The innocent reject

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Ezra's Arrival

Aaron screamed her name as he felt his wolf going crazy



Wake ...up!!!!

Yo..u can't leave me !!we need you Alekaplease please!!!

Open your eyes look at me please I beg ...y..ou Aleka ... look at me..."

Aaron's voice reached her ears but couldn 't reach her brain because in her brain a fight of her own

was going on.

"...please your ...eyes..."

Dan had his eyes still fixed on her face unable to believe what he was seeing

He was not ready to believe that his little Aleka had died.

"Wow! so dramatic ! don't you think?

She hurted my mate!! My mate!! My Jane!!and you expected me to leave her?

No she had this coming...

But I must say she was a very nice person,giving away her life for useless people like you requires


But I am glad her death was as silent as her existence,

Not even a single whimper escaped her lips all though my torture.

Well now her chapter is closed forever ,why don't we move to the next target now?"

His men grabbed Aaron and held him up

But Aaron could care less about his death

Her closed eyes were his only focus

He could care less that in few minutes he was going to reach where she was ,if he didn't do something.

The Red eyed wolf held a silver knife in his hand and made his way towards the werewolf king

Just one stab at his beating heart and the entire werewolf kingdom will be his

All his power will be his

People will fear him and worship him at the same time

He will get what he desired his whole life




But the thing he didn't know was respect is earned not acquired

And a beast like him would never be respected

If the red eyed wolf came onto the power of King the only repurcussions will be the end

The end of all humans and wolves

The end of all good in this world

The end of heaven and the beginning of hell on this beautiful world that moon goddess made

This one stab into the kings heart was all it would take

And he thought there was no obstacle in this.

He thought it was easy

But he didn't knew that moon goddess has already sent to this world the protector of mankind.

Ezra was her name

In the battlefield at the corner was lying a body which all thought was dead.

Her eyes were closed ,but her mind was in a turmoil

Aleka knew she couldn't die because she had Ezra with her

Yes Ezra

The strongest wolf ever born on this earth

The wolf gifted with elements of nature

The wolf gifted with thunder

Ezra was the name of the wolf who was merciless ,who was so powerful that her strength couldn't be

controlled and made her a murderer of innocents

Ezra was the thunder wolf

In Aleka's mind a battle was going on which the world was oblivious of

A battle of minds where Ezra was ready to take control and Aleka was not ready to give it.

But Aleka also knew that Ezra could be their saviour

She would save them when she couldn't Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

But the one thing which she couldn't trust her wolf with was control

But this was her last resort

Last resort to save Aaron

Last resort to save this world

With this thought

Aleka decided to break the barrier

A barrier which a witch has placed 7 years back to keep Ezra hidden

A barrier which controlled Ezra's uncontrollable power

A barrier which made everyone think that Aleka was a human

This barrier was going to be broken because Aleka had no choice left now

"Ezra I need you! Aaron needs you!"

A loud roar of anger could be heard in her mind


"Ezra please listen to me ,I am breaking the barrier but first I need you to promise me that you will

control your strength "

After few seconds of silence I heard her reply

"Y..ou...!..Aleka yo..u! let out!!I don't ....want ..con..trolled you.."

Her voice was so rough and she couldn't find words to express herself because she hasn't spoken in

the last 7 years.

"Please Ezra!!First please promise me!!I cannot see innocents die because you couldn't control


Our relation was not like a normal wolf's relation with her human counterpart.

I hated her killing innocents and she hated me for blocking and controlling her.

But how could I give her control when he strength surpassed her

"I know you hate me Ezra!!But please consider this my last wish !! Just please save them!"

"I d..on't h..ate ... yu it's jus..t that ..I't ....let

I can't....promise....but...i'll.....try...Aleka"

She has the right to hate me

I would also hate a person who force me to stay in darkness for 7 years of my life not able to

communicate with anyone not even with he mate wolf

I would also go insane

Bu still she said she would try made me happy

Her trying only was the most she could do and now I guess it was her time to take matters in her hands

"Thank you Ezra,please forgive me if possible for what all I did to you

now my time has come and I am leaving my trust in you!!

Please complete what I couldn't

Please be the saviour of mankind"

I was going to open the barrier when I heard her last words

"Don't worry Aleka unless Ezra is alive no one harm the ones you care for"

With this I reversed the spell that was cast and broke the barrier in between us.

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