The Lycan King

Chapter 6. Spy

Chapter 6. Spy


One week later.

"What were you doing on my land?" I growled at the man who was tied to the chair.

A couple of days ago, I got some intel that Emilio had sent spies. I put my men on alert and we found

this man, attending clubs and parties all over the pack, snooping around. That's when they realised that

he wasn't even from the fucking pack. The patrol wolves got an appropriate punishment for the


"As if I am going to tell you." The dimwit spat on the ground. Did he not realise he was my prisoner and

the is no use of playing the loyal warrior of his pack? I had his life in the palm of my hand.

"And here I thought that we can have a civilised conversation." I tsked, shaking my head.

All of us here in the dungeon knew it was a lie. I just enjoyed toying with my prey.

I motioned Mikhail with my two fingers to come forward from the shadows. He brought in a table with

my weapons on it.

I wore my leather gloves, all the weapons here were laced in wolfsbane. I picked up the tri-dagger knife

made of silver, my favourite. It had a blade that was spiral and hurt like a bitch.

I took it in front of him and played with it, letting the fear build in him. It was all a game.

I went near him and trailed the blade down his chest, forming a line. Blood started seeping out of it.

I could already smell his skin burning because of the silver. I then stabbed the blade in his thigh, hard

and relished in his screams filling the dungeon.

"Pathetic." I smirked, taking out a handkerchief from my pocket and wiping the blood that had

splattered on my face.

He still didn't speak.

I'm going to make this quick.

"You tried to spy, placed audio chips in houses of the high rankers." I growled. "Thats why your ears

have to go." I said and sliced both of his ears off.

His screaming was like music to my ears.

"Vladimir, do you want a go?" I asked, my eyes trained on the guy as I grinned darkly at him.

"No! I'll tell you." He gritted, his body almost covered in blood.

"Speak." I ordered, taking a chair and sitting in front of him.

"My name is Sam and Alpha Emilio Gonz??lez sent me. He didn't tell me more, he just wanted

information and was going to pay me for it." He asked, crying at this point. I nodded, my wolf told me

that he was saying the truth.

"And what information have you passed on to him yet?" Dimitri asked, picking up a dagger.

"Nothing, I had been there for three days only. Please don't hurt me." He begged.

Weak pussy.

"Are there more spies?" I asked him.

"N-not that I know of." He said, his eyes wide as he looked at us. I nodded at Dimitri and he nodded

back, he will finish the work.

I went back upstairs, eager to meet Ava. She always calmed me. I went back upstairs, I would take a

shower and then wake my Ava up. That brought up the memories of last night??it was perfect and so

was she. I could have her for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still want more. After the first time, me

eating her pussy had become a part of our nightly routine and it was safe to say that we both enjoyed it

a lot.

I went to our room to realise she was not here. Maybe she was already awake. I quickly took a shower

and went downstairs in search of her. I found her in the kitchen, flipping pancakes for Andrei and Sofiya

and happily chatting with them.

Goddess, she is beautiful. I paused at her sight at the entrance of the kitchen. Her hair was tied up,

small tendrils that escaped her bun teasing her long slender neck and a happy smile on her face. She

turned to serve a pancake to Andrei when she saw me and smiled widely.

"Come in Nikolai, I'm making pancakes, did you have breakfast?" She asked.

"No, I'll have some with chocolate on them." I lied that I hadn't had breakfast, she looked so hopeful

about making me some that I couldn't deny her.

"Give me a minute." She smiled and rushed to make me more. Andrei smirked at me, knowing I had


"Shut up." I grumbled at him. I knew he would say something. I had assigned him to be Ava's

bodyguard, it made me feel a little better to know she was looked after when I was not with her. Also,

Andrei is one of my best fighters, I trust him.

"No training today?" Sofiya grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at her, she was always trying to get out of

having to train, we usually trained early in the morning but we were rather busy today.

