The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Although Natalia still hadn't emerged from her coma, just yesterday, the doctor happily announced that all her vital signs had stabilized and she was officially out of danger.

This fantastic news sent Magnus and Jonas over the moon, and they refused to leave the hospital room, eagerly awaiting the moment Natalia would open her eyes to see them first.

In the evening, Natalia's eyelids finally fluttered twice, and slowly, her eyes opened. She found herself surrounded by a sterile whiteness. The air was heavy with the scent of disinfectant. Before she could even speak, Magnus, who had been vigilantly watching over her, noticed she had come to.

Overwhelmed with joy, Magnus was at a loss for words. He pinched himself hard, making sure this wasn't a dream, and then leaped up from his chair. "Darling? You're finally awake!"

Jonas crowded in, too, elated, as he threw himself onto the side of Natalia's bed. "Oh, Mom, you finally decided to wake up!"Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Natalia looked around in confusion, remembering that she had lost consciousness on a deserted island, and asked, "Am | not dead?"

Magnus quickly grasped Natalia's hand, pressing it to his lips repeatedly. "Darling, you're not dead! You're alive, and you're going to live a long, long life. We'll always be together, happy as a family! I'm so sorry, my negligence almost cost you your life. Can you forgive me?"

As Magnus rambled on, a mix of self-reproach and hope could be heard in his voice. He just wanted Natalia's forgiveness for not protecting her better. The fact that Natalia was awake filled him with such happiness that he would have gladly taken a few slaps or even sacrificed ten years of his life without hesitation!

In contrast to Magnus' rambled confessions, Jonas was the picture of composure. He hugged Natalia tightly, rubbing his head against her arm. "Mom, it's so great you're awake. This is the best news!"

Although Natalia had regained consciousness, her mind was still foggy. It felt as if her thoughts were wrapped in cotton, and she could hardly make out what Magnus and Jonas were saying. She mustered all her strength just to move her fingers slightly, and her lips twitched, but no sound came out.

Magnus quickly noticed her struggle and pressed the emergency button beside the bed. The doctor arrived promptly to examine Natalia, and finally, a smile crept onto his face. He turned to the anxious Magnus and Jonas and said calmly, "Mr. Andersen, congratulations, Mrs. Andersen has regained consciousness. However, her body was severely depleted before, and her systems haven't fully recovered, causing her vocal cords to be tense. She can't make any sounds for now, but don't worry, with some rest, she'll be back to normal soon."

Assured, Magnus held Natalia's hand tighter. "Darling, it's okay now, your son and | are here waiting for you to get better!" Jonas nodded vigorously. "Yeah, mom, you are the strongest! You'll be up and about in no time!" But as Natalia lay in the bed, watching their mouths move without hearing the words, she felt disconnected.

While Jonas hoped for a swift recovery, Natalia ended up staying another week before she gradually returned to normal. One day, as Natalia lay in her usual spot on the bed, she suddenly perceived sound where before there was silence. Thrilled by this realization, she attempted to speak, "Jonas..." Her voice was hoarse and strange, but Jonas heard her clear as day. He rushed to her side, jumping for joy. "Yes! Mom can talk again!"

Magnus followed, his heart leaping with joy as days of worry and anxiety seemed to be coming to an end. His concerns had just settled when he playfully chided Natalia for calling out for Jonas first upon regaining her voice, "Darling, why wasn't | the first one you called? Honey, won't you call out for me?"

As memories began trickling back into Natalia's mind, she remembered the heartbreak of her fall on the island and the dirty scenes Alice had shown her. She suddenly recoiled from Magnus' touch. She withdrew her hand, trying to pull it away from his grasp. Even though she knew that it was Alice who pretended to be her, Natalia couldn't help feeling hurt that Magnus hadn't recognized the impostor.

Magnus immediately understood why Natalia was repulsed and held her hand even tighter. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he pleaded, "Darling, are you still thinking that the man in the video was me? If even you can't tell, how could | ever deserve to be your husband? How could | deserve to live and love you?"

With that, he called out to the hallway, "Ollie, come in!"

Ollie, who had been standing guard outside, entered the room and eee explained ars. COM) der ROT parners the CEO. It was | who was with Alice. To avoid arousing her suspicions, | even got a tattoo to match Mr. Andersen's after the makeup." Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Ollie quickly showed his wrist, revealing a tattoo identical to the one on Magnus' wrist.

Seeing Ollie, a man whose height and features resembled Magnus to some degree, and the Ue: ta

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thdlight back on the images i had seen and how she was influenced by Alice's words. She realized that the man in the video couldn't possibly have Magnus’ physique. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Natalia's cheeks flamed with embarrassment as she realized she had doubted Magnus without just cause. She hadn't given him a chance to explain, and her rash accusation had almost cost her life.

In a mortified scramble, she yanked the duvet over her head, hiding from Magnus' gaze. The guil wasgrawihg valeats OMAR a level head, she wouldn't have been so easily swayed by Alice's words, and she certainly wouldn't have come close to losing her life! Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

How on earth did she end up back here? Judging by the looks of things, Magnus must have moved heaven and earth to bring her back.

Beneath the covers, Natalia wished she could just pass out again. She chastised herself for growing in years but not in wisdom, feeling like she was regressing rather than improving.

Magnus watched Natalia's adorably awkward antics and finally let out a laugh that had been absent for far too long.

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