The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 102. Bridge Of Sighs

“It’s lunchtime. So let’s have lunch,” Leonardo said, his arms gently wrapping around his wife’s waist, pulling her closer to him. They decided to dine at the renowned restaurant in Venice, Terrazza Danieli, which offered one of the most breathtaking views in the city. From their table, they could marvel at the splendor of the Grand Canal, Punta Della Dogana, Giudecca, and San Giorgio Maggiore, all while being enveloped in a romantic atmosphere.

Leonardo lovingly allowed Sofia to take the lead in ordering their food. She chose the delectable Dandolo risotto with sea urchin, sole, and fresh tomatoes. As they waited for their order to arrive, they delighted in the captivating view before them. The soft breeze caressed their faces, and the distant sounds of gondolas and laughter filled the air, enhancing the enchanting ambiance.

When the food arrived, they savored each bite as if they were experiencing culinary perfection. The divine flavors seemed to dance on their taste buds, but it was the company of each other that made the meal truly extraordinary. Their eyes locked, and with unspoken words, they expressed their gratitude for this precious time spent together.

After lunch, they strolled hand in hand, enjoying the charming streets of Venice. Leonardo couldn’t help but feel blessed to have Sofia by his side. As they reached a crossroads of their afternoon plans, he lovingly deferred to her desires, offering her the choice between a romantic ballet or a live opera show at Teatro La Fenice’s historic theatre.

“Angel, ballet or opera? You decide,” he said, genuinely wanting her to choose what brought her the most joy. Though he may not have been well-versed in dance or music, he knew that sharing this experience with Sofia would make it unforgettable.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

After a moment of contemplation, Sofia’s eyes lit up, and a smile brightened her face. “Live opera!” she beamed, her heart set on immersing herself in the emotional melodies and captivating performances.

“As you wish, baby. Let’s go,” Leonardo replied, extending his hand to her. Sofia linked her arm with his, and they walked towards the theatre, their steps in sync with the rhythm of their hearts.

Inside the theatre, Sofia’s eyes sparkled with delight as the opera singer’s mesmerizing voice filled the grand hall. Leonardo couldn’t take his eyes off her, admiring how her expressions mirrored the emotions of the performance. She glanced at him, and he found himself lost in the depths of her captivating gaze. She gently cupped his cheeks, guiding his attention back to the performance, appreciating her thoughtful gesture.

After the captivating opera, they walked out of the theatre hand in hand, her joy contagious. “You seemed to enjoy the opera,” Leonardo said, smiling at her animated enthusiasm.

“Oh yes, it’s been a long time since I enjoyed it so much. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I truly enjoyed my day,” she grinned, her happiness filling him with warmth.

“Oh no, baby. It’s not over yet,” he remarked, his eyes flickering to the horizon where the sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

“Come on, hurry up, my love. Our gondola awaits, and we must reach there before the sun bids farewell,” Leonardo tenderly clasped Sofia’s hand and guided her towards the Grand Canal where their pre-booked gondola glided gracefully.

They stepped into the immaculate white gondola, intricately carved and adorned with delicate gold accents. Sitting closely, side by side, they felt the gentle sway of the boat. The gondolier, Marco, introduced himself with a warm smile.

“You know, my dear,” he said, and Sofia shifted her attention from the captivating view around them to him, “gondolas have always been known as ‘the boats of love’ for a reason. In fact, it’s no mystery that Venetians used them for romantic encounters. So let’s follow their example! Lovers used to meet inside a gondola, and who knows how many love stories have started on these very waters.”

“So we are here to witness a love story?” She teased playfully, her eyes dancing with mischief as she scanned the surroundings as if on the lookout for a hidden romance.

“Maybe,” he replied with a slow, thoughtful smile.

As they embarked on their journey down the canal, Marco began singing ‘O Sole Mio.’ Though they couldn’t understand the Neapolitan lyrics, the melody was so enchanting that it seemed to evoke the emotions embedded within the song. Rowing them through the Grand Canal, the gondolier led them past charming shops, cozy cafes, and centuries-old buildings that whispered stories of love.

