The Cursed Human

Chapter 38

Third person’s p. o. v

“Where were you??” He growled louder this time making her jump in fright. Didn’t matter how much she tried to maintain her cool in front of him, he always made sure fear get through her.

“… I… I.. was in the g.. garden,” she stammered as she rubbed her sweaty hands on her dress. The small steps she was taking towards the door didn’t go unnoticed by him. His anger ignited ten times and he took predatory strides towards her. Before she could run towards the door, her body was slammed against the door with the force which was unbearable for her. She groaned in pain and tried to get him off her.

“With whose fucking permission?!” His threatening voice was enough to send her into the edge of a panic attack.

“I… I didn’t.. knew,” she struggled in his grip and whimpered with pain. His hands moved swiftly and in no time he had her pinned against the door. His strength was something which she could never get acquaintated with.

“You need to learn some manners!” An animalistic growl echoed in whole room and her heart skipped a beat in fear. She feared his way of teaching and that was the last thing she wanted after joyous day.

“.. Lucifer.. wait!!” She cried as he gripped her hairs in his hand and pulled her head back harshly. The amount of pain he was making her go through was tormentous. She felt a sharp sting in her cheek and fall onto the ground. The force with which he slapped her send her eyes rolling back.

“You will learn! You fucking slut!” Her world stopped as her cries died down and she looked at him wide eyed. She had no idea what was happening or why was this happening, but tattoo of one word pasted in her mind.


The word sounded so strange and unfamiliar to her. She was never called like that. The word was disgrace to her and her dignity. But again she was left with no dignity. He had striped her dignity off her. She processed the word in her mind and blinked her eyes few times before a thunderous storm of anger blew in her chocolaty orbs.

“How dare you?!!” She screamed as she found new waves of energy erupted within her. She was blinded by her anger and didn’t noticed the murderous glare Lucifer threw her way. He looked at her in both frustration and…. amusement.

“You monster! Leave me the hell alone!” She pushed him and he let her get away from him. He raised his brows in amusement as he watched her fiery spirit trying to fight him off. He felt her body shook with rage before she threw colorful words at him.

“You ruined me and you have audacity to call me a slut! You raped me!” She shouted as streams of tears flowed with her words. Her words did nothing to him, he was completely unfazed but watching her trying to be intimidating in front of him was questioning his dominance, which was highly unacceptable.

“.. I didn’t rape you… I fucked you..” He said with a grin as he walked towards her. His words added fuel to her anger and she looked at him in disbelief.

“And I am going to fuck you again,” he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him,” you know why,” he whispered huskily in her ear and bite down there,” because you are mine and there’s nothing you can do about it, can you?”

With this he dominated her mouth with his and aggressively tore her dress apart. That’s what it took for fear to get back in her senses again.

His mouth descended down her neck as he kissed there passionately. He stuffed his face in crook of her neck and inhaled deeply, breathing in her scent.

This was maddening for him. He didn’t knew what was the power she hold but her scent seemed to control his raging beasts. He craved her like a drug. This was not good for him, he knew, but the calming scent always frustrated him.

“.. you make me mad… Why the fuck you have to test my anger?” He growled and sucked his bite mark on her neck. Looking at mark always make him exciting about something he was unaware of.

“You frustrate me…” He snarled at her and sucked her neck hard making her tremble, “… your smell frustrates me.. It’s like… you are my own personal brand of drug..” He moaned in pleasure as he sniffled the smell of her arousal. She couldn’t control her body for feeling this way. His touch always ignites flames of desire in her.

Something snapped in him as he abruptly pulled away from her, sending her stumbling back. His eyes flickered between red and blue as he glared daggers at her. She felt highly alarmed and ashamed of his next move. Her breathing was hazard and abnormal. Without sparing her a glance he stormed out of the room, leaving her all confused and broken.

It didn’t took her long to broke into tears. She cried and cried until she felt her knees weaken. She was in dilemma of unknown. She was confused and heartbroken. She was being used and abused and no one was there to help her.

Without feeling the need to change, she cried herself to sleep.

Morning came earlier than she had expected. Again it was a beautiful day but for her it was reminder that she had survived previous day. She was thankful that he had left her previous night without touching her. The stains of tears were still present on her face. She could feel the exhaustion still present.

Sandra knocked the door and entered. With a smile she greeted her.

“Morning, Sandra” Sarah said. Her voice was still hoarse from all the crying and shouting of last night. Sandra gave her clothes and placed her breakfast on table near bed.

After taking shower, she changed into beautiful lavender coloured, ankle length dress, that Sandra gave her. She secured her hairs in a half updo and thanked Sandra for breakfast.


