast and go for a run,” he said.

“What about Phillip?”

“He’s fine. He had a good sleep with my parents, and he’s playing out back right now with the other youngsters of the Pack. He’s having a good time and making friends, we can see him on the way out. I’d like to show you a little of our territory, and my wolf could use the run.”

“What about me?”

“You can ride on my back. It’s not the same, but it’s the best I can do right now.” He looked towards the door. “The kitchen sent up a late breakfast since we missed it. Why don’t you freshen up and I’ll get it ready.”

I rolled off him and went to the bathroom, returning a few minutes later. The guest room had a small sitting area by the windows, a small table and two chairs, and he was setting out the plates and pouring juice for us. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit… I would never take a good breakfast for granted anymore. We ate and talked, and I got my first look at his Pack grounds in the daylight. Rolling hills with cattle, stands of oak and pecan, and streams and ponds went as far as I could see. This late in the summer, the grass was dried out and it was hot and humid in the afternoon. “We should go,” he said. “The longer we wait the more miserable the humidity gets.”

“I felt like I was going to melt getting off the plane,” I said. He just kept his shorts on and put on flip-flops, while I changed in the bathroom into a short and halter top that had been left with the breakfast for me, along with a pair of sandals. He held my hand as we walked out and through the Pack House to the back door. “Oh good, they fit,” Sally said as she handed me a small insulated backpack. “I put a lunch and drinks in there along with a swimsuit. It’s not worth going out there unless you’re swimming too,” she said with a smile.

“Tania, this is Sally, she works in the kitchen,” Bobby said.

“Thank you, the food and clothes were perfect,” I said.

She leaned forward and hugged me. “Welcome to Sulphur River, if you need anything you just let us know,” she said. “Now go and have fun!”

We went out to the large patio in the back. There was an outdoor kitchen and a swimming pool with waterslides, plus a bunch of picnic tables. “Where is everyone?” Only a few people were in the pool.

“Mostly working or in school. With the heat, it doesn’t really pick up out here until after dinner.”

We walked past the fenced-in play area where the preschool kids would play; they were inside now, and I saw Phillip napping in a puppy pile with the other youngsters. The nanny waved at me and smiled. I waved back. He looked like he was fine and I didn’t want to wake him up. While I was looking in, Bobby had pulled off his shorts and flip-flops and shifted into his wolf. I picked the stuff up and put it in the backpack, then climbed on his back. It wasn’t normal for a werewolf to do this, we could run in wolf form before we could crawl, but I settled in. He shivered as I leaned onto him, my hands around his chest in front of his legs, my legs crossed at the ankle by his tail, my knees holding him behind his ribs. He turned and trotted towards the treeline, speeding up into a run once I was comfortable.

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