The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

Challenge And Kill Him

“Talia isn’t free of her blood vow until we have them all,” he replied. “I want grandchildren to play with.”

I laughed harder than I had in months. “You werewolves are all the same about that,” I said.

“I want them, but Patty is insufferable about it. She wants little wamp pups running around the house.” I clapped him on the back, and we walked out to our transport. We’d be back in New Orleans by ten.

Talia Stillwater’s POV

Council Headquarters

I asked the Chairman’s secretary to find me two things; clothes that could fit me and a pair of female warriors that could drive me. “Females, Ma’am?”

“Yes, my mate wouldn’t appreciate me being around unmated males. It was bad enough I traveled here with Jacque.”

“I’ll ask around, the Council doesn’t have female enforcers but there might be some family members willing to step up.”

No females allowed? That shit would be changing.

I called Jacque to my new office and we went through his directions. He would be in charge while I was gone, calling me for any important decisions. In general, he was going to preserve evidence and keep order until the new Council was elected.

When we finished, Gia and Tia were waiting for me outside the doors. The twenty-two-year old twin daughters of a Beta pair, they stood about five foot ten and carried themselves confidently. With raven-black hair in ponytails and light complexions, they were strikingly beautiful. “Your background,” I asked.

“Our parents were Betas of the Allegheny Pack. Our father was rotated here to consolidate the identity change department,” Gia said.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“We have been trained to Beta level, but here we are utilized for developing backgrounds and finding identities that can be taken over,” Tia continued. “We will protect you with our lives, not that you require us to protect yourself. You’re awesome,” she said with a blush.

I could see how thrilled they were to be asked to work directly for me. “Pack a bag for a week,” I said. “We will be driving a lot, so requisition a vehicle that is big enough we can sleep in it. You’ll be alternating driving.”

“Yes, Madam Chairman,” they said together as they left. I found a bag and put the rest of my clothes in it just as Jacque knocked on the door.

“I’ve got some tech for you,” he said as he handed me a phone. “Generic account smartphone, since you left yours behind. I loaded in the numbers I had for your family and my own personal phone, as well as the security center and your office here,” he said. “This notebook has the complete Council records on each Pack; their territories, known members, profiles of leadership, everything we have.”

“All right, you can expect some blowback on Councilman Pierce, but if his son is smart he’ll survive. Don’t tell anyone where I am, let them think I’m still on the warpath.”

“You are,” he said. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Thank you for thinking for yourself,” I responded. “I hope the next Council recognizes your talent and keeps you on. If not… my family would love to have you if you need a place.” I walked out, people scurrying out of my way as I walked to the car.

I tossed my bag in the back of the Crown Victoria sedan, the big seat calling me in my fatigue. “Where to, boss?”

“Gnaw Bone, Indiana,” I said. “Wake me when we’re there.”

It was barely a half hour later when my new phone woke me up. I saw the caller ID, it was my mate. “Hi baby, sorry I didn’t call but I was tired,” I said.

“I see you’ve been busy while I was gone,” Randall said. His deep voice affected my wolf, she was running around in my head, sticking her butt in the air and moving her tail aside. She wanted him. “I saw the videoconference. You were amazing, baby. I don’t think I’ve been any more in love with you than when I saw you dominate those assholes,” he said.

“I miss you. Are you still working the cases in Dallas? How are they going?”

“Dead end,” he said. “My wolf was getting too riled up about things. It turns out the man who bought your sister from Beta Jack is an FBI informant, and protected. When I learned the State Department vetoed action against the sex island, it was too much.”

“You didn’t shift, did you?”

“No, but I put a hole in my bosses’ wall. She strongly suggested I take some time off, so I am suddenly free and missing my mate.”

“I’m heading west. I figure Alpha Pierce is at his home pack south of Indianapolis, then I’m trying to decide if I go to Denver or Dallas. I should check in with the Pack I’m the Alpha of, I guess.” He didn’t say anything for a bit. “Randall, do you want to be Alpha there?”

