The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 38

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 38

The Claiming by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 38


The next morning, they hold another lottery for Annabel. Three of her claimants have either left or failed rea*s*sessment. In a twist from the norm, Elder Jason allows anyone from Hana’s or my claim to enter into the lottery. He is clear that rea*s*sessment today if they are chosen. I notice a large number of omegas and warriors putting their names in for her lottery. She’s their best chance at catching a mate. Hana and I have too many ranked members in our claiming’s.

When it’s done, one warrior and two omegas are pulled for Annabel’s lottery. They are immediately taken for rea*s*sessment.

Title of the document

“By the end of today, all 20 lottery claimants for Omega Annabel’s lottery. They are pulled for Annabel’s lottery. They are immediately taken for rea*s*sessment.

“By the end of today, all 20 lottery claimants for Omega Annabel’s lottery will be chosen.

Tomorrow, Annabel will go into the claiming territory and the following day, her claimants will enter to begin the hunt for their mate. In addition, the rest of you who have not submitted for rea*s*sessment from Beta Hana’s claim, must submit today or leave the claiming territory by lunchtime. Volunteers for rea*s*sessment for those in Alpha Jara’s claiming will be put on the roster and, as time permits, will be rea*s*sessed this evening. Any questions?”

There are none and the claimants for Hana’s lottery go to sign up for rea*s*sessment. Hana and Annabel begin to head back to our housing.

“Jara, are you joining us?” Hana asks me.

“No. Mason mentioned that as a true Alpha and future Luna, I might be able to help ease some of the pain for pack members getting rea*s*sessed. I want to give it a try, especially for those who are in packs where their Alphas and Betas don’t have true blood lines or aren’t willing to a*s*sist.”

Hana stops, turning to me. “Do you think I could help too?”

I look at her. “You’re a tine Beta, so I think so.”

She looks at Annabel. “We’ll catch up to you later, Annabel.” Annabel waves at us and Hana and I follow the group back into the main house, our guards close behind. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I turn to look at Luke, my guard. “Do you know where they are completing the a*s*sessments?”

“No, but we can ask Elder Jason.” He points in the direction that I’m guessing Elder Jason is.

I lift my nose in the air and follow the Elder’s leather and pipe scent to an office that looks like it’s in a state of mid-cleaning.

“Elder Jason.” I say, knocking on the door frame.

He looks up, surprised. “Alpha Jara.” He looks behind me and sees Hana. “Beta Hana. Come in. Is there a problem?”

“No, but after speaking with my claimants yesterday, I was wondering if I could be here, to see if my presence, our presence,” I say, including Hana, “would help those being rea*s*sessed overcome their pain more quickly.”

He looks at both of us, his eyes going from calculating to warm, darkening with his wolf s presence. “You want to help the claimants overcome their pain of rea*s*sessment? I think that’s a wonderful idea.

Thank you both. I’ll set you up in an office near the a*s*sessment rooms and we’ll send any claimants in who are willing to spend some time with you. I’ll also put some food and drinks in the room as well, although many may feel too nauseous at first to eat or drink.”

He calls out to a man I haven’t yet seen. “Andrew, please set up a room for Alpha Jara and Beta Hana. They will be seeing any claimants who want to spend time with them after rea*s*sessment. Make sure the claimants know that this time is to help them heal, not a social gathering, so they understand.”

“Yes, Elder. Ladies, please follow me.”

We follow him to a room near the a*s*sessments. We can hear howling and slamming against the walls in a room near us. Hana and I look at each other, our eyes going wide.

“Is that….is that normal?” Hana asks Andrew.

“Yes, I’m afraid so, especially for the non-ranked members. Omegas especially have it hard. They aren’t generally capable of handling such intense emotions. You’ve seen what happens when the tensions here get high?” We both nod, we’re seen omegas losing it and going after all five of us when the tensions got too high.

“It’s the same in a*s*sessment. They must control themselves and their wolves. It’s much harder for them and they suffer the most from a*s*sessment. It’s why several have left, unwilling to resubmit for a*s*sessment.”

“Please, make sure they know we’re here to help when they are done.”

“I will.” He turns to walk out of the room, before turning back. “Thank you both, this will be very helpful.”

“If there are others who are still suffering from their a*s*sessment yesterday, were willing to spend time with them as well.” Hana tells him.

