The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

“Really?” Alice chuckled with triumph, her voice bubbling with mirth. “Ha, you think | made this trip for nothing? | came here just to see you break down and cry! Natalia, | am the winner here! And now you'll see who’s gonna end up six feet under!”

With a flick of her wrist, Alice lobbed a tightly wrapped package toward Natalia. “Even if you wriggle out of those ropes, you won't escape this godforsaken island. Here's my parting gift to you. Enjoy!”

The package, bound as tight as a drum, sailed through the air, landing at Natalia’s feet.

Natalia eyed the parcel warily, well aware of Alice’s malicious streak. She didn’t even bother to look at it, her gaze fixated on Alice in furious defiance. “Just get me back home! | won’t press any charges. | swear.”

Alice burst into a mocking laughter. “Oh, Natalia, still thinking about going home when you're knocking on death’s door? Think about pressing charges? You gotta be alive to do that, sweetheart! Let's not even mention that scary-sounding ALS you've got going on. Just look at you, trapped on this island. You really think there's a chance of you leaving here alive?”

Before she revved up the speedboat to leave, Alice called out one last taunt. “Natalia, savor the gift! Don’t thank me too much. After all, half-sisters should share everything, right? What's yours is mine!”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

As Alice’s derisive laughter faded into the distance, Natalia reluctantly turned her attention to the small parcel at her feet. After a long hesitation, she decided to unwrap it. Inside, the box was casually taped shut, stuffed with layers of newspapers as makeshift cushioning.

Beneath the paper were two small pouches. One contained a tablet, and the other, a curious object. It was about four inches long, encased in plastic, with a tiny switch on it. Baffled, Natalia pressed the switch, and the head of the contraption began to whir with a tell-tale buzz.

Ahot flush spread across Natalia's cheeks as realization hit her. If her guess was right, that thing she’d just flung away was none other than a vibrator.

Alice had truly lost her marbles!

Nausea churned in Natalia’s stomach at the thought of her half-sister's twisted antics. She glanced at the tablet set aside, hesitating to turn it on for fear of encountering lewd content.

The island was a dead zone, with no signals and no way to reach the outside world. This tablet could only play recorded messages.

The sea breeze tousled her hair and stirred her thoughts. Perhaps she should just see what Alice wanted her to watch?

Natalia took a deep breath and steeled herself with a silent pep talk. There was no way it would be footage of Magnus and Alice being intimate. It just couldn’t be.

She tried to calm her racing mind and mustered the courage to power on the tablet. Two video files appeared upon booting up. She clicked the first one, and Alice’s smug face filled the screen.

“Natalia, you better pay close attention to the video | made just for you! It’s quite the showstopper! And as a token of gratitude for your hubby’s services, | got you a new one. If watching gets you all fired up, you can take care of yourself. Don’t thank me too much! Now, enjoy the show, I'm off to have some more fun!”

The video snapped off, and Natalia’s hands trembled with rage. She knew it—Alice was up to no good! What did Alice mean by that? She and Magnus...

Her heartbeat quickened as she hesitantly tapped on the second video, tears blurring her vision. No, it couldn’t be real. It had to be a fake, something Alice concocted to deceive her!

She remembered how a fake video had once driven a wedge between her and Magnus. She wouldn't believe Magnus could do such a thing—not again, not this time.

“Natalia, be strong. Watch carefully and expose Alice’s vile intentions.” The video on the screen couldn't be real. With a shaky resolve, she clicked on the second file.

The footage revealed a familiar bedroom, her most cherished bed, and there was Alice, altered to look just like her, sprawled out, mocking the camera. And atop her, the man moving vigorously was unmistakably Magnus.

Natalia’s tears flowed unbidden, clouding her sight. It couldn't be true, it simply couldn't!

She wiped her eyes, striving to focus on the man in the video, trying to prove it wasn’t Magnus, but the camera shook, obscuring everything but his face, rendering the rest of him indistinct.

Clutching at her chest, Natalia forced herself to keep watching until her gaze froze on the man’s wrist, and she hastily paused the video. There, emblazoned on the frozen wrist, was a tattoo of the letter “N’—a symbol she knew all too well.

Rubbing her eyes fiercely, she hoped she was mistaken, but upon closer inspection, the “N” was unde plesien

She reme ejed thaltatton. a pati Magn had made on his wrist with a knife when she nearly died, a mark she had discovered later. It was a symbol of Magnus’ love for her. Now, that same tattoo felt like cruel mockery. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Her tears splashed down onto the tablet, inadvertently reactivating the video. The sounds of passion emanated from the speakers, and Natalia clamped her hands over her ears, heartbroken.

That was indeed Magnus, and Alice had taken her place.

Natalia shot up like a rocket, clamping her hands over her ears as she bolted across the deserted island. Her mind was blank, save for one driving thought—to escape the maddening sound that echoed in her head.

She sprinted from the smooth, sandy beach to the rugged terrain on the far side of the island. The ground O11 eath-hepbaddane Gheven and t patie but Natalia couldn't care less about where she placed her feet. All that mattered was getting as far away from that horrific, droning noise as possible. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.


Whether it was the treacherous ground or her legs suddenly giving out, Natalia tumbled to { e earth in \ signee 0 Sra elmed, she il face in her hands and elec to a torrent of tears. Her sobs were the only sound in the desolation, raw and heart-wrenching. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

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