The Bride Of The Billionaire

Chapter 11: Curiousity

Chapter 11: Curiousity

"Lorence, Señorito ordered you to go at his room immediately!"

"Why mother Sharn?" I ask, aish! why I'm so sleepy?

My heart is in race again as the memories of yesterday popped up.

"Don't ask! your smile is weird. Hmm?" I went in my right state as she said that. I'm really imagining things at the middle of our conversation. Heck!

I composed myself and walk upstairs.

"Leave your vacuum!" she commanded


"Don't ask!"

"Mother Sharn, I know where he inherited something" I smile and the vacuum then continue walking.

After his damn security system logging in I just went outside, I don't care if he'll kick me out because I just crashed inside suddenly. We'll mother Sharn said I'll go here immediately, right?

Where is he?

"Raze?" I call


"I'll destroy your miniature games hero collection here!" I yell

I check his office but he wasn't there, is mother Sharn playing me around? " I check his walk in closet and he wasn't here too. That man!

"Ouc--- aaaaAAAAhhhh!" I scream when I bump into his chest and I'm sitting at my butt now and after seeing him half naked, fresh from the shower, wiping his hair to dry and only towel was covering at his lower part.

Looking at him, at his whole was weird makes my face warm and my ears too so I look away.

"Come here"

"Huh?" I don't know what to react and I don't know what 'come here' means. I turn my gaze at him and I saw how playful his smile is.

"Here" he lend me a hand

"Y-your towel might drop" I answer, why I can't move on my own? He smile even more that made my heart thump and I even blush.

He suddenly grab my hand and pull me up, I wasn't prepared so I end up that pretty close to him. He's a bit wet because there's a drop of water from his hair but I can only feel his warmth that made me feel some butterflies in my stomach and shiver down to my spine as I feel something massive at his front.

This can't be, why he's handsome in any way?

"A-ahm!" I don't know what to say, I just realized that we're in the position for seconds.

"You're way much beautiful this close" he whisper seriously.

"Raze!" I snap his chest.

"but you're way much cuter when you blush" he added and slowly let me go.

He go straight inside the closet.

"A-ahm, I'll wait outside" I said

"What's the purpose of waiting me here if you'll leave? " he suddenly asked like teasing me.

"I didn't wait, I just check where you are!" I fired back, trying to make is sound casual though my heartbeat affects my state.

"Alibi" I heard he said before I totally out.

I just sit at his couch and look at his stuffs, he's handsomely organized, his books were perfectly arrange at the shelves, the paintings were nicely hanged and in proportions at the wall, the lights of his room were pretty romantic this time and the shoes he often use have a separate rack hear the door but he has a bunch at his walk in closet.

"Chump!" he destructed my imaginations.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"After breakfast prepare yourself and we'll go together at the company" he said.

"Huh? I thought I'll claim the prize around 1:00pm later"

This man confused me.

"I'm the owner, I can do what I want" he added while spraying his manly perfume that even I smell that in distance.

"Is that all?" I asked so I can leave.

"As a girl, what kind of presents do you like?" he asked me while he put his hands on his pocket and he's leaning at the wall.

"A-ahm! I-I don't know" I stuttered, why he need to know? No one ever give me a present, I mean if it talks about a guy.

I was that introvert but at least I'm trying to go out of my shell since this is a new place, being good at socializing may help but still I want peace.

I want that alone time under the dark.


"Well, flowers that paired with chocolates and a bracelet inside the box will do, I just saw on the movie" I suggest that change his expression.

That can't help?

"Isn't that lame? I'll meet with Sabrina later, do you think she'll like it?"

"I-I don't know" I respond and look away.

Why I feel this way? maybe Sabrina was the girl at the coffee shop. Do I sound jealous? I hope not!

"What else girls like?" he asked again.

"Can't you ask other girls? maybe Erika have an idea because if you ask me I'll answer everything is fine as long as you put effort and the most important is your presence" I coldly answer

"I have to go now, I still have a work to do" I added and left him. Aish! I hate this feeling even more.

"What's wrong?" mother Sharn asked me as our path crossed.

"Ah? I-I'm just tired, I-I mean I'm sleepy" I answer and conserve a smile.

