The billionaire’s true love


Part 17

I gasped out loud when I took in the gorgeous chalet before me. If this was deserted and I was filthy rich, I would’ve bought it. It was a beautiful three-storey chalet with a gabled roof, with plenty of windows and balconies present on each floor, allowing people to view the beautiful green lands that stretched on for miles. The chalet looked as if it had been built using the best of materials. And I wanted it so badly I could taste it.

Without a word, Trent led me inside and what I saw inside had my confidence faltering for a moment. Trent was right, or maybe not. Were meetings supposed to be this…casual? There were people milling about like they were at a party and not at a formal meeting. Men in suits and women dressed like they wanted men to devour them, were talking and sipping champagne, while a few waiters went about holding trays of drinks and canapes.

“You call this a meeting?” I enquired, eyeing the crowed laughing and discussing God knows what.

“This is just a gathering. The meeting will start in a couple of hours,” Trent replied.

“Why is there a gathering before the meeting? Shouldn’t these things happen after the meeting?” I was so confused with all this.

“I like to do things different, shady. Now let’s go,” Trent stated and tugged me along. He led me towards a group of men who were standing in a corner, holding glasses of bubbly champagne, which was strange because it was barely noon and these people were already drinking.

“Gentlemen, it’s good to see you all,” Trent greeted, snaking a possessive arm around my waist.

“Well well, Trent Benson has finally arrived. What took you so long?” A man who looked to be in his mid-twenties asked. He was wearing a gray suit with a white shirt, his blue eyes sparkled with glee as he smiled at us.

“I had some…difficulties along the way.” Trent glanced at me as he said this, and I resisted the urge to stamp on his foot.

“I see.” The blue eyed man finally rested his gaze on me. “And you must be Amanda. I’m Tony, a close friend of this douchebag.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said and I meant it. This Tony guy just called Trent a douchebag, and whoever insulted Trent was on my friend list.

“Trent told me you were beautiful. At first I did not believe him, but now, looking at you, I say the word beautiful suits you,” Tony stated.

My cheeks heated upon his words. Trent called me beautiful, really? He thought I was beautiful? And he told his friends I was beautiful, did he mean it? Or did he say this only because he wanted his friends to photograph me for my career?

What do you think? The guy was an asshole two years ago, and he just proved to you in the car that he’s still an asshole. Do you really have to wonder?!

My subconscious was a bitch, but she was right. Trent was a douchebag and I could not let my heart skip a beat everytime one of his acquaintances told me that Trent said I was beautiful. I could not be like those stupid women that believed everything a guy told them. I might’ve believed this two years, but not now. I was smarter now, and would make sure Trent knew that.

“Thank you,” I replied, not knowing what else to say.

“Don’t thank me. It’s a fact. You are really beautiful, and I can see why Trent has made sure that you work exclusively for him,” Tony stated.

“Alright, that’s enough, Tony. Let her breathe,” Trent admonished his friend.

Tony chuckled. “How long until the meeting starts?”

“Two hours. I want everybody to relax before we get down to business,” Trent responded.

A server came to us with a tray of canapes. Trent momentarily released his hold on me to grab a couple of them, before passing one to me after which he wrapped his arm around me once again. I had a hearty breakfast, which was so unlike me since my stomach didn’t wake up until 9:00 am, but right now I was glad, because after three hours of driving and no break for food, I was still functioning properly.

The canape was delicious, and once I finished it, I wished for another. The canape had stirred up my appetite and I wished that waiter would come back. Maybe I could go around and look for some snacks, and also think about how I was going to ruin Trent’s reputation in front of his colleagues. But the stupid arm which he had around my waist prevented me from escaping.

“So Amanda, what time are you free? I thought maybe you can allow me to photograph you for one of my magazines,” Tony enquired.

I really liked him. He so was so sweet, and he was talking to me while no one else bothered to even look at me; which was strange considering I was Trent’s employee. But Tony did not make me feel left out, and I really liked that about him.

As soon as I opened my mouth to answer, Trent beat me to it. “She’ll be free after three days. You can bring you photographer and we’ll take it from there,” he said.

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to hold in my growl. What in the bloody hell was wrong with him? I was not mute, I could speak for myself. Why did he have to tell Tony when I was free? If Trent continued to speak for me, no one would consider me a good model, because they would all think I was shy and couldn’t speak for myself.

Don’t worry, Trent. After today, you will no longer boss me around.

Right now, I would let Trent act the way he normally did. Once this meeting started, then I would make my move, for now, I would let him think that he was in control. I would let him take pride in his accomplishment and treating me like I was inferior to him. And then, I would make him fall; because pride always came before the fall.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can speak for myself, you know,” I muttered to Trent, not wanting anybody else to hear us.

“I am the boss, bumblebee,” he replied simply.

The fuck?! What kind of a response was that?

“I don’t care. You don’t get to speak for me unless my lips are sewn shut,” I muttered.

“I can stop you from speaking, and trust me, I won’t have to sew your lips in order to do that.” He told me. The intense look he was giving me, had my knees weakening. Damn him and his looks.

“Behave yourself. You always tell me you’re my boss, well act like one,” I hissed, glaring at him.

“Hey, what are you two mumbling about?” Tony queried, eyeing us both with amusement.

“Nothing. Amanda just asked me a question regarding the meeting and I was just answering her,” Trent lied.

“Liar,” I murmured.

Another waiter stopped by us, offering us champagne. Trent repeated his earlier actions of releasing my waist, taking two glasses of champagne, handing one to me, then putting his arm around my waist again.

When I took my first sip of champagne, I instantly felt better. The bubbly liquid was calming my mind, extinguishing the fire that Trent’s attitude was fuelling. I was glad to have some calming liquid.

