The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 It’s my fault

For so long, the Maxwell massive mansion had never been so lively as it was that evening.

The enormous ballroom was decorated in a timeless and romantic theme, with a grand staircase leading up to a second–floor balcony, all–white floral decor and table linens, grand chandeliers, and crystal lamps.

All guests wore all neutral colors to blend in with the elegant theme, and even though guests had started arriving an hour ago, more were still coming.

The orchestra was playing soft classical music, and the guests enjoyed the scenery while they waited.

Slowly Peach’s eyelids shut as the makeup artist rubbed on the eyeshadow, and when Peach finally them again, there was still that smile plastered on the artist’s face as she admired her work.

The room door suddenly burst open and Mrs. Maxwell, Miss Grace, and all the ladies from the book club entered the room, their laughter widening Peach’s smile.

“Elijah is a lucky groom… His bride is really pretty.” One of the ladies said as they stood by watching Peach like some fascinating art piece.

“Of course, my son is lucky!” Mrs. Maxwell boastfully said, a look of pride on her face. “He finally learned to have good taste.”

A chuckle escaped Peach’s lips at the praise, and then she blinked back her tears, trying not to break down in front of the others.

For a while, the women stood there entertaining Peach and then Mrs. Maxwell noticed how Miss Grace was staring at her daughter, and she hastily told the other women, “Let go, and let our bride


get dressed!”

Staring after Mrs. Maxwell as she drove the other women away, Miss Grace smiled softly, and when Lisa looked back for a second and their eyes locked, Miss Grace whispered, “Thank you.”

“Let’s get you into your gown,” Miss Grace said when it was just her and Peach in the room.

Taking off the hanger a long white off–the–shoulder embroidery v -neck corset sequin a–line gown, Miss Grace smiled and said, “ Even though it’s my second time putting you in a wedding gown, I can’t believe how excited I am to do it again.”

“And I didn’t expect marrying Elijah for the second time to be just as emotional as the first time.” Peach said, beaming as her emotions bubbled up once more.

A moment later, after slipping the weightless gown on her body, Peach smiled as she curved her stomach, and her mother said, Look who’s finally showing?”


“I can’t believe I have been creating a little human in me for five months now…” Peach whispered. “I never knew a love like this existed until I felt Little Munchkin’s first kick. I can’t explain it-”

“It’s called unconditional love, honey.”

“Right… That sums it.”

After a silent moment, Peach said, “You should head downstairs. I will join you in a second.”

Nodding, Miss Grace then kissed her daughter’s forehead before leaving, closing the door behind herself.

As the minutes ticked by, Peach smiled at the mirror and then said, “I miss you, Papa.”

Then she took her bouquet and drew a deep breath before leaving the room.

In the ballroom, Elijah’s heartbeat was increasing by the second as a sense of excitement flooded his body, causing sweat to form on his forehead.

“Breathe, son… Why are you shaking like it’s your first wedding?” Mr. Maxwell said, patting his son on the back.

“Because it feels like it, father. She’s the love of my life. Marrying her will always feel like our first, even if it’s our second, third, or fourth.” Elijah said with a smile. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life being with her.”

When he noticed Miss Grace approaching them, he immediately walked over to her and asked, “Where is Peach?”

“She will be down in a moment.” Miss Grace gave him a

reassuring grin.

Even though Elijah felt slightly uneasy, he returned a smile and then looked at the stairs.

After a couple of minutes, he noticed Peach, and his heart relaxed, and when she stopped at the top of the stairs, she locked eyes with him, and they both beamed at each other.

“I love you.‘ Elijah mouthed out to her with a smile.

But in a split second, he saw a face he had forgotten about, but immediately recognized even though she was wearing a dark shade and wig, and he whispered, “Melina, no!!”

As Melina rushed behind Peach, his eyes bulged, and Elijah screamed, “Peach, behind you!”

Hearing his desperate cry, Peach turned around to face her, and that’s when Melina pushed her, causing Peach to lose her balance.

But as she was about to fall, she grabbed Melina’s wirst, but gravity won, and they both lost their balance, falling down the stairs.

A scream ripped from Elijah’s throat as he watched Peach fall backward, and he ran for her, sliding on his heel to catch her, but her head landed on his hands, and yet her back hit the edge of the stairs.

Not having no one to rush to grab her, Melina fell flat on her back, hitting the ground hard and losing consciousness, blood rolling from the deep cut on the back of her head.

“Elijah, the baby,” Peach whispered, tears streaming down her eyes as she weakly raised her hand to touch Elijah’s face. “Our baby … Something is wrong.”

With moist eyes, Elijah immediately lifted her off the ground, holding her in his arms.

“Oh my God, blood is rolling down her legs.” Someone cried from the crowd.

“My baby,” Peach whimpered as she leaned her head against his shoulder, squeezing his arm tightly as she shuddered. uncontrollably. “Please, God no… Not my baby…”

As his hand gripped under her thigh, Elijah could feel that that spot was wet, and all he wanted to do was break down because he knew it was blood, and his baby came to his mind, but he couldn’t … For Peach, he refused to shed the tears that ached his heart, and all he could say was, “I got you, babe… I got you… And I am here…”

Trembling, Miss Grace’s body shut down as she watched Elijah run with Peach out of the room, and when Mrs. Maxwell noticed her, She hurried over to her.

Both women rushed into each other’s arms, weeping and hugging tightly as Miss Grace cried, “My daughter!!”

Trying to be the man that he is, Mr. Maxwell looked over at Melina and then said to one of his men, “Get her off my floor and take her to the hospital.”

Then he clutched his fist as his nostril flared and he shouted, losing control of his emotion, tears blurring his vision, “And I want to know who the hell allowed this mad woman in my house. Check all the security cameras! If I find out who that person is, I am going to fucking kill them!!”