"You will train in the evening, hundred laps in the pool." I told her pointedly. She huffed and turned

away from me. I was going to start Ava's training soon too, but I wanted her to settle in and get more

comfortable first.

"Here is your pancake." She said, smearing chocolate on it. Some of it got on her finger. I took her

palm in my hand, licking chocolate off her finger, sucking on it like I did her pussy last night and let her

go, winking at her. Her eyes were widened and colour rose to her cheeks, no doubt remembering last


"Get a room, no one wants to see you suck her off." Sofiya mumbled, seeming bored, not taking her

eyes off her pancakes. Ava blushed more at that and I chuckled at her reaction, so cute.

Dimitri, Vladimir and Mikhail came after some time. Dimitri nodded at me and I nodded back. The work

was done.

I walked up to Ava and kissed her.

"I need to go, I'll see you later." I whispered and went towards my office, the rest following me.

I went in and sat on my chair, rubbing my face in frustration before I looked at my men.

"He is sending spies now." I snapped.

"We can send some too." Mikhail said.

"No, we will only be sending the men to die." Vladimir said. He was a man of few words but they were

usually worth listening to.

"We can target a couple of his areas- the small ones and get their heads. They are instructed by other

sector heads, they must know something, workers talk among themselves all the time. The heads of

small areas going missing won't bother anyone either." Dimitri said. I nodded at that.

A pack was like a country and it was ruled by the Alpha. Depending on the size, the pack had Deltas

who assisted the Beta, Gammas who took care of sector heads who in turn took care of area heads. All

the heads also took care of the overall land falling in their area.

Personally, I felt this was all bullshit. I and my four trusted men were the only authority in my pack.

Giving so many people power creates disputes and divides the pack. Centralisation of power was This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

important. An Alpha possess the capability of taking care of his pack without the help of so many

people, that's why he is the Alpha. But these damn Alphas were lazy asses who gave their work to

other people instead and gave it the tag of modernisation by adopting human measures. Dimwits. We

are werewolves, we function differently than humans and they need to get it through their thick heads.

"Dimitri, get our men on that. But we need something more than just area intel." I muttered the last part.

"We need someone close to Emilio, directly related to him." I said, thinking for some new ideas.

"That will be war Nikolai." Dimitri warned.

"Sending a girl to spy would be good, no one suspects a girl." Mikhail said.

"Why would someone go to a place everyday? It would raise questions, spying is out of question. We

will not send an innocent girl only for her to die." Vladimir snapped.

An idea popped in my head.

"The girl would be no innocent, she would be one of us. Call Natalia." I smirked.


"Won't the water be cold?" I asked Sofiya. She had decided that both of us would go swimming in the

evening, but I knew she wanted some company while she did her laps.

"It's an indoor pool and it's heated, we can warm it up if you want. Also, werewolves hardly feel the

cold." She replied as we were walking towards the pool.

"I didn't know there was an indoor pool." I frowned, she did not mention it during the tour.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, it's really beautiful in there and this is the perfect time." She grinned and

pushed open the double doors.

My eyes widened at the sight, the entire ceiling and one side of the huge room was made out of a

curved glass. I could clearly see the sky and the bay from here, it is beautiful! And the setting sun made

it even more beautiful,

"This is amazing." I whispered, still marvelled by the sight.

"You know how to swim right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, but it's been a long time since the last time I swam." I bit my lip. The last time I went swimming

was with Papa.

"Good, let's enjoy." She grinned and pushed me in the pool, making me shriek.

I came up to the surface spluttering water. She was laughing and I joined her too. It was so good to

have a friend! She cannon-jumped in the pool next to me, splashing more water. I splashed some water

on her too.

We were playing when Andrei came in the room and I blushed, hiding behind Sofiya a bit. The

swimming costume she had given me was one of her bikinis and I was much bigger than her in my

chest and bum area. The bikini was too small for me. I was more embarrassed about my body than

shy, especially in front of males.