After eating her breakfast, she let Sandra do the cleaning and mopping of the room. It took more than a hour for Sandra to clean the whole mess. Sarah sat next to window, on a couch, looking outside.

“Do you need anything, my lady?” Sandra asked politely and Sarah shook her head in denial.

“Can I…. Can I go… outside?” Sarah asked nervously, she knew Lucifer would be mad if he would know that she again sneaked out of the room.

Sandra’s expression changed into one of sympathy and she exhaled deeply.

“Lord Lucifer has specifically ordered to not let you out of this room..” Sandra said with sad face and averted her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to look at her watery eyes.

“.. I’m sorry, my lady,” Sandra said and waited for any other question.

“Oh, you don’t have to be sorry, it’s alright,” Sarah tried to smile at her but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Sandra bowed her head and walked out of the room, locking the door behind.

Guess it’s just me and my lonely self..

She sighed and turned towards the window. She was losing herself slowly and painfully. The flowers were her only source of sanity. Tears slipped from corner of her eyes as she squeezed her eyes tight. She tried to collect herself, she missed Matthew….. she missed her family… her mother, her father.

She hated feeling so alone.

Her mind wandering back to yesterday and the conversations she had with Angie. She had so many questions to ask her but was afraid of the answers.

She heard the door of the chambers open and quickly wipe her tears away. The last thing she wanted was to someone find her crying her eyes out.

Aphrodite walked further into the room, closing the door behind her, and was startled to see her sitting next to window.

She didn’t knew what she should say to start a conversation. Sarah felt her presence but didn’t turned around.

“I.. um.. hey,” Aphrodite said walking towards her and sat next to her. Sarah didn’t said anything instead kept looking straight.

“Your mother…. they are freed,” This took her interest as she quickly turned towards her.

“Are… Are they safe?” Desperation was evident in her voice. She wanted her family, which she never met, to be safe.

“Yes, they are. But,” Aphrodite searched the right words to say her next sentence. Sarah looked at her with worry, afraid what she might say next.

“They… well actually.. the thing is,” her words faltered as she averted her gaze towards the window.

“Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” Sarah asked impatiently as her worry grew ten times.

Aphrodite sighed and gather the courage to tell her.

“Lucifer is going to attack their kingdom, maybe in coming few days and I’m afraid, this time he might succeed” A loud gasp escaped Sarah’s lips as she stood up and started pacing around.

“No, he can’t! He can’t do that!” She tried to convince herself but knowing Lucifer so far, she knew he would definitely do something like that. She practically held her breath, tried not to panic.

“Sarah calm down, please!”Aphrodite rushed towards her as she watched the helpless woman pacing around.

“He is going after my Parent’s kingdom! He is going to kill them! He will destroy them!” She panicked. Aphrodite looked at her with worry and grabbed her shoulders.

“And you panicking here will not stop him,” she shook her by her shoulders and made her look at her. Sarah had only seen her mother once but never get the the chance to see her father. She desperately wanted him to embrace her in his protective embrace. She was very young when she was taken away from her family but the family bond was still there, in her heart.

“Do something, please! Stop him!” Sarah begged and nearly dropped onto the floor before Aphrodite supported her.

“I.. I can’t-”

“THEN LET ME DO SOMETHING!!” Sarah snapped angrily at her and regretted when she saw look of sadness on her face. She had to think of the way to save them before it was too late.

“I’m.. I’m sorry! I’m just-”

Aphrodite looked at her and sighed deeply. Sarah looked at her and saw Aphrodite looking in void, like she was thinking.

“I will help you,” Aphrodite said and Sarah looked at her shocked. She couldn’t believe her ears. For days she was trying to get help and now finally someone was going to help her. But she still was unsure if Aphrodite truly meant what she said. This was enough to make her hopes high.

Looking at her confused and shocked face, Aphrodite turned towards the window and sighed deeply.

“Kyleigh, your mother is my sister and I don’t want to see her demise.” Tears welled in her eyes as she quickly wiped them,”you are her daughter, which makes you my niece and I’m not one of evil aunts who want to see their niece suffering.”

Sarah knew about Aphrodite and her mother being siblings. But it was the very first time Aphrodite herself told her this. Aphrodite basically was her aunt, her family and Sarah was thankful that at least she found some of her family.

“I.. Thank you,” Sarah didn’t know what to say or do. So without further thinking, she hugged Aphrodite. Soon she felt Aphrodite wrapping her arms around her. This was comforting for her. This was all she needed.


“Lucifer will be in a meeting with the council… far from here. He won’t be here tomorrow and tonight is the best time for you to flee,” Aphrodite said before pulling back. Her raven hairs were sticking out of her elegant bun as her stroking blue eyes were looking at her with concern.

