The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

The Luna Ceremony

Elena Pov I woke up to Roland serving me breakfast in bed. I started to cry for some reason because no one had ever done that for me before, and I was thankful. After Roland calmed me down, I took a shower, which, let me say, is the best fucking shower ever made. I dressed in a white t-shirt with yellow shorts and white shoes and pulled my hair into a bun. It was a simple outfit, but Roland liked it even though he bitched about the shorts being too short. We walked around the grounds, and he showed me the villages. I met some of the pack members and checked out some of the stores. Roland tried to buy me some stuff, but I told him I had already spent enough of his money yesterday and I didn’t want to spend anymore. “Also, please don’t be hard on Serene. Mia kept making us pick out stuff. We didn’t mean to get so much,” I told him. “Judging by the small amount of stuff you came home with, if anything, I’m going to tell Mia to start doubling what you bought since I own the mall, little one.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Of course, I say that to myself, so that explains it. Also, I’m reeling in a good way from my new pet’s name. We walked back to the packhouse, and I asked Roland about his job. “You want to know,” he said, amused.

“Yes, please, sir,” I told him. He laughed. Sir is a nickname I’ve been using ever since I heard a cute kid say it to him from the village when we walked through it earlier.

“Well, I partner internationally with hotels, hair businesses, cable companies, and more. Here in the state, I manage malls, hotels, supply companies, many small businesses, and other packs as well, since I am the alpha king of this state. They gave me the title of alpha king after I killed my father. He was abusive toward everyone, even me. He killed my mother, and after that, he was even worse. He was drinking heavily and threatened other packs. Then one time, he beat me so badly that I vowed to myself that I would train non-stop until I was strong enough to defeat him. He came home one day upset and decided to take it out on me, so I challenged him. It was a near-fatal match, but I had gotten the upper hand, and I took him down. I pulled him into a tight hug, breathing in his scent and shaking from tearing up. If there is anyone who understands abuse, it’s me. He hugged me back. “Hey, it is okay, my little one; I’m okay, I’m okay, he says, stroking my hair. I calmed down. We had been walking for so long that we hadn’t realized it was almost nighttime. Tonight, there was a full moon, so I know it will be beautiful. We go back to the packhouse while Roland is on the phone. As soon as we get to our floor, I’m swamped with stylists pulling me into a room, and I see Serene, Nate, Cole, and Mia waiting in there. “See you soon, my lady,” Roland says, kissing my forehead. The guys leave together. “You smell like sweet Elena; take a shower and be quick,” Mia says, tossing me a white lingerie set. “Don’t wash your hair; the stylist will do that.” She calls in after me. I take my shower, dry off, get dressed, and put on a robe. As soon as I get out, I am directed to a chair to get my hair washed by one person, while my nails and toes are being shaped and painted by another. After they are done, someone applies a little makeup. I slipped into my dress. Mia clamps accessories on me that bring out my dress more and match my heels. I’m glad these heels are easy to walk in. Soon, I will be ready. I look at myself in the mirror, and I am shocked. I don’t know who that girl is looking back at me. Instead of my tussles of curls, my hair has been straightened neatly, and it nearly falls to my waist. I hadn’t realized how much it had grown. There is a silver pin clip on both sides to keep it neatly tucked behind my ear. This dress hugged my body and brought out all of my curves. The makeup on me brings out my eyes even more with light eyeshadow and eyeliner. Mia and Serene are dressed and look beautiful. Mia is wearing a silver bodycon dress with spaghetti straps and black heels. Her black hair is curled nicely, and she is wearing diamond earrings. Serene’s reddish-brown curly hair is more defined as it is pulled up into a high bun with a few curls framing her heart-shaped face. It brings out her small freckles. Her green eyes match the green A-line dress she is wearing. Having it paired with gold accessories is an absolute vision. We all look like royalty. We made our way downstairs. The men are waiting for us at the bottom of the steps, and my heart skips a beat as I see Roland. Roland POV I’m waiting at the bottom of the steps for the ladies with Cole and Nate to accompany them to Elena’s ceremony. Cole will accompany my sister since neither of them has found their mate yet. The smell of honey fills my nose, and I know the girls are coming down. When she comes around the curve of the steps, I hear a blaze howling in my head. My thoughts are exactly the same, buddy. She is so fucking beautiful in her dress, and I want to carry her to our room, snatch it off, and worship her whole body. I love how her dress matches my black suit, as I paired it with a navy-blue tie. I had been staring at her for so long that I hadn’t realized she was already at the bottom of the steps, waiting for my hand. The others had already gone out. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned down on her ear. “Little one, you are so damn beautiful,” I whispered, and I felt her shiver. “You’re looking very delicious tonight, sir.” She whispered back to me. I can’t begin to tell her how much I love the nickname she decided for me. It sounds so seductive coming from her. We went up to the door, and I almost didn’t want to step outside, but we kept going. My wolf doesn’t like people lustfully looking at our mate, but he understands this is an important ceremony. All the heads of my packland were on us from the second we stepped outside the door. I radiate power, so this is something I’m used to, but Elena is power itself. She could make a man’s heart stop just with a smile, and she doesn’t even know it. I agree, Blaze says. Elena POV Roland walks to the stage, prepared for my ceremony, while I wait at the side with Serene and Mia. His pack was listening to him talk, but I could see their eyes on me. Some with a gentle smile, some with lusty looks, a few jealous wolves, etc. I felt my shyness come up, but Mia whispered, “Don’t shy away. You’re our queen. Time to act like it!” That girl sure knows how to give a pep talk, I think to myself. Well, I like her. She is feisty. I rolled my eyes. Of course, you do, Snow. I looked around at all the black and gold decorations. Fairy lights are hanging all around, and it looks so beautiful in the moonlight.