He smiles at us. “I’ll let them know.”

It’s less than 10 minutes before the first omega is brought in. He’s being half carried by his a*s*sessor. “I understand you are willing to sit with those who have been rea*s*sessed, is that correct?” The a*s*sessor asks us.

We rash to him, both of us taking one of the omegas arms and helping him to a couch. “Yes, thank you. Please bring anyone willing to see us when they are done.”

Andrew returns with food and water, and a couple of buckets. He puts one at the omega’s feet just as he lurches forward and vomits. I nib his back, looking across at Hana. 1 feel horrible for these people.

“I’m so sorry, Alpha, Beta.” He says when he’ s done.

“Nonsense. It’s why we’re here.” I tell him as Andrew takes the bucket into an attached bathroom, and I hear the toilet flushing and water running before he returns with a clean bucket.

“I’ll leave these in case you need them. Holler if you need my help.”

The omega sits back, leaning his head on the back of the couch. Just then, an omega who was a*s*sessed yesterday comes to stand at the door. “I understand we can come spend time with you if we’re still hurting from our a*s*sessment?” He says tentatively.

Hana jumps up, moving to walk the new omega into the room. “Yes, come sit with me. We don’t know if time with us will work…”

“Yes, it does. I’m already feeling better.” The first omega says, lifting his head and looking at the new one that came in.

He leans his head back and I put my hand on his forehead, watching as his body relaxes.

Eventually, news of our involvement spreads and Mason, Seth, Antonio and a couple of Betas, including Luke, come to our room to a*s*sist with the aftermath of the a*s*sessment. The males focus on their pack members while Hana and I focus on the ones whose Alphas and Betas either aren’t helping them or aren’t giving them the relief that we can.

The rest of our day is about the same. Several new males come in each hour and those that are feeling better leave to make room for those that need us more.

At one point, Mason and Seth bring us sandwiches and water. “Jara, you need to eat.” Mason says to me. I’ve been avoiding food, even though my stomach is rumbling because I know if it’s too soon after their a*s*sessment, it makes the claimants vomit.

“Please, Alpha Jara. I’m okay. You need to eat, your stomach is loud enough that everyone in the room can hear it.” The warrior I’m sitting with says to me, a small smile on his face. They tend to recover faster than the omegas and rarely vomit, but they still have terrible headaches. I can see the pain in his eyes.

1 eat quickly, trying to get the sandwich down before another omega comes in. 1 see Hana doing the same, Seth watching over her to make sure she eats. I down my water and hand everything back to Mason. While the other ranked members have gone, their pack members completing rea*s*sessment, Mason, Seth and Antonio have stayed.

Just as he throws everything away, we hear loud snarling, and vicious growling coming from a room nearby. As one, Mason, Seth and Antonio move to block the doorway. I hear a crash, more snarling and a lot of swearing. There is a rush of feet and I feel more than see the pushing and shoving happening right outside our door.

A moment later, I see a dark brown wolf leaps at the Alpha wall that Mason, Seth and Antonio have created. Mason catches the wolf mid-air, Seth and Antonio helping to tackle him to the ground. The

warrior that was beside me has moved in front of me.

“What are you doing?” I ask him.

“He’s gone feral. Alpha. He’s coming for you and Beta Hana.” I turn and see several of the omegas, some still looking green from their a*s*sessment, have moved in front of Hana, protecting her.

As I watch, I see one of the a*s*sessors slam a giant needle into the hindquarters of the wolf. His howl of pain breaks my heart and as I watch, his eyes lock onto mine.

“Let me through.” I say, standing and moving to him. I know what the needle is. They are putting him down. He’s dying, and his eyes are begging me to save him. I can’t, but I can ease his passing.

“Jara…” Mason warns me, but I ignore him.

The three of them have the wolf securely pinned to the floor and I can see the light starting to dim in his eyes.

I take the wolfs face in my hands. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry we couldn’t save you.” He licks my face once before he is forced to shift back to his human form. I realize instantly that this is Alpha Cameron, Beta Luke’s Alpha.

“Thank you, Alpha Jara.” He says to me, his body going limp, the light in his eyes dying out.

I drop my head, letting the tears fall. It shouldn’t be like this. This shouldn’t be happening, but there aren’t enough of us, aren’t enough females to save all the werewolf packs.

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