“I will come for you at midnight but remember, I will only tell you the way, you yourself have to walk on it, you get it?”

Sarah nodded her head desperately as tears of happiness gathered in the corner of her eyes. But she controlled herself. Only few more hours and she will be free.

“Okay, now I will go and send Sandra with your lunch. Have your food and rest,” she said and once again hugged her. Sarah felt overwhelming feeling overtime her sense and couldn’t help but smile.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” She repeated these words again and again. Aphrodite pulled away with a bright smile and walked towards the door.

“Tomorrow is a big day,” she said before walking out of the room. Like she had said, Sandra opened the door after fifteen minutes and served her lunch. After having lunch, Sarah thanked her and watched her go.

She tried to rest but her enthusiasm was beyond level. She was ecstatic that finally she was going to be free from his clutches. As time flew, her heart beat started fastening with anticipation. The sky was engulfed by darkness in no time. The clock ticked and ticked, and finally it was mid night. But Aphrodite didn’t come. She waited for another ten minutes and still nothing. Her nervousness was eating her alive as she frowned now and then.

After waiting for another thirty minutes, the door opened.

“Sorry, was stuck with-”

“No problem!” Sarah quickly cut her off and walked towards her. Aphrodite handed her a box filled with pink dusty like substance and motioned her to follow her. Sarah raised a brown as she eyes the thing with curiosity.

“What is this?” She asked and followed behind her.

“A powder… well a magic powder. Just blow it when you will reach the gates. I will only escort you till the main door. After that you have to go all by yourself.” Sarah nodded and walked fast. She bunch her dress in her hand so that she didn’t trip on it.

Aphrodite led them through a narrow hallways with strange paintings and turn around the corner. After crossing a spiral long staircase, they reached near the back of castle dungeons.

“Now, I want you to go straight and turn a left. You will find a horse there. You know horse riding?” Aphrodite stopped and grabbed her by her shoulders.

Sarah nodded as she remembered when she went to horse riding with Matthew. Those were the days she wanted to relive.

“Fantastic! And about your parents kingdom… the horse is a phoenix… it will lead you directly towards your parents kingdom.” Sarah didn’t understand what a phoenix was but still nodded her head. Aphrodite engulfed her in her arms and sighed.

“Stay safe, please” she whispered and pushed her towards the back. Sarah looked at her one last time and ran towards the way Aphrodite told her.

“And give her my greetings,” Aphrodite whispered when Sarah was far away from her. She watched her run towards the backyard as she disappeared into the garden.

She tried to be as quiet as possible as she sneaked around the castle and headed for the exit. When she finally made it towards the right corner, someone called out.

“Hey, Rick… did you finish your shift?” The silver haired man, which she assume was Michael, asked the guard, approaching him.

“Yes, Commander Miles, There is nothing suspicious on the borderlands.” The guard squared his shoulders and said with puffed chest. Sarah hid behind the tall trees and waited for them to end their chit chat.

Michael motioned him to get back on work as he walked back towards the castle. Sarah sighed a sigh of relief and sneak past the guard. The guard moved towards right side as Sarah slipped through left side and ran as fast as she could.

She reached the left side of tall silver gates. This side of gate was covered with tall grass which made it difficult for anyone to spot her. She remembered what Aphrodite told her earlier. She quickly pulled out the box from her dress and opened it. She looked around only to find silence and serenity.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

She took a handful of pink powder in her hands and blew it on the gates. Her eyes widened in shock as gates opened automatically. She blinked her eyes few times and gulped hard. Without further delay she slipped passed through the gates.

She his behind the tree next to the gates as she watched it close on its own. She couldn’t describe how much happy and glad she was. She ran towards the woods but stopped in her track and looked back one last time.

With a huge grin on her face she raised her hand and showed middle finger towards the castle.

“Fuck you, Lucifer!”

She scoffed and again turned around only to run towards the place where the horse would be waiting for her. Sarah tightened her arms around her as she walked in the woods. The trees were abnormally abnormal. But she didn’t stopped, she walked until she spotted a white color far from her. She ran towards it and smiled brightly.

A white horse with golden hairs was standing next to tree looking at her. Sarah couldn’t help but look at the horse in utter amazement.

“Phoenix,” she whispered as she ran her hand along his back with hesitation. The horse leaned into her touch and licked her hand.

“Aren’t you a beauty?” Sarah smiled as a small giggle escaped her lips. The horse sit on his legs indicating her to climb. She was about to swing her leg around the horse’s back before she heard a deep voice.

“My.. My… Aren’t you…. mouth watering?”

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