“I don’t see how it will work,” he said. “Would you do that to your sister? Live in the territory, with the Pack that raised your nephew as their own after he was stolen from you? On land where she was held and raped?”

“No.” I had no interest in the Pack, I had only wanted revenge on Alpha Justin. “How is Dallas doing up there?”

“He’s doing fine. He had to lay down the law and make some changes, but the Pack is settling down quickly. He’s confident enough he’s bringing Vivian and Austin up tomorrow.” This was good, he wouldn’t risk his mate and son if it wasn’t stable. “If we aren’t going to take it, you should officially turn over the Pack to him. It will make it easier for them to make the Pack their own.”

“Road trip? You could meet me there in two days.”

“I don’t want to wait two days. How about I fly into Indianapolis and you pick me up on the way?”

“Why not,” I said. “It’s more fun with your man watching,” I said.

“I’ll talk to my Dad when he gets back, and Dallas,” I said. “We should really be there as a family to celebrate his installation as Pack Alpha. It’s a big deal for them.”

I thought about it, and he was right. Alpha changes did not happen often outside a family without blood being spilled. It was a good excuse for a party, something Werewolves loved. “The Council is required at an installation, the Chairman and the local Council member minimum. Right now I’m it,” I said. “I guess I could have Chief Enforcer Jacque Jones fly in for it, he’s acting for me back at headquarters.”

“It’s easy flying in and out of Denver, so yeah. We should go all out. Dallas never thought he’d have a chance to be Alpha and it should be special.”

I remembered something. “Where is your Dad?”

“Off with the Vampire Council and Jarrod. He’s working on a peace plan. I don’t expect to hear from him until the morning. Listen, I’ll talk to my Mom, she can work with everyone to set up the party. You think you can be there in two nights?”

“Sure, we can do it at moonrise.”

“All right, I love you, Talia. I’m going to find a flight and get to the airport, I’ll call you when I have details.”

“Just text me, love, I’m going to try and get some sleep. Love you.”

“I love you more, Talia. See you soon.” I ended the call and set the phone in the cup holder, then closed my eyes.

“Madam Chairman,” I heard the female voice say as my shoulder was gently touched. “We’re coming up on Indianapolis.”

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sat up, looking at Tia and Gia in the front seat. “Where are we?”

“Ten minutes from the exit for Alpha Lamont’s pack, a little more if we are going to the airport first.”

I looked at my phone, it was five in the morning. I had a text from Randall, his plane was arriving in forty minutes. “Airport first,” I said. I quickly texted Randall back, telling him we would meet him outside baggage claim. “No, bathroom and food first,” I said.

We stopped at the next exit for gas, bathroom and drive-through McDonalds. I got extra, figuring my mate might be hungry, and we got to the airport just as he was landing. I stood outside the car, nervously pacing back and forth until I saw him and jumped into his arms. “Randall,” I purred after we came up for air.

“Let’s get in the car before I mate you right here against the post,” he said. I dropped down his front and took his hand; he was carrying a small bag. He looked every inch the fantasy cowboy in his black cowboy boots, black jeans and a T-shirt hugging his muscled torso and shoulders. We loaded into the car and headed southwest. “What’s your plan?”

“Challenge and kill him,” I said.

“Do you want me to do it?”

I thought about it, he was even stronger and better trained than I was, though he had much less experience with his new speed and strength. “No, I think it is best if we keep your capabilities hidden until they are needed,” I said. “Plus I hear my fighting is great for your libido.”

“True,” he said. We cuddled up in the back seat, enjoying each other until we arrived at the gate for the territory. A young guard came up to the driver’s window; he recoiled at the smell, his hand moving to his holstered weapon. “That would be a mistake,” Randall said in his Alpha voice. “Inform the Alpha that Talia Stillwater is here to speak with him.”

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