The Girl He Marked

Book 2 Chapter 34

Book 2 Chapter 34

A few moments earlier

Callie's POV.

Guns wielded; we all follow Rixon up the stairs. A horrible feeling that we are reaching the end of this

creeps over me.

A tall ginger woman raises her gun to Rixon and fires a few rounds, he dodges them easily and lunges

at her. I watch worried as he uses her for protection and enters the final door.

Hearing the gunshots and exchange of words, I know something has to be done. Before Ben can act or

stop me, I dive into the room and shoot straight at the Alpha Seok.

He falls to the ground, and I let out a shaky breath. Someone slams into my side and stumbles back,

winded. Ben quickly subdues the guard that attacked me, and I glance back at Alpha Seok to see he

has reached for his gun and fires at Lex.

Without hesitation, I shoot again, hitting his thigh. I look over to make sure Rixon is taking care of Lexi.

I close the distance between me and the Alpha, standing above him. I raise the gun and aim it at his


'If you do this, it will stay with you for the rest of your life,' Ben warns behind me and I scoff.

'What his son did to me will stay with me for the rest of my life, I don't think this can be any worse,' I say

quietly and without another thought, gently pull the trigger.

The gun falls from my hands and Ben catches me as my legs give in, he holds me tight and I'm grateful

for his support. The thought that this is all finally over, the rest of that disgraceful family finally gone, it's


'Lexi!' Rixon's panicked voice breaks through my thoughts and we both turn to find him huddled over

her, her eyes closed and a wound on her stomach.

'She's been shot! She's pregnant,' Rixon cries, his tear—stained face distraught with panic.

'We need to get her help, now,' Lexi's dad shouts as he runs in and picks her up. Within seconds, the

room is empty. Ben and I hurry downstairs after the others. Lexi's dad shifts, her mum climbs onto his

back with Lexi in her arms. Rixon shifts and sticks close by him as they disappear into the fog to the

nearest hospital.

'We should go with them,' I say, feeling sick at the thought we might lose one or both of them. I thought

we almost made it through this with no fatalities.

'Most of us are going to stay and clear up these bodies, some of the guards are coming round and we

have to give them the option to leave or die,' Ben shrugs casually and I wonder how he can be so calm.

'Okay, I'll make sure we have everyone and then I'll head to the hospital,' I reply, knowing that I'll just

get in the way if I go there now.

I talk to the members of Lexi's pack, making sure no one has any serious wounds that need tending

and that everyone is accounted for.

Just as I've finished talking to a woman called Dina, a breeze brushes my hair across my face, bringing

with it the most tantalizing scent. I flick my hair out of my face and turn around.

I freeze as my eyes land on a man.

A gorgeous, dark—haired man staring directly at me.

'Nate' A girl, I think called Myra maybe, calls his name. I can't look at her, my eyes are locked on the

delicious man.

The wind blows again, wrapping me in his scent. Everything inside me warms with the most wonderful,

tingling feeling.


Having seemingly come to the same realization, the man, Nate, begins running towards me.

My legs move forward of their own accord, before I realize it, I find myself running over to meet him.

His face is one of complete shock, utter disbelief. As soon as I am close enough, he reaches for me, Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

lifts me up and spins me around. Like something out of a cliché chick flick. But I don't care.

His strong hands on my waist feel incredible, I momentarily wonder if that feels so nice, what must it be

like to kiss him As if sensing my thoughts, he lowers me down in front of him. My feet feel unsteady on

the earth, but his hands don't leave my waist.

He hesitates a moment, as if checking for permission, then leans in and kisses me. My hands

instinctively grab his arms for support, his arms wrap around me, holding me close. His lips move

confidently over mine, leaving no room for doubt that I am his and he is mine.

Eventually he pulls away, in the distance I can hear Myra squealing with excitement, but all I focus on is

his beautiful face. He grins down at me, his whole face lighting up with happiness, it dazzles me.

'Hi,' he says.


Lexi's POV.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

'What the hell is that noise' I croak, my voice coming out hoarse and scratchy.

I peel my eyes open at the sound of a gasp. My eyes focus on my mum standing at the foot of my bed,

holding her hands to her heart, tears rolling down her face.

'She's awake!' She shouts, I frown as I hear footsteps echo down the hall. Rixon and my dad suddenly

appear at the door, relief evident on their faces.

'Lex,' Dad releases my name in an exhale, rushing over and squeezing my hand.

'The baby Tell me my baby is okay,' I beg, trying to get my voice to work and grateful that my words

come out coherently.

Despite the tears rolling down Rixon's face, he smiles and nods at me.

All of the breath leaves my lungs and I choke with relief, my own tears now flowing down my cheeks.

'Oh thank God,' I breathe, leaning back against the pillow.

'How do you feel honey You came out of surgery an hour ago,' Mum says and I wince as I feel the

tightness in my abdomen, obviously from the stitches there.

'I'm okay, thirsty though, please can I have some water' I ask, mum quickly pours me some and I focus

my attention on Rixon. Unlike my parents sat next to me, he keeps his distance, leaning against the

wall at the end of my bed. His small smile is a contrast to his tear—streaked face.

I eagerly sip the water mum hands me.

'The baby is just fine, they've stopped the bleeding and stitched you up, you should be able to leave in

a few days,' Dad explains and I nod, needing a moment to process everything. The last thing I

remember is Callie shooting Alpha Seok.

Mum looks over at Dad and moves her eyes toward the door, I watch amusedly as he doesn't

understand the signal and frowns at her. She tries again, this time nodding her head and raising her


'What' He asks and she sighs in annoyance.

'Your father and I will give you two a minute alone,' she announces, standing up.

'We will' Dad asks, both confused and annoyed.

'Yes. We will. Shout if you need anything,' Mum says, leaning over to kiss my cheek before walking out.

Dad squeezes my hand one last time and heads for the door. He pauses by Rixon and pats him on the

shoulder. I watch with shock.

'What the hell was that about' I ask as soon as the door closes and we're alone.

Rixon smiles and walks over, sitting down next to the bed. His scent hits me and I instantly feel better

'Your parents and I...have made amends, they're very excited about the baby,' he pauses and looks at

me with dark, emotion—filled eyes, 'As am I.'

'I'm so glad you're happy about it,' I whisper, too scared to talk any louder in case my voice cracks with


'I'm so glad you're okay, both of you,' he reaches for my hand and kisses it.

'If I had lost you...I couldn't do it, I couldn't live without you,' he admits, fresh tears filling his eyes. I've

never seen a grown man cry like this, it's both wonderful and heart—breaking at the same time.

'Hey, I'm fine, we're going to be fine,' I tell him, reaching over to wrap my arms around his head as he

leans against my chest.

'This was all my fault, my past caught up to me and you got hurt, I'm so sorry,' he swipes away the

tears and looks at me with sincerity.

'Don't be, this is not your fault,' I reply earnestly, 'But tell me something, is Alpha Seok dead'

Rixon's eyes darken, and he nods grimly.

'Then Callie has got the closure she needed,' I say with relief. At the mention of his sister, Rixon's face


'She's got more than that,' he grins, and I'm confused as to what he means.

'I'll go get everyone,' he says, standing up.

'Don't leave me,' I say desperately, reaching for him.

His face becomes serious, and he sits back down, 'I will never leave you again Lexi.'

He gets out his phone and calls someone, after a brief conversation, my door opens, and my friends

come flooding in. Including Callie and Nate. Holding hands and looking completely smitten. I can't

imagine a better match.

With my friends and family around me, all together, no more arguments and no more secrets, I know

everything is going to be okay.


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