Sofia turned towards Leonardo, her curiosity piqued. “What do you think he is saying?”

“I know exactly what he is conveying,” he replied, gently tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

“Really? So, you understand Neapolitan?” She inquired with genuine interest.

Leonardo chuckled, “No, I merely sense the essence of his song.”

“Tell me more,” she encouraged, her eyes fixed on him.

“He sings of a girl with long, radiant blonde hair that gleams like golden rays under the moon’s caress,” he grinned, conveying the emotions stirred within him by the tune, and took the opportunity to share his sentiments with her.

Sofia beamed and leaned her head against his strong shoulder, whispering, “Go on.”

“He praises how her eyes shine brighter than precious stones, so much so that the reflection of the moon on the water pales in comparison,” he said, savoring the moment, and tenderly kissed her eyes, causing her heart to flutter.

Sofia closed her eyes, savoring the moment as she leaned against Leonardo, a soft smile playing on her lips.

“What else?” she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of playful anticipation.

Leonardo’s lips brushed against her ear, causing a delightful shiver to run down Sofia’s spine. His arms coiled around her waist, drawing her even closer to him, their bodies pressed intimately together.

“He is saying she should come to lie down with him,” he murmured, his warm breath tickling her skin.

“Why?” Sofia breathed out, her voice barely audible in the romantic ambiance of their surroundings.

With a subtle shift in his position, Leonardo’s arm lightly brushed against one of her nipples through the flimsy fabric of her dress. He spoke in a husky and low tone as if unveiling a secret of the heart.

“She is beautiful, and he wants them to be alone together. He wants to have her all to himself. He wants to make her forget the rest of the world exists,” he explained, the words dripping with desire and passion that filled the air around them, making it all the more enchanting.

Sofia slowly tilted her head up, her eyes locking onto Leonardo’s gaze. In that moment, the world seemed to melt away, leaving only the two of them. His eyes were magnetic, drawing her in with their intensity.

Suddenly, their romantic reverie was interrupted as Marco ceased singing and informed them, “Sir, we are passing under the Bridge of Sighs.”

They both turned their attention forward and there it was – the Bridge of Sighs, an exquisite sight made of beautiful white limestone with windows adorned with stone bars.

“You know, baby?” Leonardo’s voice was tinged with a husky undertone, capturing Sofia’s attention once more. “It is said that if you kiss someone under the Bridge of Sighs, the two of you will be together forever.”

Innocently, she asked, “Is it true?”

“Yes, madam,” Marco replied, and Sofia turned her head towards him, hanging onto his every word. “According to tradition, if a couple kisses under the Bridge of Sighs after drifting below on a gondola at sunset, they will enjoy eternal love. Thus, the ‘sighs’ are said to come from lovers who are overwhelmed by the romance.”

Her focus returned to Leonardo, her eyes now filled with curiosity and wonder. “Wanna try?” he murmured, a playful spark in his eyes.

Their gazes locked once more, and at that moment, Sofia’s eyes seemed to challenge him. They seemed to convey a silent request – for him to prove his love, to commit to eternity, and to promise a timeless love that would endure through the ages.

They leaned in, their breaths mingling with anticipation. Their lips met tenderly at first, the touch gentle and unhurried, like the flutter of butterfly wings. But as the magic of the moment enveloped them, the kiss deepened, and a newfound sense of urgency and longing took over.

Sofia closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the intoxicating sensation of their mouths melding together. With a gentle sigh of contentment, she slipped her hand into the back of his nape, her fingers softly entwining in his hair. Not to be outdone, Leonardo cupped her cheeks with his hands, holding her delicate face with utmost care. He drew her even closer, deepening the kiss with an ardent passion. His heart pounded in sync with hers, and he felt an overwhelming connection as if the universe had conspired to bring them together at this moment.

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