I focus back on what Roland is saying. “Tonight, under the full moon, our pack acknowledges Luna and my mate. We welcome her into the pack, as she will lead beside me. Lead this pack into a new age of hope. I know I am not always nice to most of you,” the pack laughs.”But I am glad to have such a strong pack, and with Luna by my side, we will become even stronger. I do, however, want to welcome first your new gamma, Serene Delmont, mate of your gamma Nate. Serene walks on stage with her head held high, but I can tell she is nervous too. “Serene, you look beautiful,” Roland says, giving her a one-arm hug. I can hear Nate growl “Mine,” and the pack laughs. “Calm down, Nate,” Roland says with a wicked grin. “Serene, give me your hand,” Roland says. She does, and Roland cuts her hand with a knife as well as his, and they grip together, exchanging blood. “Do you, Serene Delmont, mate of gamma, promise to uphold and protect the pack, to do right by the pack, to serve in the gamma position until such duties are no longer required”? “I do,” Serene says. I am so happy for her. “Do you also recognize me, Roland Black, as your pack Alpha and break all ties with your former pack?” “I do,” Serene says. “Welcome to the pack, Gamma Serene.” Everyone claps, cheers for her, and kneels. She started smiling as she went to sit beside Nate, who just had so much love in his eyes for her. “And now everyone, let’s welcome my mate to the stage,” Roland says, holding out his hands for me. I grab it as I hear claps from the pack members, and we walk hand in hand to the center. “Serene your hand,” he says. I let out my hand while he cut my hand and his again, and he clapped his hand on mine, exchanging blood and looking me in the eye. “And do you, Elena Davis, mate of mine, promise to uphold and protect the pack, to do right by the pack, to serve in the Luna position until such duties are no longer required?” “I do.” I smiled at him, and he looked at me with a serious face. I can feel tugs in my heart, the breaking of my ties with my old pack, and new ones being formed. “Do you also recognize me, Roland Black, as your pack Alpha and break all ties with your former pack?” “I do,” I tell him, and I add a “sir” that only he can hear. A smile is playing on his lips, but he doesn’t let it show. I can feel the new-tie bond getting stronger as I hear everyone in the pack start to talk in my head. “She’s so pretty,” I heard someone say. “Stunning” and “An Absolute Vision.” Roland turns to the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your LUNA.” He booms and applauds; cheers, cries, and howls can be heard all around as I hear each of them welcome me through the mindlink while they kneel. “Speech speech speech” Someone yells from the crowd, and it’s followed by others.