"Are you sure? Where is he?" she asked

"I'm fine mother Sharn, hmm! maybe he'll go downstairs at any moment" I answer formally and yawn,sorry! Just for show.

"Okay! Anyway please go with me at the kitchen"


"Just don't ask, follow me!" I did not respond then I did follow her silently.

"Don't you know that he was that hard worker but stubborn? But he did change now" mother Sharn is starting to tell a story while walking but the weirdest thing is that she's laughing. What's funny though?

"I was here before the day he was born so I knew what kind of person and what was he made of not until the day comes that challenge his so much." I'm listening carefully while following her.

"He almost cursed that day and the day he was born but he try his best with regret yet that day change him also." I suddenly feel curiosity. What happened that day?

"At least he become who he is right now mother Sharn" I replied then she was shut in silence.

That was a cliffhanger.

"Whoooohh" I whisper, I was surprise by the food that was organized at the countertop. There's a lot.

Waffles, mushed potatoes and some meat, pancakes with gravy, pork loin and cheese, bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, cold pizza, tomato toast with macadamia ricotta, avocado toast with egg, berry and yogurt smoothie, berry breakfast parfait and some parfait that looks delicious since they present it great on the glasses.

"Good morning Lorence" it's chef Markus "The chef #1" greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning chef Markus" I replied and force to smile.

"All of this looks delicious, hmm" I praise

"Since you're here, please judge the smoothie" Kyle said that after he place a peanut butter and banana smoothie.

"Mother Sharn can I?" I asked then she nod.

"That's why I bring you here"she replied

"Yey!" I call it a celebration.

"What do you call this?" I asked Kyle.

"This is berry breakfast parfait, one of the easiest, healthiest and tastiest breakfast, right there is a classic fruit and yogurt parfait. This one is pumpkin granula yogurt the layer was rich pumpkin pie cashew cream with plain Greek yogurt and a handful of granola then sprinkle with cinnamon, come on, taste it!" he described and suddenly lift his hand while holding a spoon and pushed a morsel of that parfait into my mouth.

I had no choice but to try that one.

"Do you like it? Good thing is that pumpkin is a bonafide super food, rich in beta carotene which is essential for eye health" he explained more like a health professional.

"Wow! I didn't just like it, I love it! This is essential for eye health right? Maybe you can make this for someone so she can see your love! Lol! Are you taken? hahaha! I'm just kidding though" that joke was lame though I still laugh.

"That's why I let you try it!" he rebut with a chuckle then I was surprised as he wipe something on my lips.

I froze in a second and smile.

"T-thanks" I said and he just wink and "no problem pretty" he spoke.

I had fun trying some foods with the young chef Kyle, he's just 2 years ahead of me. Mother Sharn was teasing us until the breakfast time is about to come.

I help preparing the foods, I mean placing it to the long table since all of us eat together, so there's a 2 long tables.

I occupied the seat next with Kyle, I just don't want to take the seat at the table with Raze because I'll only felt sad seeing him.

"Does it taste good?" Kyle asked me

"Yeah! I love it but I hate you and you bro Markus for making all of this delicious! Right guys?" I said in my cutest tone and laugh as the other guards nod but they just looked forced.

"See! I envy you! Why you're so good? The sushi baked last day was pretty delicious but mind you the pan-grilled chicken breast with peanut sauce was my favorite" I said cheerfully while eating.

"You flattered me so much but you're good at cooking too,right? I love your tuna dish too" he complimented that made me laugh hard. I was that loud person while eating. Sorry everyone!

"You had a bad taste" I added and strike his shoulder slightly.

"I really mean i---"

"Lorence!" it was Raze who cut the conversation.

His voice was loud that sounds with authority yet sounds normal too.

Everyone laid their eyes on me like they were scared and like asking 'What did you do?'

"Yes Raze?" I look at his direction.

I hear some "owwh" from them like I do a mistake. What did I do? I do nothing right?

"You talk too much, can you please eat properly? After that prepare yourself because we'll go together at the company" he said in his monotone voice.

"Am I not eating properly?" I fired back chilling and have another spoon of berry breakfast parfait.

"See me at the office later!" he replied on his warning tone.

"You deserve it right" Erika joined at the lovers quarrel conversation. That kiddo!