As the bodyguards took Melina away, one of the guests looked extremely nervous, and he hesitated for a second before stepping forward toward Mr. Maxwell, saying. “I didn’t know she was mad and dangerous. We… We met at a club last night… and from one conversation to another, I asked her to be my plus one tonight. I am so sorry, Mr.”

Immediately, he choked on the rest of his words when Mr. Maxwell’s fist slammed into his neck, causing him to drop to his knees, coughing and spluttering for air before gasping painfully.

“Oh my, the governor’s son…” A guest whispered.

“The governor is standing right there and not doing anything..!” Her friend whispered to her.

“Damn it!!” Mr. Maxwell shouted. “Everyone get out!!! Please!!! Get out!”

Not needing to get told twice, guests started hurrying out of the ballroom until it was only Mr. Maxwell, Lisa, and Miss Grace with the mansion workers in the hall.

“Let’s go. I will take you guys to the hospital.” Mr. Maxwell said, looking directly at his wife and in–law.

A moment later, when they got into the hospital and entered the waiting room, Elijah was sitting there, dry blood stuck on his skin, and he looked drained like his soul had left his body.

When he looked up at the three of them,for a while, Elijah couldn’t move, he was afraid that he might start yelling out loud and losing his damn mind because he didn’t want to believe it and wanted it

to be a nightmare that he gets to wake up from.

“I should have been faster in catching her,” Elijah said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“It’s not your fault. None of us could have seen this coming, Elijah …” Miss Grace cried, her body still shaking.

Looking at the blood on his skin, Elijah just stared as his teardrops hit the stains repeatedly and then he mumbled, “Melina is my ex, I was the want who propose to Peach the second time… the damn party was my idea… how is it not my fault that my wife and my baby lives are at risk!”

“Elijah, please…” Mrs. Maxwell cried.

Burying his face in his palm, Elijah finally broke down, the sound of his sniffs ringing through the silent room.

“Mr. Maxwell,” The doctor’s voice made everyone look over at the waiting room entrance. “We need to talk to you.”

“What’s wrong with my daughter?” Miss Grace asked worriedly.

Seeing the look on everyone’s face, the doctor explained, “She will be fine. Ummm… I just need Mr. Maxwell and her to make a decision.”

“God, it’s about the baby, isn’t it?” Mrs. Maxwell cried.

When the doctor didn’t reply both she and Miss Grace covered their mouths with their shaking hands, tears welling in their eyes as they whispered, “Nooo…”

Completely numb, Elijah nodded, and then woke from his seat, and as he walked past his father, Mr. Maxwell tapped him on the back, saying, “Keep it together for her sake.”

A moment later, Elijah and the doctor were walking in the hallway, and doctor Harry then said, “I need you to convince her to let this pregnancy go.”

Halting in his step at those words, Elijah’s body trembled in shock, and without even looking at the doctor he said, “What?!”

“Because of the fall, the pregnancy has become a high–risk pregnancy, and if she chooses to carry the child to full term, it can become life–threatening for them both, especially the mother.” Dr. Harry informed him.

Without uttering a word, Elijah sniffed, holding back the tears in his eyes as the feeling of dread began to set in, making him feel even more anxious than he already was, and he clenched his fist to the point it hurt.

“You already told her this,” Elijah mumbled, just imagining the pain Peach might be experiencing right now.

Nodding, Dr. Harry added, “Yes, but she wants to keep the child… Honestly, I won’t be suggesting this if the test didn’t show that the fall has caused complications that pose a significant threat to Peach’s life and your baby’s if she continues the pregnancy.”

“I see,” Elijah mumbled, his brain so drained that he couldn’t think straight, and he felt so lost and empty at the same time, but still managed to nod in agreement. “Okay.”

When the door opened and Peach saw Elijah with the doctor, she whispered, “I want to keep our baby!”

“Peach, honey” Elijah pleaded, not being able to look her in the eye after seeing how broken and miserable she looked. “It’s not going to be good for you.”

“But I want to keep little Munchkin,‘

“Honey, please… I am sorry that this happened to you… I know how much you love our baby… God, I love him too, but it is risky… it’s risky for your health and doctor Harry-”

“I am not doing it, Elijah. I am not giving up on our baby!”

Seeing her breaking down, sniffing so aggressively as tears soaked her cheeks, Elijah stood for a while, remembering his father’s words, and knowing he couldn’t tell Peach no, nor would he ever want to force her to do something that she would hate him for.

“What is our next option?” Elijah asked.

Taking a deep breath, doctor Harry replied, “We will have to monitor her closely throughout the rest of the pregnancy, and hope that she does eventually give birth to a healthy child. But even then, the outcome is still unknown.” Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Looking back at his wife, Elijah lock eyes with Peach, and the hurt he saw in her expression was something he never wanted her to live with for the rest of her life, and he knew that the chance both of them were about to take was going to break him, yet, he still said, “Find the best private room that the hospital has, and have my wife settle in there. It will be safer if she spends the rest of the four months here than at home.”

“Are you sure, Mr. Maxwell?” Dr. Harry asked, giving him a concerned look.

Holding back his tongue for a while, Elijah closed his eyes, took in a few calming breaths, and then said, “Just do it.”

After nodding his head, Doctor Harry turned around, and walked out, leaving them alone.

For a moment, Elijah just stood there, staring at Peach, fighting to cage his own emotions, and once he did, he softly smiled at her and walked over to the bed.

Then he leaned his forehead against hers, inhaling her scent that used to calm him down, but now it broke him, and he whispered, even though doubt was eating him alive, We are going to get through this okay? We are going to be fine.”

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