"I'm sorry, I'll be in the living room, call me when you are done." He smiled at both of us and left. I

breathed in relief.

"You are beautiful, you know? No need to be self-conscious." Sofiya smiled at me.

"I don't feel like it." I whispered, looking down at my body. I had too much mass in my chest and butt

area. I had a flat stomach and I could see my ribs. My hands and legs were skinny too.

"You will look better once you start eating better and you will be healthy too. You already have grown

since the day you came here. But you are beautiful anyways. You should see the way Nikolai looks at

you." She smiled at me. I nodded at her. Master did say that I was beautiful and I trusted his judgment.

"Thank you," I smiled at her. "You are beautiful too." I grinned. And she was, she was lean and had

blond hair with green eyes, she was very pretty.

"I know." She winked. "Come with me." She said and led me to another smaller pool, it had a place to

sit on it too. We both sat down.

"Ready?" She asked, looking excited.

"For what?" I asked, confused. She didn't say anything but pressed a few buttons and waves started

forming, water coming from jets and my eyes widened.

"That is this? It's amazing." I giggled at the sensation.

"It's called a jacuzzi." She answered.

"And here I thought you were going to train." I heard Master say. I spun around to face him and

grinned. I quickly got up, and ran to him.

I hadn't seen him since morning and I missed him. I stopped in front of him and gave him a smile, stood

on my toes and kissed him. I remembered he had told me to kiss him whenever he came back from

work and I was excited about getting to kiss him again. He stilled for a second in shock and kissed me

back, hard.

"And that's my cue to leave." I heard Sofiya mumble before she left.

Master hadn't stopped kissing me for a second, the kiss was intense and possessive and I loved every

second of it. He slapped my ass before palming it, squeezing hard. A gasp left my mouth at that which

turned into a moan.

He suddenly let me go and took a step back, his pitch black. He was breathing hard and I could see the

desire and longing in his eyes, for me.

"Tell me nobody has seen you like this." He rasped out, looking at my bikini clad self with hunger.

"Just Sofiya, and Andrei came in for a minute but he left immediately." I whispered. Why was he not

fucking me? I know he wanted me, I could see it in his eyes but he was controlling himself, I don't know


He nodded at that, removing his suit jacket and wrapping over me, it engulfed my whole body.

"Go get dressed, dinner starts in twenty minutes." He closed his eyes, releasing a harsh breath.

"Yes, Master." I whispered and ran back to his room, our room as he liked to call it.

I didn't want to be late and make everyone wait for me, he hadn't hurt me yet but this could easily lead

to a punishment. I want to be a good girl for him. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I had made up

my mind to ask Master to fuck me tonight, I don't want him to suffer like this. I would bear any amount

of pain if it means that he can fuck me. As long as he is happy... I saw the clock and realised I was late.

Shit! I ran downstairs to the dining room.

"Sorry I'm late." I said, a bit winded because of my run. I then realised I spoke a bit too loudly for the

quiet room. Everyone chuckled and I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. I took my seat on the chair

besides Master.

"It's okay, Ava. You are only five minutes late." He smiled at me assuringly. I sighed in relief. Thank god

he wasn't angry! The maids then served the dinner and we started eating. They all had been waiting for

me. I don't know if I should feel happy or guilty about that.

"Go to our room, Kroshka, I'll come in some time." Master told me after dinner.

I nodded at him and went to our room. Tonight was going to be the night. I went and combed my hair

first and braided them, making sure I looked good. I stripped out of my clothes, folded them and kept

them aside. I went towards the bedside and kneeled on the ground. My hands were placed on my

thighs as I sat on my feet and my knees were spread wide apart so Master could see my pussy as

soon as he entered the room, I was facing the door too.

I waited for Master to come, he hadn't mentioned the time of his arrival so I decided to wait. I wanted

him to see me in this position, it was a strong but submissive position.

I hope Master likes it.

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