"Hey! Stop it!" Kyle whisper, maybe he already smells blood around.

"See me after 10 minutes!"


"Enough with your invalid excuses!" he said, wipe his lips with a cloth and stand.

He's done eating I guess.

"I bet he's going to fire you! How I wish!" Erika said it loud, whatever. Didn't she hear that Raze and I are going to go at the company together? Tsk!

"I don't care, I can stay where my heart is" I reply then she roll her eyes.

"So, you like my Señorito? How dare you to call him by name? huh!" she was like a boiling water, should I pour her some smoothie?

"You misunderstood me Erika! I love my work, it's important to me. Got that? and what's wrong calling him by name?" I asked with attitude and raise my left brow. Duh! I guess I'll put her a little pressure.

"How dare you!" she reply angrily.

Everyone was looking, we got the attention for real.

Who can't? She's a nagger!

"Finish your food, nevermind her" Kyle said and smile sweetly. Aish! Why so cool? He's handsome too but Raze is way much cooler.

If he's hot, Raze was hotter. Aish!

"Thanks Ky! Chef ky" I said and smile too.

"BITCH!" she yell that made me laid my gaze on her.

"ENOUGH!" that's mother Sharn

"Please respect the foods!" she added.

After that I leave the table first and went upstairs, at Raze office.

"Mr. ungentleman where are you?" I call him

"Come here! You chump!" I hear him, he's at the balcony.

"You said you'll wait at your office? Office your ASS!" I nag

"I said after 10 minutes" he look at his wrist watch.

What's with his expression?

"You're dying to see me huh? It's only 5 minutes had passed" he added that made me feel conscious.

"A-ah? at least you wait, you even check the time! Don't you have some damn hope boy!" I fired back and crossed my arms.

"Hope? I have because you give me a reason. It's you who're excited to see me anyway!"

"You put some foundation?" I asked seriously, hope he'd buy my damn joke.

"Do I look like dead?"

"Did I say? Not all dead put some foundation!" I rant.

"I see, you're not putting some though you're dead and deadly inlove with me." Damn him! Why he just say it so casual why I'm almost go crazy because of my heartbeat.

"Silence is a proof!" he said that made me back into reality.

"Chutzpah! Proof your ass!" I act mad and look away then I was just shut in silence.

"Do you like him?" he suddenly ask. Who? Kyle? I like his cooking style actually but the one who ask the question is the one who made my heartbeat.

I look at his eyes, aish!

This is so dramatic.

"Do you like her?" I asked back, I don't want to answer his question. He sigh heavily.

"Maybe!" he answer while looking straight at my eyes. That answer hurts me I better not asked!

"O-ok! What do you need? Ahm! I just want to say sorry. I'm not supposed to say those earlier" I said sadly. I feel bad about it.

I'm playing on my fingers when he said "Answer my question"

"Question?" I act innocent.

"Do you like him?" he repeat while looking at my eyes.

"I'm sorry if I call you by name when I'm not supposed to, Señorito!" I answer like it was the right answer to his question.

"That's not---"

"It's bad to cut someone's conversation, you know that?" I utter, stoping the urge of laughing after seeing his annoyed face. I remember his expression earlier when I'm talking with Kyle, kind of funny.

"But you just did!" he's really trying to keep his cool huh! until when?

"Come on Señorito! I'm innocent! It's not really fun to cut some nice conversation" I'm here to tease him again.

"Don't call me Señorito! That's unusual if it'll came from you!" he seriously spoke.

"and it's not fun seeing you had fun with others" he added, whispering but it's enough to make me hear those.

"So,you want me to make fun of you! Sweetheart?" I act like the girl on the coffee shop.

"tsk!" reacted and leave me.

"Sweetheart where are you going?" I call him and still stopping to laugh.

"Stop that or else!"

"Else what? yieeee! Sweetheart!" I tease him more but this time I'm laughing while my hands were on my stomach.

"You're crazy!"

"Crazy because of you. Yieee! sweetheart!" I tease him, his expression was extra funny. I can't help it.

"Sweetheart you're blushing!" he really look pissed.


"A-ah!" he step close and grab my hand.

"Say that infront of me!" his stare seems like teasing me.