I am trying my best to cry, as I am feeling so full of happiness. I hugged and kissed Roland to calm down, and I got the microphone. Before I am about to talk, Snow talks to me. Mindlink them all. I can do that. I ask Yes, it is my love; concentrate on the crowd around you. I will help speak through you. Picture the Mindlink as a flowing line from yourself to each person all at once. I do as she says, and I can feel each of them as I begin to talk. “My fellow pack members,” I began. I could see some shocked faces, as they were not expecting this or prepared. Roland’s face was looking at me, wondering, and I could see the amazement on his face. “My fellow pack members, if you can hear this, you are important to me. I will serve, honor, and protect this pack with my life, as I know all of you will do the same. It’s my honor to accept the duty of being your Luna, and I will cherish each of you forever. Thank you”. Cheers and howls echoed through the night. Roland grabs my hand, kisses it, and leads me to the head table where Serene, Nate, Mia, and Cole are sitting.

I can hear a mixture of voices in the link as we walk back. “How did she do that?” “Damn, she is strong.” “Fuck, I wasted juice on my pants; shit, Luna can still hear me.” I laughed at that one and turned back to Roland as some music started to play and food was being brought out. They all stand up and sit down once I do. “Okay, Missy, explain. How the fuck did you do that?” Mia asked. Everyone else turns to me. “My wolf is a Lycan,” I tell everyone, and all of their mouths drop. “Holy sh*t, I thought they were extinct. You must come from a line of royal blood if you have a lycan,” Cole states. I laughed. “No royal blood here, I’m afraid,” I told him. That’s not true. “What do you mean that’s not true?” I said it out loud. “What is Snow saying, baby?” Roland asked. Your bloodline stretches back to the dawn of time, to the first daughter of the Moon Goddess. I tell them what she says. “Holy sh*t,” Nate says. That’s amazing. Not only that, but the only one whose bloodline stretches as far as you are from your mates is serene. Not her wolf, but her witch powers. It wasn’t an accident. You all came together again. In your past lives, you and Roland were both extremely close to the most powerful witch of that time. I let them know what she said. “Look at my baby,” Nate says, making Serene blush.

“That’s awesome,” Cole states. “Wait, what do you mean by your past lives?” I tell them all what happened when I was with the moon goddess and what she showed me. “Yes, I remember. I saw you in the water when Serene connected all of us. You looked peaceful.” Roland said. “Yes, Roland. Our wolves have been pairing together since the beginning of time, and in our past lives, we were always in love.” “So, wait, shouldn’t that make me a lycan as well’, Roland says. Yes, he is, but he cannot access it because of a curse placed on his bloodline thousands of years ago. His wolf has many enemies, but I believe with the proper training, Serene can break them. It is, however, her ancestors from whom the curse originated. “Snow says no because of a curse on your bloodline that prevents you from turning into a full lycan, but she believes Serene can break it after she trains her powers,” I told him. I decided to leave out the fact that her bloodline cursed him. “Nice,” he says, and I see he is talking to his wolf. An upbeat song begins to play after a few minutes, and Roland stands up. “May I have this dance, little one?” he asked, holding his hand out to me. “Of course you may, sir,” I told him, and he led me into the crowd of dancing people. I could hear Cole yell “GAY” as we walked, and we burst out laughing. As we danced, I couldn’t help but think that this night was so perfect. The lights were spinning around with my friend. While I’m dancing, a chill comes to me again-that I’m being watched. The very same one I got from the mall. I look around, but I don’t see anyone out of the ordinary, and I know my senses don’t lie. I am about to tell Roland about it when this terrible feeling hits my body and it’s spreading. It’s like someone has set my whole body on fire. I scream for Roland to help me as the pack looks onward. Why are they looking at me like this? Someone needs to help me. My eyes are on Roland as he takes a big sniff and stiffens up. He picks me up and carries me back to the table, and I hear growls from behind me. It’s all coming from single males. Roland growls for them to step back. Cole, Nia, my bodyguards, and Nate are blocking them from my view once they realize what’s going on. I’m on the floor, as it seems the fire has doubled, and I can’t breathe. “Go, now. We will hold them at bay,” Cole commands, and Roland doesn’t listen twice. He picks me up and runs to the packhouse and upstairs to our room.

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