“Well hello gentlemen, I did not see you arrive.” I turned my head to the direction of the voice, only to see a beautiful woman standing looking like she just stepped out of the cover of a magazine. She was about 5’10 with glossy, raven hair that was styled in an updo. Her gray eyes sparkled with mirth, and her glossy lips were stretched in a smile, revealing her perfect white teeth. She was wearing a purple dress which had a halter neck and looked to be made of silk. And because of the six inch heels which she was wearing, she looked extra tall.

“Tamara, you look good,” Tony complimented her.

“Thanks Anton. Hello Trent. Oops.” Tamara looked sheepish for a second. “I mean Mr. Benson.”

“Hello Tamara. How are you?” Trent enquired, a small smile on his lips.

“I am good, thank you.” She looked at me. “And who is this? I don’t think we’ve met before. Hi, I’m Tamara.” She gave me a small wave.

“Hi. I’m Amanda,” I replied with a smile.

“Mr. Benson, you don’t mind if I take Amanda with me, do you?” Tamara asked Trent.

“And where do you want to take her, if I may ask?” Trent queried, which pissed me off. Why was he acting like I was a child who would get lost if Trent removed his eyes from me?

“To the snack bar. What do you say, Amanda, want to grab a bite?” Tamara looked at me expectantly.

“For how-” I cut Trent off.

“Actually, I would love to.” I walked over to where she was standing, finally feeling like I could breathe. Trent was so overwhelming at times, it became difficult for me to breathe.

“I’ll bring her back in a little while, Mr. Benson,” Tamara stated, raising her voice a little. She then took my arm and led me to the snack bar which was basically a long table containing various sorts of snacks.

“So, how long have you been working with Trent?” Tamara asked me, once we were a safe distance away.

“A little over two years. What about you?” I took the plate she handed me and filled it with a few miniature sandwiches.

“I work in a different state. But my boss is transferring me over here, so basically we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on. I start next week,” Tamara replied.

“That’s interesting. When did you join this company?” I queried, taking a bite of my sandwich, and barely restraining myself from moaning out loud. These sandwiches were delicious.

“I was hired three years ago.” She told me.

“Oh wow, then you must know a lot about what goes on in here,” I commented.

“Yes. I do know. And what surprised me today was your boss.”

“You mean Mr. Benson?” What did she know about Trent? I really wanted to know.

Tamara nodded, taking one of the cups filled with fruit punch which were lying on the table. “In all my three years of working for him, I have never seen him with a woman. I mean, he comes here all the time, but he never keeps a woman practically glued to him.”

A blush made its way to my cheeks. I could not believe this woman; she said she had seen Trent during meetings like this, and had no idea about him. Trent was a possessive overlord who always wanted things to go his way. And I was surprised she did not know that about him.

“Trent likes to tell the world he owns things…and people,” I muttered.

Tamara raised her eyebrows. “Oh? How do you mean?”

Don’t tell her. She is a stranger. Keep your mouth shut.

This time, I listened to my subconscious, and chose to change the subject. “Uh nothing. I’m thirsty, is there anything to drink?” I eyed the glasses filled with punch.

“Here. I got one for you,” Tamara responded, handing me a glass filled to the top with red liquid.

“Thank you.” I drank the whole glass in one gulp, not realizing how thirsty I was until the liquid touched my tongue; the champagne had long ago lost its magic, and the sandwiches made me thirsty.

“So where were we,” Tamara said as soon as I finished drinking.


I was now sitting in the meeting room with Trent beside me. And even though I was suppose to be paying attention to what Trent was talking about, my mind was focused on my revenge, and I had an overwhleming urge to dance.

“According to this chart shown here.” Trent pointed at the screen displaying a colorful bar chart. “We need to hire more models from the eastern region.”

Without thinking, I raised my hand. “Yes, Ms. Lawson?” Trent enquired.

“Why do you bother looking for beauty when you’re so ugly?” I asked, grinning from ear to ear.

Trent frowned, obviously confused. Next to me, a few people snickered, I smiled at them. They were such good people, why did they had to have a boss like Trent?

“Excuse me?” Trent’s eyes narrowed.

“You heard me.” I stood up. “You are so ugly, you should not be the owner of this company. These people deserve a better boss.” I nearly yelled, gesturing to the people sitting in the room.

Trent came forward until he was standing an inch away from me. “Behave yourself or you’ll not like the consequences,” he whispered harshly.

Amanda. What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?

Truth was, I had no idea why I was acting like this, but I did know that whatever I was doing was right. Trent was an arrogant douchebag and he needed to be taught a lesson. However, this was not the way how I imagined doing it, but I enjoyed it regardless.

He gripped my bicep and tugged me closer to him. “Shut your mouth, or else,” he seethed.

“Or else what? Hey Tony.” I locked my gaze with Trent’s friend and gave him a small wave. “Tell the whole world how this man is a douchebag.” I told Tony.

“Amanda, I’m warning you.” Trent looked like he was about burst a nerve, and I relished the small fact that I was successfully pissing him off.

“Hey everybody. I suggest you find yourselves a new boss because Trent over here sucks!” I shouted happily, my voice bouncing off the walls.

God, what was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this?

Trent opened his mouth to say something but instantly closed it, his eyes narrowing in suspicion and then widened in fury. I had no idea what he was thinking, but I did know that it was not good.

“What in the fucking world.” He grabbed my jaw in between in his fingers and tipped my head up. He stared in my eyes for a few seconds before he swore under his breath. Then without a word to anyone, Trent stormed out of the meeting room, dragging me along with him.

I waved at everyone, the grin not leaving my face, before leaving the room. My revenge was now complete. Trent’s reputation was ruined; and even though I had no idea what was wrong with me, I was still glad that I was successful.

Now if Trent chose to fire me, I would gladly accept it.

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