He was tall so my eyes look straight at his lips as I escape from his gaze.

His red lips that looks soft made me gulp and look sideward.

"W-why should I?" I stuttered, I can smell his scent though it's all over.

"Say it or you're gonna hate what I'll do next" he said and held my chin, forcing me to look straight at his eyes.



"That's a trick!"


"S-stop it!"

"I said you won't like it!" he sound alarming, I was froze.

His lips did touch mine?

He even taste me? W-what? Did happen it that fast?

I can't move, it seems like I showered under the ice.

"Don't made me jealous again!" he whisper and leave me standing.

"H-hey! W-what did you do?" I can't say it loud.

I only remember his soft lips earlier that sent me some butterflies.

That was my first kiss.

aaaahhhh! I still feel lips still touch mine.

Darn it!


I blink twice before I recover.


Did he said he is jealous? or that's just his game and revenge? I was so curious.

Why did he kissed me? Isn't that a special thing?


"Y-yes?" he go back and he's infront of me now.

"Why you're gawked looking at the wall? Are you ok?" he asked like he's worried.

Do I look ok? Who will be okay after her first kiss? I can't get over yet. Damn him! My face were warm again.

"Your fault!" I whisper

"E-excuse me, I'll prepare now!" I said in my low voice and leave.

I touch my lips while walking, I see! This is the feeling of a first kiss?

Butterflies and my heart seems like on a party but this is so wrong.

He said he maybe love Sabrina then why the fuck he kissed me?

He's playing around right? aahhh! That hurts me! I'm already inlove?

I thought love takes time?

I really feel like crying and well played.

"He fired you? Your expression said Yes! Good for you!" it's Erika who walks into my way. She's like a worm that just like passing through a hole.

"What if you're fuckin' wrong?" I spoke coldly and rush into my room.

I can't get over yet, it replays on my mind like, arrghhh!

I take a warm bath and choose a comfortable outfit.

I'm wearing a maroon sweater, black ripped jeans that paired with my white shoes again since it's the only shoes I bring.

After that I went outside with my body bag where only phone and a hanky was there.

"Oh?" I reacted when the boss was standing in front of my door.

"Let's go!" he said and turn his back on me. How dare him!

As I arrived the door at the shotgun were already open and he's already inside, starting the cars engine.

I went inside and plucked my earphones on my ears, that's my distraction in talking to him.

I just look outside and again I was amazed how big his property was.

The way change unlike the way we take yesterday, I admit that I'm bad at directions but I noticed the change.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I remove the earphone at my left ear.

"You'll see!" he responded

"Aren't we going to the company?" I asked to feed my curiosity but as always his response wasn't that enough.

"Somewhere! Don't worry, you're safe with me" he said that made my heartbeat.

Why it's just easy for him to do that?

I can say now that I'm inlove? This is love or infatuation? Darn it! I don't know such thing.


"We're here, hey!"

"Ah?" I adjusted my eyes from the light.

I fell asleep?

"Where are we?" I asked again.

"Come on, just come with me. Okay!" he whisper, he was that close to me since he ungirded my seatbelt.


"Yaaaaahhh! This is beautiful. Raze look at that!" I'm pointing at a painting. It's a girl with a man on a canvas who's both smiling in the middle of colorful flower garden. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

Suddenly, I make a sad face.

Why he can change my mood easily? Why he can easily made me forget that I'm sad? Why with him every negativities were thrown away.

"What's with your face?" he asked.

"Why you can change what inside me so easily like you don't cause me something" I whisper.

"I do nothing!"

"You just don't know!" I said and walk ahead of him.

My heart feels like the thorns were hugging inside, it can't just protest.

Suddenly, he walk beside me and intertwined our hands.

My heart. I can't understand my heart!

The beat and the tickling feeling inside there.

I can't understand.

I look at him.

"Can you trust me?" he said firmly.

"I-I hmm?"

"Just trust me!" he said and held my hand tighter.

I can't understand what he meant but that's enough to make me happy but at the same time I'm eaten by curiosity.

Didn't he like Sabrina?

Yes! I think I'm already in love.

Does he feel the same way? I hope.

'Trust me!' It echoes on my mind that made my heart keep beating fast.

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